CBSE Solutions For Class 3 Maths Chapter 8 Fair Share

CBSE Note For Class 3 Maths Mela Chapter 8 Fair Share

Shabnam and Mukta are enjoying their lunch break.

Fair Share Shabnam and Mukta are enjoying their lunch break

How do you think they are going to share the chocolate and the paratha equally?

Fair Share Sharing the chocolates and the paratha equally

Think about a strategy that you can use to check whether two pieces are equal or not.

Let Us Discuss

Fair Share

1. How do you share objects equally?

Read and Learn More CBSE Solutions For Class 3 Maths

2. Why is Shabnam folding the paratha over itself?

This is a whole paratha.

Fair Share whole paratha

Tick (✓) the paratha that has been cut equally.

Fair Share The paratha that has been cut equally

Let Us Do

1. Circle the shapes where half of the whole is shaded.

Fair Share Circle shapes where half of the whole is shaded

2. Draw a line to show one-half of the whole.

Fair Share A line to one-half of the whole

3. Shabnam has eaten some chikki from 3 sides. Tick (✓) how much chikki is left?

  1. Less than half
  2. More than half
  3. Half

Fair Share Shabnam has eaten some chikki

4. Show by coloring half a chikki that has been eaten from 2 sides.

Fair Share Colouring half a chikki that has been eaten from 2 sides

5. Draw lines to show different ways of making a half.

Fair Share Different ways of making a half

6. Complete the whole picture by drawing the other half.

Fair Share The whole picture by drawing the other half

Let Us Explore

Take a rectangular sheet of paper and fold them in half. Find all the different ways to make a half.

Fair Share A Rectangle sheet of paper

Take a square piece of paper and fold it in half. Find all the different ways to make half.

Let Us Discuss

There was an old man with two sons Amit and Bala. He gave a mango tree, a solar lamp, and a woolen blanket to them. He asked them to share these things among themselves. Amit was a cunning man. He told his brother Tet to share the objects equally. I will keep the fruits, you keep the tree. I will keep the lamp at night, but you can keep it during the day. I will keep the blanket for half the year during winter. You can keep it for half the year during summer.’ Bala agreed. Is this a fair way of sharing? Is there another way to share it fairly?

Fair Share A mango tree, a solar lamp and a wooden blanket

Let Us Do

Here are some mangoes. Share them equally between the two children.

Fair Share Some mangoes share them equally between the two childern

Half And Double

Fair Share Half and double

3 is half of 6. 6 is double of 3.

Fill in the following blanks using double or half.

Fair Share Following blanks using double or half.

Guess who am I?

Use the clues to find the right fraction. Tick (✓) the box from the given 3 options.

1. I have less than double of 3 marbles. I have more than half of 8 marbles.

Fair Share The clues to find the right fraction

2. I have less than double of 4 marbles. I have more than half of 10 marbles.

Fair Share Double of 4 marbles

What part of the chikki did each get? How many quarters in a whole?

Let us Do

1. Tick (✓) the objects that show quarters.

Fair Share Quarters

2. Draw lines to make a quarter of the whole.

Fair Share lines to make a quarter of the whole

3. Draw the remaining three quarters and complete the whole.

Fair Share Remaining three quarters

4. Draw the remaining quarters to complete the whole.

Fair Share The remaining quarters to complete the whole

Half or quarter?

Tick (✓) the appropriate word to fill in the blanks below.

Fair Share Half of quarter

Shabnam Maths Mela Class 3 Solutions Chapter 8 Fair Share 24 has colored half/a quarter of the birds.

Mukta Maths Mela Class 3 Solutions Chapter 8 Fair Share 25 has colored half/a quarter of the birds.

Shabnam has colored half/double the number of birds that Mukta has colored.

Lakshanya and Peehu have 16 flowers each.

Lakshanya Maths Mela Class 3 Solutions Chapter 8 Fair Share 27 tied half/a quarter of her flowers.

Peehu Maths Mela Class 3 Solutions Chapter 8 Fair Share 28 tied half/a quarter of her flowers.

Lakshanya Maths Mela Class 3 Solutions Chapter 8 Fair Share 27 tied half/double the number of flowers that Peehu tied.

Quarters and Whole

Fair Share Quarters and whole

Let Us Do

1. Tick (✓) the shapes below that show three-quarters.

Fair Share Three-quarters

2. Color the shapes below to show the fractions as instructed.

Fair Share Colour the shapes

3. Draw lines and color the shapes below to show the fractions as instructed.

Fair Share Colour the shapes and fractions as instructed

4. Here is a rectangle that shows quarters. Discuss how.

Fair Share A rectangle

5. Show quarters and halves in different ways in the grids given below.

Fair Share Quarters and halves in different ways in the grids

6. Use the fraction puzzle pieces from your book to form a whole.

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