NEET Biology Chapter 5 Natural Resources Question And Answers

NEET Biology Chapter 5 Natural Resources Question And Answers

Question 1. What is the major source of fresh water in the city/town/village where you live?

The major sources of water are as follows.

  • Water in the form of snow, ice-covered mountains.
  • Underground water well.
  • Surface water like in lakes, rivers, ponds.
  • Rainfall.
  • Stored rain water in tanks, dams.

Question 2. Do you know of any activity which may be polluting this water source?
Answer: Yes, the water is polluted by (a) sewage (b) dumping waste in river, (c) factory waste, etc.

Question 3. Why do organisms need water?

Organisms need water for the following activities.

  • All cellular processes occur due to water.
  • Transportation of substances in our body takes place by dissolving in water.
  • Terrestrial animals require fresh water for transportation of minerals and for getting rid of waste from their body.
  • Plants require water for photosynthesis.

Question 4. Why is water essential for life?

  • About 70% weight of human being is due to water.
  • All cellular processes takes place in water as medium.
  • All reactions takes place within our body and within the cells occur between substances that are dissolved in water.
  • Tansportation of substances from one form to another takes place due to water.
  • Terrestrial life forms require fresh water for the transportation of substances and to get rid of high amounts of wastes.

Question 5. What is the greenhouse effect?

Greenhouse effect

Gases like CO2 and methane trap sun’s radiation and don’t allow it to go back. This causes warming of atmosphere. This effect is called greenhouse effect.

Question 6. What are suspended particulate matter?

Suspended particulate matter

The particulate pollutants of the air are also known as suspended particulate matter or SPM, which consists of soot (black powdered substance produced on burning of coal, wood, etc.), smoke, fly ash and dust.

NEET Biology Chapter 5 Natural Resources Question And Answers

Question 7. Name the three types of air pollution.

Three types of air pollution

The three types of water pollution are surface water or inland, underground water and marine water pollution.

Question 8. What do you understand by the term bioaccumulation?


It is used for storage of pollutants in the body tissues of humans and animals (fats, kidney, bone, etc.) at a higher concentration than found in the environment.

Question 9. What is soil erosion?

Soil erosion

The removal of top soil by air and wind water is called soil erosion.

Question 10. What are the methods of preventing or reducing soil erosion?

The methods to reduce soil erosion are as follows

  • Soil should have some vegetations like grass growing on it, so that it does not get carried away by rain water or wind.
  • Afforestation or planting of trees, so that roots hold the soil and prevent soil erosion.

Question 11. Discuss the various sources of soil pollution.

Various sources of soil pollution

  • Pulp and paper mills.
  • Sugar mills
  • Oil refineries and power plants.
  • Domestic wastes (food scraps, cans, rags, ash, broken gadgets, etc.).

Question 12. What do you understand by soil profile?

Soil profile

It represents the vertical section of the crust of the earth. It comprises of subsequent horizontal layers known as horizons. These horizons can be distinguished on the basis of colour, texture, thickness, structure, porosity, acidity, consistency and composition.

Question 13. What is weathering?


The process of breakdown of huge rocks into smaller particles is known as weathering.

Question 14. What is paedogenesis?


This process results in the humification and mineralization due to breakdown of organic matter because of the decomposition of microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi.

Question 15. What is biological weathering?

Biological weathering

The breakdown of complex substances by living organisms, such as lichens and bryophytes is termed as biological weathering.

Question 16. What is the ozone layer?

Ozone layer

The part of the atmosphere rich in ozone concentration is known as the ozone layer, ozonosphere or ozone shield.

Question 17. What do you understand by the term biogeochemical?


The term ‘biogeochemical’ is described as the uptake of nutrient elements from the surface of the earth by living organisms to perform vital functions such as growth and metabolism.

Question 18. What are greenhouse gases?

Greenhouse gases

Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and chlorofluorocarbons.

Question 19. What is the global water cycle?

Global water cycle

Water from water bodies evaporates to form clouds which are blown over the land through winds. The collected water gets evaporated again from the reservoirs or ground to form through evaporation. The repeated cycle completes the global water cycle.

Question 20. What is nitrogen fixation?

Nitrogen fixation

The process of conversion is carried out either by industrial nitrogen fixation or nitrogen-fixing bacteria like Azotobacter and Rhizobium. These organisms convert atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates, which is the water-soluble form of nitrogen. This process of fixation is termed as nitrogen fixation.

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