CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Getting To Know Plants

Getting To Know Plants

There is a large number of plants growing around us. These differ in shape, size, color, and height. Some plants are small, some are very big and some are just patches of green on the soil.

Some plants have green leaves, while B some have reddish ones. Similarly, some plants have huge red flowers, while, some have tiny blue ones.

Some unwanted plants grow in crop fields, lawns, or in pots. These are known as weeds, for example, bermuda grass. They all are living entities, but are different from animals. They grow on soil and remain fixed in one place.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Getting To Know Plants

Types Of Plant

According to their size and nature of stem, plants are classified into the following three categories

  1. Herbs These are small plants with green, soft and tender stems. They do not have many branches, for example, bathua, tomato, paddy, grass, mint, etc.
  2. Shrubs These are bigger than herbs. Their stem is hard, but not very thick and has branches at the base of the stem, for example, jasmine, lemon, rose, tulsi, etc.
  3. Trees These are very tall and have hard and thick brown stems. The stems have branches on the upper part of the plants, for example, neem, mango, peepal, etc.

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CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Getting To Know Plants Types Of Plants

There are some plants which are different from herbs, shrubs and trees. These are called creepers and climbers.

Creepers are plants that have thin, long and weak stems which cannot stand upright but spread on the ground, for example, strawberries, pumpkins, watermelons, etc.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Getting To Know Plants Creepers

Climbers are plants having soft, green and weak stems which cannot stand upright just like the creepers, but readily climb up taking support from nearby objects or trees, for example, bitter gourd, grapevines, bean stalks, etc.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Getting To Know Plants Climbers

Science Insight A climber plan, has special organs called tendrils for climbing. Some of these have stem tendrils whereas others have leaf tendrils.

Parts Of A Plant

A plant is divided into different parts, i.e. stem, leaves, roots, etc. Each part performs a specific function.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Getting To Know Plants Parts Of A Plant


It is the aerial part of the plant which bears branches, flowers, buds, leaves and fruits. It may be green, hard or woody.

Functions Of Stem

It performs the following functions

  1. It helps in the upward movement of water and minerals from roots to different parts of the plants.
  2. The stem also conducts food from leaves to various plant parts through narrow tubes present inside it.
  3. Some stems get modified into various other forms in different plants to perform special functions, like in potato, onion and ginger, the stem is underground and modified to store food.


It is a thin, flat and green part of the plant. Leaves of different plants have different shapes and sizes.

Parts of a Leaf

A leaf has the following parts

  1. Petiole (leafstalk) It is a thin stalk by which the leaf is attached to the stem.
  2. Lamina (leaf blade) It is the broad, green flattened part of a leaf. There are several small, thin lines running across the lamina called veins the central vein or the main vein of the leaf is called Madrid.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Getting To Know Plants The Parts Of A Leaf

Science Insight A leaf without a petiole is called a sessile leaf. In such plants, the leaves are attached directly to the plant stem.

Leaf Venation

The arrangement of veins in the leaf lamina is called leaf venation. There are two types of venation seen in different plants.

  1. Reticulate Venation In this type of venation, veins are arranged in a net-like pattern on both sides of the midrib. This type of venation is found in peas, neem, peepal, tulsi, mustard, sunflower, orange, guava, rose etc.
  2. Parallel Venation In this type of venation, veins are arranged parallel to each other and also along the midrib. This type of venation is found in certain plants like wheat, maize, onion, garlic, lily grass, etc.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Getting To Know Plants Leaf Venation

Functions of Leaves

They perform the following functions

  1. Leaves prepare their food in the presence of sunlight with the help of a green-coloured substance present in them. For this, they use water and carbon dioxide from the air. This process is called photosynthesis. Oxygen is given out in this process. The food prepared by leaves ultimately gets stored in different parts of the plant.
  2. They also help the plant to get rid of excess water by the process of transpiration.


It is the underground, non-green part of the plant which remains below the ground, i.e. in soil.

Types of Root

There are mainly two types of roots

  1. Tap Root In some plants, there is one thick main root called tap root from which arises the smaller roots called lateral roots. Tap root grows vertically downwards into the soil and lateral roots spread in various directions. It is found in plants like peas, radishes, carrots, neem, mango, tulsi, marigolds, mustard and balsam.
  2. Fibrous RootIn some plants, there is no main root. All roots are similar and make a bushy appearance. This type of root is called fibrous root. It is found in plants like onion, lily, wheat, maize, grass and millet.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Getting To Know Plants Types Of Roots

Functions Of Roots

They perform the following functions

  1. Roots anchor the plant to the soil. This prevents the plant from being pulled out easily or blown away by strong winds.
  2. They also absorb water and minerals from the soil. This helps in the manufacture of food by leaves.
  3. They hold the soil together. In this way, roots prevent the soil from being blown away by wind or washed away by water. This also helps in the conservation of soil.
  4. They help in the storage of food. Radish, carrot and turnip eaten by us are swollen tap roots. Similarly, Dahlia and sweet potatoes are fibrous roots which get modified to store food.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Getting To Know Plants


It is the reproductive structure of the plants. A flower has a stalk by which it is attached to the stem. Different types of plants bear different types of flowers, but the basic structure is almost the same in all plants (except a few).

Parts Of The Flower

A typical flower consists of four distinct parts or whorls, i.e. sepals, petals, stamens and pistils.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Getting To Know Plants Parts Of Flowers


The sepals form the outermost whorl of the flower. These are small, green leaf-like structures. They protect the flower in the bud stage.


They form the second whorl of flower lying inner to sepals. Petals are generally big and coloured structures. They vary in shape, size and structure in different plants. These are mostly bright in colour to attract insects, animals and even human beings.


It is the third whorl of flower that lies inner to petals. Stamens are the male reproductive part of a flower and consist of two parts

Anther is the swollen long structure at the tip of each stamen. It contains a small powdery substance called pollen grains.

Filament is a long slender stalk-like structure which supports the anther.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Getting To Know Plants Stamnes


  1. The innermost part of a flower is called a pistil. This is the female reproductive part of a flower.
  2. It consists of the following three parts
  3. Stigma is a slightly swollen part at the top of the style. It is a small, round and sticky part that traps the pollen grains.
  4. Style is a long, thin and slender stalk in the middle that is attached to the stigma.
  5. The ovary is the swollen part present at the lowermost portion. It contains many ovules (egg-like structures).

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Getting To Know Plants Parts Of A Pistill

Science Insight The fruits and seeds are formed from flowers by the process of pollination and fertilization.

Activity 1

Aim: To show that water moves up through the stem of a plant.

Materials Required: A glass filled with water, red ink, stem of balsam plant, sharp object/knife, dropper.


  1. Take a glass filled with one-third of water and add some drops of red to it using a dropper.
  2. Cut the base of the stem of the balsam plant (or any other herb) carefully using a knife and put it in the glass.
  3. Observe the plant the next day.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Getting To Know Plants The Stem Of A Plant

Observation We will observe that the colour rises in the stem, i.e. some parts of the stem become red. If this is kept for a longer period, the colour will appear in the veins of the leaves also.

Conclusion This activity shows that the stem helps in the upward movement of water and minerals to leaves and other parts attached to the stem.

Activity 2

Aim: To make the impression of the leaf on a white paper.

Materials Required: A white sheet of paper, a pencil, and a leaf of any plant.


  1. Put a leafunder a white sheet of paper.
  2. Hold it in place and start rubbing your pencil tip gently over the portion ofthe paper covering the leaf, keeping the pencil tip sideways.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Getting To Know Plants Taking An Impression Of A Leaf On Paper

Observation: We will get the impression with some lines, i.e. leaf impressions are seen on the sheet defining its shape, size and venation.

Conclusion: This activity shows that the impression ofthe leaf is similar to that of the original leaf.

Activity 3

Aim: To show transpiration in plants.

Materials Required: A healthy plant, two transparent polythene bags and thread.


  1. Take a well-watered, healthy plant that has been growing in the Sun.
  2. Enclose a leafy branch of the plant with one of the polythene covers and tic up its mouth with thread.
  3. Take the other polythene bag and tie up its mouth with thread. Keep it in the Sun just like the previous one
  4. After a few hours observe the inner surface of the covers.
  5. Remove the polythene bag after the activity

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Getting To Know Plants Experimental Set Up To Show Transpiration

Observation: We observe that after some time small droplets of water appear inside the polythene bag covering the leafy branch of the plant.

This is due to the loss of water from the leaves which occurs by the process known as transpiration. Water droplets do not appear inside the empty polythene cover since the plant is absent.

Conclusion: This activity shows that transpiration is performed by the leaves.

Activity 4

Aim: To show that a leaf produces starch as a result of photosynthesis.

Materials Required: A leaf, spirit, a beaker, test tube, tripod stand, burner, water, iodine solution, dropper and watch glass.


  1. Take a test tube and put a leaf in it.
  2. Pour spirit into the test tube, so that the leaf gets completely immersed in it,
  3. Now, place this test tube in a beaker half-filled with water.
  4. Heat the beaker till all the green colour from the leaf comes out into the spirit in the test tube.
  5. Take out the leaf carefully and wash it with water.
  6. Place the leaf in a watch glass and pour iodine solution over it using a dropper.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Getting To Know Plants To show that leafproduces starch as a result of Photosynthesis

Observation: The leaf turns blue-black showing the presence of starch in it.

Conclusion: This activity shows that leaves contain starch which is the product of photosynthesis.

Activity 5

Aim: To test that roots are essential for the plant.

Materials Required: Two pots, some soil, a blade or a pair of scissors, khurpi (for digging) and water.


  1. Select two plants ofthe same kind from an open ground.
  2. Dig them out with roots, taking care that roots do not break.
  3. Place one ofthe plants in pot A.
  4. Cut off the roots from the other plant, and place this plant in pot B.
  5. Water them regularly
  6. Observe both plants after a week.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Getting To Know Plants Plant with and without roots

Observation: We will observe that the plant with roots planted in pot A is healthy and alive, while the plant without roots in pot B is wilted and gradually dies.

Conclusion: This activity shows that roots are necessary to keep the plant healthy and alive.

Activity 6

Aim: To see that plant roots hold/anchor the plant in the soil.

Materials Required: Seeds of gram and maize, bowls, cotton wool and water.


  1. Take two bowls and place some wet cotton in them.
  2. Put 3-4 seeds of gram in one bowl and maize in the other.
  3. Keep the cotton wet by sprinkling water every day, until the sprouts have grown into young plants.
  4. After a week, try to separate the young plants from the cotton.

Observation: We will find that it is difficult to pull the plant out as roots established anchor the plant firmly. Conclusion This activity shows that plant roots help in holding the plant firmly in the soil.

Activity 7

Aim: To observe the structure of an ovary in a flower.

Materials Required: Flowers of China rose, a blade, water, a magnifying glass, and a sheet of paper.


  1. Take 2 flowers of China rose.
  2. Remove sepals and petals.
  3. With the help of a blade, carefully cut the ovary of one flower longitudinally and of another flower transversely.
  4. Put a drop of water on the cut pieces of ovary to Prevent drying
  5. Observe the structures with a magnifying glass

CBSE Notes Class 6 Science Getting To Know Plants The Structure Of A Ovary In A Flower

Observation: We will observe small bead-like structures inside the ovary.

Conclusion: Small bead-like structures inside the ovary are called ovules.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of Substances

Separation Of Substances

Those materials that contain one or more than one type of constituent particles or components are called substances. These occur in nature both in pure and impure or mixed forms.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of Substances

Pure Substances

These are substances that are made up of only one kind of particle, for example, silver, gold, iron, etc. They cannot be separated into two or more substances.

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Mixtures or Impure Substances

These are the substances made up of two or more pure substances, for example, air is a mixture of many gases like nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. The different substances present in a mixture are called its components or constituents.

The constituents of a mixture are segregated from each other by a process called separation. For example, grain is separated from stalks, tea leaves are separated from the liquid with a strainer while preparing tea, milk, or curd is churned to separate the butter.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of A Substances

Purposes Of Separation Of Substance

Most substances that occur in nature may contain one or more useful substances or one useful substance and one or more harmful or unwanted (undesirable) substances.

To make the available substance fit for use, these impurities must be separated from the useful substance. The substances to be separated may be particles of different sizes or materials. These may be solids, liquids, or even gases.

The separation of substances is carried out for the following purposes

  1. To remove impurities or harmful components For example, small pieces of stones and undesirable seed grains are removed from rice and dais before cooking. The useless pieces of stones and seed grains are thrown away.
  2. To remove non-useful components, For example, tea leaves are separated from the liquid with a strainer while preparing tea.
  3. To separate two different, but useful components A mixture may contain one or more useful constituents. These should be separated for their proper use. For example, milk or curd is churned to obtain butter and buttermilk.

Methods Of Separation

Separation of useful substances from unwanted substances is very common in our day-to-day lives and laboratories/industries. In day-to-day life, we use simple methods to carry out separation.

Some most commonly used methods for separating the constituents of a mixture are shown below

CBSE Notes Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of Substances Sepration of soild and liquid mixture


The process of separating solid particles from a mixture by hand is called handpicking. This method is used to separate slightly larger-sized particles present in small quantities (impurities) like stone, husk, pieces of dirt, etc. from the grains of wheat, rice, pulses, etc.

Hence, in such cases where the quantity of such impurities is not very large, handpicking is a convenient method of separating substances.

CBSE Notes Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of Substances Handpicking Stones From Grains


It is the process of separating grains from stalks of harvested crops. Fully matured crops like paddy (rice) or wheat are harvested from the field. During this, the crop plants are cut close to the ground.

Stalks are dried in the Sun before the grains are separated. Each stalk has many grains attached to it. The grains attached to the stalks are covered in a thin layer called chaff.

The grains are then separated from stalks by the process of threshing. In this process, the stalks are beaten to free the grain seeds.

CBSE Notes Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of Substances Threshing Of Paddy Stalks

Threshing can be done by following the ways

  1. By holding the bundles of stalks in hand and beating them on hard surfaces.
  2. By allowing bullocks to trample the stalk.
  3. By machines, in case of large quantities of grains.


The method used to separate heavier and lighter components of a mixture by wind or by blowing air is called winnowing.

This method is commonly used by farmers to separate lighter husk particles (thin, dry outer covering of various seeds) from heavier seeds of the grains.

The steps involved in the separation of husk from grains with the help of wind are as follows

  1. The mixture of wheat grains and husk is taken in a winnowing basket (also called chhaaj in Hindi) plate or newspaper.
  2. Farmers take this mixture in open ground and stand on a risen or elevated platform.
  3. The winnowing basket containing the mixture is held at shoulder height then the mixture is allowed to fall by shaking the basket continuously.
  4. As a result, lighter husk particles are carried away by the blowing wind. Heavy wheat grains fall straight to the ground and form a heap near the platform for winnowing.
  5. The separated husk is used for many purposes such as fodder for cattle.

CBSE Notes Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of Substances Sepration of husk from wheat grains by winnowing


  • The process of separating very fine particles from bigger ones by using a sieve is called sieving. In this method, a sieve having small holes at its bottom is used.
  • The sieves can be of different sizes which depends on the size of the substances to be separated. Sieving is used when components of a mixture have different sizes.
  • Some examples of separation of mixtures by sieving are as follows

Sieving allows the fine flour particles to pass through the sieve holes while the bigger impurities (Bran-outer coarse part of the grain) remain on the sieve

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of Substances Sieving of flour to separate wheat bran and fine floor

Science Insight Sieving of wheat flour is not considered a healthy practice because wheat bran which is removed during sieving is a rich source of fibre.

  1. On a large scale, such as in a flour mill, impurities like stones and husk are removed from grains before grinding them. Usually, a hag full of wheat grains is poured on a slanting sieve.
  2. The sieve removes pieces of stones, stalks, and husks that may remain with wheat grains after threshing and winnowing Similar slanting sieves are used at construction sites to separate pebbles and stones from coarse sand.

CBSE Notes Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of Substances Pebbles and stones are removed from sand by sieving

Sedimentation, Decantation and Filtration

We observed that sometimes, separation of the mixture is not possible with the help of winnowing and handpicking as there may be lighter impurities present such as dust or soil particles. So, we use other methods for the separation of such a mixture. These methods are as follows


The process of settling down of insoluble heavy solid particles in a mixture at the bottom of the vessel is known as sedimentation. For example, when we mix up sand and water in a glass and stir it with a spoon or any other tool and wait for some time, we see that the sand settles down at the bottom and clear water stands on it.

The solid settled at the bottom of the glass is known as sediment and the clear liquid above is known as supernatant.

CBSE Notes Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of Substances Sedimentation


The process of transfer or separation of clear liquid from one vessel to another vessel without disturbing the sedimented particles is known as decantation. For example, transfer of water to another vessel from a mixture of water and sand.

CBSE Notes Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of Substances Decantation

The same principle is used for separating a mixture of two liquids, that do not mix, example oil and water can be separated from their mixture by this process.

If a mixture of such liquids, which do not mix, is allowed to stand for some time, they form two separate layers. The component that forms the top layer (i.e. oil) can then be separated by decantation.


The process of removing insoluble solid particles from a liquid by using a filter is known as filtration. Common examples of filters used are sieve, muslin cloth, and filter paper.

Some examples of separation mixtures by filtration are as follows

  1. Separation of tea leaves from prepared tea by using a strainer.
  2. Fruit and vegetable juices are usually filtered before drinking to separate the seeds and solid particles of pulp.
  3. The method of filtration is also used in the process of preparing cottage cheese (paneer) in our homes. You might have seen that for making paneer, a few drops of lemon juice are added to milk as it boils.
  4. This gives a mixture of solid particles of paneer in a liquid. The paneer is then separated by filtering the mixture through a fine cloth or a strainer. Sometimes water supplied through taps or water that is collected from ponds or rivers may be muddy, especially after rains.
  5. Therefore, we can use sedimentation, decantation, and filtration processes in a sequence to make the water suitable for usage

Science Insight Our kidneys act as a filter to clean the blood. Waste chemicals dissolved in the blood pass through a membrane in the kidneys and are excreted as urine acts or gets filtered.


The process of conversion of water into its vapor is called evaporation. Heat and wind help in the evaporation of water. The process of evaporation takes place continuously, wherever water is present.

This process is used to obtain a solid material that has dissolved in water or any other liquid. The dissolved substance is left as a solid residue when all the liquid gets evaporated. For example, obtaining salt from seawater.

Sea water contains large amounts of salt dissolved in it. One of these salts is the common salt. Now, understand the way by which it can be obtained.

When seawater is allowed to stand in shallow pits, water gets heated by sunlight and slowly turns into water vapor through evaporation.

In a few days, the water evaporates completely leaving behind the solid salts. Common salt is then obtained from these solid salts by further purification.

CBSE Notes Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of Substances Obtaining Salt From Seawater


The process of conversion of water vapor into its liquid form is called condensation. The process of condensation is the opposite of evaporation. In this process, water vapor condenses into a liquid after making contact with the cooled surface.

This method is used when the solid and liquid both need to be recovered, for example, the separation of pure water from salt solution.

Use Of More Than One Method Of Separation

We have studied some methods for the separation of substances from their mixtures. Often, only one method is not sufficient to separate the different substances present in a mixture.

In that situation, we need to use more than one of these methods, for example, the mixture containing salt, sand, and water cannot be separated by a single separation method. With the help of activity 3, we can easily understand the process of separation of a mixture with the help of more than one method.


It is a mixture in which a substance completely dissolves in a liquid. Here, the substance that dissolves in a liquid is called solute (smaller quantity), while the liquid in which solute is dissolved is called solvent (larger quantity). Solute + Solvent = Solution for example, in a salt solution, salt is the solute and water is the solvent.

Science Insight Water is considered the ‘universal solvent1 as it dissolves a large number of substances in it.

Saturated Solution

We have noticed that many substances dissolve in water and form a solution. But when more and more quantity of these substances are added to a fixed quantity of water, at a given temperature substances remain undissolved and settled down, this means that no more substance can be dissolved in the amount of water we have taken. Such a solution is called a saturated solution. In other words, a solution in which no more soluble substance can be dissolved at a given temperature is called a saturated solution.

Activity 1

Aim: To separate clear water from muddy water by using processes like sedimentation, decantation, and filtration.

Materials Required: 2 glasses, muddy water, filter paper/piece of cloth, funnel, etc.


  1. Take half a glass of muddy water. Let it stand for half an hour.
  2. We observe that after some time, soil settles at the bottom. This process is called sedimentation.
  3. Now, slightly tilt the glass without disturbing the sedimented soil. Let the water from the top flow into another glass. This process is called decantation.
  4. The water in the second glass is still muddy or brownish.
  5. To filter this muddy water first fold the filter paper to make a cone then fix this cone onto the funnel. Pour the muddy water through it.

CBSE Notes Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of Substances Separating the two components of a mixture by sedimentation and secantation

CBSE Notes Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of Substances Folding A Filter Paper To Make A Cone

CBSE Notes Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of Substances Set Up For Filtration

Observation: Solid particles in the mixture do not pass through the funnel and remain on the filter paper. Conclusion We can conclude that the given muddy water can be turned into clear water by using the processes of sedimentation, decantation, and filtration.

Activity 2

Aim: To separate salt dissolved in water by evaporation.

Materials Required: Salt, water, teaspoon, beaker (150 mL), burner, tripod stand, wire mesh, China dish, etc.


  1. Take a teaspoon of salt and dissolve it in lOOmL of water in a beaker.
  2. Heat the beaker containing salt and water as shown in.
  3. Continue the heating process until the water gets completely vapourised

CBSE Notes Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of Substances Heating A beaker Containing Salt Water Solution

Observation: After the complete vapourization, there is a white residue left behind in the beaker. Now scrap it out in a China dish and taste it. It is a salt.

Conclusion: We conclude that a substance (like salt) which is soluble in a liquid (like water) forming a salt solution, can be separated through the process called evaporation.

Activity 3

Aim: To separate salt and sand present in water.

Materials Required: Sand, salt, beakers, water, glass rod, kettle, metal plate, ice, burner, etc.


  1. Take a mixture of sand and salt. Keep this mixture in a beaker.
  2. Add a small quantity of water to the beaker and stir the solution with the help of a glass rod. After stirring, allow it to stand for some time.
  3. We observe that salt dissolves in water and sand settles at the bottom ofthe beaker.
  4. Separate sand from solution by decantation or filtration.
  5. Now, we need to separate salt from the remaining mixture of salt and water.
  6. Transfer this liquid to a kettle and close its lid. Heat the kettle for some time.
  7. We notice that the steam comes out from the spout of the kettle.
  8. Now, take a metal plate with some ice on it.
  9. Hold the ice plate just above the spout ofthe kettle. We will observe that when the steam comes in contact with the metal plate, it gets cooled down by ice.
  10. The water droplets fall from the plate and get collected in a separate beaker. This process is called condensation.

CBSE Notes Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of Substances Evaporation And Condensation

Observation: We have thus, separated sand (in step 4), and collected water in a separate beaker, and at the end of the activity the white residue left in the kettle is salt.

Conclusion: We conclude that processes of decantation, filtration, evaporation, and condensation are used to separate a mixture of salt, sand, and water.

Activity 4

Aim: To prepare a saturated solution of salt in water.

Materials Required: Spoon, tumbler/ glass, water, salt, glass rod, etc.


  1. Take a tumbler/glass and put 150 mL of water in it.
  2. Add one teaspoonful of salt to the water and stir it with a spoon or glass rod until the salt dissolves completely.
  3. Again, add a teaspoonful of salt and stir it well.
  4. Continue adding salt to water with constant stirring to dissolve it.

CBSE Notes Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of Substances Dissolving Salt In Water

Observation: After adding many spoons of salt, it is observed that some salt is left undissolved at the bottom of the tumbler even after stirring. The solution is now said to be saturated.

Conclusion: We conclude that when no more amount of solute (salt) can dissolve in the solvent (water), the solution is called a saturated solution.

Activity 5

Aim: To show the effect of heating on the saturated solution of salt and water.

Materials Required: Tumbler/beaker, water, glass rod, salt, burner, tripod stand, wire mesh, etc.


  1. Take some water in a tumbler or beaker.
  2. Add salt with continuous stirring with the help of a glass rod until it becomes a saturated solution.
  3. Now, add a small quantity of salt to this saturated solution and heat it.
  4. Let this hot solution cool down and observe it.

CBSE Notes Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation Of Substances Effect Of Heating On Saturated Solution Of Salt And Water

Observation: After heating the saturated solution, it is observed that the undissolved salt at the bottom of the beaker gets dissolved. However, after cooling down the solution, the salt appears to be settled at the bottom of the beaker again.

Conclusion: We conclude that there is an effect of heating (temperature) on the saturated solution and thus, a larger quantity of salt can be dissolved in water on heating.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Sorting Materials Into Groups

Sorting Materials Into Groups

Anything that can be seen and touched is called an object. We see a large number of objects around us. For example, a chair, a bullock cart, a cycle, cooking utensils, books, clothes, toys, water, stones, vegetables, plants, animals, etc.

All these objects have different shapes, colours and uses. The matter of which an object is made is called material. All objects are made up of one or more materials. For example, the chair and table are made up of wood here, wood is a material.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Sorting Materials Into Groups

Grouping Of Objects

Objects can be grouped according to the materials they are made up of.

  1. The same object can be made up of different materials, Example plates can be made up of steel, glass, and plastics similarly, toys can be made up of plastics, rubber, metal, etc.
  2. Different objects can be made up of the same material, Example wood, which can be used to make chairs, tables, beds, ploughs, etc. Similarly, leather can be used to make belts, wallets, purses, bags, etc.

We can also separate materials into several groups based on similarities or differences in their properties.

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Properties Of Materials

Different materials have different properties. Material to make an object is chosen depending on its properties and the purpose for which the object is to be used.

For example, we make a tumbler from materials such as glass, plastic or steel because all these materials have the property of storing water or other liquids. We cannot make a tumbler from a piece of cloth because it cannot hold water.

Similarly, it would not be a wise idea to use paper-like materials for cooking vessels. Some of the properties of materials based on which they can be chosen for different purposes are explained below.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Sorting Materials Into Groups Properties Of Materials


Some materials may appear shiny, while some might seem dull. For example, gold, silver, aluminium, and iron shine, while wood, plastic, paper, and rubber are dull.

Materials which appear shiny are said to have lustre (or in Hindi chamak). These materials often lose their shine due to the action of air and moisture. Flowevcr, their shine reappears after rubbing or cutting the surface. That’s why lustre is often noticed on freshly cut ends.

Dull materials remain the same even after rubbing or cutting them. Some materials differ in colour, glow and texture of their surfaces as well, (i.e. rough or smooth) and can be grouped accordingly.

Hardness and Softness

  1. Those materials which cannot be compressed or scratched easily are called hard materials. For example, iron, steel, wood, stone, etc.
  2. Those materials which can be easily compressed or scratched are called soft materials. For example, cotton, wool, clay, butter, etc.
  3. Science Insight Diamond is the hardest known material. It cannot be scratched by other materials and only be cut by the diamond itself.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Sorting Materials Into Groups

Soluble or Insoluble

Solubility is defined as the ability of a solid, liquid or gaseous substance to dissolve in a solvent (usually a liquid). Based on solubility in water, the material can be soluble or insoluble. Those materials which are completely dissolved or disappear in water are called soluble materials.

Those materials which are not dissolved or disappear in water even after stirring for a long time are called insoluble materials.

Water plays an important role in the functioning ofour body because it can dissolve a large number of substances. Solubility of Solids in Water Some solids completely dissolve or disappear in water, for example, salt, sugar, etc.

Some solids do not dissolve or disappear in water, for example, sand, dust, chalk powder, plastic, etc. They settle down or float on water.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Sorting Materials Into Groups Salt Is Soluble In Water And Sand Is Insoluble In Water

Solubility of Liquid in Water

Some liquids get completely mixed or dissolve in water, for example, vinegar, etc. On the other hand, some liquids do not mix with water and form a separate layer when kept aside for some time, for example, mustard oil, coconut oil, etc.

Solubility of Gases in Water

Some gases are soluble in water while others are not. For example, oxygen gas dissolves in water and is very important for the survival of animals and plants that live in water.Carbon dioxide gas also dissolves in water and helps in photosynthesis in underwater plants. Some gases like nitrogen and hydrogen are not dissolved in water.

Objects may Float or Sink in Water

Some materials that are not mixed or dissolved in water either float on the surface of the water or sink to the bottom of the tumbler.

The property of a material to float on the surface of the water is called flotation and these materials are called floating materials, Example dried leaves fall on the surface of a pond. These materials are lighter than water.

The heavy materials that sink easily to the bottom of the tumbler are called sinking materials, for Example stones thrown into the pond, drops of honey in water, etc. These materials are heavier than water.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Sorting Materials Into Groups Some Objects Floats On the Surface Of Water While Others Sink Into it

Science Insight Ships and boats float higher in the salty sea water than they do in the freshwater of lakes and rivers. This is because salt in seawater makes it denser than freshwater.


The property of a material which allows the light to pass through it is called transparency. Based on this property, materials can be classified as follows

1. Transparent Materials

The materials through which an object can be seen are called transparent materials, for example, glass, water, some plastics, etc.

2. Translucent Materials

The materials through which an object can be seen, but not clearly, are called translucent materials, for example, oiled paper, muslin cloth, frosted window, etc.

3. Opaque Materials

The materials through which we are not able to see anything are called opaque materials, for example, wood, cardboard, brick, metal, etc.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Sorting Materials Into Groups Transparency

Importance Of Sorting Materials Into Groups

In everyday life we often group materials for our convenience as grouping of materials helps us to locate them easily.

For example, in the library, books are arranged in alphabetical order. In grocery stores, household items and eatables items are placed separately. The grouping of materials makes it convenient to study their properties.

Activity 1

Aim: To separate the shiny materials from paper, cardboard wood, copper wire, aluminium sheet, and chalk.

Materials Required: Paper, cardboard, wood, copper wire, aluminium sheet, chalk.


  1. Collect some small pieces of given materials.
  2. Observe the shine in all materials.
  3. You can rub the surface of materials or cut to see if it
    has lustre or not.
  4. Separate the shiny materials.
  5. Note your observations in the table given below.

Sorting Materials Into Groups Activity 1 Given materials Shiny materials


CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Sorting Materials Into Groups Activity 1 Given materials Shiny materials.

Conclusion: Some of the given materials like copper wire aluminium sheets, have a shiny appearance while others have a dull appearance. The materials with shiny appearance are said to have lustre.

Activity 2

Aim: To observe whether different solid materials (like sugar, salt, chalk powder, sand, and sawdust) are soluble or insoluble in water.

Materials Required: Beakers, spoon, water and solid materials like sugar, salt, chalk powder, sand, and sawdust.


  1. Collect samples of some solid materials.
  2. Take five beakers. Fill each of them up to two-thirds volume with water.
  3. Add a small amount of each given material, in different beakers separately.
  4. Stir the contents of each beaker with the help of a spoon.
  5. Note your observations in the table given below

Sorting Materials Into Groups Activity 2 Solid Materials Disappers In Water Does not Disapper In Water


CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Sorting Materials Into Groups Activity 2 Solid Materials Disappers In Water Does not Disapper In Water.

Conclusion: You will notice that some solid materials have completely disappeared and thus, are soluble in water. Whereas other solid materials like sand, chalk powder, and sawdust do not disappear and are thus, insoluble in water.

Activity 3

Aim: To observe whether liquid samples, like lemon juice, vinegar, mustard oil, coconut oil, and kerosene are soluble or insoluble in water.

Materials Required: Glass tumbler, water, a sample of vinegar, lemon juice, mustard oil, coconut oil, and kerosene.


  1. Collect given samples of liquids like lemon juice, vinegar, etc.
  2. Take a glass tumbler. Fill it half with water.
  3. Add a spoonful of one liquid to this and stir it well,
  4. Let it stand for five minutes.
  5. Observe whether the liquid mixes with water.
  6. Repeat the same procedure with other given liquids also.
  7. Write observations in the table given below.

Sorting Materials Into Groups Liquid Mixes Well Does Not Mix in water


CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Sorting Materials Into Groups Liquid Mixes Well Does Not Mix in water.

Conclusion: We notice that some liquids like vinegar, and lemon juice get completely mixed with water.

So, these are soluble in water while liquids like mustard oil, coconut oil, and kerosene do not get mixed with water and form a separate layer when kept for some time. So, these are insoluble in water.

Activity 4

Aim: To differentiate between translucent and opaque materials.

Materials Required: Electric bulb, sheet of paper, oil, torch.


  1. Take a sheet of paper.
  2. Look through it towards a lighted bulb.
  3. Make a note of your observations.
  4. Now, put 2-3 drops of some oil and spread it on a sheet of paper.
  5. Look again towards the lighted bulb through it.
  6. Note your observations again.
  7. Now, take a torch and cover the glass of the torch with your palm in a dark place.
  8. Switch on the torch and observe the other side of your palm.


  1. When we look at the lighted bulb through the paper, we do not see any light.
  2. When we spread some oil on the paper and look at the lighted bulb through it, we see some light, but not as clearly.
  3. When we cover the glass of the torch with our palm and switch on the torch, we see a small amount of light on the other side of the palm.

Conclusion: We find that materials, in which an object can be seen, but not clearly are called translucent.

Materials which does not allow any light to pass through are called opaque. Hence, in the above observation, paper is an opaque material while paper spread with oil and palm is translucent.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Components Of Food

Components Of Food

Each food item is usually made up of one or more ingredients, which we get from plants or animals. These ingredients contain some components, which are needed by our body. These components are known as nutrients.

Thus, nutrients are the substances which are required by our body to grow, function properly and stay healthy.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Components Of Food

The food items based on the presence of these nutrients can be classified as

  1. Energy-giving foods These food items are mainly rich in carbohydrates and fats.
  2. Body-building foods These food items are rich in proteins.
  3. Protective foods These food items are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Apart from these, our body requires water and roughage to function properly

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Science Insight Our nails, hair and skin are made up of keratin protein. The human brain is composed of about 60% fats and it relies on dietary fats for optimal function.


Some vitamins, their sources and their functions are tabulated below.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Vitamins


CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Minerals

Science Insight Zinc is an essential mineral for our sense of taste and smell. Its deficiency can create problems with the ability to taste and smell food.


Water performs the following functions

  • It helps our body to absorb nutrients from food.
  • It helps in throwing out waste materials from the body as urine and sweat.

Lack of water in the body causes dehydration. Severe dehydration can even cause death.

Roughage (Dietary Fibre)

It is the fibrous matter present in food that cannot be digested. Roughage is mainly comprised of an indigestible carbohydrate called cellulose, which is present in plants.

Balanced Diet

The total amount of food that a person eats during the entire day is called their diet. A balanced diet is a diet that contains the proper amount of all the nutrients along with a good amount of roughage and water.

It provides the body with all the energy and fulfils various nutrient requirements needed for proper functioning. A balanced diet should include foods that are

  1. Energy-rich Fats and carbohydrates like butter, rice and chapatis.
  2. Body-building Proteins like pulses, peas and fish.
  3. Protective Vitamins, and minerals containing curd, vegetables and fruits.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 1 A balanced Diet

A balanced diet is not the same for everyone. It depends on age, sex and the type of work that one does. This can be explained by the following examples

  1. In early childhood, the child grows rapidly. So, he or she needs more proteins.
  2. Nursing mothers and pregnant women also need more protein to serve the needs of the growing baby.
  3. A hard worker, i.e. labourer needs more energy, which he can get by eating more fats and carbohydrates

Loss of Nutrients in Food

Eating the right kind of food is not enough. It should also be cooked properly so that its nutrients are not lost. We all know that cooking improves the taste of food and makes it easier to digest. At the same time, cooking also results in the loss of certain nutrients.

So, while cooking we should remember the following important things

  • The skins of many vegetables and fruits contain vitamins and minerals.
  • If the vegetables and fruits are washed after cutting or peeling them, it may result in the loss of some vitamins.
  • Repeated washing of rice and pulses may result in the loss of some vitamins and minerals present in them.
  • Many useful proteins and minerals are lost if excess water is used during cooking and is later thrown away.
  • Vitamin C gets easily destroyed by heat during cooking.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Components Of Food

Deficiency Diseases

The diseases which occur due to the lack of specific nutrients in our diet over a long period are called deficiency diseases. When a person eats food that does not contain a particular nutrient over a long period, then the person may suffer from its deficiency.

  • A deficiency of one or more nutrients can cause diseases or disorders in our body.
  • Due to the deficiency of one or more nutrients, a person shows the following symptoms
  • Deficiency of protein in a person may cause stunted growth, swelling of the face, discolouration of hair, skin disease and diarrhoea.
  • Deficiency of both proteins and carbohydrates affects a person’s growth and it may stop completely. Such a person becomes so lean and weak that he/she may not even be able to walk.
  • A deficiency of vitamins and minerals may also result in certain diseases,

Some Diseases are caused by the deficiency of vitamins 

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Some Diseases Caused By The Deficiency Of Vitamins

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Some Diseases Caused By The Deficiency Of Minerals

All deficiency diseases may be prevented by taking a balanced diet

Food is said to be fortified when essential vitamins and minerals are added to common foods like rice, wheat, oil, milk and salt to increase their nutritional value. Given alongside is the logo for fortified foods as per standards by FSSAI.

Science Glossary

  1. Balanced diet A diet that contains an adequate amount of all nutrients, for healthy functioning of the body.
  2. Beriberi Disease is caused by a deficiency of vitamin B1. Carbohydrates provide energy to our body. It includes starch and sugar. Energy It is the capacity to do work.
  3. Fats These are the storehouse of energy in our body. Nutrients The fundamental components of food, that provide nourishment to the body.
  4. Proteins These are body-building foods that help in repairing and maintaining the body tissues.
  5. Roughage These are dietary fibre, which forms bulk and helps in the removal of undigested food. Starch is a complex carbohydrate.
  6. Scurvy Disease is caused by a deficiency of vitamin C. Vitamins and minerals These are protective food that helps our body to fight against diseases.

Activity 1

The presence of carbohydrates in the food

Aim: To test the presence of starch in a food item, for Example potato.

Materials Required: Potato, knife, tincture iodine, water, test tube, dropper and plate.


  1. Firstly, we will prepare an iodine solution by adding a few drops of tincture iodine to a test tube half-filled with water. Then mix it thoroughly.
  2. Now, cut a slice of potato with the help of a knife and place it on a plate.
  3. Add 2 to 3 drops of dilute iodine lypS solution to the potato sample. Testing of starch

Observation: We will observe that the colour of the potato slice changes to a blue-black colour.

Components Of Food Testing Of Starch

Conclusion: The appearance of a blue-black colour confirms the presence of starch in the given food sample, i.e. potato.

Activity 2

We can test the presence of protein in food

Aim: To test the presence of proteins in a food material, Example paneer.

Materials Required: Paneer, copper sulphate, test tube, water, caustic soda, dropper, test tube stand, mortar and pestle.


  1. Prepare the copper sulphate solution by dissolving
  2. 2 gram of copper sulphate in 100 mL of water.
  3. Dissolve 10 grams of caustic soda in 100 mL of water to prepare caustic soda solution.
  4. Now grind the food material, i.e. paneer into a thin paste, with the help of mortar and pestle. Transfer the paste to a clean test tube.
  5. Add 10 drops of water to this test tube and shake it well.
  6. Now, using a dropper add two drops of freshly prepared copper sulphate solution.
  7. Then add ten drops of caustic soda solution to the test tube and shake it well.
  8. Place the test tube on the test tube stand for a few minutes.

Observation: After a few minutes, we will observe that the content of the test tube turns violet.

Conclusion: The change of colour in the test tube to violet signifies the presence of protein in the given food material, i.e. paneer.

Activity 3

The presence of fat in the food can be identified by a simple test 

Aim: To test the presence of fat in food material, for example, butter.

Materials Required: Butter, brown paper a source of light (bulb), knife.


  1. Cut a small quantity of food material.
  2. Put the food material on brown paper and rub over it.
  3. Now, hold this brown paper towards a source oflight. Observation Under the light will observe a bright, greasy patch on the paper.

Conclusion: The greasy patch confirms the presence of oil, i.e. fat in the food item.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organisms: Characteristics And Habitats

The Living Organisms: Characteristics And Habitats

Living organisms can be found everywhere on the Earth including extremely hot deserts, cold mountains, deep oceans, and even in the openings of volcanoes. All these places are so different from each other, yet all of them have living organisms of various kinds.

In the mountains of the Himalayas, where it is very cold, many kinds of trees like oaks, pines, and deodars are found.

Similarly, hot desert areas, like Rajasthan, have different kinds of cactus plants and seashore areas like Puri have an abundance of Casuarina trees. Like plants, different kinds of animals are also found in different areas.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organisms Characteristics And Habitats

Organisms And The Surroundings Where They Live

The kinds of plants and animals found in one region are very different from the plants and animals of the other regions. Some of the examples are listed below.

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CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organisms Characteristics And Habitats

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organisms Characteristics And Habitats


Adaptation is the presence of specific features or certain habits that enable a plant or an animal to live in its surroundings naturally. Different animals are adapted to their surroundings in various ways.

For example, the sea and the desert are very different surroundings, and different kinds of plants and animals are found in these two regions. Let us take examples of caramel (from the desert) and fish (from the sea) to understand it better.

1. Adaptations in Camel

The features of a camel, that help it survive in desert conditions are listed below

  1. Camels have long legs which help to keep their bodies away from the heat of the sand.
  2. They excrete a small amount of urine and their dung is dry. They do not sweat. Since they lose very little water from their bodies, camels can live for many days without water.
  3. Padded feet help camel to walk on hot and slippery sand without sinking.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organisms A camel

2. Adaptations in Fish

The features of a fish which enable it to live in freshwater sea are listed below

  1. They have streamlined shapes. This shape helps them to move inside water.
  2. They have slippery scales on their bodies. These scales protect the fish and also help in easy movement through water.
  3. They have flat fins and tails that help them to change directions and keep their body balanced in water.
  4. Gills present in the fish help them to use oxygen dissolved in water.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organisms Adaptations In fish


It can be defined as the process where an organism adjusts its behavior or physiology in response to changes in its environment (i.e. altitude, temperature, etc.).

For instance, if we live in the plains and suddenly go to high mountain regions we may experience difficulty in breathing, nausea, headache, etc. This happens because the air supply is reduced at high altitudes.

However, after a few days, our body adapts to this change. This is called the acclimatization of the body to the environment. These changes are different from adaptations that take place over thousands of years.


The place where an organism lives, grows, and interacts with other organisms is called habitat. It provides the living organism with food, shelter and favorable climatic conditions to survive, breed, and flourish.

Several kinds of plants and animals may share the same habitat. Living beings live on land, in water, or on trees.

Types of Habitat

Habitat is broadly divided into two types, i.e. terrestrial and aquatic.

  1. Terrestrial Habitats The plants and animals that live on land are said to live in terrestrial habitats, for Example forests, grasslands, deserts, and coastal and mountain regions.
  2. Aquatic Habitats The habitats of plants and animals that live in water are called aquatic habitats, for Example ponds, swamps, lakes, rivers, and oceans.

There are large variations among terrestrial habitats like forests, grasslands, deserts, and coastal and mountain regions located in different parts ofthe world. Similar variations are observed for all aquatic habitats.

Components of a Habitat

  • Habitat consists of living organisms interacting with the environment. It has two basic components.
  • Abiotic Components These include non-living components, for example. air, water, soil, sunlight, rocks, etc.
  • Biotic Components These include living organisms, Exampele plants and animals.

Components of a Habitat

Habitat consists of living organisms interacting with the environment. It has two basic components.

  1. Abiotic Components These include non-living components, for example, air, water, soil, sunlight, rocks, etc.
  2. Biotic Components These include living organisms, for Example plants and animals.

Some Terrestrial Habitats

The organisms that live on land are said to live in terrestrial habitats. Some of them are as follows


These habitats include vast areas of land with sand and little or no vegetation. They also get very little rain. These are hot and dry places. Organisms that live here have to cope with these adverse climatic conditions, so they develop adaptations accordingly.

Adaptations in Plants

The desert plants have the following adaptations that help them to survive in hot and dry conditions.

  1. Leaves are either absent or are very small and spiny to reduce water loss through transpiration.
  2. The leaf-like structure in a cactus is its stem. Photosynthesis in these plants is usually carried out by the stem. The stem is also covered with a thick waxy layer which helps to retain water.
  3. Also, plant roots are very deep for absorbing water from larger areas, for example, Acacia, ber, etc.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organisms Some Typical plants that grow in desert

Adaptations in Animals

The desert animals have the following adaptations that help them to survive in hot and dry conditions.

  1. There are desert animals like rats and snakes, which stay in burrows deep in the sand during the daytime to stay away from the intense heat.
  2. These animals come out only during the night when it is cooler.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organisms Desert Animals In Burrow

Science Insight Some animals show behavioral adaptation, A Cape ground squirrel uses a long bushy tail as a parasol or an umbrella. It provides shade in the scorching heat of the Sun.

Mountain Regions

These areas are generally very cold and windy. Some mountains may receive snowfall during winter. As we go up in the mountainous regions, the surroundings change and we see different kinds of adaptations at different heights.

The plants and animals inhabiting these regi show special kinds of adaptations as given below

Adaptations in Plants

There are following features present in plants that help them to survive in mountain regions are

  1. The trees are usually cone-shaped with tilted branches which helps rainwater and snow to slide off easily.
  2. They have thick bark to protect them against the severe cold.
  3. These plants bear needle-shaped leaves, thus reducing water loss.

Adaptations in Animals

The animals living in the mountain regions have the following adaptations

  1. The yak has thick skin or fur to protect them from cold.
  2. The snow leopard has thick on its body including toes and feet This protects its feet from the cold when it walks on the snow.
  3. The mountain goat has long hair to keep it warm and strong hooves for running up the rocky slopes of the mountains.

Science Insight Animals like hedgehogs and dormouse hibernate (deep sleep) throughout the winter to save energy and survive the winter without eating much. They utilize the stored food (as fat) in their bodies.


  1. These habitats include short and tall grasses scattered with small and large trees. Such habitats have hot summers and chilly winters.
  2. Lions and deer have different types of adaptations to survive in the same habitat.


It is a strong animal that can hunt and kill animals like deer. The adaptations which enable lions to survive in a forest or a grassland are as follows.

  1. It is a light brown which helps it to hide in dry grasslands when it hunts for prey (animals to eat).
  2. It has long claws in its front legs that can be withdrawn inside the toes.
  3. The eyes in front of the face allow it to have a correct idea about the location of its prey


It is another animal that lives in forests and grasslands. The following features help it to survive in this habitat.

  1. It has strong teeth for chewing hard plant stems in the forest.
  2. A deer needs to know about the presence of predators (animals that feed on other animals, like lions) to run away from them and not become their prey so, it has long ears to hear the movements of predators.
  3. The eyes on the sides of its head allow it to look in all directions for danger.
  4. The speed of the deer helps it to run away from the predators.

Some Aquatic Habitats

The organisms that live in water are said to live in aquatic habitats. These are further subdivided into marine and freshwater habitats.


Oceans and seas are marine water habitats. The animals living in the ocean show a variety of shapes and structures. Some examples are given below.

  1. Many sea animals have streamlined bodies to help them move easily in water, Example fishes.
  2. Octopuses and squids do not have this type of body. They stay in the deeper layer of the ocean, near the seabed, and catch any prey that moves towards them. However, while moving in water, they can streamline their bodies.
  3. These animals have gills to breathe and use the oxygen dissolved in water.
  4. Whales and dolphins do not have gills. They breathe in air through nostrils or blowholes. These are located at the upper part of their heads.
  5. This allows them to breathe In air when they swim to the surface of the water. They can stay inside the water for a long time without breathing. They come out to the surface from time to time, to breathe in air.

Ponds and Lakes

  1. The ponds, lakes, and rivers are freshwater aquatic habitats.
  2. The plants which grow in water are called aquatic plants.
  3. All aquatic plants have the following aquatic adaptations
  4. Their roots are either small or not very well developed with the primary function of anchorage.
  5. Their leaves are ribbon-like and long to cope with the water currents.
  6. Stems of these plants are long, hollow, and light with spaces filled with air to keep them floating.
  7. The plant body is covered with mucilage which prevents decay in the water.

There are three types of aquatic plant

  1. Free-Floating These aquatic plants float on water. Their roots are very small and they freely float on the surface of the water, for example, water hyacinths.
  2. Partly Submerged These aquatic plants are fixed in the soil at the bottom by their roots. The stem of these plants grows up to the surface of the waterbody, and leaves and flowers float on the surface of the water, for example, lily and lotus.
  3. Completely Submerged All the parts of such plants like stems, branches, and leaves are underwater. These plants are also fixed to the soil at the bottom by their roots example hydrilla.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organisms Types Of Aquatic Plants

Adaptations In Frog

They usually have ponds as their habitat. Frogs can stay both inside the pond water as well as move on land. They have strong back legs that help them in leaping and catching their prey. They have webbed feet which help them swim in water.

Characteristics Of Living Organisms

A large variety of materials or things are present around us. Some of them are living while others are non-living. Living organisms can be identified based on the following features.

  1. They need food, water, and air to survive.
  2. They can grow.
  3. They can move on their own.
  4. They respond to stimuli.
  5. They reproduce themselves.
  6. They respire and release energy from food.
  7. They excrete and get rid of waste materials from their body.
  8. They have a definite lifespan.
  9. They are made up of living cells.
  10. Non-living things do not perform any of the above functions.

Let us discuss a few important characteristics of living beings in detail

1. Food

  • AH living beings including plants and animals need food to stay alive. Food gives organisms the energy needed to grow. Organisms also need this energy for the life processes that go on inside them.
  • Along with food they also need air and water. Plants make their food with the help of sunlight, air, and water, through the process known as photosynthesis. Whereas animals and humans depend on plants other animals and their products for their survival.

2. Growth

All living things (plants and animals) show growth by increase in size and weight. When living things grow, they become taller and bigger on their own. For example,

  1. A baby grows into an adult.
  2. A small puppy grows and becomes a dog.
  3. A chicken hatched from an egg grows and becomes a hen or a cock.
  4. Similarly, a small plant grows and becomes a big tree.

3. Respiration

  1. It is a vital process carried out by all living organisms. It is through respiration that the body finally obtains energy from the food it takes.
  2. When we inhale, the air moves from the outside to the inside of the body. When we breathe out we expel the air which is inhaled.
  3. Breathing is a part of respiration. All living organisms breathe in oxygen, which is used by the living body and gives out carbon dioxide produced in the process. The mechanism for the exchange of gases is different in different organisms.

Some examples are given below

  1. Earthworm breathes through its skin.
  2. Fishes use gills to obtain dissolved oxygen from water.
  3. Insects have tiny pores on their exoskeleton (body wall).
  4. Plants also respire through tiny pores present on their leaves called stomata.

In sunlight, plants use carbon dioxide in the air to produce their food and give out oxygen. Plants produce their food only during the daytime, whereas respiration in them takes place day and night.

The amount of oxygen released in the process of food preparation by plants is much more than the oxygen they use in respiration.

4. Response to Stimuli

All living things respond to changes around them. The changes in our surroundings that make us respond to them are called stimuli. A few examples are given below

  1. Wild animals run away when a bright light is flashed on them.
  2. Cockroaches begin to move to their hiding places if the light in the kitchen is switched on at night.
  3. We close our eyes when a sudden bright light is flashed or when we suddenly move from a dark place to bright sunlight.
  4. In some plants like Mimosa, commonly known as ‘touch-me-not’ leaves close or fold when someone touches them. Flowers of some plants bloom only at night whereas in some plants flowers close after sunset.

5. Excretion

The process of removal of waste from the body is called excretion.

All living things take food, but not all food that is eaten is used. A part of it that is not used is removed as a waste.

Our body also produces waste products in life processes like respiration, digestion, etc. These waste products are harmful to our body which is why these products have to be removed from our body. Thus, it becomes a necessary process carried out by all living organisms.

Plants also Excrete

The mechanisms of excretion in plants are a little different. Some harmful or poisonous materials are produced in plants as waste.

Some plants find it possible to store the waste products within their parts in a way that they do not harm the plant as a whole.

They shift waste products towards the outermost layer of the stem, making it harder and stronger. Some plants remove waste products as secretions, For Example, gum and resins are excretory products of the plant.

Science Insight The excretory products of plants are used in many ways. For example, resins are used to make paints and varnishes, gums are used to treat wounds, and serve as an important ingredient in adhesives

6. Reproduction

It is the process by which living things produce more of their kind. This is true for both animals and plants.

Reproduction takes place in many different ways in different organisms. Some modes of reproduction are given below

  1. Animals like insects, fishes, and birds lay eggs and when these eggs hatch, the young ones come out and grow into adults,
  2. Some animals like cats, dogs, cows, and human beings give birth to young ones.
  3. Plants also reproduce. Many plants produce seeds which can germinate and grow into new plants.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organisms Birds Lay Eggs Which After Hatching Produces

Some plants reproduce through parts other than seeds, Example a part of a potato with a bud, grows into a new plant. They also reproduce through cutting.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organisms A Seed From A Plant Germinates Into A Plants

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organisms A New Plant Grows From A Bud Of Potato

7. Movement

It is one of the most important signs of life in an organism. All living things move by themselves. Animals can from one place to another.

Plants are generally anchored in soil so they do not move from one place to another. However, various substances like water, minerals, and the food synthesized by them move from one part of the plant to another. Also, opening and closing off lower is a movement.


It is another common characteristic of living beings simple. It marks the ending oflife and reproduction is the starting oflife. Reproduction ensures the continuity of particular organisms.

A particular type of organism can survive over thousands of years only if it reproduces its kind. One single organism may die without ever reproducing, but that type of organism can exist only if there is reproduction.

Some Exceptions of Living Organisms

We can conclude that living things may have all the characteristics that we have discussed, while non-living things may not show all these characteristics at the same time.

  • Non-living things like cars, bicycles, clocks, and water in the river move. The Moon moves in the sky, and a cloud grows in size.
  • Sometimes living things may also not show all the characteristics of the living. For example, seeds stay in a shop for months and do not show any growth or some of the other characteristics of life. However, we bring the same seed and plant it in soil, water it and it turns into a whole plant.

Activity 1

Aim: To show the effect of abiotic factors on the germination of seeds to form young plants.

Materials Required: Dry moorig seeds, water, 5-6 containers, refrigerator.


  1. Collect some dry moong seeds.
  2. Keep 20-30 seeds aside and soak the rest in water for a day.
  3. Divide the soaked seeds into four parts, i.e. (Parts A to D).
    1. Part A = Completely submerged in water for 3-4 days.
    2. Part B = In a sunny room
    3. Part C = In a cupboard that does not allow any light to come in.
    4. Part D = In the refrigerator.

4. Let the setup remain undisturbed and observe after a few days.

Observation: After a few days following observations are made

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organisms Observation The Effect Of Abiotic Factors

Conclusion: We conclude that sunlight, air, water, and proper temperature are necessary for the germination of seeds.

Activity 2

Aim: To show that a desert plant loses very little water through transpiration.

Materials Required: One potted leafy plant, one potted cactus plant, two transparent polythene bags, thread.


  1. Take two potted plants, one leafy and another cactus.
  2. Tie separate polybags to both plants and keep them in sunlight.
  3. After a few hours observe the inner surface of polybags.

Observation: We will observe that there are more water droplets in the leafy plant as compared to the cactus plant.

Conclusion: The rate of transpiration (loss of water through leaves) in cactus, is much lower as compared to the leafy plant. This is because of the adaptation acquired by cacti to survive in hot and dry places.

Activity 3 

Aim: To show that sunlight acts as a stimulus for plants.

Materials Required: A potted plant, water,


  1. Place a potted plant in a dark room near a window through which sunlight enters the room as shown in the figure.
  2. Water the plant regularly and observe it for a few days. Observation We will observe that the growth of the plant occurs towards the window from where the plant gets sunlight.

Conclusion: Plants tend to grow toward sunlight so, that they can avail it and carry out photosynthesis. Thus, sunlight serves as a stimulus for plants.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organisms Plant Respond To light

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements

Body Movements

The changing position of the body or any body part is called movement. It can involve the movement of a single body part (movement of the hand while writing), different parts of the body (during a workout), or the whole body (while walking).

Even when we are sitting still, many movements like blinking of eyes, beating of heart, etc. occur in our body, The Movement of animals from one place to another is known as locomotion.

There are different ways in which animals show locomotory movements like cows walking, snakes slithering, insects crawling, birds flying, fish swimming, etc. In this chapter, we will study the different movements that occur In different living organisms.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements

Human Body And Its Movements

Movement in human beings takes place with the help of the skeletal system (consisting of bones and cartilage) and muscular system (having muscles). Bone is the hard structural tissue that gives shape to our body. Our body consists of many bones.

The bones cannot be bent. We can bend our body part only at those points (places) where two or more bones are joined together. Muscles are attached to the bones. The contraction and relaxation of muscles bring about movement in the human body.

Read and Learn More Class 6 Science Notes

Joints Of The Body

The places where two or more bones meet are called joints. They allow body movements like bending and rotation of limbs, bending of back, and sideways movement of the neck.

Types Of Joints

Different types of joints are present in the human body that help us to carry out different movements and activities.

1. Freely Movable Joints

The joints in which one bone moves freely on the other are called freely movable joints. Such joints are found in the shoulder, hip, knee, elbow, ankle, and wrist.

Freely movable joints are of the following types

Ball and Socket Joint

The joints in which the rounded, ball-like end of one bone fits into the hollow part (socket) of the other bone are called ball and socket joints. The bone with the ball-like head is freely movable in all directions.

For example, the shoulder joint between the shoulder bone and the head of the upper arm bone and the hip joint, between the hip bone and thigh bone.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements Ball And Socket Joint

Pivotal Joint

The joint in which the rounded surface of one bone fits into a ring formed by the other one is called the pivotal joint, for example joint between the neck and head. It allows us to bend our head forward and backward and turn right or left. It allows rotational movements only. In a pivotal joint, a cylindrical bone rotates in a ring.


CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements Pivotal Joint

Hinge Joints

The joints that allow movement of bones in only one direction, i.e. either forward or backward are called hinge joints. These joints allow movements like a hinge to its door shows movements. These are present in the elbow, knee, finger joints, and jaw.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements Hinge Joints Of The Knee

Fixed Joints

The joints in which the bones are fixed and held so tightly that they cannot move at all are called fixed joints. These joints are also called immovable joints. For example, the bones ofour skull are held together tightly with such joints. Our upper jaw is also fixed to skull bones with the help of fixed joints.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements

Human Skeletal System

The bones (hard tissues) and cartilage (soft tissues) in our body form a framework that supports the whole body and gives a shape to it.

This framework is called the skeleton. The human skeleton is composed of around 305 bones at birth. The number of bones in the skeleton changes with age. It decreases to 206 bones by adulthood after some bones have fused.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements The Human Skeleton

Parts of the Skeleton System

The skeleton system consists of various bones. Some important bones are as follows

1. Skull

It is the bony part ofour head, which is made up of 22 skull bones. These are among the hardest bones ofour body. All the bones of the skull except the lower jaw are fixed.

It performs the following functions

  1. The skull protects the brain.
  2. It gives shape to our face and head.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements The skull

2. Ribcage

The ribs are the curved bones present in our chest region. Each rib is attached to the breast bone in front and the backbone at the back to form a box-like structure. This is called the ribcage. It is composed of12 pairs of ribs. All the ribs are joined to the backbone, but only a few ribs are attached to the chest or breast bone.

It performs the following functions

  1. The ribcage protects vital internal organs like the heart, lungs, and liver.
  2. It takes part in breathing movements along with the lungs.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements The Ribcage

3. Backbone

If we put a finger at the back of the neck and move it while pressing downwards, we can feel a long hard structure.

This is our backbone, which is a long, hollow, rod-like structure running from the neck to the hips. It is made up of 33 small bones that are placed over each other. Each small bone is called vertebrae.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements The Backbone

It performs the following functions

  1. The backbone provides major support to the body.
  2. It supports the head at its top.
  3. It attaches to the shoulder bones, ribs, and hip bones.

Science Insight Owl has 14 vertebrae in the neck region. This number is almost double the number present in humans. Due to this, the owl can turn its head up to 270 degrees.

4. Shoulder Bones

The arms of our body are attached to our shoulders. There are two shoulder bones, i.e. collar bones and shoulder blades. The bone in the upper arm fits into the socket of the shoulder blade (forming ball and socket joint).

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements Shoulder Bones

It performs the following functions

  1. Collar bones on the two sides of the neck keep our shoulders apart.
  2. Shoulder blades connect the arms to the body

Pelvic Bones

The pelvic bone forms a large, basin-shaped framework at the lower end ofthe backbone, to which the legs are attached.

The pelvic bone is also known as the hip bone. This bone encloses the portion of the body below the stomach. It is also the part ofour skeleton, we sit on.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements Pelvic Bones

It performs the following functions

  1. Pelvic bones protect and support the lower organs of the body.
  2. It attaches the legs to our body.

6. Bones of the Hand

Our hand is made up of three parts, i.e. wrist, palm, and fingers. The wrist is made up of several small bones called carpals that make the wrist flexible. Each finger is made up of three bones.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements Bones Of The Hand

X-Ray Images of Our Bones

We can have some idea about the shape and number of bones in some parts ofour body by feeling them. The other way of knowing about bones is to look at X-ray images.

Sometimes when we are hurt or have an accident, doctors use these X-ray images to find out about any possible injuries that might have happened to the bones. The X-ray shows the shapes of the bones in our bodies.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements X-ray images of ankle and knee joints


These are the additional parts of the skeleton that are not as hard as the bones and can be bent easily. Most ofthe skeleton is made up of bones, but it has some cartilage too. Cartilage is a kind of soft and elastic tissue present in the following parts ofour body.

  1. It is present in the pinna of the ears (upper part).
  2. It is present at the tip of the nose.
  3. It is present (as cartilage discs) between the vertebrae of the backbone.
  4. It is present at the end of bones, i.e. the point where one bone joins the other at a joint.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements Upper part pinna of ear has cartilage ear lobe no cartilage


Bones cannot move by themselves. The muscles attached to the bones make them move at joints.

Contraction and relaxation of muscles make the bone move up and down. You can observe the contraction of muscles in your leg when you walk or run. When contracted, the muscle becomes shorter, stiffer, and thicker.

It thus, pulls the bone. Muscles work in pairs. When one of them contracts, the bone is pulled in that direction.

At the same time, the other member of the pair relaxes. To move the bone in the opposite direction, the relaxed muscle contracts to pull the bone towards its original position, while the first axes.

A muscle can only pull. It cannot be posh. Thus, two muscles have to work together to move a bone. For example, the up and down movements ofour arms are controlled by two muscles namely, the biceps and triceps.

When we want to raise our arm, the biceps in front contract, Le. become shorter to pull up the arm. To lower the arm, the triceps at the back contract and pull it down.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements Two Muscles work together to move a bone

Gait Of Animals

Different animals use different organs to move from one place to another. So, the manner of movement, i.e. the gait also differs in different animals, for example, birds-fly, fish-swim, and snakes-crawl. We will discuss some ofthese movements in detail.

1. Earthworm

An earthworm does not have legs and bones. The body of an earthworm is made up of many rings that are joined end to end. It moves by alternate expansion and contraction of the body, that is by the muscles.

Movement in Earthworm

  1. An earthworm first extends the front part of the body, keeping the rear portion fixed to the ground.
  2. Then it fixes the front end and releases the rear end. After releasing the rear end, it then shortens the body and pulls the rear end forward. This makes it move forward by a small distance.
  3. In this process, the large number of minute movable bristles connected to the muses help in gripping the ground. These bristles are hair-like structures projecting out of the body of the earthworm.
  4. Earthworm’s body also secretes a slimy substance that helps in its movement by reducing friction Thus, by the repeated expansion and contraction of muses, earthworm moves through the soil.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements Movement Of Earthworms

Science Insight The earthworm eats its way through the soil. Its body then throws away the undigested part of the material that it eats. This activity of an earthworm makes the soil fertile and more useful for plants.


The body of a snail is soft and consists of a head, foot, and shell. The shell is the outer skeleton of a snail which is not made up of bones. It is a single unit and does not help in its movement. The foot of a snail is a large, thick structure made up of strong muscles.

Movement in Snail

  1. Movement in snails occurs with the help of a muscular Shell Hegd wide foot. The contraction and relaxation of muscles push the body of the snail forward. However, the Slimy surface movement of the foot is slow A snal1 and is controlled by the muscles attached to it.
  2. The foot secretes a slimy substance which helps the snail to slide over the ground and drag its heavy shell with it.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements A snail

Science Insight Snails are commonly known as belly-footed animals. The broad flat muscular foot runs along its belly and is used for support and to carry out movement.’


A cockroach can walk, climb, and fly upto a short distance. It has an exoskeleton that covers the outer body. This outer (or exo) skeleton is made up of some plates joined together. These plates permit the movement of the cockroach body.

Movement in Cockroach

  1. It has three pairs of jointed legs attached to the breast region which help them to walk.
  2. Its legs have distinct muscles that move the legs for walking and climbing.
  3. Its wings are attached to the body muscles that help in the movement of wings as it flies.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements Legs And Wings Of A Cockroach


The birds fly in the air and walk on the ground. The birds can fly as their bodies are well suited for flying. Some birds like ducks and swans can also swim in water.

Movement in Birds.

  • It has hind limbs (legs) for walking on the ground and wings for flying.
  • The birds fly in the air by moving their wings up and down continuously.
  • The main adaptations in the bodies of birds that enable them to fly are as follows
  • They have hollow and light bones which makes their bodies light
  • The bony parts of the forelimbs are modified to form wings for flying.
  • The breast bone is modified to hold the muscles of flight. These muscles are used to move the wings up and down during flight.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements Structure of bird skeleton


Their body is like a boat, i.e. the head and tail are smaller than the middle portion. It is known as a streamlined body, i.e. body that tapers at both ends. This shape reduces friction in water and allows them to swim easily.

Movement in Fish

The skeleton of a fish is covered with strong muscles. Movement in fishes occurs due to the action of their muscles and fins.

  1. During swimming, the muscles make the front part of the body curve to one side, while the tail part swings towards the opposite side.
  2. The fish thus, forms a curve. Then quickly, the body and tail curve to the other side. This makes a jerk and pushes the body forward and helps in their movement. A series of such jerks make the fish swim ahead.
  3. Fish have several fins which helps them to keep the balance of the body. The fins also help to determine the direction, while swimming.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements Movement In Fish


It has a long backbone which is very flexible. The body of a snake contains many thin muscles that are connected. These muscles also interconnect the backbone, ribs, and skin.

Movement in Snake

  1. The snake can curve its body into many loops. Each loop pushes the ground to give a forward push to the body against the ground.
  2. Since its long body makes many loops and each loop gives it a push, the snake moves very fast and not in a straight line. This kind of movement in a snake is called slithering.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements movement in snake

Yoga-For Better Health

Yoga is an invaluable gift of the ancient Indian tradition. The United Nations declared June 21 as the International Day of Yoga. Yoga helps in keeping the backbone erect and in relieving joint pain. Many postures in yoga require lifting of our body weight.

This helps in making the bones strong and preventing osteoporosis. Yoga keeps the heart healthy and helps it to work more efficiently. Thus, yoga keeps a person healthy. However, certain yoga postures should be performed under the supervision of a trained person.

Activity 1

Aim: To show that we can bend or rotate our body only at joints.

Materials Required: Scale or wooden stick and string.


  1. Straighten your right arm. Place a light wooden stick lengthwise on your arm so that your elbow is in the center.
  2. Ask your friend to tie the wooden stick with the arm at both ends by using a string.
  3. Now try to bend your arm at the elbow.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements Arm can bend at elbow because bones form a joint at the elbow

Observation: Since a wooden stick is tied at the joint of the elbow you will not be able to bend your arm.

Conclusion: This activity shows that we can bend or move our body parts only at those places where two or more bones are joined together. These places are called joints.

Activity 2

Aim: To make a ball and socket joint.

Materials Required: Old rubber or plastic ball paper, bowl, Knife/scissors.


  1. Roll a strip of paper into a cylinder.
  2. Make a small hole in an old rubber or plastic ball.
  3. Push the paper cylinder into it.
  4. Put the ball in a small bowl.
  5. The ball and socket joint is ready.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements Making A ball And Socket Joint

Observation: In this type of joint, the rounded end of one bone fits into the cavity of the other bone. It allows movement in all directions.

Conclusion: From this activity, it can be concluded that this joint is a ball and socket joint.

Activity 3

Aim: To show that hinge joints allow movement only in one plane and only upto 180°.

Materials Required: Cardboard or thickchart paper and pencil.


  1. Make a cylinder with cardboard or thick chart paper.
  2. Attach a small pencil to the cylinder by piercing the cylinder at the center.
  3. Now make a hollow half-cylinder in such a way that the rolled-up cylinder fits inside the half-cylinder easily.

CBSE Notes For Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements Directions Of Movement Allowed By A Hinge- Like

Observation: The hollow half cylinder with the rolled-up cylinder sitting inside it allows movement like a hinge.

Conclusion: From this activity, it can be concluded that hinge joints allow movement only in one plane and upto 180°.

Activity 4

Aim: To observe how an earthworm moves.

Materials Required: An earthworm, a piece of blotting or filter paper, smooth glass plate.


  1. Observe an earthworm moving on the soil in a garden.
  2. Gendy lifts it and places it on a piece of blotting or filter paper.
  3. Observe its movement.
  4. Then place it on a smooth glass plate or any slippery surface.
  5. Observe its movement again.

Observations: We will observe that earthworms can move easily on the soil, but find it difficult to move on filter paper and glass plate.

Conclusion: This activity shows that an earthworm can move easily on the soil. It has a large number of tiny bristles (hair-like structures) under its body. These bristles help to get a good grip on the ground. It is difficult for it to move on paper and glass because it cannot get a grip on both of them.

Activity 5

Aim: To observe the movement of a snail.

Materials Required: Snail and a glass plate.


  1. Place a snail on a glass plate and observe it.
  2. When it starts moving, carefully lift the glass plate along with the snail above the level of your head.
  3. Observe the movement of the snail from beneath the glass plate.
  4. Now tilt the glass plate.

Observation: A thick structure and head may come out of an opening in the shell. The thick structure is its foot, which is made up of strong muscles. Conclusion This activity shows the wavy motion ofthe snail’s foot.

Bones Of The Skull Notes

Bones Of The Skull Mandible

The mandible is the bone of the lower jaw.

General Features of Mandible Body

Mandible Body

The body is U-shaped and has two surfaces and two borders. It consists of right and left halves united in the median plane at the symphysis menti. The symphysis menti is a faint ridge on the upper part of the midline.

Mandible Body Upper Border

The upper border of the mandible is also known as alveolar border. It bears sockets for the teeth.

Mandible Body Lower Border

  • This border is also known as the base of the mandible. Posteriorly it is continuous with the lower border of the ramus of the mandible.
  • On either side of the midline, there is the presence of a digastric fossa for the attachment of the anterior belly of the digastric.

Bones Of The Skull The Mandible Of An Adult

Bones Of The Skull The lateral surface of one half of the mandible

Mandible Body External Surface

  • At the lower part of the midline (at symphysis menti) a triangular mental protuberance is present.
  • The upper angle of the triangle lies at the lower end of the symphysis menti.
  • The mental tubercles are present at the lower angles of this triangle.
  • A faint ridge is present on the external surface of the body extending upwards and backward from the mental tubercle up to the anterior margin of the ramus. This is called an oblique line.
  • The mental foramen, in an adult, is present below the second premolar tooth midway between the upper and lower borders.

Mandible Body Internal Surface

  • The mylohyoid line is oblique and extends diagonally downwards and forwards from just below the alveolar border (behind the 3rd molar tooth) to the lower part of symphysis menti.
  • The sublingual fossa is a smooth area above the anterior part of the mylohyoid line for the lodgement of the sublingual salivary gland.
  • The submandibular fossa is a concave area present below the posterior part of the mylohyoid line. It comes in contact with the superficial part of the submandibular gland.
  • The posterior part of the symphysis menti on either side of the midline presents a pair of elevations called superior and inferior genial tubercles. These tubercles are present above the anterior end of the mylohyoid line.

Read and Learn More Human Osteology Notes

Ramus of Mandible

The ramus of the mandible projects upwards from the posterior part of the body. It has four borders (anterior, posterior, upper, and lower), two surfaces (lateral and medial), and two processes (coronoid and condylar).

Bones Of The Skull The medial surface of one half of the mandible

Ramus of Mandible Borders

  • The upper border forms a notch, i.e., the mandibular notch. This border displays a triangular coronoid process anteriorly and a condylar process posteriorly.
  • The lower border is the backward continuation of the base of the body of the mandible.
  • The anterior border of the ramus is sharp and continuous below with the oblique line on the lateral surface of the body of the mandible.
  • The posterior border meets with the lower border of the ramus to form the angle of the mandible. This border is in continuation above with the condylar process

Ramus of Mandible Processes

  • The coronoid process is flat and triangular, which projects upwards from the anterosuperior part of the ramus. It lies at the junction of the upper (mandibular notch) and anterior border of the ramus.
  • The condylar process projects upwards from the posterosuperior part of the ramus.
  • The upper end of the condylar process is expanded and forms the head of the mandible. While the lower part of the condylar process is constricted and called the neck.
  • The head of the mandible bears an articular surface that articulates with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone to form the temporomandibular joint.
  • The anterior surface of the neck shows a depression called pterygoid fovea for attachment of lateral pterygoid muscle.

Ramus of Mandible Surfaces

  • The lateral surface is rough and flat in its anteroinferior part for the attachment of the masseter.
  • The medial surface presents a mandibular foramen close to its center. It leads into a mandibular canal which opens at the mental foramen.
  • The lingula is a tongue-shaped projection near the anterior margin of the mandibular foramen. There is the presence of a mylohoid groove just behind the lingula.
  • This groove runs forward and downwards from the mandibular foramen to the inner surface of the body of the mandible.
  • The area above the angle of the mandible is rough for the attachment of the medial pterygoid muscle.

Particular Features of Mandible Body

Attachments of muscles are shown for the external surface and internal surface. Relations of nerves, blood vessels, glands, and ligaments.

Mandible Body Ossification

  • The part of the bone between the mental foramen and mandibular foramen ossifies in the membrane (fibrous envelop of the Meckel’s cartilage of the first branchial arch).
  • The part of the body in front of the mental foramen and the part of the ramus above the mandibular foramen ossify in cartilage.
  • Each half was replaced by a bony union at the end of the first year of postnatal mandible ossifying in 6th week of IUL.
  • At birth, the mandible consists of two halves of the mandibular body united by the fibrous joint at symphysis menti. This fibrous joint is aged.

Bones Of The Skull The Attachments Of Muscles On The External Surface Of Mandible

Bones Of The Skull Attachments of muscles on the internal surface of mandible

Bones Of The Skull Relations Of Nerves, Blood Vessels, Glands And Ligamnets On The Medical Aspect Of Mandible

Bones Of The Skull The Ossification Of Left Half Of Mandible

Age Changes In Mandible

The bony features of the mandible change with age (children, adults, and old age).

Bones Of The Skull Age Chnages In Mandible

Bones Of The Skull Internal Surface Of Body And Ramus Of Mandible

Bones Of The Skull Inferior Surface of Frontal Bone

Frontal Bone

  • The frontal bone forms most of the part of the anterior cranial fossa. The bone consists of squamous (main) parts and orbital parts.
  • The squamous part forms the forehead and orbital parts form the major part of the roof of each orbit.

Frontal Bone Squamous (Main) Part

This part of the bone has an external surface and internal surface, right and left temporal surface, nasal part, and zygomatic processes.

Frontal Bone External Surface

  • The external surface of the squamous part forms the forehead. This surface presents frontal eminence about 3 cm above the supraorbital margin.
  • The other features seen on this surface are the glabella, superciliary arches, and supraorbital margins.
  • The supraorbital notch or foramen is seen on the supraorbital margin. Occasionally the metopic suture may be seen in the region of the glabella.

Frontal Bone Temporal Surface

This forms a small surface on the right and left sides below the temporal lines

Frontal Bone Internal Surface

  • This surface is concave and shows the impressions of cerebral sulci and gyri.
  • It shows a median groove (sagittal sulcus) for the superior sagittal sinus.
  • At the anterior end of the groove, there is the presence of a median ridge called the frontal crest. Just below the frontal crest is the presence of foramen caecum.

Frontal Bone Nasal Part

  • The nasal part is the downward projection of the squamous part of bone between two superior orbital margins.
  • The lower serrated margin of this part is concave downwards and known as the nasal notch.
  • The nasal notch bears a median projection, the nasal spine which articulates with the nasal bones in front and behind with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid.
  • From medial to lateral, the nasal bone, frontal process of maxilla, and lacrimal bone articulate with each half of the nasal notch.

Bones Of The Skull Frontal Bone As Seen From External Aspect

Zygomatic Process

The zygomatic process passes downwards and laterally from the lateral end of the superior orbital margin.

The Orbital Part

The orbital part consists of right and left orbital plates separated from each other by a wide notch called an ethmoid notch.

  • The notch is occupied by the ethmoid bone.
  • The orbital surface faces downwards. It is smooth and forms the roof of the orbit.
  • The inferior aspect of the orbital plate, just lateral to a notch, shows the depressions of ethmoidal air cells. More anteriorly it shows the opening of the frontal air sinus.
  • There is the presence of lacrimal fossa at its anterolateral angle.
  • The trochlear fovea is present, at its anteromedial part.
  • The upper surface of the orbital plate forms the floor of the anterior cranial fossa and shows the impressions for sulci and gyri.

Articulations of the Frontal Bone

The following bones articulate with the squamous part of the frontal bone:

  • Posteriorly: Parietal bones (at the coronal suture), greater wings of the sphenoid.
  • Anteriorly: Zygomatic bone, nasal bone, frontal process of maxilla, lacrimal bone, and perpendicular plate of the ethmoid.
  • The following bones articulate with the orbital part:
  • Posteriorly: Lesser wings of sphenoid.
  • Medially: Orbital plate of ethmoid.

Bones Of The Skull The External Surface Of Left Parietal Bone

Frontal Bone Ossification

  • It ossifies in the membrane.
  • Two halves of the frontal bone begin to fuse at the age of the first post-natal year. The fusion is completed by the end of eight years.
  • If the suture persists in adults then it is known as a metopic suture.

Bones Of The Skull The Ossification Of Frontal Bone

Parietal Bone

The parietal bones are quadrilateral in shape and form the roof and side walls of the cranial cavity.

Bones Of The Skull The External Surface Of Left Parietal Bone

Parietal Bones General Features

Each one has:

  • Four borders: Superior, inferior, anterior and posterior.
  • Two surfaces: External and internal.
  • Four angles: Anterosuperior, anteroinferior, posterosuperior and posteroinferior.

The external surface is convex. The external surface shows the parietal eminence, parietal foramen, and superior and inferior temporal lines.

On the concave internal surface, the vascular grooves (for middle meningeal vessels) run upwards and backward from the anteroinferior angle. A shallow groove for the sigmoid sinus is seen at its posteroinferior angle.

Bones Of The Skull The internal Surface Of Left Parietal Bone

Parietal Bones  Particular Features

The attachments and relations of the bone with the soft tissues

Bones Of The Skull Attachments On Left Parietal Bone

Parietal Bones  Articulations

Articulations of the parietal bone are shown in

Parietal Bones  Side Determination

Hold the bone in such a way that the convex external surface faces laterally. The angle showing the vascular groove at the internal surface should be kept antero-inferiorly.

Bones Of The Skull Blood Vessels And Sinus In Realtion To The Internal Surface Of Left Parietal Bone

Parietal Bones  Anatomical Position

The superior border should be kept towards the median plane, the antero-inferior angle downwards and forwards.

Bones Of The Skull Internal Surface Of The Left Parietal Bone

Bones Of The Skull Internal Surface Of The Occiptal Bone

Parietal Bones  Ossification

It ossifies in the membrane

Bones Of The Skull Ossification Of Parietal Bone

Parietal Bones Occipital Bone

  • This bone is present in the posterior part of the skull. The presence of the large foramen magnum helps in dividing the bone into four parts.
  • A part above and behind the foramen magnum is an expanded curved plate of bone, i.e., a squamous part. It shows a superior angle and two lateral angles.
  • The superior angle lies at lambda and each lateral angle at asterion.
  • A part in front of frame n magnum is called the basilar part.
  • A pair of condylar parts are present on either side of the foramen magnum.

Parietal Bones Anatomical Position

Hold the bone in such a way that the foramen magnum should lie in the horizontal plane and the basilar part should be directed forwards and upwards.

Bones Of The Skull Attachment Of MUscles On The Inferior Surface Of Occipital Bone

Parietal Bones General Features

Squamous Part

  • The squamous part shows a convex external and a concave internal surface: one superior angle two lateral angles and two borders i.e., lambdoid and mastoid borders.
  • The external surface shows the presence of the external occipital protuberance and external
    occipital crest.
  • The highest nuchal line and the superior nuchal line run laterally from the external occipital protuberance, on the right and left sides. The inferior nuchal line runs laterally from the middle of the external occipital crest.
  • The internal surface of the squamous part shows the presence of internal occipital protuberance in the middle.
  • A wide median groove for the superior sagittal sinus is present above the protuberance. Grooves for transverse sinuses are present on either side of the protuberance. An internal occipital crest runs downwards in the midline from the internal occipital protuberance.
  • Borders—The lambdoid border articulates with the parietal bone at the lambdoid suture and the mastoid border articulates with the mastoid bone at the occipito¬ mastoid suture.

Basilar Part of the Occipital Bone

  • It extends forward and upwards from the anterior margin of the foramen magnum. This part has three surfaces (anterior, superior, and inferior), and two lateral borders.
  • The anterior surface extends upto the body of the sphenoid bone and forms a primary cartilaginous joint (basi-sphenoid joint), which is replaced by the bone at about 25 years of age.
  • The superior surface slopes downwards and backward and forms a part of the clivus.
  • The inferior surface bears a pharyngeal tubercle The lateral border of the basilar part articulates with the posterior border of the petrous part of the temporal bone.

Bones Of The Skull The Internal Surface Of The Occiptital Bone

Bones Of The Skull Attachment Of MUscles On The Inferior Surface Of Occipital Bone

The Condylar Part of the Occipital Bone

  • It presents superior and inferior surfaces. The inferior surface of the condylar part presents an occipital condyle. The hypo-glossal or anterior condylar canal opens just above the anterolateral side of the occipital condyle.
  • Just behind the condyle is the condylar fossa, which may show the opening of the posterior condylar canal.
  • The jugular process is a quadrilateral plate present lateral to the posterior half of the occipital condyle.
  • The upper surface of the jugular process is deeply grooved for the sigmoid sinus. The superior surface of the condylar part shows a jugular tubercle.

The Foramen Magnum

For structures passing through the foramen magnum

Foramen Magnum Particular Features

The soft tissue relation

Foramen Magnum Articulations

The following bones articulate with the occipital bone:

  • Parietal (at lambdoid suture).
  • Mastoid (at occipitomastoid suture).
  • Sphenoid (at the basisphenoid suture, which gets ossified at about the age of 25 years).

Bones Of The Skull Dural Venous Sinuses In Relation To Squamous Part Of Occipital Bone

Foramen Magnum Ossification

The squamous part, above the highest nuchal line, ossifies in the membrane. The rest of the bone ossifies in cartilage.

The part above the highest nuchal line may not unite with the rest of the bone and is then called interparietal bone.

Bones Of The Skull The Ossification Of Occipital Bone

Bones Of The Skull Lateral Paltes lower half of central pieces

Zygomatic Bone

It is situated on the upper lateral part of the face and forms the prominence of the cheek. Each zygomatic bone has a body and two processes (a frontal and a temporal process)

Zygomatic Bone General Features

The frontal process is directed upwards to articulate with the zygomatic process of the frontal bone.

The temporal process extends backward to articulate with zygomatic process of the temporal bone and forms the zygomatic arch. Anteromedially the body articulates with the maxilla.

Bones Of The Skull The External Surface Of Left Zygomatic Bone

General Features Body

  • The body has three surfaces and five borders. The surfaces are lateral, temporal arid orbital, while bordes are anteroinferior, anterosuperior (orbital), posteromedial, posterosuperior and postero-inferior.
  • The lateral surface is convex and presents zygomaticofacial foramen. This surface forms the prominence of the cheek.
  • The orbital surface forms the part of the lateral wall and floor of the orbit. It has the zygomatico-orbital foramen.
  • The temporal surface is directed posteromedially. It forms the anterior wall of the temporal fossa. The zygomaticotemporal foramen is present on this surface.

Zygomatic Bone Particular Features

The attachments of muscles on the zygomatic bone.

The following bones articulate with the zygomatic bone:

  • Frontal, maxilla, greater wing of the sphenoid, and the zygomatic process of temporal.
  • Side Determination and Anatomical Position

Hold the bone in such a way that:

  • The frontal process should look upwards.
  • The smooth concave orbital margin should face upwards and medially.
  • The smooth lateral surface should face laterally.
  • The direction of the lateral surface will determine the side of the bone

Zygomatic Bone Ossification

The bone ossifies in the membrane

Bones Of The Skull Anterolateral aspect of left maxilla

Bones Of The Skull Medial aspect of left maxilla

Bones Of The Skull Ossification of zygomatic bone, sometimes a fissure Divides The Bone In Upper And Lower Parts


The right and left maxillae take part in the formation of the whole of the upper jaw and part of the hard palate.

Maxilla General Features

Each maxilla consists of a body and four processes, i.e., an alveolar process, a zygomatic process, a frontal process, and a palatine process.

General Features Body

The body is pyramidal and encloses a large maxillary air sinus. Inferiorly, the body bears an alveolar process for the attachment of teeth.

The body possesses four surfaces: anterolateral, posterior, orbital, and nasal.

Anterolateral Surface

It is directed forward and laterally. Above, the anterior surface is limited by the infra¬ orbital margin.

Medially, this surface presents a nasal notch. Below the infraorbital margin, the infraorbital foramen is present. This surface also presents canine eminence, incisive fossa, and canine fossa.

Posterior Surface

It faces backward and laterally. This surface forms the anterior wall of the infratemporal fossa hence, also known as the infratemporal surface.

Inferiorly, this surface shows the maxillary tuberosity, which articulates with the pyramidal process of the palatine bone. Posterior superior alveolar foramina are seen on the surface.

Bones Of The Skull The lateral aspect of left maxilla

Orbital Surface

It forms the major part of the floor of the orbit. Posteriorly, it forms the anteromedial border of the infraorbital fissure.

There is the presence of an infraorbital groove near the center of the orbital surface. This groove leads to the infraorbital canal anteriorly, which opens on the anterior surface as infraorbital foramen.

Nasal (Medial) Surface

  • This surface takes part in the formation of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity.
  • The maxillary air sinus opens on this surface as a large maxillary hiatus
  • Posterior to the hiatus there is a groove, which is converted into a greater palatine canal by the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone.
  • Anteroinferior to the hiatus is the area of the inferior meatus.
  • Superior to the inferior meatus is the nasolacrimal groove.
  • There is the presence of a ridge anterior to the nasolacrimal groove. It is called the conchal crest, which articulates with the inferior nasal concha.

Nasal (Medial) Surface Processes

Zygomatic Process This strong process extends laterally from the body to articulate with the body of the zygomatic bone.

Zygomatic Process – Frontal Process

It extends upwards and medially where its tip articulates with the nasal part of the frontal bone. Anteriorly this process articulates with the nasal bone and posteriorly with the lacrimal bone.

The label surface of this process has a ridge called as a lacrimal crest, The medial surface is marked by an ethmoidal cress.

Bones Of The Skull The medial aspect of left maxilla

Alveolar Process

It extends downwards and carries the sockets for the teeth of the upper jaw.

Palatine Process

It is a horizontal plate, that projects medially from the nasal surface of the body of the maxilla. Medially it articulates with the palatine process of the opposite maxilla to form the anterior % of the hard palate.

It has superior and inferior surfaces and two free borders, i.e., medial and posterior. Posteriorly, it articulates with the anterior border of the horizontal plate of the palatine bone.

Anatomical Position and Side Determination Mold the bone in such a way that:

  • The medial border of its palatine process should be in the median plane.
  • The frontal process should point upwards.
  • Zygomatic process laterally.


It ossifies in the membrane from a single centre which appears in the 6th week of JUL.


It is a single, irregular midline bone situated between two orbits, in the ethmoidal notch of the frontal bone.

The parts, of the ethmoid can be appreciated by seeing a coronal section of the bone. It consists of a midline perpendicular plate, and two cuboidal bony masses on either side (labyrinth), which are connected to the perpendicular plate by a horizontal cribriform plate.

Perpendicular Plate

At the upper end of the perpendicular plate crista galli is present. The crista galli is seen on the floor of the anterior cranial cavity.

The perpendicular plate takes part in the formation of the median nasal septum.


The right and left labyrinths are fragile, pneumatic bone.

  • It consists of many small air spaces (ethmoidal air sinuses). The ethmoidal air sinuses are arranged in the anterior, middle, and posterior groups.
  • The walls of these air spaces are very thin and incomplete. The labyrinth is present between nasal and orbital cavities.
  • The medial wall of the labyrinth is a part of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and is bounded by the medial plate.

Bones Of The Skull Superior aspect of ethmoid bone

Bones Of The Skull Superior aspect of sphenoid bone. Anterior clinoid process is bifid

From this medial plate, there arises superior and middle conchae. Deep to middle concha there is the presence of a hook-like uncinate process and a rounded elevation, the bulla ethmoidale

The lateral wall of the labyrinth is formed by the orbital plate. The orbital plate forms the part of the medial wall of the orbit.

Cribriform Plate

The cribriform plate is the horizontal plate with numerous perforations.

It connects the labyrinths with the median perpendicular plate. The cribriform plate is seen on the floor of the anterior cranial fossa on either side of the crista galli. It also forms the roof of the nasal cavity.


  • The perpendicular plate articulates with vomer, septal cartilage, frontal, nasal, and sphenoid bone.
  • The cribriform plate articulates with the orbital plate and sphenoid bone.
  • Labyrinth articulates with frontal, sphenoid, maxilla, lacrimal, perpendicular plate of palatine, and inferior nasal concha.


The ethmoid bone ossifies in a cartilaginous capsule. There appear three centers, i.e., one for the perpendicular plate and one each for the labyrinth. The centers for the labyrinth appear labyrinth. The centers for the labyrinth appear All centers unite to form a single bone by the end of the third year of age.

Palatine Bone

It is situated between the maxilla and pterygoid process. It is L-shaped in appearance and consists of perpendicular and horizontal plates. It also has three processes, pyramidal, orbital, and sphenoidal.

Horizontal Plate

The horizontal plate forms the posterior part plate of palatine and inferior nasal concha anterior, posterior, lateral, and medial. The posterior border is free and projects backward in the midline to form the posterior nasal spine.

Perpendicular Plate

  • It has two surfaces, maxillary and nasal, and four borders, i.e., anterior, posterior,
  • All centers unite to form a single bone by greater palatine which is converted into the greater palatine canal with the help of the maxilla. This surface also forms the medial wall of the pterygopalatine fossa.
  • The nasal is L-shaped in appearance (i.e., ethmoidal crest, which articulates with the middle concha of the ethmoid bone, and conchal crest articulates with the inferior concha).
  • The right and left pterygoid processes. The posterior border of the perpendicular plate articulates with the medial pterygoid Body plate.
  • The superior border of the perpendicular plate bears an orbital process and a sphenoidal process.
  • Between these two processes, there is the presence of a sphenopalatine notch, which is converted into sphenopalatine foramen with the body of the sphenoid.

Pyramidal Process

  • The pyramidal process is directed backward and laterally from the junction of horizontal and perpendicular plates.
  • This process fits into a pterygoid fissure of pterygoid processes. Its inferior surface presents lesser palatine foramina.

Orbital Process

It is present at the anterior end of the upper border of the perpendicular plate. It forms the posterior part of the floor of the orbit.

Sphenoidal Process

It is situated at the posterior end of the upper border of the perpendicular plate. This process is grooved to complete the palatinovaginal canal.

Sphenoid Bone

It is a single, irregular, pneumatic bone situated posterior to the ethmoid and frontal bone. It forms the middle part of the base of the skull.

Sphenoid Bone General Features

The sphenoid consists of:

  • A centrally placed body
  • A pair of greater and lesser wings.

Sphenoid Bone Body

  • The body of the sphenoid is cuboidal in shape and contains a pair of sphenoidal air sinuses. It has six surfaces (i.e., superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, and right and left lateral surfaces).
  • The superior surface of the body bears the hypophyseal fossa. It forms the posterior part of the anterior cranial fossa (jugum sphenoidale, sulcus chiasmaticus, and tuberculum sellae) and the central part of the middle cranial fossa (hypophyseal fossa, dorsum sellae, and posterior clinoid process).
  • The inferior swap of the body forms the posterior part of the roof of the nasal cavity and the roof of the nasopharynx. It shows a median ridge called a rostrum, which articulates with the grooved margin of the vomer.
  • The anterior surface of the sphenoid articulates with the ethmoid. It presents a median ridge called a sphenoidal crest for articulation with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone. On either side of the crest lies a thin plate of bone called sphenoidal concha. The sphenoidal foramen lies above and medial to the concha.
  • The posterior surface is rough and articulates with the basilar part of the occipital bone.
  • The upper part of the lateral surface is seen in the floor of the middle cranial fossa and shows a shallow groove the carotid sulcus. The lower part of the lateral surface unites with the greater wing and medial pterygoid plate.

Bones Of The Skull The sphenoid bone

Sphenoid Bone Wings

Sphenoid Bone Greater Wings

  • Each greater wing has three surfaces, i.e., cerebral (upper), orbital, and lateral.
  • The cerebral surface forms a part of the middle cranial fossa and is related to the temporal lobe of the cerebrum.
  • Anteromedially, it has a sharp free margin, which forms the inferolateral boundary of the superior orbital fissure. This surface shows the presence of foramen rotundum, ovale, and spinosum.
  • The lateral surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid is divided into the upper temporal surface and lower infratemporal surface.
  • The infratemporal surface forms the roof of infratemporal fossa. This surface shows the opening of foramen ovale and spinosum.
  • This surface also shows the presence of the spine of the sphenoid, which is present posterolateral to the foramen spinosum. At the junction of the temporal and infratemporal surfaces, there is the presence of an infratemporal crest.
  • The orbital surface is quadrilateral in shape and forms part of the lateral wall of the orbit. This surface concerns the superior orbital fissure (above) and inferior orbital fissure.

Sphenoid Bone Lesser Wings

It extends laterally from the anterosuperior part of the body of the sphenoid.

  • It is connected to the body by anterior and posterior roots. In between the two roots and the body of the sphenoid, there is the presence of the optic canal.
  • The lesser wing consists of two surfaces (superior and inferior) and two borders (anterior and posterior).
  • The superior surface forms the posterior-most part of the floor of the anterior cranial fossa. The inferior surface forms the superior border, of the superior orbital fissure.
  • The anterior border articulates with the posterior border of the orbital plate, while the posterior border is free.
  • The medial end of the posterior border ends in the anterior clinoid process.

Bones Of The Skull Sphenoid bone as seen from anterior aspect

Bones Of The Skull External surface of right temporal bone

Pterygoid Processes

  • The pterygoid processes, on either side, extend downwards from the junction of the root of the greater wing and body of the sphenoid.
  • Each process consists of lateral and medial pterygoid plates, which are separated posteriorly from each other by pterygoid fossa.
  • Anteriorly both the plates are continuous with each other and form the posterior wall of the pterygopalatine fossa.
  • Following three foramina open anteriorly in the pterygoid process—foramen rotundum, pterygoid canal, and palatinovaginal canal

Sphenoid Bone Articulations

  • Body of sphenoid Ethmoid bone (anteriorly), basilar part of the occipital (posteriorly)
  • The lesser living of the Orbital plate of the frontal bone sphenoid anteriorly
  • Greater wing of Frontal bone (anterosphenoid medially)
  • Zygomatic bone (anterolaterally)
  • Parietal bone (superiorly)
  • Squamous temporal bone (posterolateral) Petrous temporal (posteriorly) Pterygoid process Maxilla (anteriorly) Perpendicular plate of palatine (Medial pterygoid plate)
  • Pyramidal process of palatine (Lower ends of pterygoid plates).

Sphenoid Bone Ossification

The sphenoid gets ossified partly in the membrane and partly in cartilage.

Sphenoid Bone Temporal Bone

The temporal bone is situated on each side of the base and side of the skull.

This bone consists of the following parts:

  • Squamous.
  • Petrosal.
  • Mastoid.
  • Tympanic.
  • Styloid process.

Sphenoid Bone Squamous Part

  • It is a thin plate-like bone. It forms the anterosuperior part of the bone. It has external (temporal) and internal (cerebral) surfaces and a superior and an anteroinferior border.
  • The external surface (on the lateral aspect) shows the zygomatic process, roots of the zygomatic process, supramastoid crest, temporal lines, and supra-meatal triangle.
  • The external surface (on the inferior aspect) is made up of a small infratemporal suiface, articular tubercle, mandibularfossa and scfuamotympanic fissure.
  • The internal or cerebral surface is concave and shows an impression of the gyri of the cerebrum and blood vessels.

Bones Of The Skull The lateral aspect of left temporal bone

Bones Of The Skull The lateral aspect ol left temporal bone

Mastoid Part of Sphenoid Bone

  • It lies posterior to the squamous part. It shows external and internal surfaces and a posterior border.
  • It bears a downward extending conical projection, the mastoid process.
  • The outer surface is smooth and may show the opening of the mastoid foramen near its posterior border.
  • The inner surface is marked by a vertical groove for the sigmoid sinus.
  • The medial surface of the mastoid process shows a deep groove called the mastoid notch and a shallow groove for the occipital artery.

Petrous Part of Sphenoid Bone

  • This part of the bone is triangular and present at the base of the skull.
  • It has a base, an apex, three borders (superior, anterior, and posterior), and three surfaces (anterior, posterior, and inferior). The bone contains the internal and middle ear cavities

Base of Sphenoid Bone

  • The base of the petrous bone is directed backward and laterally and fuses with the squamous and mastoid parts.

Apex of Sphenoid Bone

It is directed forward and medially. It forms the posterior margin of the foramen lacerum.

Borders of Sphenoid Bone

  • The superior border demarcates the middle cranial fossa from the posterior cranial fossa. It is grooved by the superior petrosal sinus.
  • The medial part of the anterior border articulates with the greater wing of the sphenoid and the lateral part fuses with the squamous part.
  • The medial part of the posterior border forms a sulcus for the inferior petrosal sinus.
  • The lateral part forms the boundary of the jugular foramen.

Surfaces of Sphenoid Bone

The anterior surface of the petrous bone forms the posterior wall of the middle cranial fossa and shows the following features from medial to the lateral side trigeminal impression, hiatus for greater petrosal nerve, hiatus for lesser petrosal nerve, arcuate imminence, and tegmen tympani.

The posterior surface forms the anterior wall of the posterior cranial fossa and shows the opening of the internal acoustic meatus.

The inferior surface of the petrous bone is rough and presents the lower opening of the carotid canal and depression of the jugular fossa in front of the jugular foramen.

The Tympanic Part of Sphenoid Bone

  • It is a curved plate of bone, situated anterior and inferior to the external acoustic meatus. It forms the non-articular posterior wall of the mandibular fossa.
  • This plate forms the anterior, inferior, and lower part of the posterior wall of the external acoustic meatus.
  • The superior border of the tympanic plate meets the squamous temporal bone at the squamotympanic fissure. The inferior border forms a sheath for the base of the styloid process.
  • The rough lateral margin of the tympanic plate gives attachment to the cartilaginous part of the external acoustic meatus.

The Styloid Process of Sphenoid Bone

The styloid process is a conical projection of about 2.5 cm long. It is present on the inferior aspect of the temporal bone.

It is directed downwards forward and medially. The root of the styloid process is ensheathed by the tympanic plate. The stylomastoid foramen is situated between the styloid and mastoid process.

Side Determination and Anatomical Position Hold the bone in such a way that:

  • The zygomatic process faces anteriorly.
  • External acoustic meatus laterally.
  • The mastoid process faces backward and downwards

Articulations of Sphenoid Bone

Squamous part – With greater wing of sphenoid anteriorly With the parietal bone superiorly With the head of the mandible at the temporomandibular joint.

Petrous part – With the greater wing of the sphenoid anteriorly With the occipital bone posteriorly

Mastoid part- With the parietal bone superiorly With the occipital bone posteriorly and medially.

Zygomatic Process- With the temporal process of zygomatic bone.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Notes

Bones Of The Upper limb

The Upper limb consists of many regions. The following bones are present in various regions of the upper limb

Pectoral Region

It consists of two bones on each side, i.e., clavicle and scapula. These two bones form the pectoral or shoulder girdle. The lateral end of the clavicle articulates with the scapula at the acromioclavicular joint.

The medial end of the clavicle articulates with the sternum (axial skeleton) through the sternoclavicular joint. Thus the pectoral girdle serves to attach the upper limb to the trunk.


This region consists of a single bone called as humerus. The upper end of this bone articulates with the scapula at the shoulder joint. The lower end of the humerus articulates with two long bones of the forearm, i.e., the radius and ulna at the elbow joint.

Upper Limb Bones


The ulna is medial while the radius is laterally placed in the forearm. At their lower ends, they articulate with carpal bones to form wrist joints.


The skeleton of the hand consists of many bones ie., carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges. These bones form many joints i.e., intercarpal, sternal facet carpometacarpal, metacarpophalangeal, and interphalangeal joints.

Read and Learn More Human Osteology Notes

Bones Of The Upper Limb Schematic Diagram To Show The bones Of The Right Upper Limb

Bones form many joints i.e., intercarpal, sternal facet carpometacarpal, metacarpophalangeal, and interphalangeal joints.

The Clavicle or Clavicle Anatomy

Trapezoid The description of the bone in the following paragraph and the reference will help you to learn the “side determination” and “anatomical position” of bone.

costalFacet for cartilage first Subcostal groove Acromian facet The clavicle (collar bone) is a horizontal or inferior surface of a right-placed long bone, which shows two ends (medial and lateral) and a shaft.

Upper Limb Bones

Clavicle Bone

The medial end is thick and rounded Side Determination while the lateral end is broad and flattened. The shaft shows “S” shaped double curvatures, which meet each other at the junction of medial 2/3 and lateral 1/3 of the bone.

The medial 2/3 of the bone is cylindrical and convex forwards, while the lateral 1/3 of the shaft is flattened and concave forwards. The superior surface of the bone is smooth as it is subcutaneous.

On the other hand, the inferior surface is rough near its medial and lateral ends due to the attachment of ligaments. The inferior surface also shows the presence of a shallow groove in its middle third.

Bones Of The Upper Limb General Features Of Superior surface of right clavicle

 Clavicle Anatomy or Clavicle Side Determination

  • Hold the bone horizontally in such a way that its rounded thick end is nearer to the median plane (placed medially) and the flattened end is directed laterally.
  • Identify the rough inferior surface and smooth superior surface. Keep the inferior surface facing inferiorly (towards the ground).
  • The convexity of the medial 2/3 of the shaft should be directed anteriorly.
  • In this position, the lateral end will direct the side of the bone.

Clavicle Bone or Clavicle Anatomical Position

Hold the clavicle horizontally in such a way that its medial end is directed slightly forward and inferiorly as compared to its lateral end (which is directed upward and backward).

Clavicle General Features

For ease of understanding the clavicle is divided into medial 2/3 and lateral 1/3.

Medial 2/3 of Clavicle

Hold the bone in an anatomical position and note the following.

  1. It consists of a cylindrical shaft and a thick rounded medial (sternal) end.
  2. As the shaft is cylindrical borders are ill-defined (not well marked).
  3. There are four surfaces, i.e., superior, inferior, anterior, and posterior. In the absence of well-defined borders, these surfaces are continuous with each other.
  4. The superior surface is mostly smooth. It is covered by skin and platysma muscle.
  5. The anterior surface of the medial 2/3 of the clavicle is convex anteriorly.
  6. The posterior surface is smooth and concave posteriorly.

Clavicle Bone

Now turn the bone upside down to the clavicular joint. see the inferior surface.

  1. The inferior surface has a large rough Particular Features impression near its medial end, which gives attachment to a ligament.
  2. There is the presence of a shallow groove in the middle third of the inferior surface. This groove is known as the subclavian groove.

The medial end of the clavicle shows a large smooth saddle-shaped articular surface on its medial aspect (sternal surface), which also extends for a short distance on the inferior surface of the bone.

The medial end of the clavicle articulates with the manubrium sterni (at sternoclavicular joint) and also with the first costal cartilage near its inferior surface.

Lateral 1/3 of the Clavicle

As the lateral 1/3 of the clavicle is flat. It shows well-defined anterior and posterior sternohyoid borders and superior and inferior surfaces.

  • Hold the bone in the anatomical position and note the following:
  • The anterior border is concave forwards and Subclavius shows a small rough area called a deltoid tubercle.
  • The posterior border is rough and convex posteriorly.
  • The superior surface is mostly smooth except near its anterior and posterior borders, which give attachment to muscles. Now turn the bone upside down to see the inferior surface of lateral1/3.
  • The inferior surface near its posterior border shows a tubercle known as conoid tubercle.
  • A thick ridge extends forward and laterally from the conoid tubercle. This ridge is known as the trapezoid ride.

The lateral end of the bone bears a small oval facet for articulation with the acromian process of the scapula to form an acromioclavicular joint.

Upper Limb Bones

Particular Features Muscles Attached to Bone

Draw the attachments of muscles on the surface of the bone with the help of colored chalk.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Attachment Of Muscles On Inferrior Surface

Bones Of The Upper Limb Attachment of muscles on inferior surface.

Medial 2/3 of Clavicle

  • The superior surface is covered by skin and platysma muscle. The clavicular head of the sternocleidomastoid muscle arises from the medial third of this surface.
  • The anterior surface of the medial half of the clavicle gives origin to the clavicular head of pectoralis major.
  • The muscle sternohyoid is attached near the medial end of the posterior surface of the clavicle.
  • On the inferior surface, the subclavius muscle is attached to the subclavian groove.
  • The margins of this groove give attachment to clavipectoral fascia.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Inferior Surface Showing Attachment of Ligaments

Lateral 1/3 of the Clavicle

  • The anterior border gives origin to the deltoid muscle.
  • The posterior border gives attachment to the trapezius muscle.
  • Costoclavicular ligament
  • Ligaments Attached to Bone
  • The attachments of the articular capsule at its medial and lateral ends are shown in.
  • The costoclavicular ligament is attached to the inferior rough surface near its medial end.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Costoclavicular Ligament

  • The interclavicular ligament and the articular disc of the sternoclavicular joint are attached to the medial surface of the medial end.
  • Conoid and trapezoid parts of the coracoclavicular ligament are attached on the conoid tubercle and trapezoid ridge respectively on the inferior surface of lateral 1/3.

Upper Limb Bones

Nerves and Blood Vessels Related To Bone

  • Three supra-clavicular nerves (medial, intermediate, and lateral) are related to its anterosuperior surface.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Superior View Of Left Clavicle

Bones Of The Upper Limb Inferior veiw of clavicle

Bones Of The Upper Limb Lateral aspect of the left scapula

  • There lasted posterior to the surface trunks of medial brachial 2/3 of the plexus, shaft in the third part of subclavian vessels, and internal jugular vein.

Clavicle Fracture

Peculiarities of the Clavicle

  • Though it is a long bone but is placed horizontally.
  • Though long bone but ossifies mostly from membrane.
  • It is devoid of a medullary cavity.
  • The first bone to start ossifying in the body.

Clavicle Clinical Application

The main function of the clavicle is to transmit the forces from the upper limb to the axial skeleton through the sternoclavicular joint.

The forces are transmitted from the humerus to the scapula and then from the scapula to the clavicle through the coracoclavicular ligament. If the force, during a fall on the outstretched hand, is greater than the strength of the clavicle, a fracture will result at the junction between two curvatures of bone (medial 2/3 and lateral 1/3).

After the fracture, the shoulder drops, and the lateral fragment of the clavicle is displaced downward due to the weight of the upper limb (gravity).

Clavicle Fracture

The medial fragment of bone is pulled upward due to the action of the clavicular head of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

The lateral fragment of the bone may also be pulled medially by the action of the pectoralis major.

Thus two fragments may override each other. To approximate the two fractured ends of the bone, a bandage in the shape of a figure of eight is tied.

The clavicle acts as a strut to keep the shoulder laterally. This helps the upper limb to swing away from the trunk.

In a congenital malformation known as cleidocranial dysostosis, the clavicle is either absent or imperfectly developed.

In this condition shoulder joint is not always placed laterally and can be brought in front of the chest.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Peculiarties Of The Clavicle

  • The concave posterior surface of medial 2/3 of the bone protects the nerves and vessels (trunks of brachial plexus and subclavian vessels), which go from the root of the neck to the axilla.

Clavicle Fracture

Bones Of The Upper Limb Fracture Of Clavivle. Note The over-Riding of two Fragments Of The bone

Clavicle Ossification

The clavicle is the first long lone to ossify in the embryo. It is organized by two primary centers and one secondary center. Most of the shaft ossifies by membranous ossification.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Ossification Of Bone

The Scapula or Scapula Bone

The description of the scapula is in the following two paragraphs and a reference will help you learn to determine its side and to keep it in the anatomical position. The scapula is also known as the “shoulder blade”.

It is the posterior bone of the shoulder girdle. It lies on the posterolateral aspect of the thorax extending between the 2nd and 7th rib.

The body- of the scapula is thin, flat, and triangular.

Upper Limb Bones

Bones Of The Upper Limb Anterior (costal) surface surface of the right scapala

As the body is triangular it has three borders (medial, lateral, and superior) and three angles (superior, lateral, and inferior).

The inferior angle is directed downwards and lies at the level of the 7th rib. Just opposite the inferior angle is a superior border that extends between superior and lateral angles.

Scapula Bone

At the lateral angle, there is the presence of a shallow smooth articular fossa called a glenoid cavity, which articulates with the head of the humerus to form a shoulder joint.

The medial border runs between superior and inferior angles and is quite thin. The lateral border is thick and runs between lateral and inferior angles.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Posterior Surface Of the Right Scapula

The scapula shows two surfaces, i.e., costal and dorsal. The costal (anterior) surface is smooth and forms a shallow fossa called as subscapular fossa.

On the other hand dorsal (posterior) surface is convex posteriorly and is divided into supraspinous and infraspinous fossae by the presence of a bony process called as spine of the scapula.

Scapula Bone

It is a thick projecting ridge of bone, which is continuous laterally as the flat expanded acromion process. A beak-like bony process (coracoid process) arises from the upper part of the glenoid cavity.

Scapula Side Determination

Scapula Hold the bone in such a way that:

  • The inferior angle is directed downwards and the superior border is directed upwards.
  • The costal or anterior surface should face anteriorly and the dorsal (posterior) surface, bearing the spinous process, should face posteriorly.
  • The glenoid cavity should face laterally.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Lateteral Aspect Aspect Of Lelt Scapula

  • In this position, the direction of a glenoid cavity will determine the side of the bone.

Scapula Anatomical Position

  • Hold the bone in such a way that the coastal surface should face antero-medially.
  • The glenoid cavity should face anterolaterally and slightly upwards.

Scapula General Features

We shall study the general features of the scapula under four different headings, i.e., surfaces, borders, angles, and processes.


Costal (anterior) surface: The costal surface is slightly concave and forms a large subscapular fossa. There is the presence of a bar of thickened bone near the lateral border extending. between the head of scapula (lateral angle) and the inferior angle.

Dorsal (posterior) surface: The spine of the scapula divides the dorsal surface into a smaller upper supraspinous fossa and a larger infraspinous fossa. Both these fossae are continuous with each other through spinoglenoid notch.


Medial border: The medial border of the scapula is thin and lies about 5 cm lateral to the spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae.

Lateral border: This border extends from the lowest part of the glenoid cavity to the inferior angle.

It is a sharp ridge. Close to the lateral border, on the costal surface, there is the presence of a thickened longitudinal bar of the bone. It should not be confused with the lateral border.

Superior border: It extends between the superior angle and the root of the coracoid process. This border presents a suprascapular notch close to the root of the coracoid process.


The superior and inferior angles of the scapula are present at the upper and lower ends of the medial border respectively.

The lateral angle of the scapula is the thickest part of the bone where the glenoid cavity is present. This broadened part of the bone is sometimes called as head of the scapula. A constriction between the head and body is called as neck of the scapula.

The glenoid cavity is a shallow, concave, oval fossa. There is a presence of rough areas just above and below the glenoid cavity. These are called supraglenoid and infraglenoid tubercles respectively.

Scapula Processes

The spine of the scapula is a triangular bony process present on the dorsal aspect of the body. Its anterior border is attached to the dorsal surface of the body while its posterior border is free.

This thick posterior border of the spine is also known as the crest of the spine. The lateral border of the spine forms the boundary of the spinoglenoid notch.

The acromion process is a forward projection from the lateral end of the spine. It is a flat, expanded, subcutaneous process, which overhangs the glenoid cavity.

It has medial and lateral borders and superior and inferior surfaces. It articulates with the lateral end of the clavicle to form an acromioclavicular joint. The coracoid process is so named because it resembles the beak of a crow.

It is present superior to the glenoid cavity and is shaped like a bent finger. In the anatomical position, it projects anterolaterally.

Scapula Particular Features

Muscles Attached to Bone

Draw the attachments of muscles on the surface of the bone with the help of colored chalk as shown in

  • Almost the whole of the costal (anterior) surface (except a small part near the neck) gives origin to the subscapularis muscle.
  • The medial border on the costal surface gives attachment to the serratus anterior.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Attachment Of Muscles On Dorsal Surface

Bones Of The Upper Limb Attachment Of Muscles On Costal Surface

  • The inferior belly of the omohyoid is attached to the superior border near the suprascapular notch.
  • On the dorsal surface, the supraspinous fossa gives origin to the supraspinatus muscle and infraspinous fossa to the infraspinatus respectively.
  • The teres major and teres minor arise from the dorsal surface close to the lateral border.
  • Attachments of levator scapulae, rhomboideus minor, and rhomboideus major on the dorsal surface of the medial border.
  • The supraglenoid tubercle gives origin to the long head of biceps brachii.
  • The long head of the triceps arises from the infraglenoid tubercle.
  • The coracobrachialis and short head of biceps arise from the tip of coracoid process.
  • Pectoralis minor is inserted on the superior aspect of the coracoid process.
  • The deltoid muscle arises from the lower border of the crest of the spine and the lateral border of the acromion process.
  • The medial border of the acromion and upper border of the crest of the spine gives insertion to the trapezium.

Ligaments Attached to Bone

  • The attachments of the capsule of the shoulder joint and acromioclavicular joints.
  • The suprascapular ligament is attached to the superior border above the suprascapular notch
  • Three ligaments are attached to the coracoid process, i.e., coracohumeral, coracoacromial, and coracoclavicular.
  • One end of the coracoacromial ligament is attached to the lateral border of the coracoid process and the other end is to the tip of the acromian process. The coracohumeral is attached to the root of the coracoid process.
  • The conoid part of the coracoclavicular ligament is attached near the root, while the trapezoid part is on the superior aspect of the coracoid process.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Attachments Of Ligamnets

Bones Of The Upper Limb Attachments Of Ligaments.

Nerves and Blood Vessels Related to the Bone

The suprascapular vessels lie above the suprascapular ligament, while the suprascapular nerve passes deep to it These vessels and nerves then lie in These vessels and nerve then lie in spinoglenoid notch.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Nerve and Blood Vessels Related To Scapula

  • The circumflex scapular branch of the subscapular artery comes in contact with the lateral border on its dorsal aspect between two heads of teres minor.
  • The dorsal scapular nerve and vessels lie close to the medial border.

Scapula Ossification

The scapula ossifies by one primary and 7 secondary centers (2 for the coracoid process, 2 for acromion, 1 each for the glenoid cavity, inferior angle, and medial border).

The lower center of the coracoid process fuses with the body by the 16th year while other centers by the end of the 20th year.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Ossification Of Scapula


The humerus is the longest bone of the upper limb. It has two ends and a shaft. The proximal (upper) end shows a large, smooth, rounded head that articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula to form the shoulder joint. The head is directed medially.

There is the presence of a deep vertical groove {inter-tubercular sulcus or bicipital groove) on the anterior aspect of the upper end.

The middle part of the shaft is almost cylindrical. The lower end is expanded from side to side and flattened from before backward. It has two articular structures, i.e., a rounded capitulum and the pulley-shaped trochlea.

On the posterior aspect of the lower end, there is a large olecranon fossa just above the trochlea. The medial and lateral epicondyles are bony non-articular projections at the lower end.

Humerus Side Determination

  • You should keep the bone vertical in such a way that the head faces medially.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Posterior Aspect Of Right Humerus

Bones Of The Upper Limb Posterior Surface Of Right Radius

  • The intertubercular sulcus on the anterior aspect of the upper end should face anteriorly.
  • The olecranon fossa, at the lower end, should face posteriorly

Humerus Anatomical Position

Hold the bone vertically in such a way that the head faces medially and slightly upwards and backward.

Humerus General Features

We shall study the general features of bone under three headings, i.e., upper end, shaft, and lower end

Humerus Upper end

The upper end consists of the head, neck, greater and lesser tubercles, and an intertubercular sulcus (bicipital groove).

Bones Of The Upper Limb Ventral Aspect Of The Left Scapula

Bones Of The Upper Limb Anterior Aspext Of Upeer End Of Left Humerus

Bones Of The Upper Limb Anterior Aspect Of The Lower End Of Left Humerus

  • The head has a convex, rounded, and smooth articular surface.
  • The junction of the articular head with the rest of the upper end is called as anatomical neck.
  • The junction of the upper expanded end with the shaft is called a surgical neck.
  • The lesser tubercle is present on the anterior aspect of the upper end while greater tubercle is present on its anterolateral aspect.
  • There is the presence of an intertubercular sulcus between these two tubercles.
  • Both the tubercles on their upper surface show the presence of smooth areas for the attachment of muscles.

Humerus Shaft

The shaft is almost cylindrical in the upper half and triangular in the lower half. It presents three borders and three surfaces.


  • Trace the lateral lip of the bicipital groove downward. You will see that it becomes continuous with the anterior border of the shaft.
  • The medial border of the bicipital groove is continuous downwards as the medial border.
  • If this border is further traced downwards it becomes continuous as medial supracondylar ridge.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Features On Superior Surface Or Upeer End Of Right Humerus

  • The lateral border of the shaft is well-defined only in the lower part of the shaft where it becomes continuous with the lateral supracondylar ridge.

Humerus Surfaces

  • The anteromedial surface is between the anterior and medial border.
  • The anterolateral surface is between anterior and lateral borders. Just above the middle of the bone, this surface shows a V-shaped rough area called deltoid tuberosity.
  • The posterior surface is situated between lateral and medial borders. In its middle 1/3, it shows the presence of a shallow groove (radial groove) running downwards and laterally.

Humerus Lower End

  • The lower end shows the presence of a rounded articular area known as the capitulum. It is placed laterally and articulates with the upper end of the radius.
  • The pulley-like trochlea is placed medially and articulates with the trochlear notch of the ulna.
  • There is a presence of shallow fossa above the capitulum (known as radial fossa) and coronoid fossa just above the trochlea. When the forearm is flexed, the coronoid fossa and radial fossa receive the coronoid process and head of radius respectively.
  • The olecranon fossa is quite large and situated on the posterior surface of the lower end just above the trochlea. It receives the olecranon of the ulna when the forearm is extended.
  • If you will trace the medial and lateral supracondylar ridges downwards, you will reach the bony projections on either side of the lower end.
  • These rough projections are known as epicondyles. The medial epicondyle is the prominent subcutaneous projection, which you should palpate (feel) in your limb.

Bones Of The Upper Limb The Lower End Of Right Humerus As Seen From Inferior Aspect

Humerus Particular Features

Muscles Attached to Bone

Upper End

  • The three impressions on the surface of the greater tubercle give insertion to supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor.
  • The subscapularis muscle is inserted on the lesser tubercle.
  • The tendon of the long head of the biceps passes through the bicipital groove.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Attachment Of Muscleus On Posterior Aspect Of Right Humerus

Bones Of The Upper Limb Attachment Of Muscles On The Anterior Aspect Of Right Humerus


Shaft Anterior Aspect

  • On the anterior aspect of the shaft, the medial lip of the bicipital groove gives attachment to the teres major while the lateral lip to the pectoralis major.
  • The floor of the bicipital groove gives insertion to the latissimus dorsi.
  • On the V-shaped deltoid tuberosity deltoids are attached.
  • The coracobrachialis is attached to the middle of the medial border.
  • The brachialis muscle arises from the front aspect of the lower half of the shaft.
  • The pronator teres take origin from the medial supracondylar ridge.
  • The lateral supracondylar ridge gives origin to the brachioradialis and extensor carpi radialis longus.

Shaft Posterior Aspect

  • The lateral head of the triceps arises above the radial groove.
  • Below the radial groove, the posterior surface gives origin to the medial head of the triceps.

Shaft Lower End

  • The front of the medial epicondyle gives origin to the superficial flexor muscles of the forearm. This origin is known as “common flexor origin”.
  • The anterior aspect of the lateral epicondyle gives origin to extensors of the forearm hence known as “common extensor origin”.
  • The anconeus originates from the posterior surface of the lateral epicondyle.

Ligaments Attached to Bone

  • The attachments of the articular capsule for shoulder joint and elbow joints.
  • The ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow joint is attached to the medial epicondyle.
  • The radial collateral ligament is attached to the lateral epicondyle.

Nerves and Vessels Related to the Bone

The surgical neck of the humerus is related to the anterior and posterior circumflex humeral vessels and the axillary nerve.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Nerves And Vessels Related To Humerus

  • The radial nerve and profunda/brachial vessels are related to the radial groove.
  • The ulnar nerve lies just posterior to the medial epicondyle.

Shaft Clinical Importance

  • The common sites of fracture are the surgical neck, middle of the shaft, and supracondylar region.
  • The fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus is common in old people. The axillary nerve, which is in direct contact with the neck, may get injured.
  • The supracondylar fractures are common in young individuals. The median nerve and brachial artery may get injured as they are related to the lower end.
  • The fracture of the middle of the shaft may be due to a direct blow to the arm. Here the radial nerve in the radial groove may get injured.
  • The avulsion fractures of the greater tubercle of the humerus are also common (in this fracture the greater tubercle is pulled away from the rest of the upper end). This may result in to fall on the hand while the arm is abducted.
  • The fracture of the medial epicondyle is usually associated with the injury of ulnar nerve, as it lies just posterior to the epicondyle.
  • As the upper end of the humerus is the growing end, the bone keeps on growing in a young individual even after the amputation of an arm.
  • Hence, at the time of amputation of the arm care should be taken that sufficient soft tissue should be left distal to the site of amputation so the bony stump will not penetrate soft tissues.

Shaft Ossification

The upper end ossifies by 3 and the lower end by 4 secondary centers Upper end is the growing end as the secondary center appears first and fuses last (at 20 years).

Bones Of The Upper Limb Ossification Of humerus


  • The radius is situated on the lateral side (thumb side) of the forearm. Like any other long bone, it also consists of the upper end, shaft, and lower end.
  • The upper (proximal) end of the radius is narrow while its lower end is wide. The upper end presents a disc-shaped head, a neck, and medially directed radial tuberosity.
  • The shaft of the radius has a laterally directed convexity. The medial border is sharp and called an interosseous border. The lower end is wide and shows anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral surfaces.
  • The posterior surface of the lower end is rough and presents a dorsal tubercle. A projection (styloid process) is present on the lateral aspect of the lower end.

Radius Side Determination

  • Keep the bone vertically in such a way that the narrow disc-shaped upper end is directed upward (proximally).
  • At the expanded lower end, the dorsal tubercle should face backward and styloid process directed laterally and downwards.
  • In this position, a sharp border of the shaft (interosseous border) should be directed medially.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Anterior Surface Of Right Radius

Radius Anatomical Position

Hold the bone vertically in such a way that the head is directed upwards, with radial tuberosity and sharp border medially, and dorsal tubercle posteriorly.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Posterior Surface Of Right Radius

General Features Upper End

The upper end consists of the head, neck, and radial tuberosity.

  • The disc-shaped head shows an upper surface, which is slightly concave to articulate with the capitulum of the humerus.
  • The circumference of the head articulates medially with the radial notch of the ulna to form the superior radioulnar joint. The rest of the circumference of the head is surrounded by an annular ligament.
  • The constriction just below the head is known as the neck.
  • There is a prominent elevation just below the medial part of the neck. This is known as radial tuberosity.


  • The shaft shows 3 borders and three surfaces.
  • Trace the anterior border from the anterior aspect of radial tuberosity to the styloid process.
  • Trace the posterior border from the posterior Upper-End aspect of the radial tuberosity to the posterior aspect of the lower end Trace the sharp medial (interosseous) border from the lower aspect of radial tuberosity to the posterior margin of the ulnar notch.
  • The anterior surface lies between anterior and medial borders while the posterior surface lies between posterior and medial borders.
  • The lateral surface is present between anterior and posterior borders. This surface is convex laterally and shows a rough area near the middle part of the shaft.

Lower End

  • The lower end is the expanded end and shows anterior, posterior, lateral, and medial surfaces.
  • It also shows an inferior surface, which is smooth (articular) and articulates with the scaphoid laterally and lunate bone medially to form the wrist joint
  • The lateral surface when traced downwards, projects as a styloid process.
  • The medial surface shows an ulnar notch. It articulates with the head of the ulna to form an inferior radioulnar joint.

Bones Of The Upper Limb The Inferior Surface Of Radius And Ulna Of Right Side

Radius Particular Features

Muscles Attached to the Radius

Upper End

The biceps brachii is inserted on the rough posterior part of the radial tuberosity. The anterior smooth part of the radial tuberosity is in relation with the bursa.

Shaft and Lower End

  • The upper part of the anterior border gives origin to the radial head of flexor digitorum superficialis.
  • The upper of the anterior surface gives origin to the flexor pollicis longus.
  • The pronator quadratus is inserted into the lowermost part of the anterior surface. The attachment also extends on the medial surface of the lower end. posterior surfaces give insertion to the supinator.
  • The rough area on the middle of the lateral surface gives insertion to pronator teres.
  • The muscle brachioradialis is inserted into the lowest part of the lateral surface just above the styloid process.
  • The abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis arise from the posterior surface of the shaft.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Attachment Of Muscles On The Anterior Aspects Of The Radius

Ligaments Attached to the Bone

  • Note the attachment of the articular capsule of the wrist joint on the lower end of the radius.
  • The interosseous membrane is attached to the lower 3A of the medial border.
  • The articular disc of the inferior radioulnar joint is attached to the lower border of the ulnar notch.
  • The anterior border near the lower end gives attachment to the extensor retinaculum.
  • The radial collateral ligament of the wrist joint is attached to the tip of the styloid process.

Tendons and Arteries with the Bone

  • The relationship of tendons on the dorsal aspect of the lower end
  • The radial artery is related to the anterior surface of the lower end. Here the pulsations of the artery can be easily felt by applying pressure against the radial bone.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Attachment Of Ligaments And Relation Of Radial Artery On Ventral Aspect

Bones Of The Upper Limb Tendons Related To Dosaral Of Lower End

Radius Clinical Importance

Though the fracture of the radius may occur at its upper end and shaft the fracture of the distal end of the radius is most common, especially in old women.

A fracture of the lower end of the radius is called a Colies’s fracture. The fracture usually results from a fall on an outstretched hand.

The distal fragment overrides and is displaced dorsally. This results in a shortening of radius.

As a result the styloid process of both the bones (radius and ulna) now lies almost at the same level. The clinical deformity is often referred to as “dinner fork deformity.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Colles's fracture

Radius Ossification

Radius ossifies by one primary and two secondary centers, i.e., one for each end. The lower end is the growing end.


  • The ulna is the medial bone of the forearm. It is longer than the radius. The ulna has an upper end, a lower end, and a shaft. The upper end of the ulna is expanded, and irregular and presents a deep notch, which faces anteriorly.
  • This notch is called a trochlear notch and it articulates with the trochlea of the humerus at the elbow joint. While its lower end is small and has a tiny styloid process.
  • You should remember that the lower end of the ulna is called as head. The shaft has a sharp lateral margin.
  • This margin gives attachment to the broad, flat, fibrous connective tissue called interosseous membrane. The ulna is connected with the radius by an interosseous membrane.

Ulna Side Determination

  • Hold the bone vertically in such a way that its expanded hook-like end is directed upwards and the small rounded lower end is directed downwards.
  • The concavity of the trochlear notch (at the upper end) should face anteriorly.
  • The sharp border of the shaft should be directed laterally.

Ulna Anatomical Position

Hold the bone vertically in such a way that the trochlear notch faces anteriorly, the sharp border of the shaft laterally, and the styloid process at the lower end is present posteriorly.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Anterior Aspect Of The Right Ulna

Ulna General Features

Ulna Upper End

The upper end of the ulna presents the olecranon process, coronoid processes, and two articular surfaces, i.e., trochlear and radial notches.

Olecranon Process

  • The olecranon process is the uppermost part of the ulna. It has superior, anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral surfaces.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Posterior Aspect Of Right Ulna

Bones Of The Upper Limb The Upper End Of Right Ulna Showing Olecranon And Coronoid Processes

Bones Of The Upper Limb Upper End Of Left Radius ant view

Bones Of The Upper Limb Posterior View, Lower End Radius

Bones Of The Upper Limb Ulna Upper End, Lateral Surface

Bones Of The Upper Limb Ulna Upper End, Medial Surface

  • The anterior surface of the olecranon process forms the upper part of the trochlear notch.
  • The posterior surface of this process is triangular and smooth because it lies just beneath the skin.

Coronoid Process

  • The coronoid process projects anteriorly from the shaft just below the olecranon.
  • It has four surfaces, i.e., superior, anterior, medial, and lateral.
  • The superior (upper) surface is almost horizontal and forms the lower part of the trochlear notch.
  • The anterior surface is triangular and is rough in its lower part. The rough area is known as the tuberosity of the ulna.

Radial Notch

The lateral surface of the coronoid process has a concave articular area. This is known as a radial notch. It articulates with the head of radius forming the superior radioulnar joint.

Trochlear Notch

  • It articulates with the trochlea of the humerus. It is formed by the anterior surface of the olecranon and the upper surface of the coronoid process. There may be a non-articular area(groove) between the two parts.

Lower End

  • The lower end (head) is small and rounded.
  • Anteriorly and laterally it articulates with the ulnar notch of the radius to form an inferior radioulnar joint.
  • The inferior surface is separated from the cavity of the wrist joint by an articular disc.
  • The styloid process projects downwards from the posteromedial aspect of the lower end.


  • The cross-section of the shaft is almost triangular.
  • It presents anterior, lateral, and posterior borders and anterior, medial, and posterior surfaces.
  • The lateral or interosseous border is sharp. When traced upwards, it becomes continuous with a rough ridge present just posterior to the radial notch. This rough ridge is known as the supinator crest.
  • The anterior and posterior borders are rounded. The anterior border begins at the lower end of the tuberosity of the ulna and ends on the anterior aspect of the styloid process.
  • The anterior surface lies between the anterior and interosseous border and shows the presence of an oblique ridge in its lower part.
  • The posterior surface lies between inter osseous and posterior border. The posterior surface is subdivided into medial and lateral parts by a vertical ridge.

Ulna Particular Features

Muscles Attached to Bone

Upper End

  • The triceps is inserted on the posterior part of the upper surface of the olecranon process.
  • Brachialis is attached to the anterior surface of the coronoid process and the tuberosity of the ulna.
  • The supinator arises from the supinator crest and a triangular area just below the radial notch.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Attachment Of Muscles On The Anterior SUrface Of Right Ulna

Bones Of The Upper Limb Attachment Of muscles On The Posterior Surface Of Left Ulna

  • The medial border of the coronoid process gives origin to the ulnar head of flexor digitorum superficialis above and pronator teres below.
  • The anconeus is inserted into the lateral aspect of the olecranon and the upper part of the posterior surface of the shaft.
  • The ulnar head of the pronator teres arises from the medial margin of the coronoid process.
  • The ulnar head of the flexor carpi ulnaris arises from the medial side of the olecranon process and from the upper two-thirds of the posterior border through aponeurosis.
  • From the same aponeurosis, ulnar head of extensor carpi ulnaris also arise.


  • Flexor digitorum profundus takes origin from the anterior and medial surface of the shaft On the anterior surface the oblique ridge gives origin to the pronator quadratus
  • Three muscles are attached on the posterior surface (between the interosseous border and a vertical ridge) from above downwards i.e., abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis long, and extent or indices.

Ligaments Attached to Bone

  • The capsular ligament of the elbow joint is attached to the margins of the coronoid and olecranon process.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Attachment Of Interosseous membrane Transerve Section Through Radius And Ulna

  • The capsular ligament of the inferior radioulnar joint is attached close to the articular area.
  • The apex of the triangular articular disc is attached to the lateral aspect of the styloid process.
  • The interosseous membrane is attached to the sharp interosseous border.
  • The annular ligament of a superior radioulnar joint is attached to the anterior and posterior border of the radial notch.
  • The oblique cord is attached to the lateral aspect of the ulnar tuberosity.
  • The ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist joint is attached to the tip of the styloid process.

Ulna Clinical Importance

  • Though the fractures of both the radius and ulna may result due to severe injury isolated fractures of the radius and ulna may also occur.
  • The most common fracture of the ulna along with the radius is through the middle of the shaft or at its lower end. Sometimes a fracture of the olecranon can occur due to a fall on the elbow.

Ulna Ossification

Ulna ossifies by 3 centers, i.e., one primary and two secondary, i.e., one each for upper and lower end. The lower end is the growing end.

Bones Of The Hand

The bones of the hand consist of carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges.

Carpal Bones

The skeleton of the wrist consists of eight small bones, which are arranged in two transverse rows of four bones each. These bones are called carpal banks. They are named as per their shapes.

The proximal row, from lateral to medial side, consists of:

Bones Of The Upper Limb Ossification Of Ulna

Bones Of The Upper Limb Bones Of The Right Hand

Bones Of The Upper Limb Schematic Diagram Of Left Carpal Bones As Seen From Anterior Aspect

  • Lunate (It is moon-shaped).
  • Triquetrum (It has three corners and is pyramidal). Pisiform (It is pea shaped small bone that lies on the anterior surface of the triquetrum).
  • The carpal bones in the distal row, from lateral to medial, are:
  • Trapezium (table-shaped, four-sided).
  • Trapezoid (wedge-shaped).
  • Capitate (It is cap-shaped and has a rounded head).
  • Hamate (It has a hook-shaped process).

Joints Formed by the Carpal Bones

  • The wrist joint is formed between the proximal surfaces of three carpal bones of the proximal row and the lower end of the radius.
  • The scaphoid and lunate of the proximal row articulate with the inferior articular surface of the radius, while the triquetrum is related to the articular disc and thus separated from the head of the ulna.
  • Carpal bones are joined to one another by interosseous ligaments and intercarpal joints.
  • The distal articular surfaces of the carpal bones of the distal row articulate with the metacarpals to form carpometacarpal joints.

Bones of the Hand Clinical importance

  • The common injury of the wrist consists of fracture of the scaphoid or lunate.
  • The fracture of the scaphoid is the most common. It results in a fall on an outstretched hand. In this condition, the line of fracture passes almost from the middle of the bone dividing the bone into proximal and distal fragments. The patient complains of pain in the scaphoid fossa (lateral side of the wrist.
  • As the nutrient arteries scaphoid enter the distal end of the bone, the proximal segment is devoid of the blood supply after fracture. This may result in avascular necrosis (death due to inadequate blood supply) of the proximal fragment of the scaphoid.
  • Thus scaphoid fracture heals poorly, i.e., may take several months to heal.
  • The fracture of hamate also heals poorly due to the traction produced by the attached muscles.
  • As the ulnar nerve lies close to the hook of hamate, it may also get injured due to the fracture of the hamate.


Metacarpals are miniature long bones, which form the skeleton of the palm. They are five in number and are numbered from the lateral to the medial side. The metacarpal of the thumb is known as the first metacarpal while that of the little finger is known as the fifth (V) metacarpal.

Each metacarpal bone consists of a proximal base, an intermediate shaft, and a distal head.

Bones Of The Upper Limb General Features Of A Metacarpal Bone

Bones Of The Upper Lower End Of Left Ulna As Seen From Behind

Bones Of The Upper Limb Ventral Aspect Of Left Carpal Bones And Base Of Metacarpals

  • The proximal ends or bases of the metacarpal are irregularly expanded and articulate with the carpal bones. The distal ends (heads) are rounded and articulate with the proximal phalanges.
  • The shaft of each metacarpal is curved with the concavity looking forward. It has three surfaces, i.e., medial, lateral, and posterior.
  • The first metacarpal is easily distinguished from the rest because it is the thickest and shortest of all the metacarpals. The articular surface at its base is concavoconvex which articulates with trapezium.
  • The third metacarpal can also be differentiated from the rest because it has a styloid process on the lateral side of its base.

Joints Formed by the Metacarpals

  • The distal articular surfaces of the carpal bones of the distal row articulate with the metacarpals to form carpometacarpal joints.
  • The trapezium articulates with the first metacarpal, the trapezoid with the second, the capitate with the third, and the hamate with the fourth and fifth metacarpals.
  • The distal articular surfaces of metacarpals articulate with the proximal articular surfaces of proximal phalanges to form carpometacarpal joints.


  • Phalanges are the bones of digits. Each digit has three phalanges (i.e., proximal, middle Flexor carpi, and distal) except the first (for thumb), which has only two phalanges.
  • Each phalanx has a proximal base, a body, and a distal head. The proximal phalanges are the longest and most articulate with the head of metacarpals at their bases to form metacarpophalangeal joints.
  • The middle phalanges are intermediate in size and articulate at their bases with the heads of proximal phalanges to form proximal interphalangeal joints.
  • The distal phalanges are smallest, flattened, and expanded at their distal ends (non-articular) to form the nail beds.

Particular Features of the Bones of Hand

  • Insertion of forearm muscles on the palmar surface of the hand.
  • The flexor carpi ulnaris is attached on the pisiform bone. From this bone abductor digiti minimi also takes origin.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Attachment(Insertion) Of Forearm Muscles On the Palmar Surface Of Right Hand

  • Flexor carpi radialis is inserted on the base of the 2nd and 3rd metacarpals on their palmar surface.
  • The flexor digitorum profundus is inserted on the bases of distal phalanges, while flexor digitorum superficialis is inserted on both the sides of middle phalanges of all the fingers except that of the thumb.
  • The flexor pollicis longus is inserted on the base of the distal phalanx of the thumb, on its palmar surface.

Insertion of forearm muscles on the dorsal aspect of the hand and dorsal interossei.

  • The extensor carpi ulnaris is attached to the base of the fifth metacarpal; the abductor pollicis longus to the base of the first; the extensor carpi radialis longus to the base of the second; extensor carpi radialis brevis to the bases of 2nd and 3rd metacarpal.

Attachments of Ligaments

  • The attachment of carpal bones with each other (due to their shape) presents a concavity forward.
  • The attachment of the flexor retinaculum medially to the hook of the hamate and pisiform bone and laterally to the tubercles of the scaphoid and trapezium
    form an osteofascial carpal tunnel.
  • Through this tunnel passes the tendons, vessels, and nerves from the forearm to the hand.
  • Pisiform bone gives attachment to two ligaments, i.e., first extending from pisiform to the base of the fifth metacarpal (pisometacarpal) and second from pisiform to the hook of the hamate (pisohamate).
  • The medial end of the extensor retinaculum is attached to the triquetral and pisiform bones.
  • The lateral margins of each phalanx give attachment to the fibrous flexor sheath.

Bones Of The Upper Limb Attachment Of Muscles On The Dorsal Surface Of Right Rand

Bones Of The Upper Limb Attachment Of Muscles On Palmar Surface Of Right Hand

Bones Of The Upper Limb Attachment of pisometacarpal and Pisohamate Ligaments

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Notes

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions

  • The bones of the head and neck regions consist of the skull, cervical vertebrae, and hyoid bone.
  • The skull forms the skeleton of the head region. the skull contains a large cavity for the lodgment of the brain (called a cranial cavity) and two small cavities for the lodgment of the eyes (called orbits).
  • On the anterior aspect of the skull, there are two openings, i.e., the opening of nasal cavity and the opening of the oral cavity (mouth).
  • Below the skull, the skeleton of the neck is formed by the seven cervical vertebrae.
  • The hyoid bone is a small bone, present in the upper part of the neck in front of the 3rd cervical vertebra.

Anterior Nasal Aperture


The skull (the skeleton of the head) is formed by 22 bones. These bones are firmly joined to one another and are immobile except for the bone of the lower jaw (mandible), which moves at the temporomandibular joint. The skull is divided into two parts, i.e., cranium and facial skeleton.


  • It is also known as the neuro-cranium, brain box, or calvaria. The cranium is the upper and posterior part of the skull.
  • Cranium means skull minus the mandible.
  • It consists of 8 bones. Out of these 8 bones, 4 are unpaired (frontal, occipital, sphenoid mid ethmoid) and 2 are paired (parietal and temporal).
  • The joints between these bones are immobile and are known as sutures.
  • The cranium has a dome-like roof (called a vault or skull cap) and a floor or cranial base (called basi-cranium.

Anterior Nasal Aperture

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Skull As Seen In Lateral View

Facial Skeleton (Viscerocranium)

  • The facial skeleton forms the anterior part of the skull. It contains orbital and nasal cavities and includes upper and lower jaws (maxillae and mandible).
  • In addition to the frontal bone, the facial skeleton consists of 14 bones. Out of these 6 are paired (lacrimal, nasal, maxillae, zygomatic, palatine, and inferior nasal conchae). While the mandible and vomer are single bones.

Read and Learn More Human Osteology Notes

Anatomical Position of the Skull

To obtain the anatomical position of the skull, it is kept in the “Frankfurt horizontal plane”.

  • Hold the skull in such a way that the inferior border of the orbit and the superior border of the external acoustic meatus of the right and left sides lie in the same horizontal plane.
  • Students are suggested to identify various bones of a dry skull with the help. Once they can identify various bones in the skull then only they should proceed to study the details of the skull as seen from various aspects.

Anterior Nasal Aperture

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Sagittal Section Of The Skull Showing Cranial And Nasal Cavities

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Skull As Seen From Anterior Aspect

A dry skull may be viewed from:

  • Above (norma verticalis,.
  • Behind (norma occipitalis,
  • Front (norma frontalis). The walls of the orbital cavity can also be examined from this view.
  • And from the side (norma lateralis,.
  • Below (norma basalis externa,
  • The roof of the calvaria (skull cap) may be removed by a transverse cut to examine the inside of the floor of the cranium.
  • The interior of the base of the skull (norma basalis interna) is divided into three cranial fossae, i.e., anterior, middle, and posterior. The inner aspect of the skull cap.
  • The section of the skull in the para-median plane will help us to study the nasal cavity.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Skull As Seen From Above

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Norma Occipitalis

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Skull As Seen From Below

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Norma Lateralis

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Norma Frontalis

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Norma Frontalis

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Norma Basalis Interna

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The Base Of Skull As Seen From Internal Aspect

Superior Aspect Of The Skull (Norma Verticals)

When the skull is viewed from above it appears oval. It is relatively wider nearer its occipital pole (posteriorly). The bones forming the skullcap (roof of the brain box) are visible from this aspect.

Anterior Nasal Aperture

Bones Forming the Norma Verticalis

  • Frontal bone
  • It is a single bone that forms the anterior part of the norma verticalis.
  • Parietal bones
  • These are paired bones and lie posterior to the frontal bone on each side of the midline.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The Inner Aspect Of Skull Cap

  • Occipital bone—It is a single bone and lies posterior to the parietal bones.

Sutures (Joints) Present in the Normal Verticalis

The following three sutures and their meeting points are seen in this norma:

  • Coronal suture—It lies between the frontal and right and left parietal bones.
  • Sagittal suture—It is present in the midline between the right and left parietal bones.

Norma Basalis Interna

Lambdoid suture

  • It lies between the occipital and two parietal bones.
  • Bregma—It is a landmark point, where coronal and sagittal sutures meet each other. It is present in the midline.


  • It is present at the junction of the sagittal and lambdoid sutures.

Features of Norma Verticalis

  • The parietal foramen is present near the sagittal suture about 3.5 cm anterior to the lambda. It transmits a small emissary vein, which connects the superior sagittal sinus with the veins of the scalp.
  • Parietal eminence is the area of the maxi¬ mum convexity on the parietal bone. It is present on the posterolateral aspect of the parietal bone.
  • Superior and inferior temporal lines are seen on the lateral side of the frontal and parietal bones. The superior temporal line gives attachment to the epicranial aponeurosis and temporal fascia. The inferior temporal line gives attachment to the temporalis muscle.
  • The vertex is the highest point of the skull and is situated near the midpoint of the sagittal suture.

Applied Importance

Metopic Suture

The right and left halves of the frontal bone are ossified from separate centers. There exists a frontal suture between two frontal bones before the age of 6 years. In some adult skulls, this suture may persist in full or in part and is known; as a metopic suture.

Sutural Bones

Isolated small bony ossicles (bones) are sometimes observed along the lambdoid and sagittal sutures. These are called sutural bones. They are formed due to; ossification from separate centers

Norma Basalis Interna


In the skull of a newborn there are membranous I gaps at the site of bregma and lambda. These are called anterior and posterior fontanelles respectively.

The anterior fontanelle closes (the membranous gap of the anterior fontanelle is replaced by bone) by 18 months of age, while the posterior closes by 2 to 3 months of age.

Following are the functions of fontanelle: Fontanelle allows molding of the skull during birth, as the head passes through the birth canal.

  • They also allow the brain to grow.
  • An increased intracranial tension leads to the bulging of the anterior fontanelle.
  • Similarly, depression of the anterior fontanelle indicates dehydration.
  • One can easily draw the blood for testing or inject drugs in the superior sagittal sinus through anterior fontanelle.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The Presence Of Partial Metopic Suture

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Newborn skull as seen from above

The Posterior Aspect Of The Skull (Norma Occipitalis)

Bones Seen in Norma Occipitalis

  • Right and left parietal bones.
  • Squamous part of the occipital bone.
  • Mastoid part of the right and left temporal bone.

Norma Basalis Interna

Sutures (Joints) Seen in Norma Occipitalis

  • Posterior part of the sagittal suture in midline.
  • The lambdoid suture between two parietal and occipital bones.
  • Right and left parietomastoid sutures between the parietal and the mastoid part of the temporal bones.
  • Right and left occipitomastoid sutures between occipital and mastoid bones.
  • The parietal, occipital, and mastoid bones, on each side, meet at a point, which is known as an asterion. It is at a junction of the lambdoid, parietomastoid, and occipitomastoid sutures.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Norma Occipitalis


  • The external occipital protuberance is a palpable midline elevation. The highest point on this protuberance is also known as inion.
  • The superior nuchal lines extend laterally from each side of the external occipital protuberance to the mastoid process.
  • These lines mark the upper limit of the neck. The trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles are attached to this line.
  • The external occipital crest descends downwards from the external occipital protuberance to the foramen magnum. It gives attachment to the ligamentum nuchae. The right and left inferior nuchal lines run laterally from the crest.
  • The right and left highest nuchal lines are present just above the superior nuchal lines.
  • These lines give attachment to the epicranial aponeurosis and the occipital belly of the occipitofrontalis.
  • The mastoid foramen is situated close to the occipitomastoid suture and transmits an emissary vein and meningeal branch of the occipital artery.
  • One or more sutural bones may be present at the lambda, lambdoid suture or at asterion.
  • Between superior and inferior nuchal lines semispinalis capitis and obliquus capitis superior muscles are attached.
  • Between the inferior nuchal line and posterior margin of the foramen, magnum rectus capitis posterior major and minor are attached.

Norma Basalis Interna

Anterior Aspect Of The Skull (Norma Frontalis)

This aspect of the skull forms the facial skeleton and consists of the forehead, orbits, nasal region, malar prominence, and upper and lower jaws.

Bones Seen in the Norma Frontalis

Identify the following bones from above downwards.

  1. Frontal bone.
  2. Nasal bones.
  3. Zygomatic bones.
  4. Maxillae.
  5. Mandible.

The frontal bone and mandible are single bones, while nasal, zygomatic and maxillae are paired bones.

Sutures (Joints) Seen in the Norma Frontalis

Identify the following sutures, which are present close to the median plane:

  • The frontonasal suture is present between the nasal process of the frontal bone and nasal bones.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Features of norma frontalis

  • The front-maxillary suture is present between the nasal part of the frontal bone and the frontal process of the maxilla.
  • The inter-nasal suture is present in the midline between two nasal bones above the nasal aperture.
  • The naso-maxillary suture is present between the lateral border of the nasal bone and the frontal process of the maxilla.
  • The inter-maxillary suture is present between the right and left maxilla below the nasal aperture.

Identify the following sutures present laterally in the norma frontalis:

  • The fronto-zygomatic suture is present between the zygomatic process of the frontal bone and the frontal process of the zygomatic bone. This suture is present on the lateral border of the orbit.
  • The zygomatico-maxillary suture is between the zygomatic process of the maxilla and the maxillary process of the zygomatic bone.
  • The nasion is the meeting point of internasal and frontonasal sutures. It is present in the midline at the root of the nose.

Sulcus Chiasmaticus

Features of the Norma Frontalis

For ease of understanding norma frontalis is studied under the following headings:


  • The squamous part of the frontal bone forms the skeleton of the forehead. In the fetal and infant skulls the two halves of the frontal bone are separated by the frontal suture.
  • Two frontal bones remain separated upto 6 years of age. In some adults, this suture may persist as a metopic suture.
  • The glabella is the smooth, slightly depressed middle area just above the nasion.
  • The superciliary arches are curved elevations above the medial part of supraorbital margins. They extend laterally from glabella.
  • The frontal eminences are paired with rounded elevations above the superciliary arches.

Orbital Openings

Each orbital opening is quadrangular in shape and presents four margins.

  • The supraorbital margin is formed by the frontal bone. This border presents a supraorbital notch or foramen at the junction of medial 1/3 with lateral 2/3.
  • The supraorbital nerve and vessels pass to the forehead through the supraorbital notch or foramen. The supratrochlear vessels and nerve pass medial to the supraorbital notch.
  • The infraorbital margin is formed by the maxilla medially and zygomatic bone laterally.
  • The infraorbital foramen is present just below this margin, which transmits the infraorbital nerve and vessels.
  • The lateral margin of the orbit is formed by the zygomatic and frontal bones.
  • The medial margin is formed by the frontal bone and the frontal process of the maxilla.
  • A detailed description of the orbital cavity is given later.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The orbital opening

Malar Prominence

  • The prominence of the cheek is formed by the zygomatic bone. It is situated inferolateral to the orbit.
  • The zygomatico-facial foramen is present on the bone, which transmits the nerve of the same name. Anterior Nasal Aperture The nasal aperture is piriform in shape.
  • It is bounded above by the right and left nasal bones, while lateral and inferior boundaries are formed by the nasal notches of the right and left maxilla.
  • The anterior nasal spine is a median bony projection from the maxillae.
  • Margins of the anterior nasal aperture give attachment to the nasal cartilage.
  • In the depth of the anterior nasal aperture nasal septum can be seen in the midline. This septum separates the cavity of the nose into right and left nasal cavities. A detailed description of the nasal cavity.

Sulcus Chiasmaticus

Upper Jaw (Maxillae)

The upper jaw is formed by the right and left maxilla.

  • The alveolar process of the maxilla bears the sockets for the upper teeth.
  • The root of the canine tooth produces an elevation on the upper jaw, which is known as canine eminence.
  • The canine fossa is situated just lateral to the canine eminence.
  • The incisive fossa is situated above the incisor teeth.

Lower Jaw (Mandible)

The lower jaw is formed by the mandible.

  • The mandible is the only movable bone of the skull.
  • The alveolar processes house the lower teeth.
  • The mental foramen is present below the 2nd premolÿr teeth. It gives passage to the mental nerve and vessels.
  • The anterior surface of the symphysis menti presents a triangular elevation, the mental protuberance.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Margins of anterior nasal

Attachment of Muscles in the Norma Frontalis

Students should study the attachment of muscles on the norma frontalis

The Orbital Cavity

We have already studied the orbital margin in this chapter. Here, we shall study the walls and various openings of the orbital cavity.

The orbit is like a four-sided pyramid. It has a base, an apex, a roof, a floor, a medial wall, and a lateral wall.

Sulcus Chiasmaticus

The Base

The base of the orbit is the orbital opening. It has four margins, i.e., upper, lateral, medial, and inferior margins.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Attachment of the muscles on norma frontalis.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The orbital cavity. Schematic diagram showing walls and openings of orbit

The Apex

The apex of the orbit lies posteriorly.

The Medial Wall

The medial wall of the orbit, from anterior to posterior, is formed by the frontal process of the maxilla, lacrimal bone, orbital plate of the ethmoid, and body of the sphenoid.

  • Most anteriorly the medial wall shows a deep groove called a lacrimal groove.
  • This groove lodges the lacrimal sac. It is bounded anteriorly and posteriorly by the anterior and posterior lacrimal crests, respectively.
  • Most of the medial wall is formed by the orbital plate of the ethmoid.
  • The anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina are present at the superior border of this bone.

The Superior Wall or Roof

The superior wall is formed mainly by the orbital plate of the frontal bone. Most posteriorly, a small part of the roof is also formed by the lesser wing of the sphenoid.

Anteromedially there is the presence of a small depression called the trochlear fossa, which gives attachment to the pulley for the superior oblique muscle.

Anterolaterally there is a deep fossa called as lacrimal fossa for lacrimal gland.

Skull Regions

The Lateral Wall

It is formed anteriorly by the zygomatic bone and posteriorly by the greater wing of the sphenoid.

The Inferior Wall or Floor

It is mainly formed by the maxilla. The small anterolateral part of the floor is also formed by the zygomatic bone. Most posteriorly the floor is formed by the orbital process of the palatine bone.

Fissures, Canals, and Foramina of the Orbital Cavity

The orbital cavity communicates with the neighboring regions of the skull through superior and inferior orbital fissures, optic and infraorbital canals, and various foramina.

It is present posteriorly between the roof and posteriorly with the pterygopalatine fossa lateral wall of the orbital cavity.

The Superior Orbital Fissure 

It is posteriorly between the infratemporal fossa. bounded above by the lesser wing of the fissure gives passage to the maxillary sphenoid, medially by the body of the sphenoid and Zygomatic nerves, emissary veins, and below and laterally by the greater wing infraorbital vessels. of the sphenoid.

The Inferior Orbital Fissures

It is present posteriorly between the lateral wall and the floor of the orbit. It is bounded above and laterally by the greater wing of the sphenoid and below and medially by the maxilla.

It communicates sphenoid and below and medially by the maxilla. It communicates The fissure gives passage to the maxillary and Zygomatic nerves, emissary veins, and infraorbital vessels.

Skull Regions

The Optic Canal

The Optic canal is present at the apex of the orbital cavity at the junction of the roof and medial wall. It is bounded medially by the body of the sphenoid and laterally by the lesser wing. It communicates with the middle cranial fossa and transmits the optic nerve along with its meningeal covering and ophthalmic artery. A common tendinous ring, which gives origin to four recti muscles of the eye, is attached surrounding the opening of the optic canal.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Schematic diagram showing superior orbital fissure as seen from posterior aspect of sphenoid

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Schematic diagram of a Part of right orbit showing boundaries of superior and inferior orbital fissures

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Orbital margin and orbital cavity

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The margin of anterior nasal aperture

The Infraorbital Canal

The infraorbital canal is present in the bony substance of the maxilla. The canal is continuous posteriorly on the floor of the orbit as an infraorbital groove and opens anteriorly at the infraorbital foramen.

It gives passage to the infraorbital nerve and vessels. The infraorbital nerve is the continuation of the maxillary nerve.

Anterior and Posterior Ethmoidal Foramina

These two small foramina are present at the upper border of the orbital plate of the ethmoid (at the junction of the roof and medial wall of the orbit, These foramina transmit the anterior and posterior ethmoidal nerves and vessels to the anterior cranial fossa.

Skull Regions

The Lateral Aspect Of The Skull (Norma Lateralis)

This aspect of the skull is formed by cranial and facial bones. The posterosuperior region of norma lateralis (cranial part) includes the temporal fossa, external acoustic meatus, and mastoid part of the temporal bone.

The anteroinferior part of the norma lateralis (facial part) includes the zygomatic arch, infratemporal fossa, lateral aspect of the maxilla and mandible.

Bones Seen in the Norma Lateralis

Identify the following bones on the lateral aspect of the skull:

  1. Frontal.
  2. Parietal.
  3. Occipital.
  4. Nasal.
  5. Maxilla.
  6. Zygomatic.
  7. Sphenoid.
  8. Temporal
  9. Mandible

Sutures (Joints) of the Norma Lateralis

Many sutures, which are seen in this aspect, have been already observed while studying norma frontalis, verticalis, and occipitalis. Hence, we shall study the sutures present in the central region of the norma lateralis.

H Shaped Suture

  • The H-shaped suture is the meeting point of four bones, i.e., frontal, parietal, greater wing of the sphenoid, and squamous part of the temporal bone.
  • A small circular area enclosing parts of all four bones is called a “pterion”.
  • The pterion lies on the floor of the temporal fossa. The horizontal limb of the suture is the joint between the anteroinferior angle of the parietal bone and the greater wing of the sphenoid (parietosphenoid suture).
  • The greater wing of the sphenoid articulates anteriorly with the frontal bone (at front sphenoidal suture) and posteriorly with the squamous part of the temporal bone (at temporosphenoidal suture).

The Parietosquamous and Parietomastoid Sutures

The lower border of the parietal bone articulates anteriorly with the squamous part of the temporal bone at parietosquattious suture and posteriorly with the mastoid bone at the parietomastoid suture.

Lambdoid Suture

At this suture, the posterior border of the parietal bone articulates with the occipital bone.

Occipitomastoid Suture

Here the occipital bone articulates with the mastoid part of the temporal bone. Features of the Norma Lateralis Following bony features are seen on the lateral aspect of the skull:

Skull Regions

Temporal Lines

Superior and inferior temporal lines are seen in this aspect. The superior line starts at the zygomatic process of the frontal bone. It arches upwards and backward crossing the coronal suture and fades away on the temporal bone.

It gives attachment to epicranial aponeurosis and temporal fascia. The inferior line starts along with the superior and runs inferior and parallel to it. Posteriorly, it runs downwards and forwards on the temporal bone to become continuous with the supramastoid crest.

The crest is further continuous anteriorly with the posterior root of the zygoma. The inferior temporal line limits the attachment of the temporalis muscle.

Zygomatic Arch

The zygomatic arch is formed by the articulation between the temporal process of the zygomatic and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone. At the posterior end and its lower border, the zygomatic arch bears a tubercle called as root of the zygoma.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Features of norma Lateralis

Here the zygomatic arch divides into anterior and posterior roots. Trace the posterior root backwards along the lateral margin of the mandibular fossa, and then above the external acoustic meatus to become continuous with the supramastoid crest.

The anterior root passes horizontally as the articular tubercle, which lies anterior to the mandibular fossa.

The temporal fascia is attached to the upper border of the zygomatic arch. The lower border and inner surface of the arch give origin to the masseter muscle.

The External Acoustic Meatus

  • The tympanic plate and squamous part of the temporal bone form the external acoustic meatus.
  • The roof and upper part of the posterior wall are formed by squamous temporal bone, while the lower part of the posterior wall, floor, and anterior wall are by the tympanic plate.
  • The margin of the meatus gives attachment to the cartilaginous part of the external acoustic meatus.

Supramental Triangle

It is a depression, situated postero-superior to the external acoustic meatus.

It is bounded above by the supra mastoid crest, in front by the posterosuperior margin of the external acoustic meatus, and behind by a vertical line drawn along the posterior margin of the meatus. Deep in this triangle lies the mastoid antrum.

Mastoid Process

The mastoid part of the temporal bone lies behind the external acoustic meatus. It is continuous above the squamous temporal bone.

The mastoid process is a downward conical projection from the mastoid part of the temporal bone. The asterion is the junctional point of three sutures, i.e., parietomastoid, occipital mastoid, and lambdoid.

The external surface of the mastoid provides attachment to the sternocleidomastoid, splenius capitis, and longissimus capitis muscles.

A mastoid foramen pierces the bone near the occipitomastoid suture. It transmits an emissary vein from the sigmoid sinus and the meningeal branch of the occipital artery.

Skull Regions

The Styloid Process

  • The styloid process is seen when the skull is viewed from the lateral side. It is about a 2 to 5 cm long process projecting downwards, forwards, and medially.
  • It is situated in front of the mastoid process on a deeper plane. It gives attachment to the styloglossus, stylohyoid, and stylopharyngeus muscles. The stylohyoid and stylomandibular ligaments are also attached to it.

Temporal Fossa

This is a shallow fossa that lies above the zygomatic arch. The temporalis muscle is located in this fossa.

This fossa is bounded:

  • Posteriorly and superiorly by temporal lines.
  • Anteriorly by the temporal surface of the frontal and zygomatic bones.
  • Interiorly by the superior border of the zygomatic arch and supramastoid crest (on the lateral side). Interiorly on the medial side by the infratemporal crest of the greater wing of the sphenoid.
  • Between zygomatic arch and infratemporal crest temporal fossa communicates below with the infratemporal fossa.
  • Floor of the temporal fossa is formed by the part of the frontal, parietal, temporal and greater wing of the sphenoid bones. The circular area enclosing all these four bones and H shaped suture is called as pterion.
  • It is situated 4 cm above the mid point of the zygomatic arch and 3.5 cm behind the frontozygomatic suture.
  • The middle meningeal vein, anterior branch of middle meningeal artery, and stem of the lateral sulcus of brain lie deep to the pterion.
  • The contents of the temporal fossa are temporalis muscle, deep temporal vessels and nerves and zygomaticotemporal nerve.

Infratemporal Fossa

It is an irregular fossa below the zygomatic arch and behind the maxilla. It communicates above with the temporal fossa deep into the zygomatic arch.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Lateral wall of infratemporal fossa


  • Anterior wall: The posterior surface of the body of the maxilla bone. The surface of the maxilla shows many perforations (openings) for posterosuperior alveolar nerves and vessels.
  • Medial wall: It is formed by the lateral pterygoid plate and pyramidal process of palatine bone. The junction of the anterior and medial walls shows a fissure called a term gomaxillaiy fissure. Deep to the fissure lies the pterygopalatine fossa.
  • Lateral wall: It is formed by the ramus and coronoid process of the mandible.
  • Roof: The roof is formed by the temporal surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid. At the junction of the roof and anterior wall, lies the lateral part of the inferior orbital fissure through which the infratemporal fossa communicates with the orbit Foramen ovale and foramen spinosum are present in the roof of the infratemporal fossa.
  • Floor: It is not bounded but open.
  • Posterior wall: It is also open.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Suprameatal triangle

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Infratemporal fossa, roof and anterior wall, as seen from inferior aspect

The contents of the infratemporal fossa are as mentioned below:

  • Lateral and medial pterygoid muscles and lower part of the temporalis.
  • The maxillary artery and its branches, pterygoid venous plexus.
  • Mandibular, maxillary and chorda tympani nerve and otic ganglion.

Skull Regions

Pterygopalatine Fossa

It is a small pyramidal space situated below the apex of the orbit and deep to the pterygomaxillary fissure.


Anterior: Posterior surface of the body of the maxilla.

Posterior: Root of the pterygoid process and the anterior surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid.

Medial: The perpendicular plate of the palatine bone.

Lateral: It is open and communicates with the infratemporal fossa through the pterygo¬ maxillary fissure. (The pterygomaxillary fissure is a triangular gap bounded anteriorly by the maxilla and posteriorly by the pterygoid process.

It transmits the third part of the maxillary artery, maxillary nerve, and posterior superior alveolar nerve and vessels).

Roof: Medially it is bounded by the body of the sphenoid and orbital process of the palatine bone. Laterally it communicates with the inferior orbital fissure.

Floor: It is closed due to the fusion of the anterior and posterior walls.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Infratemporal fossa seen after removal of zygomatic arch and mandible.

Communications of the Pterygopalatine Fossa

It communicates with the following:

  • The orbit-Through the infraorbital fissure.
  • The infratemporal fossa-Through pterygomaxillary fissure.
  • The nasal cavity-Through sphenopalatine foramen.
  • The middle cranial fossa-Through the foramen rotundum.
  • The foramen lacerum—Through pterygoid canal.

Contents of the Pterygopalatine Fossa

  • Maxillary nerve, pterygopalatine ganglion and its branches.
  • The third part of the maxillary artery.

The Norma Basalis Externa

To visualize the base of the skull, it is necessary to detach the mandible from the rest of the skull. The base of the skull is formed, from anterior to posterior, by maxillae, palatine, vomer, sphenoid, temporal and occipital bones.

For the convenience of description, the norma basalis is divided into anterior, middle, and posterior parts by two imaginary horizontal lines.

The first imaginary horizontal line is drawn along the posterior border of the hard palate and the second line passes through the anterior margin of the foramen magnum.

Anterior Part of the Norma Basalis Externa

It is formed by the alveolar arch of the maxilla and hard palate.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The anterior part of norma basalis externa. Some parts of middle portion are also shown

Alveolar Arch

The alveolar arch is formed by the alveolar processes of the right and left maxillae. It is horseshoe-shaped and possesses the sockets for the roots of the teeth of the upper jaw.

Skull Regions

Hard Palate

  • The hard palate lies within the alveolar arch.
  • The anterior 2/3 of the hard palate is formed by the palatine processes of the right and left maxillae.
  • The posterior 1/3 is formed by the horizontal plates of palatine bones.

Hard Palate Features

Sutures (joints) and foramina are seen in the anterior part of the norma basalis.

Intermaxillary, interpalatine, and palato maxillary sutures. All the above three sutures are collectively called cruciform sutures.

The Greater Palatine Foramen

  • It is situated just medial to the third molar, posterior to the palatomaxillary suture.
  • A groove rims forward from this foramen. This foramen transmits greater palatine vessels and nerves.

The Lesser Palatine Foramina

  • These are two to three small foramina situated behind the greater palatine foramen. These foramina are present in the pyramidal process of the palatine bone.
  • The lesser palatine vessels and nerves pass through these foramina. The Incisive Fossa It is a triangular depression in the median plane behind the central incisor teeth.
  • The right and left lateral walls of the fossa bear lateral incisive foramen, which communicate with the floor of the nasal cavity. It gives passage to the nasopalatine nerve and greater palatine vessels.
  • Pyramidal Process of the Palatine Bone It occupies the gap between the lower end of the medial and lateral pterygoid plates.

The Posterior Nasal Spine

It is a midline projection from the posterior border of the hard palate. It gives attachment to the musculus uvulae on each side.

Palatine Crest

It is a curved ridge a little in front of the posterior border of the hard palate. It gives attachment to the palatine aponeurosis and the tendon of tensor veli palatini.


It is a triangular piece of maxilla holding four incisor teeth. In young persons a suture may be seen running from the posterior part of the incisive fossa laterally between the lateral incisor and canine teeth, separating the premaxilla from the rest of the maxilla.

The Middle Part of the Norma Basalis Externa

The middle part extends between two imaginary lines, i.e., the anterior line drawn along the posterior border of the hard palate and a posterior line drawn along the anterior margin of the foramen magnum.

The structures present in the region are divided into median areas and right and left areas.

The bones present in the median area, from anterior to posterior are

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The middle part of norma basalis externa. Some part of anterior and posterior portions of norma basalis are also shown

  • The posterior border of the vomer.
  • Body of sphenoid.
  • Basilar part of the occipital bone.

The bones in the lateral area are:

  • Medial and lateral pterygoid plates on the right and left side. These plates are the part of the sphenoid bone.
  • The infratemporal surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid. It is situated lateral to the pterygoid plates.
  • Temporal bone with its squamous, tympanic, and petrous parts.

Posterior Nasal Apertures and Related Structures Features

The Posterior Nasal Apertures and Related Structures These are quadrilateral in shape and situated above the posterior margin of the hard palate.

  • The posterior border of the vomer separates the right and left apertures from each other, thus forming the medial boundary of each aperture.
  • The superior surface of the horizontal plate of palatine bone forms the floor of the posterior nasal aperture.
  • Laterally, each aperture is bounded by the perpendicular plate of palatine bone, which articulates with the medial pterygoid plate, posteriorly.
  • The roof of the aperture is formed by the ala of the vomer and the sphenoidal process of the palatine bone.

The upper border of the vomer splits into two alae close to the inferior surface of the body of the sphenoid.

The midline groove between two alae of the vomer articulates with the sphenoidal rostrum (which is a midline ridge on the inferior surface of the body of the sphenoid).

The undersurface of the ala of the vomer, on each side, is overlapped by the vaginal process, which arises from the root of the medial pterygoid plate.

There exists a narrow vomer original canal between the undersurface of the ala of the vomer and the upper surface of the vaginal process.

It is present occasionally and gives passage to the pharyngeal vessels and nerves. From the upper end of the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone, there extends a sphenoidal process medially, which overlaps the undersurface of the vaginal process.

A narrow canal is present between the undersurface of the vaginal process and the superior surface of the sphenoidal process.

It is called as palatinovaginal canal and gives passage to the pharyngeal vessels and nerves. The vomerovaginal canal is situated posteriorly as compared to the palatinovaginal canal.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Schematic diagram showing the bones Forming Posterior Nasal Aperture

The Median Bar of Bone

  • Just behind the alae of vomer bone there is the presence of a broad bar of bone in the midline. It extends upto the foramen magnum. It is formed by two bones, i.e.,
  • Under the surface of the body of the sphenoid and basilar part of the occipital bone. These two bones (body of sphenoid and occipital bone) remain separated from each other by a cartilaginous synchondrosis joint which later fuses at about 25 years of age.
  • A median elevation is seen just in front of the foramen magnum. It is known as the pharyngeal tubercle, which gives attachment to pharyngeal raphae and fibers of the superior constrictor.
  • Note the attachment of longus capitis and rectus capitis anterior on the basilar part of the occipital bone.

Pterygoid Processes

  • Each pterygoid process descends vertically downwards from the junction of the body and the greater wing of the sphenoid.
  • The anterior surface of the root of the pterygoid process forms the posterior wall of the pterygopalatine fossa.
  • The pterygoid process consists of medial and lateral pterygoid plates.
  • The pterygoid plates unite anteriorly and enclose a fossa (pterygoid fossa), which faces posterolaterally.
  • The anterior surface of the fused medial and lateral pterygoid plates form the posterior boundary of the pterygomaxillary fissure.
  • At the lower end, a gap between medial and lateral pterygoid plates is occupied by the pyramidal process of the palatine bone

The Medial Pterygoid Plate

  • Trace above the posterior border of the medial pterygoid plate. It ends in a small fossa the “scaphoid fossa”. It gives attachment to the tensor veli palatini.
  • The lower end of its posterior border projects downwards and laterally as a hook, the hamulus. Around the hamulus, the tendon of tensor veli palatini turns medially to enter the soft palate. The hook of the hamulus also gives attachment to the pterygomandibular raphe.
  • Its posterior border gives attachment to the pharynx basilar fascia.
  • An angular process (process tubarius) projects backward from the middle of the posterior border of the medial pterygoid plate. This process supports the medial end of the auditory tube.
  • The lower end of the posterior border with the pterygoid hamulus gives origin to the superior constrictor muscle.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Attachment of muscles on norma basalis Externa

The Lateral Pterygoid Plate

  • The medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate gives origin to the deep head of the medial pterygoid muscle.
  • Its lateral surface gives origin to the lower head of the lateral pterygoid muscle.

Infratemporal Surface of the Greater Wing of Sphenoid

This surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid extends laterally from the root of the lateral pterygoid plate. It is pentagonal and forms the roof of the infratemporal fossa.

  • Anteriorly it forms the posterolateral border of the inferior orbital fissure.
  • Laterally the surface is limited upto the infratemporal crest. Beyond this crest, the greater wing extends to the temporal surface.
  • Postero-laterally it articulates with the squamous part of the temporal bone.
  • Posteromedially it articulates with the petrous part of the temporal bone. At the junction of these two bones, a sulcus is formed, which is known as sulcus tubae.

The sulcus lodges the cartilaginous part of the auditory tube

The posterior-most of this bone projects down as the spine of the sphenoid.

The spine of the sphenoid gives attachment to:

Ligaments-Sphenomandibular, pterygospinous, and anterior ligament of the malleus.

Muscles-Posterior fibers of tensor veli palatine.

Related structures- Auriculotemporal nerve (laterally) chorda tympani nerve and auditory tube (medially).

The infratemporal surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid gives origin to the upper head of the lateral pterygoid muscle.

This surface presents two foramina, i.e., foramen ovale and spinosum. The foramen ovale is oval and presents posterolateral to the root of the lateral pterygoid plate. Foramen spinosum is small rounded foramen situated posterolateral to foramen ovale.

It is present anteriomedial to the spine of the sphenoid. Sometimes a small foramen may be seen medial to the foramen ovale, emissary sphenoidal foramen.

The Infratemporal Surface of the Squamous Part of the Temporal Bone This part is present posterolateral to the greater wing of the sphenoid and along with the infratemporal surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid it also forms the roof of the infratemporal fossa.

When a zygomatic process is traced backward this surface presents a tubercle (tubercle of the root of zygoma) where the zygomatic process divides into anterior and posterior roots.

The anterior root runs medially anterior to the mandibular fossa and bears an articular tubercle.

The posterior root forms the lateral boundary of the mandibular fossa. Behind the articular tubercle, the mandibular fossa is deep depression.

Both the articular tubercle and mandibular fossa, are articular and articulates with the head of the mandible.

The posterior part of the mandibular fossa is non-articular and formed by the tympanic plate of the temporal bone.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The infratemporal surface of the greater wing of sphenoid (G.W.S.) and squamous temporal bone

The Tympanic Part of the Temporal Bone

  • The tympanic plate forms the anterior wall, floor, and lowermost part of the posterior wall of the external acoustic meatus.
  • The squamous part of the temporal bone and tympanic plate unite with each other at the squamotympanic fissure, which is present on the floor of the mandibular fossa.
  • The tegmen tympani part of the petrous temporal bone may project in the medial part of the squamotympanic fissure.
  • The presence of the tegmen tympani divides the squamotympanic fissure into a petrosquamous fissure and a petrotympanic fissure.
  • The petro-tympanic fissure gives passage to chorda tympani nerve, anterior tympanic artery and anterior ligament of malleus.

The Inferior Surface of Petrous Part of the temporal bone

The petrous part of the temporal bone is situated behind the greater wing of the sphenoid and lateral to the body of the sphenoid and basilar part of the occipital bone.

The apex of the bone is separated from the body of the sphenoid, the root of the pterygoid process, and the basilar part of the occipital bone by the foramen lacerum.

The carotid canal opens in the posterior wall of the foramen lacerum, while the pterygoid canal opens into its anterior wall. The upper part of the foramen lacerum is traversed by the internal carotid artery.

The nerve to the pterygoid canal is formed in the foramen lacerum by the union of the greater superficial petrosal and deep petrosal nerves. The nerve then passes through the pterygoid canal and enters the pterygopalatine fossa.

A quadrilateral area behind the apex of the petrous bone gives origin to tire levator veli palatini.

The lower opening of the carotid canal is situated just behind the quadrilateral area the inferior surface of the petrous temporal bone.

It transmits the internal carotid artery. Posterior to the lower opening of the carotid canal there lies the jugular fossa.

The sulcus tube is a groove, which lies between the posteromedial margin of the greater wing of the sphenoid and the petrous part of the temporal bone. It is occupied by the cartilaginous part of the auditory tube.

The Posterior Part of the Norma Basalis Externa

  • The posterior part lies behind the imaginary line drawn along the anterior margin of the
    foramen magnum. This part is also divided into median area and two lateral areas:
  • The median area consists of the foramen magnum and the squamous part of the occipital bone behind it.
  • The condylar parts of the occipital bone are present on either side of the foramen magnum.
  • The basilar part of the occipital bone lies anterior to the foramen magnum The bones in the lateral area, on each side, are the mastoid and styloid process.

The Median Area

The foramen magnum is large and oval. It connects the posterior cranial fossa above with the vertebral canal below.

The Basilar Part

The basilar part of the occipital bone is in The basilar part of the occipital bone is in sphenoid bone. These two bones are separated from each other by a primary cartilaginous joint in young but fuse in adults.

The pharyngeal tubercle is a small tubercle present on the inferior is a small tubercle present on the inferior attachment to the pharyngeal raphe.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The posterior part of the norma basalis externa

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Schematic diagram showing structure passing through foramen magnum

The Foramen Magnum

The alar ligaments, which are attached to the lateral margins of the foramen magnum, divide the foramen into small anterior and large posterior parts.

The structures passing through the anterior and posterior parts are shown. The anterior and posterior margins of the foramen magnum give attachment to the anterior and posterior atlanto-occipital membranes respectively.

The Condylar Parts

The condylar parts of the occipital bone consist of right and left occipital condyles, which are situated on each side of the foramen magnum. The jugular process is present lateral to each condyle. The condyles are set obliquely and their inferior surface is convex and articular.

Each condyle articulates with the corresponding upper surface of the lateral mass of the atlas vertebra (superior articular facet) to form an atlantooccipital joint.

There is an opening of the hypoglossal or anterior condylar canal on the lateral border of the condyle near its anterior end. It gives passage to the hypoglossal nerve, emissary vein, and meningeal branch of the ascending pharyngeal artery.

A condylar fossa is present posterior to each condyle which may show the presence of a canal which may show the presence of a canal to the emissary vein which connects the sigmoid sinus to occipital veins.

The jugular process articulates laterally with the petrous temporal bone by a primary cartilaginous joint. The anterior margin of the jugular process is free and known as the jugular notch. The jugular notch forms the posterior boundary of the jugular foramen.

The Jugular Foramen

  • This irregular large foramen is bounded anteriorly by the posterior border of the petrous temporal bone and posteriorly by the jugular notch of the jugular process of the occipital bone.
  • It is divided into anterior, middle, and posterior parts. The posterior part of the jugular foramen presents a jugular fossa, which is due to the presence of depression in the petrous temporal bone.
  • The mastoid canaliculus is an opening of a minute canal in the lateral wall of the jugular fossa which transmits the auricular branch of the vagus.
  • The tympanic canaliculi are present on the ridge between the jugular fossa and the lower opening of the carotid canal. The structures pass through three divisions of the jugular foramen.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Anterior and part of middle portion of norma basalis externa

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Part of middle and posterior part of norma basalis externa

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Schematic diagram showing structures Passing Through Three Divisions Of Left Jugular Foramen

The Squamous Part ligament

This part lies behind the foramen magnum. In the midline, there extends an external occipital crest between the foramen magnum and the external occipital protuberance.

The upper end of the ligamentum nuchae is attached to the crest and protuberance. The superior and inferior nuchal lines and attachment of muscles in this area have already been described in “norma occipitalis”.

The Lateral Area

  • In the lateral area, there are three important structures, i.e., styloid process, mastoid process, and stylomastoid foramen.
  • Styloid Process It is a long conical process, which projects downwards, forwards, and medially below the tympanic part of the temporal bone.
  • It lies lateral to the jugular fossa.
  • It gives attachment to 3 muscles and two ligaments.
  • It is related laterally to the parotid gland and medially to the internal jugular vein.
  • Near its base, it is crossed by the facial nerve.

Mastoid Process

  • It is a conical projection from the mastoid part of the temporal bone. The mastoid process is situated posterolateral to the styloid process.
  • A deep groove (digastric groove) is seen on its medial aspect, which gives attachment to the posterior belly of the digastric muscle.

Stylomastoid Foramen

The stylomastoid foramen is present between styloid and mastoid processes, i.e., posterolateral to the styloid process and anteromedial to the mastoid process. The stylomastoid artery and facial nerve pass through it.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Attachments of the styloid process

The Interior Of The Skull

  • When the upper part of the vault of the skull (skull cap or calvaria) is removed we may see the inner surface of the cranial vault and the interior of the base of the skull.

Inner Surface of the Cranial Vault

  • The various bones and the intervening sutures forming the cranial vault are the same as observed in the norma verticalis.
  • The frontal crest is the midline structure present most anteriorly
  • A groove extends anteroposteriorly in the median plane, from the frontal crest to the internal occipital protuberance. This groove is known as the sagittal sulcus.
  • The superior sagittal sinus is lodged in the sagittal sulcus. At the internal occipital protuberance, this sinus becomes continuous with the right transverse sinus.
  • The frontal crest and the margins of the sagittal sulcus give attachment to the falx cerebri.
  • Many small depressions {granular pits) are observed on each side of the sagittal sulcus. These are produced by the arachnoid granulations. Their number increases with the increasing age.
  • Note the presence of parietal foramen on either side of the sagittal suture about 3.5 cm anterior to lambda. These foramina transmit emissary veins.
  • The inner aspect of the calvaria shows the presence of grooves for the meningeal vessels. These grooves run backward and upwards from the anteroinferior angle of the parietal bone.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The inner surface of cranial vault

Interior of the Base of the Skull

The internal aspect of the base of the skull (norma basalis internal) as seen after the removal of the skull cap, can be divided into three fossae, i.e., anterior, middle, and posterior cranial fossae

The Anterior Cranial Fossa

Bones of the Anterior Cranial Fossa The anterior cranial fossa is formed by the frontal bone, cribriform plate of the ethmoid, lesser wing of the sphenoid, and the anterior part of the superior surface of body of the sphenoid (jugum sphenoidal).

Sutures of the Anterior Cranial Fossa

With the help of identifying frontoethmoidal, frontosphenoidal, and sphenoethmoidal sutures.


The anterior and lateral boundaries of the fossa are formed by the frontal bone.

The posterior boundary is formed by the posterior border of the lesser wing of the sphenoid, the anterior clinoid process, and the anterior border of the sulcus chiasmaticus.


In the median region, the floor is formed by the cribriform plate of ethmoid and jugum sphenoidal.

While, the lateral region of the floor is formed by the orbital plates of the frontal bone and the lesser wings of the sphenoid, on each side.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The base of anterior cranial fossa. The adjacent part of middle cranial fossa is also shown

Median Area of the Floor

  • The most anterior structure in the midline is the frontal crest.
  • Posterior to the frontal crest a triangular process, the crista galli, is seen. It projects upwards from the cribriform plate and provides attachment to the falx cerebri.
  • Between the frontal crest and crista galli identify the foramen caecum. Sometimes it transmits a vein from the nasal mucosa to the superior sagittal sinus.
  • The cribriform plate of ethmoid is present on either side of the crista galli between the orbital plates of the frontal bone. The cribriform plate separates the anterior cranial fossa from the nasal cavity.
  • It presents many small apertures through which pass the olfactory nerves from the nasal mucosa to the olfactory bulb.
  • On each side of the cribriform plate, there is an opening of the anterior and posterior ethmoidal canals.
  • The anterior canal transmits anterior ethmoidal vessels and nerves, while the posterior canal transmits only posterior ethmoidal vessels.
  • Posterior to the cribriform plate the median area of the floor is formed by jugum sphenoidale of the body of the sphenoid. It forms the roof of the sphenoidal air sinus. Lateral Area of the Floor On each side it consists of an orbital plate and a lesser wing of the sphenoid.
  • The orbital plate of the frontal bone lies lateral to the cribriform plate on either side. It is convex and shows the impre¬ ssions of cerebral gyri.
  • Laterally it forms the roof of the orbit and medially the roof of the ethmoidal sinuses. Posteriorly, the orbital plates articulate with the anterior margin of the lesser wing of the sphenoid.
  • The lesser wings of the sphenoid are continuous with the jugum sphenoidale medially. The posterior margin of the lesser wing is free and concave. It is related to the sphenoid-parietal sinus.
  • The medial end of the posterior margin ends into the anterior clinoid process, which gives attachment to the free margin of tentorium cerebelli.

Middle Cranial Fossa

The middle cranial fossa is narrow in the middle and expanded laterally. It lodges hypophysis cerebri in the middle and temporal lobes of the brain on each side.


  • The anterior boundary of the middle cranial fossa separates the anterior and middle fossae from each other.
  • It is formed by the posterior border of the lesser wing of the sphenoid, anterior clinoid process and anterior border of the sulcus chiasmaticus.
  • The posterior boundary separates it from the posterior cranial fossa.
  • It is formed by the superior border of the petrous part of the temporal bone, posterior clinoid process, and dorsum sellae.
  • On each side, the middle cranial fossa is bounded by the greater wing of the sphenoid, the squamous part of the temporal bone, and the parietal bone.

The floor of the Middle Cranial Fossa

It is shaped like a butterfly and consists of median and lateral parts.

Median Part of the Floor of the Middle Cranial Fossa

  • The median part is formed by the body of the sphenoid. Most anteriorly sulcus chiasmaticus is present.
  • It is a transverse groove, which becomes continuous laterally with the optic canal. The optic chiasma lies posterior to this groove.
  • Each optic canal opens into orbit thus connecting the middle cranial fossa with orbit.
  • It is bounded by anterior and posterior roots of the lesser wing and body of the sphenoid. This canal gives passage to the optic nerve, meninges, and ophthalmic artery.
  • Behind the sulcus chiasmaticus, a saddle-shaped depression is present on the superior surface of the body of the sphenoid. It is known as sella turcica.
  • The sella turcica consists of tuberculum shellac, hypophyseal fossa, and dorsum sellae from anterior to posterior. The tuberculum sellae is the median elevation just behind the sulcus chiasmaticus.
  • It receives the attachment of the anterior margin of the diaphragm sellae. The hypophyseal fossa is a deep depression posterior to the tuberculum sellae. It lodges hypophysis cerebri. Deep to the hypophyseal fossa lies the sphenoidal air sinus.
  • The dorsum sellae is a square-like vertical plate of bone posterior to the hypophyseal fossa. The superior border of the dorsum sellae, on each side forms the posterior clinoid process which gives attachment to the attached margin of the tentorium cerebelli. While the superior border itself gives attachment to the posterior margin of diaphragma sellae.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The floor of middle cranial fossa

  • On each side of the body of the sphenoid, there is the presence of a shallow groove called a carotid groove. This groove extends from the foramen lacerum to the medial side of the anterior clinoid process. It lodges the internal carotid artery.

Lateral Part of the Floor of Middle Cranial Fossa

Laterally the floor of the middle cranial fossa is formed by three bones, i.e., the cranial surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid, and squamous, and petrous parts of the temporal bone. Following fissures, foramina, and grooves are observed on the floor of the fossa.

The superior orbital fissure is a triangular oblique cleft present most anteriorly in the middle cranial fossa. It connects the middle fossa with the orbit.

The fissure is bounded above by the lesser wing of the sphenoid, below by the greater wing, and medially by the body of the sphenoid.

We have already seen that the fissure is divided into three parts by the attachment of a tendinous ring on the orbital surface of the fissure. The structures pass through three subdivisions of the superior orbital fissures.

The foramen rotundum is situated in the greater wing of the sphenoid just inferomedial to the medial end of the superior orbital fissure.

It opens anteriorly into the pterygopalatine fossa and transmits the maxillary nerve.

The foramen ovale is situated in the greater wing of the sphenoid posterolateral to the foramen rotundum. It opens into the infratemporal fossa and transmits the mandibular nerve.

The foramen spinosum is also present in the greater wing of the sphenoid, posterolateral to the foramen ovale, and communicates with the infratemporal fossa.

It gives passage to the middle meningeal artery and other structures.

Sometimes the emissary sphenoidal foramen is present between foramen rotundum and foramen ovale.

It transmits the emissary vein. Similarly, sometimes a foramen is present between foramen ovale and spinosum, which transmits lesser petrosal nerve. It is called as foramen innominatum.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Structures passing through right superior orbital fissure

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Anterior and part of middle portion of norma basalis Interna

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Norma Basalis Interna

The foramen lacerum is situated posteromedial to foramen ovale, between the body of the sphenoid and the apex of the petrous temporal bone.

The carotid canal opens in its posterolateral part. The carotid artery traverses the upper part of the foramen lacerum. The pterygoid canal opens in its anterior margin and gives passage to the nerve of the pterygoid canal.

In the lateral part of the floor, the markings of the middle meningeal vessels are seen. The groove runs forward and laterally from the foramen spinosum and later divides into two anterior and posterior branches of the middle meningeal artery.

The anterior surface of the petrous temporal bone forms the posterior wall of the middle cranial fossa. Near the apex, a shallow depression is seen. It is known as trigeminal impression for the trigeminal ganglion.

Arcuate eminence is a prominent elevation deep to which lies the superior semicircular canal.

The area lateral to the eminence is formed by the thin plate of bone called tegmen tympani.

This forms the roof of the middle ear cavity and auditory tube. The anterior surface of the petrous temporal bone presents two grooves running downwards and medially.

The upper and medial groove begins at the hiatus for the greater superficial petrosal nerve and runs towards the foramen lacerum. It lodges a greater superficial petrosal nerve.

The lower and lateral groove begins at the hiatus for the lesser petrosal nerve and runs towards the foramen ovale.

It lodges lesser petrosal nerves.

The superior border of the petrous bone is grooved for the lodgement of the superior petrosal sinus. Near the apex of the petrous temporal bone, this border is 184 crossed by the trigeminal nerve. This border also gives attachment to the tentorium cerebelli.

Posterior Cranial Fossa

The posterior cranial fossa is the deepest of the three fossae and lodges the hindbrain (cerebellum, pons, and medulla).

Bones Forming the Posterior Cranial Fossa

  • Posterior part of the body of the sphenoid.
  • Occipital bone.
  • The posterior surface of the petrous temporal bone.
  • Mastoid part of the temporal bone.
  • Posteroinferior angle of parietal bone.

Sutures and Fissures of the Posterior Cranial Fossa

  • The lower end of lambdoid suture between parietal and occipital bone.
  • The parieto-mastoid suture.
  • The occipito-mastoid suture.
  • Petro-occipital suture.


The middle and posterior cranial fossa are separated from each other by the dorsum sellae, posterior clinoid process, and superior border of the petrous temporal bone.

On the lateral side, this fossa is bounded by the mastoid part of the temporal bone and the postero-inferior angle of the parietal bone.

Posteriorly, it is bounded by the squamous part of the occipital bone. The Floor of the Posterior Cranial Fossa The floor can be divided into median and lateral parts.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The floor of the posterior cranial fossa

The Median Part of the Floor

The median part of the floor presents the most striking structure, i.e., the foramen magnum.  The part anterior to the foramen magnum is called as clivus. The parts posterior to the foramen magnum are the internal occipital crest and internal occipital protuberance.

  • The clivus is the sloping surface of the bone formed by the fusion of the basal part of the occipital bone and the body of the sphenoid.
  • The lateral border of the basilar part of the occipital bone is separated by the petrous temporal bone by a petrooccipital fissure, which lodges the inferior petrosal sinus.
  • The basilar part of the clivus gives attachment to the membrane tectoria, the upper band of the cruciate ligament, and the apical ligament of dens.
  • The foramen magnum is a large oval-shaped central opening on the floor of the posterior fossa. Structures passing through this foramen.
  • On each side of the foramen magnum, the inner opening of the hypoglossal canal lies just above its lateral margin. It transmits the hypoglossal nerves and vessels. The jugular tubercle is situated between the jugular foramen and the hypoglossal canal.
  • It is related to the 9th, 10th, and 11th cranial nerves. Sometimes the posterior condylar canal is also present behind the jugular foramen and lateral to the jugular tubercle. It transmits the emissary vein.
  • The internal occipital crest is a ridge present in the midline, which extends between the foramen magnum and internal occipital protuberance. It gives attachment to the falx cerebelli.
  • The internal occipital protuberance is situated opposite the external occipital protuberance. On each side, it is related to the transverse sinus. It is also related to the confluence of dural venous sinuses.

The Lateral Part of the Floor

  • The posterior surface of the petrous temporal bone, in its middle, shows the opening of the internal acoustic meatus.
  • It transmits the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves and labyrinthine vessels. Posterolateral to the internal meatus there lies an oblique slit which leads upwards into a canal called the aqueduct of the vestibule. It lodges succus and ductus endolymphaticus.
  • The right and left transverse sulci run laterally from each side of the internal occipital protuberance. The right sulcus is more prominent. The transverse sulcus lodges the transverse sinus.
  • Each transverse sulcus curves downwards at the mastoid angle of the parietal bone as the sigmoid sulcus. The sigmoid sulcus runs downwards and medially with an S-shaped curve.
  • It grooves the petrous and mastoid part of the temporal bone to reach the posterior end of the jugular foramen.
  • The jugular foramen is situated between the posterior end of the petro-occipital fissure and the terminal end of the sigmoid sulcus Above it is bounded by the petrous temporal bone and below by the jugular process of the occipital bone. It is divided into anterior, middle, and posterior parts.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Structure passing through various foramina of the floor of cranial Fossae

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Structure passing through optic canal

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Structures Passing Through The base Of The Skull (Norma basalis Externa )

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Structures passing through right infraorbital fissure

Nasal Cavity

The nasal cavity is divided into right and left halves by vertical median septum (i.e., the nasal septum). Each half of the cavity consists of an anterior opening, i.e., the anterior nasal aperture, a posterior nasal aperture, a lateral wall, a medial wall, a roof, and a floor.

Anterior and Posterior Nasal Apertures

The anterior nasal apertures open on the norma frontalis, while both posterior nasal apertures open on the base of the skull just above the posterior margin of the bony palate.

The Medial Wall

The medial wall, anterosuperiorly, is formed by the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid. While posteroinferiorly it is formed by the vomer bone. In the living condition, the anterior gap in the bony septum is filled by septal cartilage.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Schematic diagram showing roof, floor, medial and lateral walls of nasal cavity

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Margins of anterior nasal

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Schematic diagram showing the bones Forming Posterior Nasal Aperture

The Lateral Wall

The lateral wall is formed by three irregular bony projections, i.e., superior, middle, and inferior conchae.

These conchae run anterol posteriorly and lie one above the other. The spaces deep into the conchae are called meatuses, i.e., superior, middle, and inferior meatuses. The area above the superior concha is called a sphenoethmoidal recess. The following bones form the lateral wall of the nose.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The medial wall of the nasal cavity

  • Ethmoid—The superior and middle conchae are part of the ethmoid bone.
  • The inferior concha is a separate bone.
  • Perpendicular plate of the palatine bone.
  • Maxilla—All the above three bones are attached to the nasal surface of the maxilla.
  • A part of the nasal surface of the maxilla remains free on the anterior and inferior part of the lateral wall of the nose


From anterior to posterior, the roof is formed by nasal bone, frontal bone, cribriform plate of the ethmoid, anterior surface of a body of the sphenoid, and ala of the vomer.

The nasal cavity communicates with the anterior cranial fossa through numerous apertures in the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone.


It is formed by the palatine process of It is formed by the palatine process of In the anterior part of the floor there is the upper opening of the incisive canal.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The lateral wall of nasal cavity as seen before removal of nasal concha

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The lateral wall of nasal cavity as seen after removal of nasal conchae

Further Details of Lateral Wall

Sphenoethmoidal Recess

It is situated above the superior concha and receives the opening of the sphenoid air sinus.

Superior Meatus

It is situated between the superior and middle conchae. It receives the opening of the posterior ethmoidal sinuses.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Bony Nasal Septum

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Lateral Bony Wall Of Nasal Cavity

Middle Meatus

It is situated between the middle and inferior conchae. Deep to middle concha is a rounded prominence called the bulla ethmoidale.

It is produced by the middle ethmoidal air sinuses. The middle ethmoidal sinuses open on the bulla.

Antero-inferior to the bulla is a curved plate of bone called an uncinate process. It runs downwards and backward. The curved space between the uncinate process and bulla is called hiatus semilunaris. The hiatus semilunaris is continuous above and anteriorly into the infundibulum.

The infundibulum is continuous with the frontal air sinus. The anterior ethmoidal sinus also opens in the infundibulum. The maxillary air sinus opens behind the bulla at the posterior end of the hiatus semilunaris.

Inferior Meatus

It is present deep into the inferior concha and receives the opening of the nasolacrimal duct.

Sphenopalatine Foramen is present behind the superior concha and transmits the sphenopalatine artery and nasal branches of the pterygopalatine ganglion.

Skull Of The Newborn

The size of the cranium (brain box) is larger as compared to the facial skeleton. The brain box (calvaria) is large because of the rapid growth of the cerebrum.

The bones of the vault are ossified in membrane while the bones of the base of the skull are ossified in cartilage.

The size of the face at birth is small due to the following facts:

Norma Frontalis

  • The glabella and superciliary arches are not well developed.
  • The frontal bone is present in two halves, i.e., right and left separated by frontal suture.
  • Small size of mandible and maxilla.
  • Rudimentary maxillary air sinus.
  • Non-eruption of teeth.
  • The small size of the nasal cavity.
  • The germs of developing teeth in the superior alveolar process are near the orbital floor.
  • The paranasal sinuses are rudimentary or absent.
  • The two halves of the mandible are united by the fibrous tissue at symphysis menti. These halves join each other at the end of the first year.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Skull of a newborn as seen from front

The Base Of The Cranium

  • The cranial base is relatively short.
  • Occipital and sphenoid bones are joined with each other by the cartilaginous joint.
  • The squamous, lateral, and basilar parts of the occipital bone are separated from each other.
  • The styloid process is not fused with the temporal bone.
  • The mandibular fossa is flat and its articular tubercle is underdeveloped.
  • The stylomastoid foramen is exposed on the lateral surface.

The Lateral View

  • The mastoid process is absent
  • The tympanic plate is represented by a C-shaped plate.
  • The tympanic membrane is attached obliquely and exposed as the bony part of the external acoustic meatus is yet not developed.
  • The cavities of the internal ear, middle ear, Lateral View Anterior fontanelle mastoid antrum, and three ear ossicles are of adult size at birth. However, the petrous temporal bone is much smaller.
  • The angle of the mandible is obtuse 140 degrees
  • The coronoid process is above the level of the head of the mandible

Norma Verticalis

  • The bones of the vault are ossified in the membrane.
  • The angles of the parietal bones are still membranous. Thus there are six fontanelles at four angles of both the parietal bones.
  • The unpaired median fontanelles are called anterior and posterior fontanelles.
  • Two lateral pairs of fontanelles are sphenoidal and mastoid fontanelle.
  • The anterior fontanelle lies at the junction of sagittal, coronal, and frontal sutures.
  • The posterior fontanelle lies at the junction of sagittal and lambdoid sutures.
  • The sphenoidal and mastoid fontanelles are at the sphenoidal and mastoid angles of the parietal bones.

Anterior Fontanelle

The anterior fontanelle is present at the junction of frontal, coronal, and sagittal sutures hence, diamond-shaped. It measures about 4 cm in anteroposterior and 2.5 cm in transverse dimensions.

Deep to the anterior fontanelle lies superior sagittal sinus. It is usually closed between 18 months and 2 years of age.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Newborn skull as seen from lateral aspect

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Newborn skull as seen from above

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Posterior Nasal Aperture

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Norma Frontalis Norma Verticalis Of Foegtal skull

Clinical Significance

  • The bulging of the fontanelle indicates increased intracranial pressure.
  • The depressed fontanelle indicates dehydration.
  • As the superior sagittal sinus lies just deep to it blood can be withdrawn from the sinus.
  • The intravenous transfusion of fluid or drugs is also possible through the superior sagittal sinus.
  • The CSF can also be withdrawn from the lateral ventricle of the brain. For this a needle is introduced downwards and laterally at the lateral angle of the fontanelle.
  • The fact, that the anterior fontanelle closes by the age of 2 years, is utilized to determine the age of the child.
  • At the time of birth, fontanelle allows some overlap of the bones of the cranial vault. This helps in the reduction in the size of the foetal head during birth.

Hyoid Bone

Hyoid is a U-shaped bone present in the upper part of the neck.

It is not attached to any other bone but hangs at the level of the 3rd cervical vertebra with the help of muscles and ligaments. The hyoid bone consists of a central body and greater and lesser cornua.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The Anterosuperior Aspect Of Hyoid bone

Hyoid Bone Body

The body is rectangular and has an anterior and a posterior surface.

The anterior surface is convex and faces anterosuperiorly. A median ridge divides it into right and left halves. The posterior surface is concave and smooth.

Hyoid Bone Greater Cornua

Each end of the body is continuous posterolaterally as greater cornu. The greater cornu is flattened. It has two surfaces (upper and lower) and two borders (medial and lateral). The posterior end of the greater cornu is enlarged to form a tubercle.

Hyoid Bone Lesser Cornua

The lesser cornua are small conical projections attached to the bone at the junction of the body and greater cornu on each side.

Each cornu projects upwards and laterally. The lesser cornu may form a synovial joint with the greater cornu.

Hyoid Bone Particular Features

Attachments of muscles on the anterosuperior aspect are shown. Attachments of ligaments and membranes.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The Attachments Of Muscles On Hyoid Bone

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The Attachments Of Ligamnets And Membrane

Hyoid Bone Ossification

The hyoid bone ossifies in cartilage by six centers. One center appears in each greater cornua at the end of intrauterine life. Soon after birth two centers appear for the body. One center appears in each lesser cornua at puberty.

Cervical Vertebrae

The cervical part of the vertebral column is highly mobile and its curvature is convex anteriorly. It is made up of 7 cervical vertebrae. A cervical vertebra is characteri¬ zed by the presence of a foramen in each transverse process (foramen transversarium). The 1st, 2nd, and 7th vertebrae are atypical, while 3rd to 6th vertebrae are typical.

Typical Cervical Vertebrae

A typical cervical vertebra consists of a body and vertebral arch. The body and vertebral arch enclose a vertebral foramen, which lodges the spinal cord and its meninges.

Cervical Vertebrae Body

  • The body of the cervical vertebra is the smallest among all vertebrae. The shape of the cervical vertebra is oval, its anteroposterior diameter is less than side to side.
  • The superior surface of the body is concave from side to side because of the presence of an upward-projecting lip on either side.
  • The inferior surface is convex from side to side. The anterior border of the inferior surface projects downwards as a lip.
  • The bodies of the adjacent vertebrae are connected by the intervertebral disc and a pair of synovial unconvertebral joints on each side of the disc.
  • The vertebral foramen is large and triangular.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The Superior Aspect Of A Typical Cervical Vertebra

Vertebral Arch

It consists of pedicles, laminae, superior and inferior articular processes, transverse processes, and spine


These are rounded bars that arise from the posterolateral part of the body. They are directed backward and laterally hence, the vertebral foramen is large and triangular.


Laminae are thin plates of bone. They are directed backward and medially from pedicles to meet each other in the midline at the base of the spinous process.

Spinous Process

It is short and bifid.

Articular Process

  • The superior and inferior articular processes are present at the junction of pedicles and laminae and form a continuous articular pillar.
  • The superior articular facet faces upwards and backward while the inferior facet faces downwards and forwards.
  • The superior articular process articulates with the inferior articular process of the above vertebra.
  • Between superior and inferior articular facets articular process is in the form of a bar and is known as an articular pillar.
  • Besides bodies, the articular processes (articular pillar) also carry a considerable load on the head and neck.

Transverse Processes

  • These are short and directed laterally. Each transverse process bears a foramen transversarium.
  • Each process presents anterior and posterior roots (anterior and posterior to the foramen), anterior and posterior tubercles (at the lateral end of anterior and posterior roots), and an intertubercular bar (costotransverse bar) which is present lateral to the foramen.
  • The anterior root, anterior tubercle, intertubercular bar and posterior tubercle represent the costal element (element of rib). The posterior root represents the true transverse process.
  • The foramen transversarium of the cervical vertebrae (except C7) transmits the vertebral artery, sympathetic nerve plexus, and vertebral vein.
  • The upper surface of the costotransverse bar is grooved and lodges the ventral ramus of the corresponding cervical nerve.

The First Cervical Vertebra

The first cervical vertebra is also known as the atlas.

It is easily identified from the rest of the other cervical vertebrae because:

  • It is ring-shaped.
  • It has nobody.
  • It is the widest of all other cervical vertebrae.
  • It has no spinous process.

The bone has two large masses (lateral masses) joined anteriorly by a short anterior arch and joined posteriorly by a much longer posterior arch.

The superior surface of each lateral mass bears an elongated kidney-shaped concave articular facet for articulation with the occipital condyle (to form atlanto-occipital joint).

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Schematic Diagram Showing The Parts Of Transverve Process

Anatomical Position

Hold the bone in such a way that the concave superior articular surface of the lateral masses faces upwards. The short anterior arch should face anteriorly.

General Features

Lateral Mass

  • Each lateral mass has a superior articular facet and an inferior articular facet. The superior facet is concave and kidney-shaped. The inferior facet is oval and flat.
  • The inferior facet faces downwards and medially and articulates with the superior articular surface of the axis (2nd cervical vertebra) to form the lateral atlantoaxial joint.
  • The medial surface of each lateral mass bears a tubercle for the attachment of the transverse ligament of the atlas.

The Anterior Arch

  • It shows the presence of a small anterior tubercle in the midline.
  • An oval articular facet is present on the posterior surface in the midline. This facet articulates with the dens of the 2nd cervical vertebra to form the median atlantoaxial joint.

The Posterior Arch

  • The posterior arch is much longer than the anterior and bears a posterior tubercle on its posterior surface in the midline. It represents the rudimentary spinous process.
  • There is the presence of a shallow groove on its superior surface posterior to each lateral mass. The groove lodges the vertebral artery and the first cervical spinal nerve.

The Transverse Process

The transverse process projects laterally from the lateral mass. It has foramen transversarium which transmits vertebral artery, vein, and sympathetic nerve.

Particular Features

  • Attachments of ligaments, membranes, and muscles.
  • Relations of blood vessels and nerves are
  • The Second Cervical Vertebra proc.
  • This vertebra is also known as the axis. It can be easily identified from the rest of the vertebrae because of the presence of dens or odontoid processes.
  • The den is a blunt conical tooth-like process that projects superiorly from the body. The spinous process is long, strong, and bifid and projects posteriorly.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Superior aspect of atlas vertebra

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Inferior aspect of atlas vertebra

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Superior view of typical cervical vertebra

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Superior view of 1st cervical vertebra

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Superior view of 2nd vertebra

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Superior view of 7th cervical vertebra

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Attachment of ligaments and membranes On Superior Surface Of Atlas

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Nerve and artery in relation to atlas.

Anatomical Position

Hold the bone in such a way that the body of the vertebra lies anteriorly and the odontoid process faces upwards. The bifid spinous process should face posteriorly.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The anterior aspect of axis vertebra

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions The posterior aspect of axis vertebra

General Features

  • The odontoid process is about 1.5 cm long. Its anterior surface bears a small oval facet for articulation with the anterior arch of the atlas. The posterior surface shows a groove, which lodges the transverse ligament of the atlas.
  • The upper end of the body bears dens, while the lower surface articulates with the third cervical vertebra through the vertebral disc.
  • Superior articular facets are situated lateral to the odontoid process. These are large oval facets, that articulate with the corresponding inferior facets of the atlas vertebra. Each facet is sloping and partly situated on the body and partly on the pedicle.
  • The transverse processes are small and lie lateral to the superior articular facets.
  • The pedicle, lamina, and spine are massive and very strong. The spine is bifid.
  • The inferior articular process is present at the junction of the pedicle and lamina. Its articular facet faces downwards and forwards.

Bones Of The Head And Neck Regions Superior view of 7th cervical vertebra

Seventh Cervical Vertebra

  • This vertebra is easily identified from the other cervical vertebrae due to the presence of a very long, horizontal spinous process, which is not bifid (ends in a single tubercle).
  • As the tip of the spinous process (tubercle) can be easily felt under the skin it is also called vertebra prominence. The transverse processes are large and have prominent posterior tubercles.
  • The foramen transversarium is small because it does not provide passage to the vertebral artery. It transmits to the accessory vertebral vein only.

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Notes

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions

The bones of the abdominal region consist of five lumbar vertebrae and intervening intervertebral discs. The bones of the pelvic region consist of two hip bones (right and left), a sacrum, and a coccyx.

The right and left hip bones are joined anteriorly at the pubic symphysis and to the sacrum posteriorly to form a bony pelvis.

We shall first study the lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, and coccyx before studying the bony pelvis. Students are advised to review the features of a typical vertebra (as described in Chapter 4), before studying lumbar vertebrae

Lumbar Vertebrae

The lumbar region of the vertebral column consists of five lumbar vertebrae. The upper four vertebrae are typical while the fifth is atypical.

Features Of A Typical Lumbar Vertebra


The bodies of lumbar vertebrae are large and kidney-shaped. The size of the lumbar vertebrae increases from above downwards as they have to bear the increasing weight of the body.


The pedicles are short and strong. They are directed backward and somewhat laterally. The superior vertebral notches are shallow while inferior notches are deep.

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions A Typical Lumbar Vertebra As Seen

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions A Typical Lumbar Vertebra As Seen.2


These are broad and short and do not overlap one another as in the case of thoracic vertebrae.

Vertebral Foramen

The vertebral foramen is large and varies in shape, i.e., oval (LI) to triangular (L4).

Read and Learn More Human Osteology Notes

Transverse Processes

These are thin, long, and often have tapering ends. The posteroinferior aspect of the root of each transverse process bears a small projection called an accessory process.

Superior Articular Processes

These are vertical curved processes and bear concave articular facets facing backward and medially. There is the presence of a nonarticular rough projection on the posterior border of the superior articular process called as mammillary process.

Inferior Articular Processes

These are also vertical processes. They bear a convex articular facet, which is directed forward and laterally.

Spinous Process

The spinous process of a typical vertebra is large, thick, horizontal, and quadrilateral in shape. It presents thickened posterior and inferior borders.

Features of Fifth Lumbar Vertebra

  • The fifth lumbar vertebra is the largest of all the vertebrae. The body and transverse processes of L5 are very massive as they carry the weight of the whole upper body.

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Superior View Of Fifth Lumbar Vertebra

  • The vertical height of the anterior surface of the body is higher as compared of the posterior surface.
  • This fact is responsible for a prominent sacrovertebral angle (angle between the long axis of the lumbar column and the long axis of the sacrum).
  • The transverse processes of L5 are very large and thick. They have a wide origin, i.e., they arise from the lateral aspect of the pedicle and also encroach on the side of the body.
  • The transverse processes of L5 are massive because they are involved in the transmission of load from the body of L5 to the ilium (through the ilio-lumbar ligament) and to the sacrum (through the lumbo-sacral ligament).
  • The spinous process of the L5 vertebra is short and directed backward and somewhat downwards.
  • The distance between two superior articular processes is almost equal to the distance between two inferior articular processes.
  • (In the case of a typical lumbar vertebra the distance between two superior articular processes is more as compared to the distance between two inferior processes.

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Superior Aspect Of 5th Lumbar Vertebra

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Right Lateral View Of A Typical Lumbar Vertebra

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Superior Aspect Of 5th Lumbar Vertebra

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Posterior Aspect Of The 5th Lumbar Vertebra

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Distance Between Two Superior And Two Inferior Articular Processes

Clinical application

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

  • In this condition, there occurs the narrowing of the lumbar part of the vertebral canal.
  • The condition may result due to bulging (prolapse) of the intervertebral disc, arthritic proliferation, or ligamentous degeneration.
  • Sometimes stenosis may be congenital also. The stenosis causes compression of the spinal nerve roots of the cauda equina.
  • The condition is usually treated surgically by laminectomy (excision of vertebral laminae) or by removing the entire vertebral arch.

Low Back Pain

  • The neural arch at L4 and L5 levels is involved in the transmission of a considerable magnitude of load. This fact indicates that the joints between the articular facets may be the site for low back pain.
  • Probably, the pain is due to stretching of the joint capsule (or transmission of load across it), which contains a nociceptive type IV receptor system (Pal and Routal, 1987).

Instability of Spine Following Laminectomy

About 20% of the load in the lumbar region passes through the laminae of lumbar vertebrae. Thus the laminectomy leads to instability of the lumbar column. Pal and Routal (1987) strongly recommended the preservation of the integrity of the articular facet joints in laminectomy.

Prolapsed or Herniated Disc

A prolapsed disc occurs when the nucleus pulposus pushes outward, distorting the shape of the disc.

If the annulus fibrosus of the disc ruptures (usually on the posterolateral aspect and most commonly at L4/L5 or L5/S1 levels) then the nucleus pulposus is herniated through the rupture.

Both in prolapsed or herniated disc surrounding tissue become inflamed and swollen. The tissue of the disc may press on the nerve or spinal cord, causing pain e.g. sciatica.

The Sacrum

The sacrum is composed of five fused sacral vertebrae in adults. It is a large, triangular wedge-shaped bone.

It is wedged between two hip bones and forms the posterior part of the bony pelvis. It transmits the weight of the upper body received through L5 to the pelvic girdle through sacroiliac joints.

The sacrum is triangular because there is a portion below the sacroiliac joint) is not involved in weight bearing hence its size diminishes rapidly.

The triangular sacrum presents an upper end or base. The base is formed by the superior surface of the SI vertebra.

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions The Anterior (Pelvic) Surface Of Sacrum

It articulates with the fifth lumbar vertebra at the lumbosacral joint. The lower end of the sacrum is tapering also known as apex. It articulates with the coccyx.

The sacrum presents an anterior (or pelvic) concave surface and a dorsal (or posterior) convex surface. The pelvic surface shows the presence of four pairs of anterior sacral foramina.

Similarly, the posterior surface also shows four pairs of posterior sacral foramina the sacrum also presents the right and left lateral sacrum also presents the right and left lateral of the right and left hip bones to form sacroiliac joints The Mcra( cam, the continuation of the vertebral canal in the sacrum The canal Bes posterior to the median part of the sacrum formed by fused bodies.

The sacral canal communicates with the anterior and posterior sacral foramina through which passes the ventral and dorsal rami of sacral nerves.

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions The Superior base of Sacrum

Anatomical Position

Hold the bone in such a way that the pelvic (anterior) surface is directed forward and downwards. In this situation, the base of the sacrum will look forward and upwards.

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions The Posterior Surface Of Sacrum

General Features

The base of the Sacrum

It is formed by the upper surface of the first sacral vertebra. The base consists of a centrally placed oval body and the upper surface of the right and left ala (lateral mass) on each side of the body.

Posterior to the body there is the presence of a triangular sacral canal bounded by thick pedicles and laminae.

The superior articular facets project upwards from the junction of the pedicles and laminae.

The superior articular facets of the sacrum articulate with the inferior articular facets of the 5th lumbar vertebra.

Posteriorly, there is a resence of a tubercle at the meeting point of two laminae. This tubercle represents the rudimentary spinous process.

The body of the first sacral vertebra is large and much wider. Its anterior border is projecting and called the sacral promontory The lateral portion of the base (ala of the sacrum) is smooth and like a wing.

The ala of the sacrum is strong as it has to transmit the load from the lumbosacral joint to the sacroiliac joint.

Pelvic (Anterior) Surface

This surface is smooth, concave, and faces downwards and forwards. This surface presents four transverse lines indicating the site of fusion of 5 sacral vertebrae.

At the ends of these transverse lines, there are four pairs of sacral foramina on this surface. These foramina communicate with the sacral canal through intervertebral foramina.

Posterior (Dorsal) Surface

The dorsal surface of the sacrum is rough and convex.

  • In the midline, there is the presence of a longitudinal ridge called as median sacral crest, which is formed by the fused spinous processes of the upper four sacral vertebrae The dorsal surface presents four pairs of dorsal sacral foramina, which communicate with the sacral canal and transmit dorsal rami of upper four sacral spinous nerves.
  • An area between the right and left foramina is formed by the fusion of laminae of the upper four sacral vertebrae.
  • The laminae Body of S1 of the fifth sacral vertebra (and sometimes the fourth also) fails to fuse in the midline and presents an inverted U or V-shaped gap called a sacral hiatus.
  • On either side of the sacral hiatus are the sacral cornua, which represent the inferior articular processes of the fifth sacral vertebra.
  • The sacral hiatus contains fatty connective tissue, filum-terminale, the S5 nerve and the coccygeal nerve. The sacral cornua can be easily palpated in a living person and are useful guide to locate the hiatus for the injection of anesthetic agents.
  • On the medial side of dorsal sacral foramina is a vertical crest consisting of four small tubercles. These tubercles represent the fused articular processes of fused sacral vertebrae. This crest is called intermediate crest.
  • On the lateral side of the dorsal sacral foramina there is the presence of lateral sacral crest. This crest is formed by the fusion of transverse processes.

Lateral Surface of the Sacrum

On both the lateral surfaces of the sacrum, there is the presence of a large ear-shaped auricular surface that articulates with the ilium of each hip bone to form a sacroiliac joint.

Posterior to the auricular surface is a rough area, the sacral tuberosity for attachment of strong interosseous sacroiliac ligament.

Apex of the Sacrum

It has an oval facet for articulation with the coccyx.

The Coccyx

It is a small triangular bone formed by the fusion of four rudimentary vertebrae. It has an upper end (base), lower end, and pelvic and dorsal surfaces.

The base is formed by the first coccygeal vertebra, which has an oval facet for articulation with the apex of the sacrum.

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Lateral Surface Of Sacrum

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions The Coccyx Bone As Seen From Dorsal Aspect

  • The first coccygeal vertebra also has transverse processes and cornua.
  • The cornua project upwards from the base of the coccyx and are connected with the cornua of the sacrum through ligaments.
  • The remaining coccygeal vertebrae are featureless and represented by the nodules of bone.

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Anterior surface of sacrum

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Posterior aspect of sacrum

Particular Features of the Sacrum and Coccyx

Attachments of the Muscles on the Sacrum and Coccyx

  • lilacs and piriformis muscles are attached on the pelvic surface of the sacrum.
  • The coccygeus muscle is inserted on the pelvic surface of the 5th sacral vertebra and coccyx.
  • The levator ani is inserted on the tip of the coccyx.
  • Note the origin of gluteus maximus from the sacrum and coccyx from their dorsal surfaces.
  • The dorsal surface also gives origin to the erector spinae and multifidus.

Attachment of Ligaments

  • The sacrotuberous ligament is attached to the lower part of the dorsal surface of the sacrum.
  • The lateral margin of the lower part of the sacrum and the lateral margin of the coccyx gives attachment to the sacrospinous ligament.
  • The interosseous ligament of the sacrospin¬ ous joint is attached to the rough area on the lateral surface posterior to the auricular surface.
  • The iliolumbar ligament is attached to the lateral margin of the ala and iliac crest.
  • Nerves and Blood Vessels about the Pelvic and Dorsal Surface of the Sacrum
  • The median sacral artery is related to the midline.

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions The pelvic surface of sacrum showing the particular features

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions The dorsal surface of sacrum showing the particular features

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Attachment of ligaments

  • The lateral sacral artery is related lateral to the ventral sacral foramina.
  • The right and left sympathetic trunks are related medial to the ventral sacral foramina.
  • The superior rectal artery is related to the left side of the midline.
  • The dorsal and ventral sacral foramina give passage to the dorsal and ventral spinal rami respectively.
  • The sacral canal contains the cauda equina.
  • The subdural and subarachnoid spaces end at the middle of the sacrum.
  • Each ala of the sacrum is related to the following structures medial to the lateral-sympathetic trunk, lumbosacral trunk, iliolumbar artery, and obturator nerve.

Clinical Importance

Caudal Epidural Anesthesia

As the subdural and subarachnoid spaces end at the level of the middle of the sacrum, the sacral canal contains extradural or epidural space filled with fibro-fatty tissue. In this space, there are spinal nerves of cauda equina covered by dura.

In epidural anesthesia (caudal analgesia) a local anesthetic agent is injected in the sacral canal through the sacral hiatus. The sacral hiatus is located by palpating the sacral cornua and lower end of the median sacral crest.

The anesthetic agent when injected in the sacral hiatus acts on the spinal nerves in the cauda equina (usually S2 to coccygeal nerves).

This procedure is usually used to relax the perineal musculature for painless childbirth.

Abnormal Fusion of Lumbar and Sacral Vertebrae Sometimes (in about 5% of people) L5 vertebra is partly or completely fused with the sacrum.

The condition is called sacralization of the L5 vertebra. In some cases, the S1 vertebra is separated from the sacrum and may be partly or completely separated from the sacrum.

This condition is called lumbarization of the S1 vertebra. Both the above conditions may produce painful symptoms in persons having abnormal fusion of the vertebra.

Bony Pelvis

The bones of the pelvic region consist of two hip bones (right and left), a sacrum, and a coccyx. The right and left hip bones are joined anteriorly at the pubic symphysis and to the sacrum and coccyx posteriorly to form a pelvic girdle or bony pelvis.

Above it articulates with the lumbar part of the vertebral column at the lumbosacral joint. Below it is attached to the lower limbs (femora) at hip joints.

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions The Bony Pelvis male Female

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions The Bony Pelvis male Female.2

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Anterior Aspect Of The Female Pelvis.

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Superior Aspect Of The Female Pelvis

Functions of the Bony Pelvis

  • The bony pelvis is the basin-shaped ring of bones, which protects the distal part of the intestine, urinary bladder, and internal genital organs.
  • The main function of the bony pelvis is to transmit the weight of the upper body from the vertebral column to the lower limbs.
  • It transmits the thrust between the vertebral column and lower limbs.
  • Provides attachment to the powerful muscles.
  • It gives passage to the fetus at the time of birth.

The bony pelvis is divided into greater and lesser pelvis. The greater pelvis is also called a false pelvis.

The lesser pelvis is called as true pelvis. The greater and lesser pelves are separated from each other by an imaginary plane, i.e., the plane of the pelvic inlet or pelvic brim).

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Diagrammatic Representation Of The Coronal Section Of Pelvis

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Diagrammatic Represenation Of The Sagittal Section Of Male Pelvis

Greater Pelvis

The walls of the greater or false pelvis are formed by the iliac fossa of the hip bones and posteriorly by the ala of the sacrum. Anteriorly, the greater pelvis presents no bony wall.

Lesser Pelvis

The lesser or true pelvis presents an inlet (superior pelvic aperture), a pelvic cavity, and an outlet (inferior pelvic aperture). The Pelvic Inlet The plane of the pelvic inlet slopes obliquely downwards and forward.

The axis of the inlet is determined by a line drawn perpendicular through the center of the plane. The plane of the pelvic inlet makes an angle of 50 to 60 with the horizontal plane.

The boundary of the pelvic inlet on each side is formed behind by the sacral promontory, the anterior margin of the ala of the sacrum, the linea terminalis, and the upper end of the symphysis pubis.

(The linea terminalis of each hip bone consists of an arcuate line of ilium iliopubic eminence, pectin pubis, and pubic crest).

The Cavity of the Lesser Pelvis

The cavity of the lesser pelvis extends downwards and backward from the pelvic inlet and lies between the inlet and outlet. Anteriorly, the cavity is bounded by the symphysis, the body of the pubis, and two rami of the pubis.

On each side, the wall is formed by ilium and ischium below the arcuate line. Posteriorly it is limited by the concave pelvic surface of the sacrum and coccyx. The posterior wall of the cavity is much longer than the anterior wall.

The Outer or Inferior Pelvic Aperture (Pelvic Outlet)

It is bounded anteriorly by the lower margin of the symphysis pubis, anterolaterally by the conjoined ischiopubic rami, laterally by the ischial tuberosities, posterolaterally by sacrotuberous ligaments, and posteriorly by the tip of the coccyx.

Thus the lower pelvic aperture is somewhat diamond-shaped. The plane of the pelvic outlet lies between the lower border of the symphysis pubis and the tip of the coccyx.

A line drawn perpendicular to the center of this plane is known axis of the pelvic outlet. The plane of the pelvic outlet makes an angle of 10 to 15 with the horizontal plane.

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Various Diameters Of Pelvic Outlet

The Axis of Pelvic Cavity

The axis of the pelvic cavity is an imaginary axis passing through the pelvic cavity between the inlet and outlet of the pelvic cavity the axis is concave anteriorly and passes parallel to the sacrococcygeal curve.

The axis of the pelvic cavity is important because this axis passes the head of the fetus during childbirth. Hence, the axis of the pelvic cavity is also called as axis of the birth canal.

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions The Axis Of The Pelvic Cavity

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Various Diameter Of Inlet Of Pelvis

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Differences Between Male And Female Pelves

Diameters of the Pelvi

The diameter of the pelvic inlet and outlet are important in females due to childbearing

Measurements of the Inlet in Adult Females

Anteroposterior diameter: It extends between the middle of the sacral promontory to the upper margin of the symphysis pubis. It measures about 105 to 110 mm.

The transverse diameter: Is the widest measurement across the inlet. It measures about 125 to 130 mm.

The oblique diameter: It is measured from the sacroiliac joint of one side to the iliopubic eminence of the other side. It measures about 120 to 125 mm.

Measurements of the Outlets in Adult Females The anteroposterior diameter: Is measured from the lower border of the symphysis pubis to the tip of the coccyx. It is about 125 mm.

The transverse diameter: It is the distance between two ischial tuberosities. It measures about 110 to 118 mm. The oblique diameter: It is the distance between the junction of the ischiopubic ramus of one side and the midpoint of the sacrotuberous ligament of the opposite side.

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions Various Diameter Of Inlet Of Pelvis

Anatomical Position of the Pelvis

Hold the articulated pelvis in such a way that the upper end of the pubic symphysis and the anterior superior iliac spines lie in the same vertical plane (place these points against a wall)

In this position, the tip of the coccyx lies almost at the level of the upper margin of the symphysis pubis.

The pelvic inlet faces forward and upwards and the pelvic outlet faces downwards and backwards.

In this position sacrum faces downwards and forwards.

Differences Between Male and Female Pelves

The pelves of males and females differ significantly. These differences are due to childbearing function in females. For identification of sex from human skeletal remains, the pelvis or even a single hip bone is the most useful because here the sexual differences are clearly defined.

Bones Of The Abdominal And Pelvic Regions The Sub-Pubic Angle In Male Is 50 to 60 and in female and 90