What Is Government
What Is a Government Fact To Remember
- Every country needs a government to make decisions to function.
- Providing basic facilities like water, electricity, transport, education, food supply, etc. is the government’s responsibility.
- The government also looks after international boundaries and maintains peaceful relations with other nations.
- The government makes laws for the welfare and citizens have to follow these.
- Government functions at different levels: National, State, and Local.
- There are different types of governments like monarchy, democracy, etc.
- In a democracy, it is the people who elect the representatives from among themselves. The government functions for their welfare.
- These days’ democracies are also called “representative democracies”. All adults are eligible to vote to elect the government.
- Monarchy is a rule by the hereditary king or queen and citizens have no right to make decisions.
- Earlier governments did not allow women, the poor, and the uneducated to vote. The suffragette movement in the 1920s gave women the right to vote.
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What Is Government Exercises
Question 1. What do you understand by the word ‘government List five ways in which you think the government affects your daily life.
By the word, ‘government’ we understand the organization which makes decisions and makes laws for the citizens of the country.
The five ways in which the government affects our daily lives are:
Question 2. Why do you think the government needs to make rules for everyone in the form of laws?
The government needs to make rules for everyone in the form of laws because of the following reasons:
- The government wants to give advantages to the people’s welfare to all without discrimination.
- To provide equality and justice to all.
- To maintain peace.
- To administer the country efficiently.
Question 3. Name two essential features of a democratic government.
Essential features of a democratic government:
- It is the government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
- People take part in decision-making and making laws through their elected representatives.
Question 4. What was the suffrage movement? What did it accomplish?
The movement for voting rights to women was called the suffrage By this, the right to vote for women in many countries started. measures movement.
Question 5. Gandhiji strongly believed that every adult in India should be given the right to vote. However, a few people don’t share his views. They feel that illiterate people, who are mainly poor, should not be given the right to vote. What do you think? Do you think this would be a form of discrimination? Give five points to support your view and share these with the class.
We think that all the people whether illiterate or literate, poor or rich, should have the right to vote.
Yes, we think that if the right to vote is denied to illiterate and poor people it will be a form of discrimination.
Five points to support our views:
- Wealth is not the criterion of good judgment.
- Illiterate or poor might have a strong character.
- Government policies affect all.
- Democracy talks of equality and justice for all.
Question 6. Can you list three things that the government does which have not been mentioned?
- To provide drinking water.
- To give employment to the people.
- To arrange for housing facilities for the poor.
Question 7. Think of an example of another law. Why do you think it is important that people abide by this law?
- We take an example of freedom to adopt religion.
- If any person is not allowed to enter a temple, he may go to court against the law, because it is his or her right to go to the temple, if he or she wants to go. (If he follows that religion)
- No one can deny him to do so.
Question 8. Who gives the government this power to make decisions and enforce laws?
The power to make decisions and make laws lies in the form or type of government.
- In a democracy, it is the people. The people do this through elections.
- In a monarchy, the king or the queen has the power to make decisions and enforce laws. The monarch may have a small group of advisors to discuss matters but the final decision lies with the monarch.
Question 9. Do you think it is important for people to be involved in decisions that affect them? Give two reasons for your answer.
- Which type of government would you prefer to have in the place you live in? Why?
- Which of the statements below is correct? Correct those sentences that you think need correction.
- In a monarchy, the country’s citizens are allowed to elect whomever they want.
- In a democracy, a king has absolute powers to rule the country.
- In a monarchy, people can raise questions about the decisions the monarch takes.
- Yes, people need to be involved in decisions that affect them. The reasons for them are:
- The people are affected by price rises, if the prices of essential commodities are raised.
- People are affected if their dwelling units are demolished. Hence they should be involved in the decision of the demolitions in advance.
- We would prefer democracy as a form of government because we, ourselves, make decisions and make laws in a democracy through our elected representatives.
- None of the statements are correct.
Correct statements are:
- In a monarchy, the citizens are not allowed to elect whomever they want. It is based on heredity.
- In a democracy, people have the power.
- In a monarchy, people cannot raise questions about decisions taken by the monarch.
Question 10. Can you believe that there was a time when governments did not allow women and the poor to participate in elections?
We believe that there was a time when women and the poor were not allowed to participate in elections:
- In the earliest times, only land-owning or property-owning men could participate in the elections.
- Only educated persons (men only) could participate in voting.
- It means the following persons were not allowed to vote:
- The women
- The poor
- The uneducated
- Propertyless
- It was generally before 1920.
Question 11. Look at the statements in the column on the left. Can you identify which level they belong to? Place the tick against the level you consider most appropriate.
What Is Government Very Short Type Questions And Answers
Question 1. Why is a person driving without a license jailed or fined a large amount of money?
- A person has to obtain a driver’s license if he wants to drive a vehicle.
- If he does not possess his driving license he can be jailed or fined a huge amount of money as a penalty.
- If a person does not know how to drive, he may hit a person on the road.
Question 2. If the people feel that a law is not easy to be followed, what can they do?
They can go to court against the law.
Question 3. Name different levels at which the government works.
Government works at three levels:
Question 4. What is UAF?
Universal Adult Franchise means that all adults (18 or above) have a right to vote in the elections.
What Is Government Short Type Questions And Answers
Question 1. Why are some rules to be made?
Some rules are to be made that apply to all because of the following reasons:
- To control resources.
- To protect the boundaries of the country.
- To secure the life of the people.
Question 2. How does a government function?
Government functions at three levels—national, state, and local.
- It makes laws. All the citizens have to follow them.
- It can take decisions and enforce them.
Question 3. What are the two main features of a democracy?
Main features of a Democracy:
- People elect their leaders.
- It is a rule by the people.
- People participate in decision-making through their representatives.
Question 4. What is representative democracies?
Representative democracies are those democracies in which people participate in the government through their elected representatives (Through the election process).
The representatives meet and make decisions for the entire population.
Question 5. Before Independence what was the voting system in India?
Before independence, the voting system in India was:
- A small minority had the right to vote.
- They came together to determine the fate of the majority of the people.
- The final authority to make decisions was with the British (Indian) Government.
Question 6. Why were several people including Gandhiji shocked?
- Several people including Gandhiji were shocked at the practice of minority voting right to make rules and regulations for the majority.
- They demanded that all adults should have the right to vote. This is called a universal adult franchise.
Question 7. What did Gandhiji write in the journal Young India in 1931?
Writing in the journal Young India in 1931, Gandhiji said, “I cannot possibly bear the idea that a man who has got wealth should get the vote but a man who has got character but no wealth or literacy should have no vote.
What Is Government Long Type Questions And Answers
Question 1. What are two types of governments?
Two types of governments are democratic and monarchy.
Question 2. What was the Suffragette movement?
During the First World War, the movement for the right to vote for women was strengthened. This was known as suffragette.
- Women managed different kinds of work during this time.
- They demanded the right to vote.
- They chained themselves to railings in public places.
- Many went on hunger strikes and were imprisoned.
- Finally, America gave them voting rights in 1920 and the U.K. in 1928.
What Is Government Multiple Choice Questions And Answers
Question 1. What do governments do for their people?
- Build the roads and schools
- Supply the electricity
- Take action on social issues
- All of these
Answer: 4. All of these
Question 2. Which agency of the government does the job of protecting the boundaries of the country and maintaining peaceful relations with other countries?
- Gram Panchayat
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of Defence
- Both (2) and (3)
Answer: 4. Both (2) and (3)
Question 3. What is an important part of the central government?
- Courts
- Private organizations
- Public schools
- Parliament
Answer: 4. Parliament
Question 4. At which level does a government work?
- Local level
- State level
- National level
- All of these
Answer: 4. All of these
Question 5. On which level does the Indian Government take the decision to maintain peaceful relations with the U.S.S.R.?
- Local level
- State level
- Central level
- None of these
Answer: 3. Central level
Question 6. Which type of government is chosen by the people?
- Democratic Government
- Dictatorship
- Monarchy Government
- None of these
Answer: 1. Democratic Government
Question 7. In which type of government do the kings or queens not have to explain the actions or decisions they take?
- Democracy
- Monarchy
- Both (1) and (2)
- None of these
Answer: 2. Monarchy
What Is Government Objective Type Questions And Answers
Question 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:
(1). Government makes _________ for everyone to follow.
Answer: Laws
(2). The term ‘suffrage’ means ___________.
Answer: Right to vote
(3). _________ are also part of the government.
Answer: Courts
(4). Two types of governments are ____________ and ___________.
Answer: Democratic, Monarchy.
Question 2. State whether the given statements are true or false.
(1). Monarchy is a government chosen by the people of the country.
Answer: False
(2). Governments in the past allowed uneducated poor and women to vote.
Answer: False
(3). The local government works at the village, and town levels.
Answer: True
(4). Driving without a license is against the law.
Answer: True
Question 3. Match the content of Column A with that of Column B.
Answer: 1-(d), 2-(b), 3-(a), 4-(c)