Ascending and Descending Tracts Of The Spinal Cord

Ascending Descending Tracts Of The Spinal Cord Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. The following statements regarding sensory pathways are true except

  1. Ascending spinal tracts are sensory
  2. Sensory pathways usually consist of two sensory neurons
  3. Some somatic impulses do not reach the level of consciousness
  4. The cell body of most of the first-order sensory neurons is located outside the CNS
  5. The cell bodies of the mesencephalic nucleus lie within the CNS though it contains first-order sensory neurons

Answer: 2. Sensory pathways usually consist of two sensory neurons

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Question 2. Which of the following statements is true?

  1. The first-order sensory neuron of the sensory pathway lies in the dorsal root ganglion of the spinal nerve
  2. The second-order sensory neuron lies in the dorsal grey horn of the spinal cord.
  3. Third-order sensory neurons are located in the thalamus
  4. Axonal processes of second-order sensory neurons, as a general rule, cross to the opposite side.
  5. All ofthe above

Answer: 3. Axonal processes of second-order sensory neurons, as a general rule, cross to the opposite side.

Spinal Tracts

Question 3. Fasciculi gracilis and cuneatus are concerned with except

  1. Conscious proprioception
  2. Fine touch
  3. Vibration and deep pressure
  4. Two-point discrimination
  5. Crude touch

Answer: 5. Crude touch

Question 4. Which of the following statements about the ascending tracts of dorsal white columns is false?

  1. Fasciculus cuneatus is present medial to fasciculus gracilis in the dorsal white column
  2. Fibers of cuneate and gracile fasciculi terminate on the cell bodies of cuneate and gracile nuclei, respectively.
  3. Second-order fibers decussate in the midline to form great sensory decussation.
  4. After decussation, fibers run upwards to form the medial lemniscus.

Answer: 1. Fasciculus cuneatus is present medial to fasciculus gracilis in the dorsal white column

Question 5. Following are the major ascending (sensory) tracts of the lateral white column except

  1. Posterior spinocerebellar
  2. Anterior spinocerebellar
  3. Spinotectal
  4. Anterior spinothalamic
  5. Spino-olivary

Answer: 4. Anterior spinothalamic

Spinal Tracts

Question 6. The following statements are true regarding the anterior spinocerebellar tract except

  1. Anterior Spinocerebellar Tract is a crossed spinocerebellar tract
  2. Anterior Spinocerebellar Tract  carries proprioceptive and exteroceptive impulses
  3. These impulses do not reach the level of consciousness
  4. This pathway consists of three sensory neurons
  5. The fibers of second-order sensory neurons cross twice

Answer: 4. This pathway consists of three sensory neurons

Question 7. The following statements are true regarding the lateral spinothalamic tract except

  1. Lateral Spinothalamic Tract carries the sensation of pain and temperature
  2. Lateral Spinothalamic Tract arises at all the levels of the spinal cord
  3. Lateral Spinothalamic Tract is an uncrossed tract
  4. The second-order neurons are situated in laminae 1, 4 and 5

Answer: 3. It is an uncrossed tract

Question 8. Which of the statements about the anterior corticospinal tract is false?

  1. Anterior Corticospinal Tract is formed mainly by axons arising from the somatomotor cortex
  2. Anterior Corticospinal Tract is a crossed-tract
  3. Anterior Corticospinal Tract terminates on the contralateral anterior horn cells of the spinal cord
  4. Anterior Corticospinal Tract extends throughout the spinal cord

Answer: 2. Anterior Corticospinal Tract  is a crossed tract

Question 9. Which of the following statements about the corticonuclear tract is false?

  1. Fibers terminate on motor nuclei of cranial nerves
  2. Passes through the genu of the internal capsule
  3. Fibers usually terminate on the nuclei of both sides
  4. Injury leads to ‘lower motor neuron type’ of paralysis

Answer: 4. Injury leads to ‘lower motor neuron type’ of paralysis

Spinal Cord Tracts

Question 10. The following facts regarding the rubrospinal tract are true except.

  1. Rubrospinal Tract is a crossed-tract
  2. Rubrospinal Tract arises from the red nucleus
  3. Rubrospinal Tract  is a part of the extrapyramidal system
  4. Rubrospinal Tract descends in the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord
  5. This tract terminates on the neurons of the posterior horn of the spinal cord.

Answer: 5. This tract terminates on the neurons of the posterior horn of the spinal cord.

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