CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 6 Life Processes Very Short Answer Questions

CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 6 Life Processes Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1. In the experiment “Light is essential for photosynthesis”, why does the uncovered part of the leaf turn blue-black after putting iodine solution?
Answer: Starch is produced in the uncovered part of the leaf which turns blue-black in the presence of iodine solution.

Question 2. State the basic difference between the process of respiration and photosynthesis.
Answer: Respiration uses O2 and releases CO2 but in photosynthesis, CO2 is used and O2 is released.

Question 3. Which pancreatic enzyme is effective in digesting proteins?
Answer: Trypsin is the pancreatic enzyme that is effective in digesting proteins.

Question 4. Why does lack of oxygen in muscles often lead to cramps among cricketers?
Answer: This is due to the conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid in the absence of oxygen.

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CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 6 Life Processes

Question 5. What is peristaltic movement?
Answer: The contraction and expansion movement of the walls of food-pipe is called peristaltic movement. This pushes the food in a forward direction in the alimentary canal.

Question 6. Why is anaerobic respiration less efficient?
Answer: Anaerobic respiration is the incomplete breakdown of glucose and produces less energy, so it is less efficient.

Question 7. Why do mammals require a more extensive respiratory surface?
Answer: Mammals need more oxygen to meet the requirements of their high metabolic rate. Therefore they need extensive respiratory surface.

Question 8. How many chambers are present in the heart of fishes? How many times does blood flow through the heart during each cycle?
Answer: Two chambers are present in the heart of fishes. Blood flows one time through the heart during each cycle.

Question 9. What is the main function of Adam’s Apple?
Answer: The main function of Adam’s Apple is to produce voice in the presence of air.

Question 10. When we breathe out, why does the air passage not collapse?
Answer: The air passage does not collapse because it is supported by cartilaginous rings which prevent its collapsing.

Question 11. Mention the raw materials required for photosynthesis.
Answer: The raw materials required for photosynthesis are carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll.

Question 12. Mention the purpose of making urine.
Answer: The purpose of making urine is to filter out waste products (urea or uric acid) from the blood.

Question 13. In which part of the digestive system is water absorbed?
Answer: In the large intestine.

Question 14. Which type of nutrition is present in tapeworms?
Answer: Heterotrophic nutrition.

Question 15. Where does the digestion of fat take place in our body?
Answer: In the small intestine by the use of bile and lipase.

Question 16. What is the function of platelet cells in blood?
Answer: The platelet cells in blood circulate the body and help to clot the blood at the point of injury.

Question 17. The volume of glomerular filtrate produced is 18 L but the volume of urine excreted is just 1-2 L. Give a suitable reason for this statement.
Answer: It is because the remaining filtrate is reabsorbed in the kidney tubules.

Question 18. Name any two substances which are selectively reabsorbed from the tubules of a nephron.
Answer: Water, glucose, amino acid.

Question 19. How does the transportation of water occur at night in the absence of transpiration?
Answer: At night, the transportation of water occurs due to the root pressure.

Question 20. Why is the rate of breathing in aquatic organisms much faster than that in terrestrial organisms?
Answer: Because the amount of dissolved oxygen is fairly low compared to the amount of oxygen in the air.

Question 21. What role does bile play in digestion?
Answer: Emulsification of fats.

Question 22. Why do ventricles have thicker walls than auricles?
Answer: Some ventricles have to pump blood into various organs, therefore they have thicker muscular walls than the auricles.

Question 23. Name the component of food that is not digested in the stomach.
Answer: Roughage.

Question 24. During the breathing cycle, what is the advantage of residual volume of air in the lungs? Explain.
Answer: The advantage of residual volume of air in the lungs is that there is sufficient time for oxygen to be absorbed and for CO2 to be released.

Question 25. Why do the walls of the trachea not collapse when there is less air in it?
Answer: The presence of rings of cartilage in the throat ensures that the air passage does not collapse.

Question 26. Name the component of blood that helps in the formation of blood clots in the event of a cut.
Answer: Platelet.

Question 27. What is ‘translocation’ in plants?
Answer: The transport of soluble products of photosynthesis is known as translocation.

Question 28. Name the intermediate and the end products of glucose breakdown in aerobic respiration.

NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Science Chapter 6 Life Processes Aerobic Respiration

Question 29. Mention how organisms like bread molds and mushrooms obtain their food.
Answer: Organisms like bread molds and mushrooms break down the food materials outside the body and then absorb it.

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