CBSE Class 6 Geography Solutions For Chapter 6 Our Country India

Our Country India Exercises

Question 1. Answer the following questions briefly:

  1. Name the major physical divisions of India.
  2. India shares its land boundaries with seven countries. Name them.
  3. Which two major rivers fall into the Arabian Sea?
  4. Name the delta formed by the Ganga and the Brahmaputra.
  5. How many States and Union Territories are there in India? Which states have a common capital?
  6. Why do a large number of people live in the Northern plains?
  7. Why is Lakshadweep known as a coral island?


(1). Major physical divisions of India:

  1. The Himalayas
  2. The Northern Indian Plains
  3. The Peninsular Plateau
  4. Great Indian Desert
  5. The Coastal Plains
  6. The Islands

(2). Countries sharing land boundaries with India:

  1. Pakistan
  2. Afghanistan
  3. China
  4. Nepal
  5. Bhutan
  6. Myanmar
  7. Bangladesh

(3). (1). Narmada, (2) Tapi (Tapti)

Read and Learn More CBSE Solutions For Class 6 Social Science

(4). Delta formed by Ganga and Brahmaputra: Sunderban.

(5). States: 29, Union Territories: 07.

The States of Punjab, Haryana and the Union Territory of Chandigarh have a common capital at Chandigarh.

Hyderabad was a common capital of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

(6) Large number of people live in the northern plains because of the following reasons:

  1. Fertile land provides facilities for agriculture.
  2. Means of transport and communication can be developed easily.
  3. More employment opportunities exist in the plains.
  4. Water is easily available.
  5. Industries provide employment (Agro-based and other industries)

(7). Lakshadweep is a coral island because of the following reasons:

  1. Climate and seawater suitable for the growth of polyps.
  2. Their skeletons pile up and form islands.

Question 2. Match the correct answers.

(1). The Southernmost Himalayas are known as

  1. Shiwaliks
  2. Himadri
  3. Himachal

Answer: 1. Shiwaliks

(2). Sahyadris are also known as

  1. Aravali
  2. Western Ghats
  3. Himadri

Answer: 2. Western Ghats

(3). The Talk Strait lies between the countries

  1. Sri Lanka and Maldives
  2. India and Sri Lanka
  3. India and Maldives

Answer: 2. India and Sri Lanka

(4). The Indian islands in the Arabian Sea are known as

  1. Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  2. Lakshadweep Islands
  3. Maldives

Answer: 2. Lakshadweep Islands

(5) The oldest mountain range in India is the

  1. Aravali hills
  2. Western ghats
  3. Himalayas

Answer: 1. Aravali hills

CBSE Class 6 Geography Chapter 6 Our Country India Question And Answers

Question 3. Fill in the blanks:

(1). India has an area of about __________.

Answer: 3.28 million sq. kms.

(2). The Greater Himalayas are also known as _________.

Answer: Himadri

(3). The river Narmada falls into the ___________ sea.

Answer: Arabian

(4). The latitude that runs almost halfway through India is _________.

Answer: Tropic of Cancer

Question 4. On an outline map of India, mark the following:

  1. Tropic of Cancer
  2. Standard Meridian of India
  3. The state in which you live
  4. The Andaman Islands and Lakshadweep Islands
  5. Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats.


Our Country India Mall skills

Our Country India India External And Standard Meridian

Our Country India India And Its Neighbouring Countries

Question 5. If we divide the world into Eastern and Western Hemispheres which hemisphere would India belong to?


Eastern Hemisphere.

Question 6. Find out the names of the countries (neighbouring countries) that share land boundaries with India. How many of these countries do not have access to any ocean or sea?


Seven neighbouring countries are:

Our Country India Neighbouring Countries

The following three countries do not have access to the ocean or sea: They are:

  • Afghanistan
  • Nepal
  • Bhutan

Question 7. Do you know which group of islands were affected by the Tsunami in 2004? Find out through newspaper reports and by speaking to the people how in different ways people faced this challenge when the Tsunami struck the Indian coast.


  • Yes,
    • Sri Lanka and the Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
  • People faced the challenge in the following manner:
    • Some people reached high grounds.
    • Some climbed up the trees.
    • Some remained clung to the tree trunks.
    • Some climbed up the upper storey of the house.
    • Some swam in the rising waves.
  • Hundreds of thousands perished in the waves.

Our Country India Very Short Type Questions And Answers

Question 1. Define polyps. How are coral islands formed?


  1. Corals are the collection of skeletons of tiny marine animals. They are called polyps.
  2. When the living polyps die their skeletons are left. Other polyps grow on top of the hardened skeleton, which grows higher and higher in the course of time.
  3. Thus coral islands are formed.

Question 2. How much is the time difference from one latitude to another?


The time changes by four minutes for every one degree of longitude.

Question 3. What is the basis of state formation?


The states were formed, generally, based on language or culture.

Question 4. What is the word “Himalayas” signifies?


The word Him + alaya signifies ‘the abode of snow’.

Question 5. Define a Peninsula.


It is a piece of land which is surrounded by water on its three sides.

Question 6. What is a desert?


Vast area covered with sand.

Question 7 What is the mouth of a river?


The area where a river meets the sea or ocean is called as mouth of the river.

Our Country India Short Type Questions And Answers

Question 1. Describe the boundaries of India.


Boundaries of India.

Our Country India Boundaries Of India

Question 2. How is India a country of vast geographical expanse?


India has an area of about 3.28 million sq. km.

  • Its north-south extent from Kashmir to Kanyakumari is about 3,200 km.
  • Its east-west extent from Arunachal Pradesh to Kuchchh is about 2,900 km.
  • The lofty mountains, the Thar desert, the northern plains, the peninsular plateau, the east and west coasts and the islands present a diversity of landforms.

Question 3. Define delta. Which delta is the world’s largest delta? Where is it situated?


Delta. Delta is the triangular deposition of the debris brought and deposited by rivers at their mouth.

The Ganga and the Brahmaputra form the world’s largest delta which is called the Sunderban Delta.

The Sunderban Delta is situated at the mouth of the Ganga and Brahmaputra rivers at the head of the Bay of Bengal.

Question 4. Distinguish between Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats.


Our Country India Difference Between Western Ghats And Eastern Ghats

Question 5. What is the locational extent of India? State the effect of East-West extent of India on time.


CBSE Class 6 Geography Effects And Efforts Of India

Question 6. Briefly write about the Great Indian Desert.


Great Indian Desert or Thar Desert lies to the west of India. It is a hot dry and sandy piece of land.

It has very little vegetation like cactus, kikar, babul etc. It has a very small population.

Our Country India Long Type Questions And Answers

Question 1. Describe the Himalayas.


The Himalayas

  • The Himalayas are in the north of India.
    • They are the lofty snow-capped mountains.
    • Him + alaya means ‘the Abode of Snow’.
    • The Himalayan mountains are divided into three main parallel ranges.
      1. The northernmost is the Great Himalayas or Himadri. The world’s highest peaks like Mt. Everest and Kanchenjunga are located in this range.
      2. Middle Himalayas or Himachal lies to the South of Himadri.
      3. Numerous popular hill stations are situated here. Gulmarg Dharmashala, Kullu, Manali, Kausani etc. are important hill stations.
      4. The Shiwaliks are in the southernmost range of the Himalayas. It has several longitudinal valleys called ‘duns’. Dehradun is an example of dun.
      5. Shimla, Kasauli, Nainital etc. are hill stations in this range.

Question 2. Give an account of the Northern Indian Plains.


CBSE Class 6 Geography Northern Indian Plains

Question 3. Explain the major features of the Peninsular Plateau.


Peninsular Plateau

  1. South of the northern plains lies the Peninsular plateau.
    • It is triangle-shaped.
    • Its relief is highly uneven.
    • It has numerous hill ranges and valleys.
  2. Aravali Hills are one of the oldest ranges in the world. They border the plateau on the northwest side.
    • The Vindhyas and the Satpuras are the other important ranges.
    • Major towns in the Deccan plateaus are:
    • Indore, Ujjain, Bengaluru, Vijaynagar, Hyderabad etc.
    • Narmada and Tapi flow through these ranges. They are west-flowing rivers. They drain water into the Arabian Sea.
    • Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri are major east-flowing rivers. They drain into the Bay of Bengal.
    • The Western Ghats or Sahyadris border the plateau in the west. The Eastern Ghats form its eastern boundary.
  3. The plateau is rich in minerals. Coal and iron ore are the important minerals found on this plateau.

Question 4. Describe the Coastal Plains and the Island groups.


CBSE Class 6 Geography The Coastal Plains And Islands

Question 5. With the help of a map of India describe the political and administrative divisions of India.


CBSE Class 6 Geography Political And Administrative Divisions Of India

Our Country India Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

Choose the correct answer:

Question 1. India is located in the:

  1. Western hemisphere
  2. Eastern hemisphere
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Eastern hemisphere

Question 2. Which country shares land boundaries with 7 countries?

  1. England
  2. Australia
  3. India
  4. South Africa

Answer: 3. India

Question 3. Where does the Great Indian Desert lie?

  1. In the eastern part of India
  2. In the western part of India
  3. In the northern part of India
  4. In the southern part of India

Answer: 2. In the western part of India

Question 4. What lies to the south of the northern plains of India?

  1. Great Indian desert
  2. Peninsular plateau
  3. Vindhyas
  4. Western Ghats

Answer: 2. Peninsular plateau

Question 5. Where do the rivers Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri drain?

  1. Arabian Sea
  2. Indian Ocean
  3. Bay of Bengal
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Bay of Bengal

Question 6. The Indian islands in the Bay of Bengal are known as:

  1. Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  2. Maldives
  3. Lakshadweep
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Question 7. Which hills are located in Rajasthan?

  1. Aravali hills
  2. Western Ghats
  3. Himalayas
  4. All of these

Answer: 1. Aravali hills

Question 8. The number of states in India divided for administrative purposes are

  1. 21
  2. 23
  3. 25
  4. 28

Answer: 4. 28

Question 9. How many Union Territories are there in India?

  1. 4
  2. 6
  3. 7
  4. 8

Answer: 3. 7

Question 10. Which is the National Capital of India?

  1. Mumbai
  2. Kolkata
  3. Chennai
  4. New Delhi

Answer: 4. New Delhi

CBSE Class 6 Civics Solutions For Chapter 8 Urban Livelihoods

Urban Livelihoods Exercises

Question 1. Read and discuss the following description of the living conditions of workers who come to the labor chowk.

Most workers that we find at the Labor Chowk cannot afford permanent accommodation and so sleep on pavements near the Chowk, or they pay  ₹ 6 a night for a bed at a Jicarby night shelter run by the Municipal Corporation.

To compensate for the lack of security, local tea and cigarette shops function as banks, moneylenders, and safety lockers, all rolled into one. Most workers leave their tools at these shops for the night for safekeeping and pass on any extra money to them. The shopkeepers keep the money safe and also offer loans to laborers in need.

Source: Aman Sethi, Hindu On-line


CBSE Class 6 Civics Living Conditions Of Workers

Question 2. Complete the following table and discuss how their work is different:

Urban Livelihoods

Question 3. In what ways is a permanent and regular job different from a casual job?

CBSE Class 6 Civics Permanent And Regular Job Differences

Read and Learn More CBSE Solutions For Class 6 Social Science

Question 4. What benefits does Sudha get along with her salary?

Sudha gets the following benefits along with her salary:

  • Pension fund with interest on savings.
  • Hobdays: Sundays National Holidays, and annual leave.
  • Medical Facilities: Medical reimbursement, medical allowance for her family; medical leave with pay (up to some amount).

CBSE Class 6 Civics Chapter 8 Urban Livelihoods Question And Answers

Question 5. Fill in the following contents to show the services provided by people in the markets which you visit frequently.

Urban Livelihoods Services Provides By People In Market

Question 6. Discuss

1. What do you see in this illustration?

In This Illustration We See The Following:

CBSE Class 6 Civics Illustration

2. Now compare the work that people in this illustration are doing with the work that people do in rural areas.

Urban Livelihoods Comparison Between Rural Areas And Urban Areas

Comparison Between The Work Of Rural Areas And That Of Urban Areas:

3. Some parts of the city are different from others. What differences do you notice in this illustration?

Some parts have large buildings, towers, and shopping malls. – Other parts are low-income people areas.

Question 7. There are more than five thousand towns and twenty-seven big cities in India. Big cities like Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, etc. have more than a million people living and working here. They say that (the city never sleeps!’ Let’s visit one and find out about the work people do in the city.

  • Are they employed by someone or are they self-employed?
  • How do they organize themselves?
  • Do they have similar employment and earning opportunities?


The people do the following work in the cities.

  • They drive auto-rickshaws and rickshaws
  • They carry loads.
  • They sold plants and saplings.
  • They sell newspapers.
  • They run shops.
  • They clean the roads.
  • Work in offices.
  • Most of them are self-employed. Some have been employed by the Municipal Corporation as sweepers, and road cleaners. Some work in offices.
  • They organize themselves mutually, through advertisements, posters rallies, protests, etc.
  • No, they have different employments and different earning opportunities.

Question 8. Bachchu Manjhi — A Cycle-Rickshaw Puller:

1. Why did Bachchu Manjhi come to the city?

Bachchu Manjhi came to the city to earn more income for his family.

2. Why can’t Bachchu Manjhi live with his family?

Bachchu Manjhi cannot live with family as he does not have any room to stay in. Otherwise, also, the cost of living for the whole of his family is very high in the city, as, compared to a village.

3. Talk to a vegetable vendor or hawker and find out how they organize their work, their way of preparing, purchasing, selling, etc.

  • The vegetable vendors or hawkers organize their work in the following manner:
  • Vendors purchase vegetables or groceries from the wholesale market.
  • Vendors arrange them on the trolley cycle.
  • Vendors sell their goods by calling passersby loudly.

4. Bachchu Manjhi has to think twice before taking a day off from work. Why?

Bachchu Manjhi has to think twice before taking a day off from work Because on that day he would not earn anything. But he will have to spend?

Question 9. Harpreet and Vandana Business persons

1. Why did Harpreet and Vandana start a showroom?

Harpreet and Vandana started working in their own shop completing their college education.

2. What do they have to do to run the showroom?

They Had To:

  • Purchase garments from different cities and states.
  • Put them in showcases.
  • For sale, give advertisements in different newspapers, radio, etc.

3. Talk to a shop owner in a market and find out how he plans his work.

By talking to a businessman, his version was:

  • He took the showroom oh rent.
  • Now he wants to purchase it.
  • Earlier he purchased a house in nearby apartments.
  • He has already purchased a car.

The showroom running is based on the following activities.

  • He buys different things from different places.
  • He advertises his products in the newspapers, radio, and TV channels.

4. Have there been any changes in his business in the past twenty years?

During the last 20 years, things have changed. Before he sold clothes. Now he sells readymade garments as the fashion is of readymade garments, because

  1. They are cheaper.
  2. A variety of garments are available.
  3. Time is also saved.

5. What are the differences between those who sell and those in the market?

Differences between those who sell on the street and those in the market.

Urban Livelihoods Differecnes Between Those Selling In Street And Market.

Question 10. Discuss

1. Why do you think small workshops and factories employ casual workers?

Small workshops and factories employ casual workers because of the following reasons:

  • Small workshops and factories work seasonally. During lean periods they do not work.
  • They are not rich enough to pay salaries for the lean periods. (Rich workshop owners, also do not want to pay salary for lean period.)

2. Describe the working conditions of people like Nirmala keeping in mind the following: working hours, conditions in the workplace, earnings, and the days of work available.

Working conditions of people like Nirmala:

  • Workers have to work for long hours.
  • Their work starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at 10.30 p.m. or even later.
  • They are paid only Rupees 80 per day for eight hours and an extra  ₹40 for working late hours.
  • They have no bargaining power.
  • They are all casual workers as they work only from December to April. After this period they have to move to other work or no work.

3. Would you say that domestic workers like housemaids are also casual workers? Why? Describe the workday of one such woman detailing the work she does in other peoples’ houses.

Yes, we say domestic workers like housemaids are also casual workers. They can work as long as their employer wants.

Workday Of One Such Woman: Saifali works as a domestic worker

  • She washes utensils, cleans the houses, and keeps the children.
  • Her work starts at 7 a.m. and finishes at 9 p.m.
  • Her wages are ₹10,000 per month.
  • She also takes food and refreshments in the house.
  • She also does chowkidari of the house during the absence of the owners.
  • Saifali is very honest. She works in the house as she does in her own house.

Urban Livelihoods Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. How much percentage of people work on the streets of Ah Mod Ah ad?

According to a survey, 12% of all the workers in the city of Ahmedabad work on the streets.

Question 2. Describe the scene of the factory area.

Factory Area

  • The area was full of small workshops.
  • There are so many workshops.
  • In one workshop, people worked on sewing machines in a small room. They were stitching clothes.

Question 3. Why were vegetable vendors busy in the morning?

  • Vendors were busy arranging tomatoes, carrots, and cucumbers in baskets; so that people could see, what they were selling.
  • Their main sale is in the morning.

Question 4. What people were doing around newspaper sellers?

On the pavement, a person was selling newspapers. Everyone wanted to read the newspaper. So a small crowd was there around newspaper sellers to read the news for free or want to purchase the newspaper.

Question 5. What the cobbler and barber were doing?

  • The cobbler was sitting under a tree. He was taking his tools out of his small tin box.
  • Next to the cobbler, a barber had begun his work. He already had a customer.

Question 6. What do the women have in their carts?

  • All kinds of plastic bottles
  • Boxes
  • Hairpins
  • Clips, etc.

Question 7. Were hawkers allowed to go to all parts of the city?

No, there were some parts of the city, where they were not allowed to go.

Question 8. What is provident fund?

  • A provident fund is a saving of workers.
  • A certain amount is deducted from the salary of the worker.
  • The same amount is also paid by the employer. Both these amounts are deposited with the government. The government gives annual interest on it. He can withdraw the amount when he requires it.

Urban Livelihoods Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. How do vendors people organize their work?

Vendors Organise Their Work In The Following Manner:

  • Vendors plan how much to purchase.
  • Vendors plan where to purchase.
  • Vendors plan where to set up their shops.

Question 2. Write 5 lines about vendors.

  • Their Shops Are Temporary Structures:
    • Sometimes some boards -Canvas sheets hung on four poles
    • Plastic sheets spread on the pavements.
  • These people have no security.
    • Police can remove their shops at any time.
  • Vendors, who sell food items, sell their goods (food items), already prepared at home like snacks, foods, colas, etc.

Question 3. What is being done now for the hawkers/street vendors?

The work of hawker s/street vendors has been recognized as important as they serve low-income purchasers.

  • Previously hawkers were not allowed to sell their articles on the streets.
  • Now hawking zones have been suggested for the hawkers.
  • Vendors have been made members of the committees which think about their welfare.

Question 4. Describe the new garments showroom.

New Garment Showroom:

  • The showroom had three floors.
  • Each floor had different kinds/types of clothes.
  • The third floor had clothes for girls.

Question 5. Describe the scene in the buses that go to factory areas.

Scene In The Buses:

  • The buses are crowded.
  • At every bus stop, more and more people boarded the bus.
  • The writer and her cousin stood in a comer so that they could not be squashed.
  • They felt surprised at how people travel daily in such a crowded state.

Question 6. Describe the scene of the market.

Because of the festival season, the market was crowded.

There Were Many Shops.

Urban Livelihoods Scene Of Market

Question 7. From which places does Vandana’s showroom buy materials?

Showroom Buy Materials From Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Ludhiana, Tripura

  • Some material also comes from Noida and Gurugram, (towns near Delhi).
  • Some dresses they buy from foreign countries also.

Question 8. Who employs a businessman?

  • They are not erupted by anyone.
  • Instead, they give employment to a number of other people.
  • These people are employed as helpers and supervisors.

Question 9. What is a shift system?

  • One worker works on one machine for 12 hours, i.e. 1st shift.
  • On the same machine, other workers work, for the next 12 hours i.e., the 2nd shift.

Urban Livelihoods Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Why do laborers gather at the Labour chowk? What are they called?

  • The laborers gather at the labor chowk to find jobs on a daily wage basis.
  • These laborers do the following work:
    • Carpenter
    • Masons
    • As helpers to masons.
    • Work at construction sites as a laborer.
    • Lifting loads.
    • Unloading trucks in the market.
    • They also build roads.
  • These laborers are called casual workers.
    • When any person requires any of their services, he contacts them and gets his job on payment of the service.

Question 2. Given an account of Sudh’s duties.

Sudha works in a company as a marketing manager. Her office is surrounded by tall buildings.

  • She is the marketing manager of a company, manufacturing biscuits.
  • The biscuit factory is outside the city
  • She supervises 50 sales persons. They get orders and payments from shopkeepers.
  • She has divided the city into six Zones or regions.
    • She works for six days.
    • She meets each salesperson once a week.
    • She checks their progress and discusses their problems.
  • She plans sales for the whole city. She often travels and works late in the evenings.

Question 3. Write a short/brief note on Vail Centres’.

Call Centres are providing new job opportunities to people in cities.

  • The call center is a centralized office to attend to complaints and queries of people.
  • The issues can be regarding goods purchased, banking, ticket booking, etc.
  • They are set up in large rooms with workstations including computers, telephones, etc. So many people are working in the same room.
  • India has become a major center for call centers.
  • Many foreign companies have hired services from Indian Call Centres. As wages are very low in India as compared to their own country, so they save money by this.

Urban Livelihoods Multiple Choice Questions

Choose The Correct Answer:

Question 1. Who is Bachchu Manjhi?

  1. Engineer
  2. Dentist
  3. Rikshaw-puller
  4. Teacher

Answer: 3. Rikshaw-puller

Question 2. How much does Bachchu

  1. Rupees 50
  2. Rupees 100
  3. Rupees 150
  4. Rupees 200

Answer: 2. Rupees 100

Question 3. The life of people in urban areas is ________ than the rural area.

  1. Slower
  2. Faster
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Faster

Question 4. If we feel a problem in our teeth, where should we go?

  1. To a physician
  2. To an orthopaedic
  3. To veterinary
  4. To dentist

Answer: 4. To dentist

Question 5. Where are readymade clothes sold?

  1. At garments shop
  2. At shoe shop
  3. At the chemist’s shop
  4. At none of these

Answer: 1. At garments shop

Question 6. What does Vandana do?

  1. Saleswomen
  2. Dress designer
  3. Nurse
  4. Peon

Answer: 2. Dress designer

Question 7. Which of the following places are near Delhi?

  1. Mumbai and Goa
  2. Kullu and Manali
  3. Noida and Gurugram
  4. Panipat and Kurukshetra

Answer: 3. Noida and Gurugram

Question 8. Where do laborers on daily wages wait with their tools?

  1. Labour Chowk
  2. Ramlila ground
  3. Cinema Halls
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Labour Chowk

Question 9. Where does Sudha work?

  1. In an office
  2. As a person in a shop
  3. In a factory
  4. All of these

Answer: 1. In an office

Question 10. What benefits does Sudha get along with her salary?

  1. Savings for old age
  2. Gets off on Sundays and national holidays
  3. Medical facilities
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

CBSE Class 6 Civics Solutions For Chapter 6 Urban Administration

Urban Administration Exercises

Question 1. Why did the children go to Yasmin Khala’s house

The children went to Yasmin Khala’s house to find out who was competent to replace the damaged street lights.

Question 2. List four ways in which the work of the Municipal Corporation affects the life of a city-dweller.

List Of Four Ways In Which The Work Of The Municipal Corporation Affects The Life Of A City Dweller:

CBSE Class 6 Civics Life Of Cite Dweller

Question 3. Who is a Municipal Councillor?

The elected representative of a ward is the Municipal Councillor.

Question 4. What did Gangabai do and why?

Gangabai collected a large number of women and went to the Mumcip Commissioner along with the ward councilor to protest against garbage dumps all over the street.

Read and Learn More CBSE Solutions For Class 6 Social Science

Question 5. How does the Municipal Corporation earn the money to do its work?

Municipal Corporation earns money to do their work by collecting several types of taxes. They include:

Urban Administration Muncipla Corporation Types Of Taxes

Question 6. Discuss

  1. Which way do you think provides safety to the person disposing of garbage?
  2. What are the dangers of collecting garbage in the manner shown in the first photograph?
  3. Why do you think that proper ways of disposing of garbage are not available to those who work in municipalities?


  1. The way shown in photo 2 provides safety to the person disposing of garbage.
  2. The dangers of collecting garbage in the manner shown in the first photograph are:
    • Poisonous gas injection
    • Falling sick
    • Breathing problems
    • Victim falling to epidemic.
    • Skin disease.
  3. Proper ways of disposing of garbage are not available to those who work in municipalities because of the following reasons:
    • The poor economic condition of the municipalities,
    • Pilferage of municipal funds,
    • Workers are not aware of their health,
    • The government now has started providing trucks etc. but still not in adequate numbers.

Question 7. Discuss

  1. Why do you think it is important that the Corporation should spend more money on slum localities?
  2. Why is it important that the Municipal Corporation provide the poor in the city with the same facilities that the rich get?


  1. It is important that the corporation spend more money on slum localities because the majority of the population lives in these colonies.
  2. The municipal corporation should provide the poor in the city with the same facilities that the rich get for the following reasons:
    • God has sent both poor and rich as one and the same.
    • Poor constitute the major workforce who work for the rich. The health needs to be cared for.
    • They must be hale and hearty.

Question 8. Have you ever wondered who is responsible for running all this (civic amenities)?

Municipal Corporations in big cities and Municipalities in smaller cities are responsible for providing these facilities.

Question 9. Do you know how decisions are made?

The decisions regarding the civic amenities are made by the Ward Councillors and Municipal Commissioner.

CBSE Class 6 Civics Chapter 6 Urban Administration Question And Answers

Question 10. How is the planning done?

Planning is done by a set procedure. A group of councilors form committees to decide and debate issues. These committees make plans and get them approved.

Question 11. Who are the people who do all these works?

People approach their Ward Councillors who in turn get in touch with the right department. Different works are divided into different departments. The officials, administrative staff, and the Commissioner get the work done.

Question 12. List at least four different tasks that the Municipality does:

CBSE Class 6 Civics Different Tasks For Municipality Workers

Question 13. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below:

1. In a panchayat the elected members are called ________
Answer: Panch

2. The city is divided into several ________
Answer: wards

3. In a municipal corporation the elected members are called _______
Answer: ward councillors

4. Groups of councilors deal with issues that affect the ________
Answer: most of the city

5. Elections are held once, every  ______ year for the panchayat as well as for the municipality.
Answer: five

6. While the councillors make decisions the administrative staff led by the Commissioner ________ these.
Answer: implements.

Question 14. Does the Municipal Corporation have a lot of workers?

Yes, the Municipal Corporation has several departments. Every department has numerous workers. Some of these departments are:

Urban Administration Municipal Corporation Workers

Question 15. What has changed since Khala retired?

In recent times, in order to save money the Commissioners of several municipalities across the country have hired private contractors to collect and process garbage. This is called Sub-Contracting.

The work that was earlier being done by the government workers; is now being done by private companies. These contract workers get lower wages and their jobs are temporary. Collecting garbage is also quite a dangerous job.

Often these contract workers do not have any access to safety measures. They are not taken care of if they are injured while working.

Question 16. Discuss

  1. What was Gangabai protesting about?
  2. Why do you think Gangabai decided to approach the Ward Councillor?
  3. What did Gangabai say when the Commissioner said that there were not enough trucks in the city?


  1. Gangabai was protesting against the lying of garbage all over the streets.
  2. Gangabai decided to approach the ward councilor to get his support for protesting against the unsanitary conditions in the locality.
  3. Gangabai said that the corporation had enough trucks to remove garbage from the colonies of the rich and not from the colonies of the poor and middle class.

Healing this, the commissioner became speechless.

Question 17. Discuss

  1. Do you know when and how often garbage gets collected in your neighborhood?
  2. Do You think it is the same for all neighborhoods of the city? Why not?


  1. We know that
    • Garbage gets collected early in the morning.
    • It is collected through a mobile truck which goes on from house to house giving a whistle.
  2. I think it is the same for all neighborhoods of the city. If not, it must be the same for all localities.

Question 18. Did you know that your taxes enable the government to provide roads, bridges, parks, and streetlights? List three more benefits that the taxes help in funding after discussing them with your family.

  1. To build primary schools.
  2. To maintain drains and sewerages.
  3. To keep the city clean and remove garbage.

Urban Administration Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Who decides where a park should go?

Ward Councillors make decisions about where a park should go.

Question 2. Did Yasmin Kliala have to make interesting decisions like this when she worked in the Municipal Corporation?

Yasmin Kliala did not have to make an interesting decision like this as such decisions are to be taken by ward councilors, and not the employees. Mrs. Yasmin Khala worked in the accounts section of the Corporation.

Question 3. What is a city?

A city is much larger and bigger than a village or town. It is more spread out.

Question 4. What is the difference between a Commissioner and a Councillor?

The commissioner is an appointed official and councillors are elected from their wards. Committees formed by councilors formulate plans. Commissioners and administrative staff implement these.

Question 5. What do wo moan by Tux?

  • Tax is a sum of money an individual or organization pays to the government for utilizing the services provided by it. Different types of taxes are:
  • Property tax, water or Electricity Tax, Road tax, Entertainment tax, etc.

Question 6. Diseases do not break out in the city, who is responsible for this?

Municipal Corporation.

Question 7. In which department Yasmin Khala was working?

She was working in the accounts section of the corporation.

Urban Administration Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. When do the local people contact their councilor?

The Ward People Contact Their Ward Councillor When The Problem Relates To The Ward Such As:

  1. Dangerous electric wires to be replaced.
  2. Road repairs (street repairs)
  3. Public water pump installation.

Question 2. What tasks do ward councilors perform?

The Ward Councillors Perform The Following Tasks:

CBSE Class 6 Civics Ward Councillor Tasks

Question 3. What are the ill effects of garbage lying all over the streets?

  • Garbage attracts dogs, rats, and flies.
  • It gives a foul smell which causes people to fall ill.

Question 4. Was Gangabai agitated again?

Yes, after that another larger and more noisy protest for sanitation services, became more regular.

Question 5. Why two dustbins are used? Who suggested using two dustbins?

  1. Two Dustbins Are Generally Used:
    • one for dry garbage
    • another for wet garbage
  2. The municipal corporation suggested this.

Urban Administration Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What is the recycling of waste till of waste material?

Recycling of waste material is to make the waste material reusable again.

Recycling Is Not A New Thing

  • People have been recycling paper, metal, glass, and plastic for a long time.
  • The kabadiwalla plays a major role in recycling household plastic and paper, including your used notebooks.

Urban Administration Multiple Choice Questions

Choose The Correct Answer:

Question 1. In which of the following are lives faster?

  1. In village
  2. In city
  3. In both (1) and (2)
  4. In none of these

Answer: 2. In city

Question 2. What type of game were Mala and her friends playing in the street?

  1. Hockey
  2. Cricket
  3. Football
  4. Badminton

Answer: 2. Cricket

Question 3. What was broken by the ball hit by Rehana?

  1. Window glass
  2. Street light
  3. Glass of a car
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Street light

Question 4. Which agency replaces the broken street lights, collects the garbage, provides water supply, and keeps the market clean?

  1. Municipal Corporation
  2. Hospital
  3. Police
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Municipal Corporation

Question 5. What are the other tasks of a municipal corporation?

  1. To run the primary schools
  2. To run dispensaries
  3. To maintain parks
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 6. The big city like Delhi is divided into several

  1. Wards
  2. Janapads
  3. Samitis
  4. All of these

Answer: 1. Wards

Question 7. Who prepares the budget and spends the money according to this?

  1. Ward Councillors
  2. Ward boys
  3. Nurses
  4. Teachers

Answer: 1. Ward Councillors

Question 8. If any sanitary staff docs are not done duly, to whom we should contact first?

  1. Sanitation engineer
  2. Local police station
  3. M L. A.
  4. Chief Minister

Answer: 1. Sanitation engineer

Question 9. What was Gangabai protesting about?

  1. The garbage was not removed for several days
  2. She wanted to open a hospital
  3. She wanted to open a school
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. The garbage was not removed for several days

CBSE Class 6 Civics Solutions For Chapter 7 Rural Livelihoods

Rural Livelihoods Exercises

Question 1. You have probably noticed that people in Kalpattu are engaged, in a variety of non-farm work. List five of these.

CBSE Class 6 Civics Non Forming Work

Question 2. Imagine you are a member of a fishing family and you are discussing whether to take a loan from the bank for an engine. What would you say?

We would say that a loan from a bank is more advantageous than one from a moneylender.

  • We should take a loan from the bank.
  • If we put an engine in our catamaran; our catamaran will move more fast, and we can catch more fish.

Read and Learn More CBSE Solutions For Class 6 Social Science

Question 3. Poor rural laborers like Thulasi often do not have access to good medical facilities, good schools, and other resources. The difference between her and Ramalingam is one of inequality. Do you think this is a fair situation? What do you think can be done?

We think inequality is not a fair situation.

The following things are to be done to remove this situation:

  • Equal distribution of land among the people.
  • Bank loans in place of loans from the moneylenders.
  • Supply of seeds, fertilizers liquid pesticides at subsidized rates.
  • Electricity at cheaper rates.

Question 4. What do you think the government can do to help farmers like Sekar when they get into debt? Discuss.

When farmers get into debt like Sekar the government can do the following.

  • The government should provide loans at lower interest rates.
  • Subsidies should be granted on the purchase of seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides.
  • Banks should be asked to give loans to farmers at lower interest rates.
  • A loan waiver should also be implemented.
  • License should be issued to moneylenders to remove wrong moneylenders.

CBSE Class 6 Civics Chapter 7 Rural Livelihoods Question And Answers

Question 5. Compare the situation of Sekar and Ramalingam by filling out the following table:

Rural Livelihoods Compare Situation Between Sekar And Ramalingam

Question 6. Based on the below diagram would you say that Thulasi earns money throughout the year?

Rural Livelihoods Thulasi Earns Money Throught The Year


Based on the diagram, I would say that Thulasi earns money only for seven months in a year:

CBSE Class 6 Civics Earn Money Seven Months In A Year

She does not. have work throughout the year.

Question 7.

1. Describe the work that Thulasi does. How is it different from the work Raman does?

Thulasi Does The Following Works:

  • She transplants paddy in the fields of Ramalingam.
  • She weeds the plants.
  • She harvests the paddy.

Other Works She Does At Her House Are:

  • Cooking food
  • Cleaning the house
  • Washing the clothes
  • Going to nearby forests to collect firewood.
  • Fetching water from the borewell which is one kilometer away from her house.
  • Taking care of her daughter

Thulasi’s Work Is Different From Her Husband’s.

  • Her husband is Raman. He is also a laborer.
  • His works are: Spraying pesticides

When There Is No Work In The Fields He

  • Loads sand from the river;
  • Loads stones from the quarry nearby;
  • Gets material such as groceries for the house;
  • Rears cow.

2. Thulasi gets paid very little money for the work she does. Why do you think agricultural laborers like her are forced to accept low wages?

We Think Agricultural Laborers Are Paid Low Wages Because:

  • Since most of them are landless they are forced to accept low wages.
  • There are more number of landless workers than required.
  • Most of them have taken loans so they have to accept the wages given to them.
  • In spite of low wages in the village, he/she can also do other household work such as cooking, firewood collection, etc.
  • If they go to cities, the cost of living is higher and their net income may be less.

3. In what ways would her way of earning a living have been different if Thulasi owned some farmland? Discuss.

If Thulasi Had Some Own Land Her Way Of Working Would Have Been Different:

  • She would not have been required to work as a farm laborer.
  • She would have supervised the work of farm laborers,
  • She may have required less loan.

4. What are the crops grown in your region or nearby rural area? What kinds of work do agricultural laborers do?

CBSE Class 6 Civics Work

Question 8.

1. What work does Sekar’s family do? Why do you think Sekar does not usually employ laborers for doing farming work?

Sekhar’s family does the farming work on a small piece of land.

  • Sekar does not usually employ labourers for doing farming work; because he has a small plot of land where his family is sufficient to complete all farming activities.
  • If he falls short of labourers, he takes help from other small farmers; and in turn, he helps them when they require labourers.

2. Why does Sekar not go to the town market to get a better price for his paddy?

  • Sekar does not go to the town market to get a better price for his paddy because he has to sell his product at lower prices to the moneylender.
  • After selling the paddy to a moneylender, Sekar has little paddy which is to be consumed in his own house.

3. Sekar’s sister Mina had also taken a loan from the trader. She does not want to sell her paddy to him but she will pay back her loan. Write an imaginary conversation between Mina and the trader’s agent and the arguments given by each person.

Conversation between Mina and the moneylender’s agent

  • Moneylender’s agent: Mina, I am here to take the paddy in exchange for the loan.
  • Mina: No, I shall not give the paddy to you as you are paying lower prices for my paddy. I shall sell it in the open market at a higher price and pay the loan in cash to you with interest.
  • At this the agent is angry. He threatens Mina with the dire consequences for such a behavior.
  • Mina is not frightened. She asks the agent to go away, and Mina sells the paddy in the open market and pays the loan in cash.

4. What are the similarities and differences between Sekar’s and Thulasi’s lives? Your answer could be based on the land that they have, their need to work on the land that belongs to others, or loans that they need and their earnings.

Similarities And Differences Between The Lives Of Sekar And Thulasi:

Lives Of Sekar And Thulasi Similarities:

  • Both Sekar and Thulasi are poor villagers.
  • They both take a loan from Ramalingam.
  • Both rear cows and sell milk to meet both ends.

Lives Of Sekar And Thulasi Differences:

  • Sekar has a small plot of land, on which, he does farming activities with the help of his family.
  • Thulasi has no land. She works as a landless laborer.
  • Sekar works as a laborer only when he has no farming work.
  • Thulasi also has to do household duties.
  • Sekar sells the milk of his hybrid cow to the milk society.
  • Thulasi has a simple cow and sells the cow to pay the loan that she has taken for the treatment of her daughter.
  • Sekar takes loans to purchase seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides.
  • Thulasi takes a loan for the treatment of her daughter.
  • Sekar works on the field of others in exchange for work done on his field by the other farmers.
  • Thulasi works in the fields of Ramalingam as a landless laborer.

Question 9. Read again Sekar’s and Thulasi’s accounts. What do they say about Uamalingam, the large farmer? Together with what you have read fill in the details below:

  1. How much land does he have?
  2. What does Ramalingam do with the paddy grown on his land?
  3. Apart from farming how else does he earn?


Both Sekar and Thulasi have high opinions about Ramalingam. He is a large farmer but is very kind. He gives loans to small farmers and landless laborers.

The rate of wages he pays is low but the people are assured that when required he would employ them in his fields, he would not call laborers from outside.

  1. He owns 20 acres of paddy land in the village.
  2. Ramalingam sends paddy grown in his fields to his rice mill to produce rice.
  3. He earns from selling rice produced in his rice mill, in the market.

Question 10.

1. Why do both Sekar’s and Aruna’s families have to borrow? What similarities and differences do you find?

Sekar’s and Aruna’s families have to borrow for long periods to survive.

Rural Livelihoods Sekar And Aruna Familie Have Boeeow

2. Have you heard of tsunamis? What is this and what damage do you think it might have done to the lives of fishing families like Aruna’s?

  • Yes, we have heard of a tsunami.
  • A tsunami is an ocean wave caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption on the floor of the sea.
  • It would cause damage to Aruna’s house, catamaran, nets, etc.

Question 11. In India, 80 percent of farmers belong to this group. Only 20 percent of fishing etc. For example, in some villages in central India, both farming and collection from the forest are important sources of livelihood.

Would you say that a majority of the country’s farmers are quite poor? What do you think can be done to change this situation?


From the Figures, we would certainly say that a majority of the country’s farmers are quite poor.

We think that if some of the following measures are taken for them the situation can be changed:

  • Distribution of land, who do not have land.
  • Fixation of farm wages.
  • Loan facilities from government-run credit institutions.
  • Marketing facilities for selling agricultural produce in all the villages.
  • Curb on moneylenders.
  • Distribution of seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides by Govt, agencies

Rural Livelihoods Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Where is Kalpattu village situated?

Kalpattu village is situated close to the sea coast in Tamil Nadu.

Question 2. What was the main crop of Kalpattu village?

The main crop of Kalpattu village is paddy (rice).

Question 3. What do some people do when they go to towns?

They work as construction workers and lorry drivers.

Rural Livelihoods Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What are the different occupations on which rural families depend for livelihood?

Rural families mainly depend upon farming for livelihood.

Other Occupations Are:

  • Collection from forest like mahua or tendu leaves, honey, etc.
  • In animal husbandry, they rear animals and sell milk to cooperatives or nearby cities.
  • In coastal areas, fishing is an important occupation.
  • They also do a lot of non-earning activities like working for their households.

Question 2. Write the different activities performed by the people of Kalpattu village.

People of Kalpattu village mainly earn a living through paddy cultivation. Some arc landless and work for others. Other activities are:

  • They do non-farming activities like weaving baskets, making utensils, bricks, etc.
  • There are blacksmiths, nurses, teachers, barbers, cycle mechanics etc.
  • There are different shops and traders also like tea shops, grocery, tailors, seed shops, etc.
  • The tea shops also sell tiffins—idli, vada, dosa, upama, etc.
  • There are coconut groves and sugarcane, banana trees also. People work there to earn a living.

Question 3. Write some sentences on the work of agriculture.

  • Agriculture is the main work of the village people.
    • Paddy is the main crop grown in the irrigated fields.
    • Other crops are cotton, sugarcane, and plantain (banana and coconut trees).
  • Some coconut groves are also there,
  • There are several mango orchards.

Question 4. Why had Thulasi and Raman to sell their cow?

  • Thulasi and Raman had school-going daughters. They lived with them with joy.
  • One of the daughters fell ill last year.
  • She was taken to the hospital for treatment.
  • They borrowed money from Ramalingam for her treatment.
  • They had to sell their cow for payment of a loan they had borrowed from Ramalingam.

Question 5. Describe the life of the landless or agricultural laborers in rural areas.

Life of agricultural laborers in rural India.

  • Nearly 66.67% of the population in rural areas is an agricultural laborer.
  • Some of them have their own small plots of land which cannot give them enough to earn their livelihood. Most of them are landless.
  • They have to go to distant places or nearby towns to find work. This is called migration.

Question 6. What difficulty Thulasi faced, when she grew old?

That now Thulasi is old, She finds bedding for long hours while working in the paddy field, with feet in the water, very painful.

Question 7. When there is no work what did Raman do

  • He loads sand from the river bank or stones from the nearby quarry into the lorries.
  • These lorries are sealed to nearby towns to make houses.

Question 8. Write about some large farmers.

  • These large farmers are about. 20% of Indian farmers.
  • They cultivate most of the land in the villages.
  • A large part of their produce is sold in the market.
  • Many of them have started other businesses such as shops, moneylending, trading, and small factories.

Rural Livelihoods Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Why do farming communities commit suicide in some areas?

In some areas fanning communities commit suicide for the following reasons:

  • Fanners very often take loans from moneylenders for the purchase of seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides.
  • Sometimes seeds are not good while on other occasions, pests damage crops resulting in crop failure.
  • Bad monsoons also damage crops.
  • The loan goes on mounting and there is no way for the farmers to repay the loan.
  • They become helpless and sometimes they commit suicide.

Question 2. Read the following account (terrace farming in Nagaland) and answer the questions that follow it:

Terrace Farming In Nagaland

This is a village called Chizami which is in Phek district in Nagaland. The people of this village belong to the Chakhesang community. They do ‘termed cultivation. Each group eats together once their work’ for the day is over. This goes on for several days until the work is completed.

  1. Which village is referred to in the picture above? Where is it located?
  2. What type of farming do they practice?
  3. For what is this practice the best?
  4. What activities people of Chizarni do collectively?


  1. Chizarni, in Phek district of Nagaland.
  2. Terrace farming
  3. Rice cultivation
    • To carry out the farming activities.
    • To clean the mountainside of the weeds.
    • They eat together, often after finishing the work.

Question 3. Describe the life of fishing communities.

People of the coastal village (Pudupet) earn a living through fishing.

  • Their life starts at 2 o’clock in the morning. Fishermen go with nets and catamarans to catch fish.
  • By 7 o’clock they return and women gather to buy or sell fish.
  • During the months of monsoon, they do not catch fish. They survive on borrowings from moneylenders.
  • During the fish-catching period, they repay the loan by selling the fish to the moneylenders.

CBSE Class 6 Civics Solutions For Chapter 2 Diversity And Discrimination

Diversity And Discrimination Exercises

Question 1. Match the following statements in a way that challenges stereotypes:

Diversity And Discrimination Stereotypes

Answer: 1-(c), 2-(d), 3-(a), 4-(b)

Question 2. How can the stereotype that girls are a burden on their parents affect the life of a daughter? Imagine this situation and list at least five different effects that this stereotype can have on the way daughters get treated in the house.


The stereotype that girls are a burden on their parents affects the life of a daughter in the following ways:

  • They are not properly cared for.
  • They are not given a preference for higher education.
  • They are not allowed to attend or join schools.
  • They are married early.
  • They are not provided nourishing food.
  • They are engaged early in household work.

Read and Learn More CBSE Solutions For Class 6 Social Science

Question 3. What does the Constitution say concerning equality? Why do you think it is important for all people to be equal?


The constitution says the following about equality.

“EQUALITY of status and of opportunities;
and to promote among them all.”

The state shall not discriminate on the basis of caste, creed religion or sex.

  • It is important for all people to be equal so that all people are not discriminated against one another.
  • The society should become casteless; there should be no place for inequality.

Question 4. Sometimes people make prejudiced comments in our presence. We are often not in a position to do anything about this because it is difficult to say something right then and. there. Divide the class into groups and each group discuss what they could do in one of the following situations:

  1. A friend begins to tease a classmate because he is poor.
  2. You are watching TV with your family and one of them makes a prejudicial comment about a particular religious community.
  3. Children in your class refuse to share their food with a particular person because they think she is dirty.
  4. Someone tells you a joke that makes fun of a community because of their accent.
  5. Some boys make remarks about girls not being able to play games as well as them.
  6. Discuss in class what the different groups have suggested for the above situations, and also talk about the problems that can come up when raising the issue.


  1. The Classmate is to be advised not to do so.
  2. I would stop him or her at the first instance.
  3. They would be asked to see her qualities and not of her dirtiness. She
    should be asked to be clean.
  4. Advice.
  5. They would be asked not to do so. They should be given examples of well-known Olympic medal-winning ladies, such as Geeta Phogat, Sakshi Malik, Sania Mirza, Saina Nehwal, PV Sindhu, Hima Das, and P.T. Usha.

Question 5. Below are some statements on people living in rural and urban areas. Tick mark those that you agree with:

On Rural People

  1. More than 50% of all Indians live in villages.
  2. People in villages do not like to use modern technology.
  3. In peak harvesting and plantation season, families work 12 to 14 hours in the fields.
  4. Villagers are forced to migrate to cities in search of work.

On Urban People

  1. Life in the city is easy. People here are spoilt and lazy.
  2. In cities, families spend very little time with each other.
  3. People in cities only care about money, not about people.
  4. Living in a city is expensive. A large part of people’s earnings are spent on rent and transport.


Diversity And Discrimination People Living In Rural And Urban Areas

Question 6. What are prejudices? What does prejudice mean?


Prejudices are the opinions which we make about certain people. Some examples are.

  • Village people are dirty, lazy and ignorant.
  • City people are cunning and corrupt.

By prejudice, we mean, “to judge others negatively and with inferiority.”

CBSE Class 6 Civics Chapter 2 Diversity And Discrimination Question And Answers

Question 7. Can you list some of the prejudices that you have noticed around you? How do they affect how people treat each other?


  1. Prejudices noticed around us:
    • Caste
    • Colour
    • Eating habits
    • Speaking habits.
  2. They affect how people treat each other.
    • They laugh at others
    • They tease
    • They speak filthy language
    • Sometimes they begin to abuse others.

Question 8. Arrange the statements given below in these two sections, according to what you think is appropriate for the section.

  1. They are well-behaved
  2. They are soft-spoken and gentle.
  3. They are physically strong.
  4. They are naughty.
  5. They are good at dance and painting.
  6. They don’t cry.
  7. They are rowdy.
  8. They are good at sport.
  9. They are good at cooking.
  10. They are emotional.


Diversity And Discrimination Differences Between Girls And Boys

Question 9. The children you see in the illustrations here were seen as ‘disabled’. This term has been changed and now the term used is ‘children with special needs’. Common stereotypes about them are given in large letters. Their own feelings and thoughts too are given.

  1. Discuss what these children are saying about stereotypes regarding them and why.
  2. Do you think children with special needs should be a part of regular schools or study in a separate school? Give reasons for your answer.


These children are saying that:

  1. People do not consider them as equal.
  2. They differentiate them because of their physical disabilities.

Children with special needs should be part of regular schools. This would boost their morale, and they would learn and achieve better. Moreover, it is their right to get the same opportunities.

Question 10. You can take other statements such as they are soft and gentle or they are well-behaved and discuss how these are applied to girls. Do girls possess these qualities at birth or do they learn such behaviour from others? What do you think about girls who are not soft and gentle and those who are naughty?


These characteristics are applied to girls because they are born soft, gentle. They are well-behaved.

  • The girls possess these qualities by birth most of them. They also learn such behaviour afterwards, remaining in the house or school.
  • The girls who are not soft and gentle and who are naughty, acquire these qualities from society. These girls are not considered good girls.

Question 11. Read the story of Bhimrao Ambedkar and answer the following questions:

  1. Despite the children offering money, the cartmen refused them. Why?
  2. How did people at the station discriminate against Dr. Ambedkar and his brothers?
  3. How do you think Dr. Ambedkar felt as a child when he saw the stationmaster’s reaction to his statement that they were Mahars?
  4. Have you ever experienced prejudice or witnessed an incident of discrimination?
  5. How did this make you feel?


  1. Despite the children offering money, the cartmen refused because they were Mahars, an untouchable caste.
  2. People at the station discriminated against Dr Ambedkar and his brothers by refusing them to sit or study near the upper caste people.
  3. Dr Ambedkar felt very bad when he saw the station master’s reaction to his statement that they were Mahars.
  4. Yes, we have seen prejudice in our childhood.
  5. This made us feel unhappy.
  6. For example: I was poor in my studies; other students teased me for that.

Question 12. In addition to the lower castes being discriminated against, there are also various other communities that are subject to discrimination.

  • Can you think of a few other examples of discrimination?
  • Discuss the ways in which persons with special needs might be subject to discrimination.


  • Muslims, tribals, handicapped, disabled persons etc.
  • Yes.

1. The other communities being discriminated against are:

  • Tribal, physically challenged people.
  • Minorities.

2. Other examples of discrimination are: against girl child —girl infanticide.

  • Economically weaker sections.
  • Special needs people etc.

People with special needs are not given the same opportunities. There are certain prejudices they have to face.

Diversity And Discrimination Very Short Type Questions And Answers

Question 1. What is a stereotype about Muslims? What are its reasons?


A common stereotype about Muslims is

They are not interested in the education of girls.


  • Poverty
  • Mental set-up.

Question 2. What damage is caused by discrimination against Dalits?


  1. Discrimination prevents Dalits from taking certain economic activities.
  2. It also denies them the respect and dignity given to others.

Question 3. Who fought against the inequalities they experienced in their lives?

Answer: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

Question 4. What did the above-mentioned people (Sections of the society) do to end inequality?


  • Many Dalits fought to gain entry into temples.
  • Women demanded the right to education as men did.
  • Tribals fought for freedom from moneylenders and for forest rights.

Question 5. Enlist many things that make us what we are.


The many things that make us what we are; are:

Our way of life, our family, culture, language, food, clothes and our games.

Question 6. What influences these things?


Family background, geography and history influence these things.

Question 7. What makes India diverse?


Eight major religions, more than 1600 languages (people’s mother tongue), and more than one hundred dance forms.

Question 8. Whcro do wo fool safe and secure?


Wo fool safe and secure:

In the company of people who look like us, who talk like us, who dress like us and who think like us.

Question 9. How do we create stereotypes? When do we create stereotypes?


Creation of Stereotypes. Fixing people into an image is called stereotypes.

We create stereotypes when we call people on the basis of their country, religion, sex, race or economic background, stingy, lazy, criminal or dumb.

To give an example; we assume that if a person is Dalit; he/she will be dirty and poor.

Diversity And Discrimination Short Type Questions And Answers

Question 1. What problems are created by the stereotypes?


Stereotypes create the following problems:

  • They stop us from looking at each person as a unique person.
  • They fit a large number of people in one pattern or type.
  • They prevent us from doing certain things because of stereotypes.

Question 2. How do we discriminate persons from others?


We discriminate persons from others by doing the following activities:

  • We do something to put others down.
  • We stop them from taking part in certain activities.
  • We prevent them from taking up jobs.
  • We stop them from living in certain localities or neighbourhoods.
  • We prevent them from taking water from the same well or pump.
  • We do not allow persons to take tea in the same cup or glass as others.

Question 3. What are the major problems of the poor?


Problems of the poor people:

CBSE Class 6 Civics Problems Of Poor People

Question 4. What made girl education more, than any other part of the country?


  • Schools are nearer to residences.
  • Good government bus facilities to reach schools.
  • 60% of the teachers are women.
  • Teachers do not face difficulties in reaching rural schools from far-off places due to good travelling facilities.

Question 5. What are the occupations (works) which are treated well?


CBSE Class 6 Civics People Occupations

Question 6. Which activities are considered low?


Activities considered low are:

CBSE Class 6 Civics Activitis Considers Low

These activities are valued less.

Question 7. What are the plight of the ‘Untouchables’?


Untouchables are those people who are engaged in mean work like scavenging. They remove dead animals from the villages.

These untouchables face several plights:

  • They were not allowed to enter the homes of upper castes.
  • They could not take water from the village well or water pump.
  • They could not sit with other higher castes people.
  • Their children could not sit with other children of higher castes in a school.
  • They were not given the same rights as others.

Question 8. Enumerate the reasons responsible for discrimination.


Reasons responsible for discrimination:

CBSE Class 6 Civics Reasons Responsible For Discrimination

Diversity And Discrimination Long Type Questions and Answers

Question 1. What safeguards have been provided in the Constitution of India against inequality and discrimination?


  1. Everyone has equal rights and opportunities.
  2. Untouchability is seen as a crime. It has been legally abolished.
  3. People are free to choose any kind of work.
  4. Govt, jobs are open to all people.
  5. Reservations in Govt, jobs for them.
  6. Specific steps of equality for poor and other marginal communities.
  7. Respect for diversity ensures equality.
    • Freedom to follow any religion
    • Freedom to speak their own language
    • Freedom to celebrate their festivals
    • Freedom to express oneself.

Question 2. Enlist things which we can be prejudiced about.


  1. People’s religious beliefs.
  2. Colour of people’s skin.
  3. The region they come from.
  4. Accent they speak.
  5. Clothes they wear.

Diversity And Discrimination Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

Question 1. L What does this mean, Judge other people negatively or see them as inferior?

  1. Prejudice
  2. Judice
  3. Post judice
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Prejudice

Question 2. On what basis can we prejudice the people?

  1. People’s religious beliefs
  2. The colour of people’s skin
  3. The region they come from
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 3. What term do we use for disabled people?

  1. Challenged person
  2. Ordinary
  3. Genius
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Challenged person

Question 4. What happens when people act on their prejudice or stereotypes?

  1. Differentiation
  2. Discrimination
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Discrimination

Question 5. What is a common stereotype about Muslims?

  1. That they are not interested in educating girls
  2. They are interested in educating girls
  3. They are rich
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. That they are not interested in educating girls

Question 6. In which state of India there is less distance between home and school?

  1. Kerala
  2. Rajasthan
  3. Mumbai
  4. All of these

Answer: 1. Kerala

Question 7. What does the Kerala Government do to help the teachers to reach the school?

  1. Good bus service
  2. Good trains service
  3. Good roads but less bus service
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Good bus service

Question 8. Name the first leader of India, who shared his first experience of caste-based discrimination.

  1. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
  2. Rabindranath Tagore
  3. Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar

Question 9. For what purpose did Dr Ambedkar go to England?

  1. To become a lawyer
  2. To travel
  3. To become a leader
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. To become a lawyer

Question 10. What happened to discrimination after the coming of the Constitution into force?

  1. Discrimination has reduced
  2. The discrimination intensified
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. The discrimination has reduced.


CBSE Class 6 Civics Solutions For Chapter 5 Rural Administration

Rural Administration Exercises

Question 1. What is the work of the police?


CBSE Class 6 Civics Work Of Police

Question 2. List two things that the work of a Patwari includes:


Work of a Patwari (Any two):

  • To measure land
  • To maintain and update records of land

Question 3. What is the work of a tehsildar?


Tehsildar has the following duties:

CBSE Class 6 Civics Tehsildar Duties

Question 4. What issue is the poem trying to raise? Do you think this is an important issue? Why?


The poem is trying to raise the issue of the inheritance of daughters and wives on the property of their father or husband.

  1. I think this issue is an important issue as daughters after marriage are harassed for more dowry and money as they do not inherit a share in the property of their father.
  2. If the daughters inherit their father’s property they can do enough to meet both ends.
  3. No in-laws’ family would harass them for dowry if they inherited a share in the property of their father.

Read and Learn More CBSE Solutions For Class 6 Social Science

Question 5. In what ways are the work of the Panchayat, that you read about in the previous chapter, and the work of the Patwari related to each other?


  • Patwari maintains the land records and provides information on crops grown. With this, the government grants are finalized.
  • Panchat does the developmental work for which these government grants are required?

Question 6. Visit a police station and find out the work that the police have to do to prevent crime and maintain law and order in their area, especially during festivals, public meetings, etc.


The police do the following to prevent crime and maintain law and order in their area, especially during festivals, public meetings, etc.

  1. They deploy additional police force.
  2. They increase vigil.
  3. They deploy quick communication techniques.
  4. They increase surveillance.
  5. They keep an eye on the bad elements of the area.

Question 7. Who is in charge of all the police stations in a district? Find out.


Senior Superintendent of Police (S.S.P.) is the in-charge of all Police stations in a district.

In Mumbai and Delhi, S.S.P. is called Deputy Commissioner of Police (D.C.P.).

Question 8. How do women benefit under the new law?


Under the new law, women also get to share in the property of their fathers equally with their brothers, sisters, and mothers.

Question 9. In your neighborhood are there women who own property? How did they acquire it?


Yes, in our neighborhood there are several women who own property.

  1. Some of them have purchased property themselves.
  2. Some have the property registered in their name by their husbands-in-law.
  3. Some have got the property inherited from their father or husband.

Question 10. A Quarrel in the Village: Mohan is a farmer. His family owns a small agricultural field, which they have him up. The neighbors heard the commotion and rushed to the spot where Mohan was being beaten up. They took him away.

Area of a Police Station: On the way to the police station, one of the neighbors asked, It is the responsibility of the police of that station to enquire, investigate, and take action on the cases within its area.

  1. If there is a theft in your house which police station would you go to register your complaint?
  2. What was the dispute between Mohan and Raghu?
  3. Why was Mohan worried about picking a quarrel with Raghu?
  4. Some people said Mohan should report the matter to the police and others said he should not. What were the arguments they gave?


  1. If there is a theft in our house we would go to the police station of our area to register our complaint.
  2. The dispute between Mohan and Raghu was:
    • Raghu had shifted the bund of his agricultural field by a few feet into the fields of Mohan.
  3. Mohan was worried about picking a quarrel with Raghu because of the following reasons:
    • Raghu was a big landlord, as his family owned many agricultural fields.
    • He had resources.
    • His uncle was the sarpanch of the village.
  4. The arguments given by the people:
    • He should report to the police
      • The police would help him.
      • It would also send him to jail if Raghu resists.
    • He should not report to the police:
      • He would waste a lot of money.
      • Nothing would come out of it.
      • Raghu would have already contacted the police.

Question 11. When they reached the police station Mohan went to the person in charge complaint and also told the people that he would send a constable the next day to investigate the incident.

  1. Then talk about how you felt playing Mohan’s role or that of the S.H.O. or the neighbours.
  2. Could the S.H.O. have handled the situation differently?


  1. I felt very sorry for playing Mohan’s role, as no one in the police station helped me initially.
    • Playing the role of S.H.O., I was feeling very proud. I was feeling like an officer.
    • Playing a neighbor’s role, I felt as if I was a friend of Mohan and I was helping Mohan.
  2. The S.H.O. could have handled the situation differently.
    • He could have listened to Mohan patiently.
    • He could have sent Raghu to the Police station.
    • He could have warned Raghu and retraced his decision.
    • He could have stopped Raghu without any fear or pressure.

Question 12. You saw that Mohan and Raghu were arguing heatedly about whether the common boundary of their fields had been shifted. Isn’t there a way by which they could have settled this dispute peacefully? Are there records that show who owns what land in the village? Let’s find out how this is done. Could the S.H.O. have handled the situation differently?


  1. Yes, there is a way by which they could have settled this dispute in a peaceful manner:
  2. Mohan should have gone to Patwari first and got the fields measured.
  3. Mohan should have gone to the village panchayat.
    • The Panchayat would have discussed the matter with Mohan and Raghu.
    • The village members would have stopped Raghu and he would have retraced his step.
    • He would have given back the occupied portion of land to Mohan.
  4. Yes, there are revenue records of the land in the village. They remain with the village of Patwari.
  5. How land records are kept is given below:
    • Patwari is an officer who measures the land and keeps the land records.
    • Patwari is called by different names in different states:
      • Patwari or Lekhpal or kanungo or karamchari or village officer.
  6. Patwari maintains and updates the land records:
    • He uses a long chain for measuring land.

CBSE Class 6 Civics Chapter 5 Rural Administration Question And Answers

Question 13.

  1. Find out the term used for the Patwari in your state:
  2. If you live in a rural area, find out:
    • How many villages does the Patwari of your area maintain land records of?
    • How do people in the village contact him or her?


  1. Patwari in Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, and Himachal Pradesh: (Lekhpal in U.P.).
  2. In my area, for 7 villages, there is one Patwari.
    • The Patwari fixes the days for each village. Usually, the Panchayat President’s office is his office. People can contact him in this office.

Question 14. When do you think farmers may require a copy of this record? Study the following situations and identify the cases in which these records would be necessary and why.


CBSE Class 6 Civics About Farmers

Question 15. Other Public Services Survey This chapter has looked at some of the administrative work of the government, provided by various departments of the government.

Do the following exercise for your village/by visiting a nearby village or looking at your area.

List the public services in the village or area such as the milk society, the fair price shop, the bank, the police station, the agricultural society for seeds and fertilizer, the post office or sub post office, the Anganwadi, creche, the government school/s, health center or government hospital, etc.

Collect information on three public services and discuss with your teacher how improvements can be made in their functioning. One example has been worked out.


CBSE Class 6 Civics Public Services Survey

Rural Administration Very Short Type Questions And Answers

Question 1. How many villages are there in India?


More than 6 lakh villages.

Question 2. Comment on the area of a police station.


Every police station has an area under its control.

  • All the people in this area can report cases and inform the police station about theft, accidents, injuries, or fights.
  • The police enquire, investigate, and take action on the cases filed with the police station.

Question 3. Which names are generally given to sub-divisions of a district?


  • Tehsil or
  • Taluka

Rural Administration Short Type Questions And Answers

Question 1. What could have boon the role of Patwari in solving the dispute between Raghu and Mohan?


Both could have approached the Patwari who would have measured their lands. Those measurements would have been compared with the land records to find the solution. This would have shown whether Raghu has changed the boundary or not.

Question 2. What are the important needs of villages?


Rural Administration Important needs For Village

Rural Administration Long Tpe Questions And Answers

Question 1. Describe the provisions of the Hindu Succession Amendment Act, 2005.


Provisions of Hindu Succession Amendment Act, 2005.

  • Till the amendment, women did not have the right to share a family’s agricultural land.
  • After the death of the father, his land was distributed among his sons only.

According to the New Law:

  • Sons, daughters, and the spouses of the deceased person get an equal share in the land or property.
  • The law applies to all the states and union territories.
  • Patwari will transfer the land to all sons, daughters, and spouses of the deceased and record their names in the revenue records.
  • Before 2005, this law was applicable only in some states.

Rural Administration Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

Question 1. Who is Mohan in this chapter?

  1. A farmer
  2. A doctor
  3. An engineer
  4. SHO

Answer: 1. A farmer

Question 2. What was the occupation of Mohan’s friends?

  1. Running a post-office
  2. Running a cloth-shop
  3. Running a clinic
  4. Running a chemist’s shop

Answer: 1. Running a post-office

Question 3. Where did Mohan go after being beaten up by Raghu?

  1. Hospital
  2. Clinic
  3. Pilic Station
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Pilic Station

Question 4. To whom did Mohan meet at the Police station to complain about what had happened to him?

  1. Shop
  2. SI
  3. ASI
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Shop

Question 5. Patwari is also known as

  1. lekhpal
  2. karamchari
  3. village officer
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 6. What is the other work of Patwari?

  1. Selling medicine
  2. Collection of land revenue
  3. Growing crops in a field
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Collection of land revenue

Question 7. All the states of India are divided into

  1. Cities
  2. Nagars
  3. Grams
  4. Districts

Answer: 4. Districts

Question 8. Name the person or persons who inherit the property of a deceased person.

  1. Sons
  2. Daughters
  3. Wife
  4. Sons, daughters, and wife

Answer: 4. Sons, daughters and wife

CBSE Class 6 Civics Solutions For Chapter 4 Panchayati Raj

Panchayati Raj

Panchayati Raj Facts To Remember

The Gram Sabha is a meeting of all adults of the village or villages in the Panchayat who have voting rights.

  • Every village has an elected Panchayat. It is divided into wards. Its term is 5 years.
  • Each ward elects a representative—a ward member or Panch.
  • Gram Sabha elects the Sarpanch. Sarpanch and Panchs form the panchayat.
  • Gram Sabha and Panchayat have a common Secretary. The secretary is appointed by the government.
  • The secretary calls the meeting of Sabha and Panchayat.
  • Gram sabha keeps a check on Panchayat. The Panchayat carries out the developmental works and collects certain taxes.
  • The other two levels of the Panchayati Raj system are—Janpad Panchayat or Panchayat Samiti at the Block level and Zila Parishad at the District level.

Panchayati Raj Keywords

CBSE Class 6 Civics Solutions For Chapter 4

Read and Learn More CBSE Solutions For Class 6 Social Science

Panchayati Raj Exercises

Question 1. What problem did the villagers in Hardas village face? What did they do to solve this problem?


The villagers of Hardas village faced a shortage of drinking water.

  • They did the following tasks to solve this problem:
  • They deepened the two handpumps.
  • They cleaned one well.
  • They sought information about the scheme of watershed development from the Block Development Officer.

Question 2. What, in your opinion, is the importance of the Gram Sabha? Do you think all members should attend Gram Sabha meetings? Why?


CBSE Class 6 Civics Importance Of Gram Sabha

All members should attend Gram Sabha meetings because they have to make decisions about the welfare of the village people.

Question 3. What is the link between a Gram Sabha and a Gram Panchayat?


Gram Sabha makes the Gram Panchayat perform its role responsibly.

  • Gram Sabha consists of all village adults who in turn elect the members of the Panchayat.
  • All plans of Panchayat are placed before the Gram Sabha.
  • All spending of Government grants is controlled and approved by the Sabha.
  • It prevents the misuse of funds or favoritism in Panchayat.
  • It makes the elected representatives (Panch) responsible.

Question 4. Take an example of any one task done by a Panchayat in your area or nearby rural area and find out the following:

  1. Why was it taken up?
  2. Where does the money come from?
  3. Whether or not the work has been completed?


The task was taken up: Repair of drains.

  1. It was taken up because the drains were in damaged condition. Dirty water was spreading in the streets and on the roads.
  2. The money came from taxes, government grants, and donations.
  3. The work has been completed.

Question 5. What is the difference between a Gram Sabha and a Gram Panchayat?


Difference between a Gram Sabha and a Gram Panchayat.

Panchayati Raj Difference Between A Gram Sabha And Gram Panchayat

Question 6. Read the following news item:

Nimone is a village on the Chauphula-Shirur Road. Like many others, this village has also been facing a severe water shortage for the last few months and men were against this and told him that the tanker water was not meant for the lower castes. Adapted from Indian Express, May 1, 2004

  1. Why was Bhagvan beaten?
  2. Do you think that the above is a case of discrimination? Why?


  1. Bhagavan was beaten because he insisted that water from the tanker be emptied into the storage tanks.
    • He belonged to a lower caste.
  2. Yes, I think that the above is a case of discrimination. The upper caste people did not like the suggestion of lower caste Bhagavan, though his suggestion was very appropriate. It would have helped in solving the water shortage in the village.

Question 7. Find out more about watershed development and how it benefits an area.


Watershed development helps in conserving water and recharging the groundwater.

  1. Under this scheme, the following tasks are performed.
    • Trees are planted,
    • Check dams and tanks are constructed to harvest rainwater.
  2. An ample quantity of water is available both for drinking and irrigation.
  3. Barren lands are turned into green meadows.
  4. Arable land is reclaimed.

Question 8. What happens after people elect their representatives?


After people elect their representatives, the elected representatives elect their leader.

CBSE Class 6 Civics Chapter 4 Panchayati Raj Question And Answers

Question 9. How are decisions made?


  1. The majority party puts the proposal about an issue.
  2. The issue is discussed in the Gram Sabha.

Question 10. How does this take place in rural areas?


  1. In rural areas, the Gram Sabha meets in the form of a meeting.
  2. People participate in the Sabha.
  3. The elected representatives answer the questions asked directly by the people.

Question 11. It is a special day today! Everyone is rushing to get to the Gram Sabha! Do you know why?


Yes, we know,

  1. The Gram Sabha is holding its first meeting after the election of the new Gram Panchayat.
  2. The people want to know what the new panchayat leaders have planned for the village.

Question 12. Answer the following questions based on the text:

  1. Was there a problem with the BPL list that Gram Sabha was finalizing? What was this problem?
  2. Why do you think Soorajmal kept quiet even though Saroja asked him to speak?
  3. Have you seen any similar incidents when people are unable to speak for themselves? Why do you think that happened and what prevented the person from speaking?
  4. How can the Gram Sabha prevent the Panchayat from doing what it likes?


  1. Yes, there was a problem with the BPL list that the Gram Sabha finalizing. The problem was that Natwar and Biiju were listed in the BPL list but they were not eligible for this. Om Prakash, who was eligible for the BPL list, was not listed in this BPL list.
  2. Soorajmal kept quiet even though Saroj asked him to speak for the following reasons:
    • Soorajmal was under the influence of Amirchand.
    • Amirchand was present in the meeting of the Gram Sabha.
    • Amirchand’s influence prevented him from speaking.
  3. Yes, there are several occasions, when I want to ask any question in my class, but I could not ask.
    • The reason was due to shyness or hesitation.
  4. Gram Sabha can prevent the Panchayat from doing what it likes:
    • By observing the meeting and getting the accounts of the Panchayat checked and scrutinized.
    • All the works of the Panchayat have to be approved by Gram Sabha. It would not approve wrong works done by the Panchayat.

Question 13. What was the Hardas Gram Panchayat able to do?


The Hardas Gram Panchayat was able to do the following tasks:

  • To deepen two handpumps.
  • To clean one well

Question 14. Do you remember the options that were suggested to solve the water problem in the Gram Sabha of Hardas village?


Yes, we remember.

The options suggested were:

  1. Piping water from Suru river which was 3 kilometres away from the village.
  2. Making an overhead tank in the village to increase the water supply.
  3. Deepening of the handpumps.
  4. Cleaning the village well for that season.
  5. Watershed development for conserving and recharging the groundwater resources.

Question 15. . Gram Panchayat members first discussed the suggestion to deepen two that the Gram Panchayat would approach the Block Development Officer and get more information on the scheme.

  1. What decisions were taken by the Gram Panchayat?
  2. Do you think they needed to make these decisions? Why?
  3. From the above description, write down one question that people could ask of the Panchayat in the next Gram Sabha meeting.


  1. The following decisions were taken by the Gram Panchayat:
    • To deepen two handpumps.
    • To clean one village well.
    • To approach the Block Development Officer (BDO) for information (detailed) about the scheme of watershed development.
  2. Yes, we think they needed to make these decisions. Drinking water shortage was the most important problem for the entire village.
  3. In the next meeting, members could ask: for information obtained from the BDO regarding the watershed development scheme.

Panchayati Raj Very Short Type Questions And Answers

Question 1. Who is a Sarpanch?


Sarpanch is the Panchayat President. He is elected by the members of Gram Sabha.

Question 2. Why Nirmal Gram Puruskar is awarded?


Nirmal Gram Puruskar is awarded for excellent work done by a Village Panchayat.

Question 3. What are the functions of Zila Parishad?


The functions of Zila Parishad are:

  • Developmental plans and works at the district level.
  • Regulates the money distribution at the Samiti and Panchayat levels.

Question 4. Why name of Om Prakash was not included in the BPL list?


When the teacher, who surveyed BPL, went to the house of Om Prakash, it was locked.

Panchayati Raj Short Type Questions And Answers

Question 1. In some states Gram Sabhas form committees. Name the committees.


In some states, Gram Sabhas form committees to carry out specific works.

  1. A construction committee is formed to carry out the construction work.
  2. The development committee is engaged in development work.
    • Construction, water supply, drainage.
    • These committees are composed of some members of Gram Sabha and some members of the Gram Panchayats.
    • They work together to carry out specific tasks.

Question 2. Enumerate the works of Gram Panchayats. What are the sources of funds of Gram Panchayats?


Panchayati Raj Gram Panchayati Sources Of The Founds

Question 3. Describe the three levels of Panchayats.


The Panchayati Raj System is a process through which people participate in their government.

There are three levels of Panchayats:

  • Gram Panchayat.
  • Block level Panchayat (Janpad Panchayat or Panchayat Samiti)
  • District Panchayat or Zila Panshad.

CBSE Class 6 Civics Three Levels Of Panchayats

Panchayati Raj Long Type Questions And Answers

Question 1. Describe the composition of the Gram Panchayat.


CBSE Class 6 Civics Composition Of The Gram Panchyat

Panchayati Raj Multiple Questions And Answers

Question 1. Where do people directly participate and seek answers from their elected representatives?

  1. Gram Sabha
  2. Parliament House
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Gram Sabha

Question 2. Who is called the Sarpanch?

  1. Member of Panchayat
  2. Villagers
  3. Panchayat Head
  4. All of these

Answer: 3. Panchayat Head

Question 3. The member of Panchayat is also called

  1. Member of Parliament
  2. Panch
  3. Prime Minister
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Panch

Question 4. Who elects the Panchayat Head?

  1. All members of Gram Sabha
  2. Villagers
  3. Secretary
  4. All of these

Answer: 1. All members of Gram Sabha

Question 5. Who appoints the Secretary of Gram Panchayat?

  1. Government
  2. Ordinary person
  3. Election Commissioner
  4. Landlord of village

Answer: 1. Government

Question 6. From where do the village women have to get water?

  1. Suru river
  2. Ganga river
  3. Yamuna river
  4. Gomati river

Answer: 1. Suru river

Question 7. Who is responsible for calling the meeting of the Gram Sabha?

  1. President of Gram Sabha
  2. Panchs of Gram Panchayat
  3. Secretary of Gram Sabha
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Secretary of Gram Sabha

Question 8. Whose names should be included in BPL families?

  1. Very poor person
  2. Middle family person
  3. High-income group
  4. All of these

Answer: 1. Very poor person

Question 9. What are the works of Gram Panchayat?

  1. Maintenance of village roads
  2. Maintenance of village schools
  3. Collection of local taxes
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Panchayati Raj Objective Type Questions And Answers

Question 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

(1). The people of Hardas village were facing the problem of _________.

Answer: water shortage

(2). The Panchayat gets the funds from donations, taxes, and __________ the developmental works.

Answer: Government grants

(3). Panchayat is answerable to the __________.

Answer: Gram Sabha

(4). Village panchayat is divided into ____________.

Answer: Wards

Question 2. State whether the given statements are true or false.

(1). Work of the Gram Panchayat is approved by Zila Parishad.

Answer: False

(2). Gram Panchayat is elected for a term of five years.

Answer: True

(3). Watershed development may be a solution to the problems of the people of Hardas village.

Answer: True

(4). The full form of BPL is Below the Power Line

Answer: False

Question 3. Match the contents of Column A with that of Column B.

Panchayati Raj Match The Column

Answer: 1-(d), 2-(a), 3-(b), 4-(c)

CBSE Class 6 Geography Solutions For Chapter 3 Motions Of The Earth

Motions Of The Earth Exercises

Question 1. Answer the following questions briefly.

  1. What is the angle of inclination of the earth’s axis with its orbital plane?
  2. Define rotation and revolution.
  3. What is a leap year?
  4. Differentiate between the Summer and Winter Solstice.
  5. What is an equinox?
  6. Why does the Southern Hemisphere experience Winter and Summer Solstice at different times than that of the Northern Hemisphere?
  7. Why do the poles experience about six months of day and six months of night?


(1). The angle of inclination of the earth’s axis is 23 1/2°. The axis forms an angle of 66 1/2° with its orbital plane.

(2). (1) Rotation. The movement/motion of the earth on its axis in 24 hours is defined as rotation.

(2) Revolution. The movement/motion of the earth around the sun in its orbit in 365(4 days is called a revolution.

(3). Leap Year. The year (every fourth year) with 366 days instead of 365 days is known as a leap year. February, in this year, has 29 days.

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(4). Difference between Summer and Winter Solstice

Motions Of The Earth Difference Between Summer And winter Solstice

(5). Equinox is the position of the Earth on 21st March and 23rd September. On these days both the hemispheres experience equal days and nights.

  • On 21st March, it is spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. Autumn equinox is in the Southern hemisphere.
  • In the Northern hemisphere on 23rd September, the position of the earth is Autumn equinox. On the same day in the Southern Hemisphere, it is spring equinox.

(6). The Southern Hemisphere experiences winter and summer solstice at different times than, that ofthe Northern Hemisphere because of the following reasons:

  • The southern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun on 22nd December, hence summer solstice is there in the Southern hemisphere.
    • At that time winter solstice is in the Northern hemisphere when it is away from the sun.
  • On the contrary on 21 June, the Northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun. Hence summer solstice is in the Northern hemisphere and winter solstice is in the Southern hemisphere.

(7). The poles experience six months’ day and six months’ night because of the following reasons:

  • When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, the North Pole remains in the light for the whole of the day (24 hours). This position remains for six months (from 21st March to 23rd September).
  • On the contrary in the Southern hemisphere, the South Pole does not get light during these six months. Hence it experiences night for six months.
  • When the Southern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, the South Pole remains in light for 24 hours for six months from 23rd September to 21st March. Reverse are the conditions at the North Pole —six months’ night.

Question 2. Match the correct answers.

(1). The movement of the earth around the sun is known as

  1. Rotation
  2. Revolution
  3. Inclination

Answer: 2. Revolution

(2). Direct rays of the sun fall on the equator on

  1. 21 March
  2. 21 June
  3. 22 December

Answer: 1. 21 March

(3). Christmas is celebrated in summer in

  1. Japan
  2. India
  3. Australia

Answer: 3. Australia

(4). Cycle of the seasons is caused due to

  1. Rotation
  2. Revolution
  3. Gravitation

Answer: 2. Revolution

Question 3. Fill in the blanks.

(1). A leap year has ________ number of days.

Answer: 366

(2). The daily motion of the earth is __________.

Answer: Rotation

(3). The earth travels around the sun in _________ orbit.

Answer: Elliptical

(4). The sun’s rays fall vertically on the Tropic of ________ on 21st June.

Answer: Cancer

(5). Days are shorter during ___________ season.

Answer: Winter

Question 4. What would happen if the earth did not rotate?


If the earth did not rotate,

  • The portion before the sun would have remained the same and continued to experience day regularly. That portion will become too hot.
  • On the other hand, the portion of the earth away from the sun would have experienced night continuously. This portion will become too cold.
  • Life would not have been possible on Earth in such a situation.

CBSE Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Motions Of The Earth Question And Answers

Question 5. Do you know that Christmas is celebrated in Australia in the summer season?


Yes, we know that in Australia Christmas is celebrated in the summer season, i.e., 25th December when there is summer in Australia (the Southern Hemisphere).

Motions Of The Earth Axis, Non-Tilting

Motions Of The Earth Axis, TiltingMotions Of The Earth Axis, TiltingMotions Of The Earth Axis, TiltingMotions Of The Earth Axis, TiltingMotions Of The Earth Axis, TiltingMotions Of The Earth Axis, Tilting Motions Of The Earth Axis, Tilting

Motions Of The Earth Very Short Type Questions And Answers

Question 1. What do you mean by orbital plane?


The plane formed by the earth by revolution around the sun is called the orbital plane.

Question 2. Define an Earth Day.


The period of rotation by the earth on its axis is described as an earth day, i.e., 24 hrs.

Question 3. What are the axis and orbit?


Axis: The axis of the earth is an imaginary line joining the North Pole with the South Pole. It makes an angle of 66V20 with its orbital plane.

Orbit: Orbit is the elliptical path on which heavenly bodies move around the sun or planet.

Question 4. What is the circle of illumination? Why does it not coincide with the axis of the earth?


The circle which separates day from night is called the circle of illumination.

This circle does not coincide with the axis because of the inclination of the axis by 23 1/4° towards the east.

Motions Of The Earth Short Type Questions And Answers

Question 1. Distinguish between rotation and revolution.


The distinction between rotation and revolution is as under:

Motions Of The Earth Distinguish Between Rotation And Revolution

Question 2. How are days and nights formed?


  • The earth receives light from the Sun.
  • Because of its spherical shape; only half of it gets light from the sun at a time.
  • The portion facing the sun experiences daytime while the other portion away from the sun experiences night.

Motions Of The Earth Formation Of Days and Nights

Motions Of The Earth Long Type Questions And Answers

Question 1. How is a leap year formed?


Motions Of The Earth Leap Year

Question 2. What do you understand by equinox?


On 21 March and 23 September, the sun shines vertically on the equator.

  • In this position, neither of the Hemispheres are tilted towards the Sun, so the whole of the earth experiences equal days and equal nights.
  • Equinox is neither very cold nor very hot all over the world.
  • The Northern Hemisphere experiences spring on the 21st of March and autumn on the 23rd of September.
  • Precisely the opposite happens in the Southern Hemisphere. Here, it is spring on September 23rd and autumn on March 21st.
  • Equinox positions are called Spring and Autumn Equinoxes respectively.

Motions Of The Earth Revolution Of The Earth And Seasons

Question 3. How are seasons caused?


The Earth revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit.

  • seasons axis is inclined in a fixed direction (east) on its orbit by 23 1/2°.
  • The revolution of the earth and the inclination of the earth’s axis in a fixed direction cause seasons.
  • A year is divided into four seasons.
  • seasons are Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.
  • Seasons change with the change in the position of the Earth around the sun.

Question 4. Explain Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice.


On 21st June, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun.

  1. On that day the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Cancer (23 1/4° N). Hence, these areas receive more heat.
  2. The areas near the poles receive less heat because the rays of the sun are slanting there.
  3. The North Hemisphere is inclined towards the sun and the places beyond the Arctic Circle experience continuous daylight.
  4. As a large portion of the Northern Hemisphere gets light from the sun, therefore, it is Summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
  5. The duration of the day is longer and that of the night is short here.
  • At this time in the Southern Hemisphere, all these conditions are opposite.
    • The southern hemisphere is winter season there.
    • Nights are longer than days.
    • The southern hemisphere position of the earth is called the Summer Solstice.
  • On 22nd December, the Tropic of Capricorn receives the direct rays of the sun, and the Southern Hemisphere tilts towards the sun.
    • The places beyond the Antarctic Circle experience continuous daylight.
    • On 22nd December this day, the sun shines vertically on the Tropic of Capricorn (23 1/4° S).
    • Hence a larger portion of the Southern Hemisphere gets light.
    • It is summer in the Southern Hemisphere with longer days and shorter nights.
    • The opposite conditions are prevalent in the Northern Hemisphere.
    • This position of the earth is called winter solstice.

Motions Of The Earth Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

Question 1. The motion of the earth on its axis in about 24 hours is called:

  1. Revolution
  2. Rotation
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Rotation

Question 2. The motion of the earth around the sun is known as:

  1. Revolution
  2. Rotation
  3. Equinox
  4. Solstice

Answer: 1. Revolution

Question 3. What is the orbital plane?

  1. Plane formed by the axis
  2. Plane made by the earth while revolving around the sun
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Plane made by the earth while revolving around the sun

Question 4. Which one of the following is the source of light on the earth?

  1. The Moon
  2. The sun
  3. The satellite
  4. The space

Answer: 2. The sun

Question 5. The circle that divides the globe into day and night is called:

  1. Circle of Darkness
  2. Circle of Day and Night
  3. Circle of illumination
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Circle of illumination

Question 6. The period of one rotation of the earth is known as:

  1. The sun day
  2. The moon day
  3. The earth day
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. The earth day

Question 7. What would have happened if the earth did not rotate?

  1. Cold conditions on Earth’s half portion
  2. Warm conditions on earth’s other half portion
  3. No life is possible in such extreme conditions
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 8. Why do seasons change on the earth?

  1. Due to change in the position of the earth around the sun
  2. Due to no change in the earth’s position
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1. Due to change in the position of the earth around the sun

Question 9. When do the longest day and the shortest night occur in the northern hemisphere?

  1. June 21
  2. September 23
  3. December 22
  4. March 21

Answer: 1. June 21

Question 10. In which season Christmas is celebrated in Australia?

  1. Winter season
  2. Summer season
  3. Autumn season
  4. Spring season

Answer: 2. Summer season

Question 11. Days and nights occur on earth due to:

  1. Rotation
  2. Revolution
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Rotation


CBSE Solutions For Class 6 Social Science Chapterwise




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  • Chapter 8 Villages, Towns and Trade Question and Answers
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