CBSE Solutions For Class 3 Maths Chapter 10 Fun At Class Party!

NCERT Notes For Class 3 Maths Mela Chapter 10 Fun At Class Party!

Children of Class 3 are preparing for a celebration in the class. Look at the picture.

Fun At Class Room

Let Us Do

Discuss and explain how you answer these questions based on the picture given above.

  1. What are the various activities shown in the picture?
  2. How does Shelly find the height of the door?
  3. Leena and Adi use their hand spans to measure the length of the same table. Will they both get the same measurement?
  4. Circle the child with the longest ponytail.
  5. Tick (✓) paper strings in the classroom that are as long as the height of the window.
  6. Find the distance between the two walls of the classroom. How did you find it? Can there be other ways of measuring it?
  7. Identify all the ways that children are using to measure length in this picture. Which way do you think is better and why?

Children of Class 3 are decorating the board with paper strings of different colours.

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Fun At Class Room Decorating the board with paper strings

Let Us Do

1. In the picture above, colour the paper strings as instructed below.

  • Colour the shortest paper string with red. Discuss how you identified the shortest string.
  • Colour the longest paper string with green. Discuss how you identified the longest string.

2. How many more colourful paper strings will be needed to decorate the border of the green board?

3. How many of Maths Mela Class 3 Solutions Chapter 10 Fun at Class Party! 3 them are needed to decorate the entire border of the board?

Let Us Do

1. Cut and paste a wool or cotton thread as long as the line is given below.

Fun At Class Room Cut and paste a wool or cotton thread

2. Draw a string longer than the string given below.

Fun At Class Room A String shorter than the string

3. Draw a string shorter than the decoration string Shelly and Adi are holding.

Fun At Class Room A string shorter than the decoration string

4. Draw the other half of the moustache which is as long as the half of the moustache on the face shown in the picture.

Fun At Class Room Other half of the moustache

5. Look at the strings and help Adi choose the longest one. How did you find out? Discuss.

Fun At Class Room The strings and help adi choose the longest one

Shelly and Adi need to take a large table inside the classroom for the party. The table is too heavy for both of them to move. Without lifting the table, how can they figure out if the table can go through the door of the classroom? Help them find out what they must do.

Fun At Class Room Shelly and adi to take large table inside the classroom for the party

Can there be a take the table inside the door if both the length and the breadth are more than the width of the door?

Let Us Play

Make a bridge using boxes bags or any other objects available in your class. Place or arrange the boxes so that the bridge does not move. Take some objects from your class and guess if the objects can go through the bridge.

Fun At Class Room Make a bridge using boxes or bags

Can you name some things that cannot pass through your school gate? Discuss.

Are these true for all?

Children are measuring their body parts to make costumes for the drama.

They have made the following statements. Do you think they are true for all children? Let us check. Take help from your friends to measure. Tick (✓) the correct answer.

Fun At Class Room children measuring their body parts to make costumes for the drama

  1. Your head is 3 handspans round. True/False
  2. The length of your forearm is equal to the length of your feet. True/False
  3. Your height is equal to the length of your arms wide open. True/False

Shelly wants to make curtains for the drama. Leena got her mother’s saree. Adi used his pencil to measure the length of the wall.

Fun At Class Room Shelly wants to make curtains for the drama

Steps for making a metre-long rope:

1. Take a metre rod or an inch of tape and a rope or a thread.

2. Make a knot at one end of it.

3. Keep the metre rod along the rope.

Fun At Class Room Keep the metre

4. Mark one metre on the rope and make a knot there.

5. Now the length between the two knots is one metre. Check again
whether the rope measures one metre.

Measure your height by marking one metre on the wall of your class.

Write the names of your friends whose heights are more than one metre and whose heights are less than one metre.

Fun At Class Room Hights are less than one metre

Circle the tallest among these children:

Fun At Class Room Circle the tallest

Who is the tallest among them? Discuss.

Write the names of the objects around you, whose length is one metre, more than one metre, and less than one metre.

Fun At Class Room Objective of length more than one meter

Let Us Do

1. Find the lengths of different objects by using one-metre, half-meter, and quarter-metre ropes. Write their names and tick (✓) in the appropriate boxes.

Fun At Class Room Lengths of different objects by using one metre

2. Cut a one-metre-long rope into 4 equal pieces. How many cuts did you make?

3. Take a ball or disc and try to throw it as far as you can. Now measure how far the throw was.

Do it for fun

  1. Measure the height of your teacher or parent using a metre-long rope or a strip.
  2. Estimate and cut one-metre long wool or thread. Ask your friends to do the same. Now verify with the help of the metre rope whose estimate is the closest.
  3. Cut a one-metre-long rope into 4 equal pieces. How many cuts did you make?
  4. How many footsteps fit into a metre rope?
  5. Use a metre rope to find how long is the side of the glass wall.


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