Bones Of The Thoracic Region Notes

Bones of the Thoracic Region

The skeleton of the thoracic region forms a bony cage, which protects the lungs, heart, and some upper abdominal organs.

This cage is formed by the following bones and cartilages:

  1. Thoracic vertebrae and intervertebral discs.
  2. Ribs and costal cartilages.
  3. The sternum.

The thoracic cage is narrower at its superior end and broader at its inferior end. The cage is flattened anteroposteriorly.

Posteriorly, it is formed by 12 thoracic vertebrae and intervertebral discs. The sidewalls of this cage are made up of 12 ribs on each side.

The posterior end of each arched rib articulates with the vertebral column.

Manubriosternal Angle

The anterior end of each rib is attached to the costal cartilage. Through these costal cartilages, ribs gain attachment to the sternum.

The sternum is a flat narrow bone situated on the anterior aspect of the thoracic cage.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region The thoracic cage as seen from anterior aspect

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Vertebra, ribs, costal cartilages and sternum forming the thoracic cage


The sternum is a flat, elongated bone measuring about 6 inches in length. It is situated anteriorly in the wall of the thorax.

From above downwards, the sternum consists of three portions, i.e., the manubrium, the body, and the xiphoid process.

The body is the middle and largest portion of the sternum. The junction of the manubrium and the upper end of the body forms the manubriosternal joint (the sternal angle).

The junction of the lower end of the body and the xiphoid process forms the xiphisternal joint.

The upper border of the manubrium is concave. It is known as a suprasternal notch.

Manubriosternal Angle

Lateral to the suprasternal notch are clavicular notches that articulate with the medial ends of the clavicles to form sternoclavicular joints.

Read and Learn More Human Osteology Notes

Inferolateral to the clavicular notch there lies a costal notch where the first costal cartilage articulates with the manubrium to form a sternocostal joint. This joint is classified as synchondrosis (primary cartilaginous joint).

The manubrium and the body of the sternum lie in different planes at the manubriosternal joint, therefore the joint projects forwards. This projecting angle is called as angle of Louis or sternal angle.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Parts of sternum as seen from front

General Features Manubrium

  • The manubrium is the widest and thickest of the three parts of the sternum.
  • It is roughly quadrilateral in shape At the sternal angle, the second costal cartilage articulates with the lower end of the manubrium and the upper end of the body.
  • As the sternal angle is projecting and subcutaneous it is an easily palpable landmark. This fact is utilized to count the ribs. The rib counting starts with the 2nd rib adjacent to the sternal angle.
  • The lower end of the manubrium lies at the level of the lower border of the T4 vertebra.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region The lateral view of sternum

Body of the Sternum

The body of the sternum is a long and thin plate of bone. Its lateral borders present costal notches for articulation with 2nd to 7th costal cartilages.

All these joints are synovial. In adults, the body of the sternum is made up of four pieces (sternebrae).

These pieces of bones are joined to each other by primary cartilaginous joints. These joints begin to fuse soon after puberty. In an adult, these fusion sites are seen as three transverse ridges.

Xiphoid Process

The xiphoid process is the smallest, triangular part of the sternum. The upper end of the xiphoid process meets the body of the. sternum to form xiphisternal joint.

The lateral border of the xiphoid process has a demi facet for articulation with the 7th costal cartilage.

The xiphoid process is cartilaginous in young people. It begins to ossify at about the third year of age.

Manubriosternal Angle

It gets completely ossified at about 40 years of age. It fuses with the body of the sternum in old people.

Sternum Particular Features

Attachments of Muscles on the Anterior Surface of the Sternum Note the origin of the sternal head of the sternocleidomastoid and pectoralis major muscles and insertion of rectus abdominis with the help.

Muscles attached on the posterior aspect of the sternum. Note the origin of sternohyoid, sternothyroid, and sternocostalis with the help. Also, note the reflection of the pleura on both the sides of sternum.

Sternum Ossification

The sternum develops by the fusion of the right and left cartilaginous plates in the midline. After the fusion, many centers of ossification appear in the cartilaginous model.

Sternum Clinical importance


Sternal fractures may occur due to automobile accidents. The sternum is broken into pieces due to crush injuries against the steering wheel.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region The Origin Of Muscles From Anterior Aspect Of Sternum

Bones Of The Thoracic Note The Attachment Of Muscleus And Relation Of Pleura On the Posterior Aspect Of Sternum

Bones Of The Thoracic Region The Ossifications Of Sternum


For coronary bypass surgery and surgeries on lung, these organs are exposed by cutting the sternum in the midline. A wide gap is exposed between two split parts of the sternum because of the elasticity of the costal cartilage and the flexibility of the ribs. After surgery two splitted parts of the sternum are joined by wire sutures.

Bone marrow biopsy

As the sternum is superficial (subcutaneous) it is best suited for needle biopsy of bone marrow. The bone marrow sample is obtained from the spongy bone of the sternum with the help of a needle. A bone marrow biopsy is needed to diagnose blood abnormalities and for bone marrow transplantation.

Sternum is helpful in the identification of sex To a certain extent the sex of an individual can be identified with the help of the sternum as the female sternum is short and wide as compared to males, Jit, et al. (1980). The determination of the sex of bones is needed in medico-legal cases.

Manubriosternal Angle

Congenital defects of sternum As the sternum develops by the fusion of two halves of the sternum in the midline, if these two pieces fail to fuse then the heart is exposed on the thoracic wall (ectopia cordis).

In this condition, pericardium also fails to form. Sometimes there may be the presence of a foramen in the body of the sternum. This occurs due to faulty ossification.


Ribs are curved, flat bones that form the greater part of the thoracic wall.

They are arranged in twelve pairs. The length of the ribs increases from the first to the seventh rib. Thereafter the length gradually decreases from the eighth to the twelfth rib.

Each rib articulates posteriorly with the corresponding vertebra. The anterior ends of ribs (except the eleventh and twelfth ribs) articulate with the sternum through costal cartilages.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Thoracic Cage As Seen From Anterior Aspect

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Inferior Aspect Of The Right Typical Rib

Classification of Ribs

There are three types of ribs:

True Ribs

These ribs are directly attached to the sternum through their costal cartilage. The first seven ribs are true ribs and these ribs are also called vertebrosternal ribs.

False Ribs

These ribs are indirectly connected to the sternum. Their costal cartilages are joined to the costal cartilages of superior ribs. The eighth to the tenth ribs are false ribs and are also called vertebrochondral ribs.

Floating Ribs

The eleventh and twelfth ribs are not connected with the sternum. Their anterior ends are free and covered by rudimentary costal cartilage. They are also known as vertebral ribs or floating ribs.

Ribs may also be classified as typical and atypical ribs. The typical ribs are those, that have the same (common) features. The 3rd to the 9th ribs are typical ribs.

Manubriosternal Angle

The atypical ribs have special features therefore can be differentiated from the rest of the ribs. The atypical ribs are 1st, 2nd, 10th, 11th and 12th ribs.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region True False And Floating Ribs

The Typical Ribs

A typical rib consists of a head, neck, tubercle, angle, and shaft. The head is present at the posterior end and bears one or two articular facets.

The tubercle is a knob-like structure present at the junction of the neck and shaft.

The shaft is long and curved. The convex surface is the external surface while the concave surface is the internal surface, which bears a groove called a subcostal groove.

The upper border of the shaft is rounded while the lower border is sharp. The sternal end bears a concave depression for attachment of costal cartilage.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Typical rib as seen from posterior aspect

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Typical Rib As Seen From Inferior Aspect

Ribs Side Determination

  • The end of the rib having the head, neck, and tubercle (posterior end) should be kept posteriorly.
  • The concave curved surface should be kept medially.
  • The sharp border (inferior border) of the shaft should be kept downwards.

Thoracic Cage Bones

Ribs Anatomical Position

  • The posterior end should be kept near the midline.
  • The posterior end is at a higher level as compared to the anterior end.

Ribs General Features

The Posterior or Vertebral End

It includes the head, neck, and tubercle.

  • The head presents two articular facets separated by the crest of the head. The lower facet is large and articulates with the body of the numerically corresponding vertebra.
  • The upper small articular facet articulates with the body of the adjacent upper vertebra. The crest of the head is connected to the intervertebral disc by intra-articular ligament.
  • The neck is short and has a sharp upper border. It is sometimes called as crest of the neck. The neck has an anterior smooth and a posterior rough surface.
  • On the posterior aspect of the rib, just lateral to the neck, there is the presence of an elevation called a tubercle. The tubercle has a medial articular (smooth) and lateral non-articular (rough) part.

The Anterior End

The anterior end of the rib has a cup-shaped depression for articulation with the lateral end of the corresponding costal (smooth) cartilage to form a costochondral joint.

The Shaft

The shaft of a typical rib is thin, flat, and curved. It forms the major part of the rib. It
extends between the tubercle and the anterior end of the rib.

  • It has a superior rounded border and a sharp inferior border. It has an outer convex and an inner concave surface The inner surface shows a shallow costal groove just above the inferior border.
  • The costal groove is well-defined in the middle part of the shaft.
  • A short distance lateral to the tubercle rib bends anteriorly. This is called as posterior angle.
  • The rib also shows a twisting, because of which, two ends of the rib cannot touch a horizontal plane simultaneously (when kept on the table.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Cross section Passing Through Shaft Of A Typical Rib

Ribs Particular Features

Thoracic Cage Bones

Joints about the Typical Rib

  • The head of a typical rib articulates with the adjacent vertebral bodies (with the numerically corresponding body and a body above it) and intervertebral disc to form a costovertebral joint.
  • The costotransverse joint is formed between the costal facet of the transverse process and the articular part of the tubercle.
  • This joint is supported by various costotransverse ligaments, i.e., the lateral costotransverse, superior costotransverse, and costotransverse ligaments.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Cross section Passing Through Shaft Of A Typical Rib

Bones Of The Thoracic Region The Costotransverse And Costoverterbral Joints

The Muscles Attached to the Rib

The attachments of external intercostal, The various muscles are also attached on the external surface of the ribs, i.e., pectoralis minor, serratus anterior, latissimus torsi, and back muscles.

The parietal pleura is related to the inner surface of the rib.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region The Attachment Of muscles Between Two Adjancent Ribs.

Nerves and Vessels Related to the Typical Rib

  • The sympathetic trunk descends downwards on the anterior aspect of the heads of the typical ribs.
  • The intercostal nerve and vessels lie in the costal groove between the internal intercostals and innermost intercostal muscles.

The Atypical Ribs

The First Rib

The first rib is the shortest, broadest, curved, and flat rib. As compared to the typical ribs its head has only one articular facet for the body of the first thoracic vertebra.

The posterior angle of the rib lies at the tubercle itself. The shaft shows inner and outer borders thus superior and inferior surfaces.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region First Rib As Seen From Superior Aspect

(This is in contrast to the typical ribs, which show superior and inferior borders and outer and inner surfaces.)

The superior surface of the first rib is rough and shows the presence of two grooves. The inferior surface is smooth and there is the absence of a subcostal groove.

First Rib Side Determination

  • The head, neck, and tubercle are located posteriorly near the midline.
  • The broad anterior end lies anteriorly.
  • The concave inner border lies medially.
  • The rough superior surface of the shaft (having grooves) should face superiorly.

Thoracic Cage Bones

First Rib Anatomical Position

  • Keep the posterior or vertebral end near the midline.
  • The anterior end is at the lower level as compared to the posterior end. In this position, the upper surface should face anterosuperiorly.

First Rib General Features

First Rib The Posterior End

  • The posterior end consists of the head, neck, and tubercle. The head is rounded, small, and bears only one circular articular facet.
  • The neck is rounded and extends upwards and posterolaterally.
  • The neck shows superior, posterior, inferior, and anterior surfaces.
  • The tubercle is large and prominent. The oval articular facet on the tubercle articulates with the transverse process of a first thoracic vertebra.

The Shaft

  • The shaft is flat and shows superior and inferior surfaces and outer and inner borders.
  • The superior surface of the first rib shows two shallow but wide grooves separated by a faint ridge. This ridge is continuous medially with the scalene tubercle on the inner border.
  • The inferior surface is smooth and related to the parietal (costal) pleura.

Particular Features

Attachments of the Muscles on the First Rib

  • The subclavius muscle arises from the superior surface near its anterior end.
  • The scalenus anterior is inserted on the scalene tubercle. The scalenus medius is attached behind the groove for the subclavian artery.
  • The intercostal muscles arise from its outer border.
  • The first digitation of the serratus anterior arises from its outer border

Relations of the Nerves, Vessels and Ligaments

  • The costoclavicular ligament is attached on its superior surface near its anterior end The inner border gives attachment to the suprapleural membrane.
  • The groove anterior to the scalene tubercle lodges the subclavian vein.
  • The groove posterior to the scalene tubercle lodges the subclavian artery and lover trunk of the brachial plexus.
  • The anterior surface of the neck is related from the medial to lateral side to the sympathetic trunk, first posterior intercostal vein, superior intercostal artery, and ascending branch ofthe ventral ramus of the first thoracic nerve.

The Second Rib

  • The second rib is almost twice the length of the first rib. The shaft has an external surface directed laterally and slightly upwards.
  • This surface presents a prominent rough area near the middle of the shaft.
  • It has a faint, short costal groove in the posterior part of the internal surface, which is directed downwards and medially.

Thoracic Cage Bones

Second Rib Particular Features

  • The prominent rough area on the outer surface, just behind the middle of the shaft, gives origin to the 1st and 2nd digitations of the serratus anterior.
  • The outer surface in its posterior part gives insertion to the scalenus posterior muscle.
  • The intercostal muscles are attached to its upper and lower borders.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Particular Features Of The First Rib

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Medical End And Inferior Aspect Of Right Typical Rib

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Superior Surface Of Right First Rib

Bones Of The Thoracic Region The General Features Of 2nd Rib

Bones Of The Thoracic Region The Second Rib Showing Attachment Of Muscles

The Tenth Rib

It also presents the head, neck, tubercle, posterior angle, and shaft, like a typical rib.

However, it differs from typical ribs because it presents a single articular facet on its head for articulation with the 10th thoracic vertebral body.

The Eleventh Rib

This rib is short as compared to the tenth rib. It has no neck or tubercle.

Its lateral end is tapering while the vertebral end bears a single articular facet for the body of the eleventh thoracic vertebra.

Thoracic Cage Bones

The Twelfth Rib

  • The twelfth rib is shorter than the eleventh.
  • It is directed downwards, laterally, and forwards.
  • Similar to the eleventh rib it has no neck or tubercle.
  • It has no angle and there is also the absence of a subcostal groove.
  • It has a single facet on the head for articulation with the body of the 12th thoracic vertebra.
  • It has a pointed lateral end, which gives attachment to cartilage.
  • This rib presents upper and lower borders and anterior and posterior surfaces.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region The General Features of 12th rib Anterior Aspect

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Posterior Aspect

  • The anterior surface is smooth and concave and faces slightly upwards.

Particular Features of the 12th Rib

  • The medial part of the upper border gives attachment to the intercostal muscles.
  • The lateral part of the upper border gives attachment to the diaphragm.
  • The quadratus lumborum muscle with its covering (anterior layer of the thoraco¬ lumbar fascia) is attached to the medial half of the anterior surface.
  • The transverse abdominis muscle is attached to the lower lateral part of the anterior surface.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Ossifivation Of Typical Rib

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Ossifivation Of Typical Rib.2

  • The lower limit of the parietal (costal) pleura crosses the anterior surface of the rib and quadratus lumborum muscle. Thus costodiaphragmatic recess extends on the anterior aspect of the medial half of the rib.
  • The attachments of the muscles on the posterior aspect of the twelfth rib.

Ossification of Rib

A typical rib is ossified from one primary and three secondary centers (one for the head and two for the tubercle). Primary and secondary centers fuse after 20 years of age.

The Costal Cartilages

  • The costal cartilages are flattened bars of hyaline cartilage.
  • They prolong the ribs anteriorly.
  • Each costal cartilage has anterior and posterior surfaces and upper and lower borders.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Ossification Of A Typical RIb

  • The first seven costal cartilages join to the sternum.
  • The 8th, 9th, and 10th articulate with the cartilage just superior to them. The 11th and 12th costal cartilages form caps on the anterior end of these ribs.
  • The length of the costal cartilage increases from the first to the seventh. The length decreases gradually from the 8th to the 12th.
  • The costal cartilage provides elasticity and mobility to the thoracic wall.
  • They prevent fractures of the sternum and ribs due to their resilience.

Costal Cartilages Clinical Importance

Fractures of Ribs

  • When there occurs a direct injury on the sidewall of the chest, the broken ends of the ribs may tear the pleura and lung. This may lead to the collection of air (pneumothorax) or blood (haemothorax) in the pleural cavity.
  • When there is indirect violence, due to compression of the chest against the steering wheel in accidents, ribs are commonly fractured near their angles.
  • Ribs are Used for Bone Grafting Similar to the fibula ribs are also used for bone grafting. In this procedure, the periosteum of the rib is incised along its length and a segment of the rib is removed for grafting leaving the periosteum intact. After some time, rib regenerates deep to the periosteum.

Extra Ribs

  • Sometimes the number of ribs may increase (than normal 12 pairs) due to the presence of a cervical or lumbar rib. The cervical rib articulates with the 7th cervical vertebra but usually fails to attach to the sternum.
  • The anterior end of the cervical rib may attach to the first rib. The cervical rib may compress the lower trunk of the brachial plexus.
  • This may lead to pain and numbness in the shoulder and upper limb.
  • This rib may also compress the subclavian artery resulting in pain in the upper limb due to poor blood supply to the limb muscles. Lumbar ribs are less common as compared to the cervical ribs.

Thoracic Vertebrae

The thoracic part of the vertebral column is formed by the twelve thoracic vertebrae and intervertebral discs. This part of the column is concave anteriorly.

Thoracic vertebrae are larger and stronger than cervical vertebrae.

Compared to the cervical vertebrae they also have longer and larger transverse processes. The following three special features are helpful in the identification of thoracic vertebrae.

  • Presence of costal facets or demi-facets on the bodies for articulation with the heads of the ribs.
  • Presence of costal facets on their transverse processes for articulation with the tubercle of the ribs (except for Til and T12 vertebrae).
  • The spinous processes of T3 to T9 vertebrae are long and slope downwards.
  • The spinous process of Til and T12 are shorter, broader, and directed more posteriorly.
  • The 2nd to 9th thoracic vertebrae are typical because they bear common bony features. The 1st, 10th 11th, and 12th thoracic vertebrae are atypical.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Superior Surface Of Right Second Rib

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Left Lateral Veiw Of A Typical Thoracic Vertebra


Bones Of The Thoracic Region Superior Aspect Of A Typical Thoracic Vertebra

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Superior Aspect Of 12th thoracic Vertebra

Typical Thoracic Vertebrae

A typical thoracic vertebra is made up of a body and a neural arch (vertebral arch). Each vertebra has seven processes, i.e., four articular processes, two transverse processes, and one spinous process.


The superior and inferior surfaces of the body of a typical vertebra are heart shaped

Bones Of The Thoracic Region A typical thoracic vertebra as seen from above

Bones Of The Thoracic Region A typical thoracic vertebra as seen from Lateral side

The lateral aspect of the body, close to its upper and lower borders, shows the presence of two costal demi-facets. The upper demi-facet is usually larger and is close to the pedicle.

It articulates with the numerically corresponding rib. The lower costal demi-facet is smaller and lies in front of the inferior vertebral notch and articulates with the lower rib.

Vertebral Arch

It consists of pedicles and laminae. Pedicles are short and directed backward. Laminae are short, thick, and flat vertical plates of the bone that join in the midline to form the posterior portion of the vertebral arch.

The superior vertebral notch is shallow and present above the pedicle while the inferior vertebral notch is deep and present below the pedicle. The vertebral foramen is small and circular. It is bounded by body, pedicles, and laminae.

Vertebral Arch Processes

The transverse processes are large, club-shaped, and directed laterally and somewhat backward. On their anterior surface, they bear, an oval costal facet for articulation with the tubercle of the rib (costotransverse articulation).

The costal facets on the upper six transverse processes are concave and directed anterolaterally. While the costal facets in the 7th to 10th transverse processes are flat and directed upwards, forwards, and laterally.

The superior articular facets are directed posterolaterally while the inferior articular facets are directed anteromedially. The spinous processes are long and directed downwards

A typical Thoracic Vertebra

First Thoracic Vertebra

  • The following features will help to identify the head of rib J’s first thoracic vertebra:
  • The body is like cervical vertebrae, i.e., its anteroposterior diameter is less than its transverse diameter.
  • There is the presence of a single circular costal facet on the lateral surface of the body for articulation with the head of the first rib.
  • Presence of a small costal demi-facet near its lower border for articulation with the upper demi-facet on the head of the 2nd rib.
  • The vertebral foramen is large and triangular (similar to the cervical vertebra).
  • The spinous process is long and directed backward

Bones Of The Thoracic Region First Thoracic Vertebra As Seen From Superior Aspect

Tenth Thoracic Vertebra

The shape of the body is somewhat like lumbar vertebrae.

Mostly it bears a single circular costal facet for the head of the 10th rib.

It means the head of the 10th rib will not articulate with the body of the 9th thoracic vertebra. Hence the body of the 9th vertebra will have only the upper demi-facet.

The costal facet is present on the anterior aspect of the transverse process for the tubercle of the 10th rib.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region The lateral Aspect Of 10th Thoracic Vertebra

Eleventh Thoracic Vertebra

  • The body is large and somewhat lumbar type.
  • A single circular costal facet on the lateral aspect of the body.
  • The transverse process is short and bears no costal facet, as the 11th rib is a floating rib.
  • The superior and inferior articular facets are thoracic type. (Sometimes inferior articular facet may be lumbar type).
  • The spinous process may be somewhat like a lumbar vertebra.

Twelfth Thoracic Vertebra

  • The body is large and lumbar-type (kidney-shaped).
  • The single circular costal facet for the head of the 12th rib. The facet is present mid-way between the upper and lower borders and tends to encroach on the lateral aspect of the pedicle.
  • Similar to the 11th vertebra there is the absence of costal facet on the transverse process.
  • The transverse processes of T12 are short (rudimentary) and present three tubercles, i.e., superior, inferior, and lateral. The lateral tubercle represents the true transverse process.
  • The inferior articular facets are lumbar-like, i.e., they are convex and face anterolaterally. The superior articular facets are thoracic type, i.e., flat and directed posterolaterally.
  • The spinous process is also like a lumbar vertebra, i.e., short, broad, and directed backward.
  • Articulation of a Typical Rib with the Vertebrae (Costovertebral and Costotransverse Joints)
  • A typical rib articulates posteriorly with the bodies of two adjacent vertebrae and the transverse process of the lower vertebra. Students should practice this articulation with the help of two typical thoracic vertebrae and a typical rib.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Twelfth Thoracic Vertebra as seen From lateral side

The Costotransverse Joint

The articular part of the tubercle of the rib presents an oval facet. It articulates with the articular facet on the transverse process of the corresponding vertebra.

This can be further understood by looking at the articulation of the 7th rib. The head of the 7th rib articulates with the body of the 6th thoracic vertebra (with the demi-facet near its lower border) and with the body of 7th thoracic vertebra (with the demi-facet near its upper border).

The head is also connected with the intervertebral disc between the 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae. The tubercle of the 7th rib also articulates with the transverse process of the 7th thoracic vertebra.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Articulation Of A Typical Rib With Vertebrae

Ossification of Thoracic Vertebra

A typical thoracic vertebra ossifies by three primary centers, i.e., one for the body and one for each neural arch. These centers unite with each other between 3 to 5 years of age At puberty, five secondary centers appear, i.e., one for the spine, one for each transverse process, and two ring-like centers at the margin of the upper and lower surface of the body.

Tuberculosis of Thoracic Vertebrae Spongy bone in the body of thoracic vertebrae is the most common site of tubercular infection. Tubercular bacilli reach the spongy bone through blood circulation and settle there due to sluggish blood flow and restricted mobility of thoracic coloumn.

The infection leads to the destruction of spongy bone and the production of “Cold pus”. As the chronic injection of tubercle bacilli does not produce the local signs of heat, pain, and redness, it is called a cold abscess. Due to the destruction of spongy bone body is collapsed resulting in the production of kyphosis.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Ossification By Primary Centers and Secondary Centers

Scoliosis and Kyphosis

The thoracic coloumn is the most common site where scoliosis and kyphosis are produced (See Further Details). Kyphosis is most commonly seen in old age due to weakness of spongy bones of vertebral bodies (Osteoporosis).

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Lateral Aspect Of A Part Of Thoracic Column


Sometimes the body of the vertebra ossifies by two primary centers, one for each lateral half of the body. If one of these centers fails to ossify then only half of the vertebral body is formed. This leads to the lateral bending of the column on one side.

Bones Of The Thoracic Region Schematic diagram showing the transmission of force from sternum to vertebral column through ribs

Bones Of The Vertebral Column Notes

Bones Of The Vertebral Column

The vertebral column is present in the central region of the body. It is the main constituent of the axial skeleton.

The column is also called as spine or backbone. The vertebral column extends from the base of the skull to the tip of the coccyx.

The vertebral column is composed of a series of many irregular bones called vertebrae. There are 33 vertebrae in the column, which are connected by intervertebral joints.

The important intervertebral joint is made up of a fibrocartilagenous intervertebral disc that binds the bodies of two adjacent vertebrae.

The length of the vertebral column is about 70 centimeters in an adult male. About l/4th length of the column is formed by intervertebral discs.

The adult vertebral column is divided into 5 different regions:

The Cervical Region: This part of the column is present in the neck and consists of seven cervical vertebrae.

The Thoracic Region: It is present in the thorax and consists of 12 thoracic vertebrae.

The Lumbar Region: It is present in the abdominal part and is made up of 5 lumbar vertebrae.

The Sacral Region: It is present in the pelvic region and consists of five fused sacral vertebrae. These five fused vertebrae are considered as a single bone, the sacrum.

The Coccygeal Region: It is present at the lower end of the column. It is usually a single bone, which is formed by the fusion of four coccygeal vertebrae.

Bones Of The Vertebral Column The vertebral column (spine) as seen from lateral side

When you shall view the articulated vertebral column from the front (anterior aspect) you shall notice the progressive increase in the width of the vertebral bodies from above downwards (from C2 to L5). This is because, at each vertebral segment, some more load is added to the column.

Read and Learn More Human Osteology Notes

Curves of the Vertebral Column

When viewed from the lateral side, the vertebral column of an adult shows four curvatures, i.e., cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral.

  • The cervical and lumbar curves are convex anteriorly, while the thoracic and sacral curves are concave anteriorly.
  • The thoracic and sacral curvatures are called primary curvatures. They are present at the time of birth. These curvatures are formed mainly due to the shapes of vertebrae.
  • The cervical and lumbar curvatures are called secondary curvatures because they develop after birth. Cervical curvature develops after the child starts holding the head on the neck. The lumbar curvature develops after an infant assumes an upright posture and begins to walk. Thus secondary curvatures develop due to the posture.
  • In adults, cervical and lumbar intervertebral discs are thicker anteriorly thus contributing to anterior convexity. The posterior aspect of the column is formed by laminae, spinous processes, and articular facets.
  • The adjacent spinous process and laminae are inter¬ connected with the help of ligaments, while facets form joints.

Functions of the Vertebral Column

  • The vertebral column acts as a rigid but flexible column.
  • It transmits the weight of the body.
  • It supports the head.
  • The vertebral column protects the spinal cord and part of the spinal nerves.
  • It gives attachments to the ribs and muscles of the back.

Structure And Functions Of A Typical Vertebra

Bones Of The Vertebral Column The Curvatures Of Vertebral Column

In the following paragraphs, only the generalized description of vertebrae is given.

Vertebral Body The detailed description of cervical vertebrae is given in Chapter 7, thoracic vertebrae in Chapter 5, and lumbar, sacral, and coccyx in Chapter 6.

Though the vertebrae of different regions of the vertebral column vary in size, shape, and other characteristics many basic features are common in these vertebrae.

A vertebra from the mid-thoracic region is best suited to study the basic features of a typical vertebra.

The following description of a typical vertebra is based on the features of a mid-thoracic vertebra.

A typical vertebra consists of:

  • A vertebral body.
  • A vertebral (neural) arch with seven processes.

Bones Of The Vertebral Column A typical thoracic vertebra as seen from superior aspect

Bones Of The Vertebral Column A typical thoracic vertebra as seen from lateral aspect

Vertebral Body

  • Hold a typical thoracic vertebra in your hand and note the following:
  • The body of a vertebra is situated anteriorly. It is somewhat cylindrical.
  • The cylindrical body is rounded from side to side. Its superior and inferior surfaces are flat.
  • Thus the body has six surfaces (anterior, posterior, superior, inferior, and two lateral).
  • The anterior, lateral, and posterior surfaces contain minute foramina for the vessels.
  • The body is made up of spongy bone and covered by a thin layer of compact bone.
  • However, its superior and inferior surfaces are not covered by compact bone but by a thin layer of hyaline cartilage in living persons. The upper and lower surfaces give attachments to the intervertebral discs.

Vertebral Arch

The vertebral arch is situated posterior to the body of the vertebra. It consists of a pair of pedicles and laminae. Seven processes arise from the vertebral arch of a typical vertebra.


  • The pedicles are short, stout bars that are attached to the posterolateral aspects of the body.
  • They are attached close to the superior border of the body.
  • Pedicles project posteriorly and somewhat laterally from the body to unite with the laminae.
  • If we look at the lateral aspect of a vertebra there is the presence of an inferior vertebral notch just below the pedicle.
  • This notch is bounded anteriorly by the body superiorly by the pedicle and posteriorly by the inferior articular process.
  • The superior vertebral notch is situated above The pedicle. It is much shallower as compared to the inferior vertebral notch.


  • These are flat vertical plates of the bone that join in the midline to form the posterior portion of the vertebral arch.
  • They extend backward and medially from the pedicles.
  • Posteriorly, the lamina of the right and left sides fuse in the midline to form a spinous process.
  • The body, pedicles, and laminae of a vertebra together enclose a foramen called vertebral foramen.
  • Collectively the vertebral foramina of the successive vertebrae form the vertebral canal that transmits the spinal cord.

Transverse Processes

The transverse process extends laterally on each side from the point where the lamina and pedicle join each other.

Articular Processes

There are two superior and two inferior articular processes. They also arise from the junction of pedicle and lamina.

Each particular process bears a smooth articular facet. In the thoracic vertebrae, the superior articular facets face posterolaterally, while the inferior ones face anteromedially.

Spinous Process

It projects posteroinferiorly in the midline from the junction of two laminae

Functions of the Various Components of a Vertebra

  • The bodies and intervertebral discs are involved in the transmission of the load of the trunk to the lower limbs.
  • The intervertebral discs are shock absorbers and also permit various movements between two successive bodies.
  • Articular processes (and facet joints) allow and guide the movements between adjacent vertebrae.
  • Facet joints are also involved in the transmission of load. The magnitude of the load transmitted by facet joints varies in various regions of the column, i.e., cervical and lumbar facets are highly loaded while thoracic is least loaded.
  • Lamina is also involved in the transmission of load as it passes from superior to inferior articular facet joints.
  • In the thoracic region, where the column is concave anteriorly, the load passes from the vertebral arch (lamina) to the body.
  • While, in the lumbar region, where the column is concave posteriorly, load passes from the body to the vertebral arch. The transmission of load between the body and the vertebral arch is through the pedicles.
  • The spinal cord and its meninges are well protected in the vertebral foramen (canal).
  • The transverse and spinous processes give attachment to muscles and act as levers for various movements of the vertebral column.
  • Transverse processes in the thoracic region are also involved in the transmission of load from the ribs to the laminae.

Articulation between Two Successive Typical Vertebrae

The articulations between two successive thoracic vertebrae are. Adjacent vertebrae are connected at three intervertebral joints, i.e., one median joint between bodies and two joints between the articular processes of successive vertebrae.

The two adjacent vertebral bodies are joined by the intervertebral disc, which is made up of fibrocartilage. Each disc consists of annulus fibrosus (outer fibrous part) and nucleus pulposus (inner soft part).

The two superior articular processes of a vertebra articulate with the two inferior articular processes of the vertebra situated above it.

Similarly, two inferior articular processes of the vertebra articulate with the two superior articular processes of the vertebra situated below it.

The joints between articular processes are synovial and are also known as facet joints.

The vertebral foramina of the successive vertebrae forms a continuous vertebral canal, that contains the spinal cord and its meninges. The superior and inferior vertebral notches of the adjacent vertebrae join to form the intervertebral foramen through which passes the spinal nerves and vessels.

Bones Of The Vertebral Column Joints between two successive thoracic vertebrae

Bones Of The Vertebral Column The diagrammatic representation to show the structure of intervertebral disc

The boundaries of intervertebral foramen are formed anteriorly by the body of the upper vertebra, the intervertebral disc, and a small part of the body of the lower vertebra.

The upper and lower boundaries are formed by pedicles of the upper and lower vertebrae respectively. The posterior boundary is formed by the lamina of the upper vertebra and facet joint

The articular facets are present on the body and transverse processes of the thoracic vertebra. These are called costal facets.

The costal facets of adjacent bodies articulate with the head of the rib. The facet on the transverse process articulates with the tubercle of the rib.

Principle Distinguishing Features of the Vertebrae of the Various Regions of the Vertebral Column Besides the features mentioned, the following features will help students to distinguish cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae from one another:

A cervical vertebra can be easily identified because of the presence of a foramen in its transverse process. This foramen is called as foramen transversarium.

A thoracic vertebra is recognized by the presence of articular facets on the body and transverse processes. These facets are called costal facets, which articulate with the ribs.

A lumbar vertebra is recognized because it has a large kidney-shaped body. There is the absence of foramen transversarum in the transverse processes. There is also the absence of costal facets on the body and transverse processes.

The sacrum is easily identified because of its shape. As it is formed by the fusion of five sacral vertebrae, it is a single, curved, and triangular bone.

The coccyx is formed by the fusion of four coccygeal vertebrae. Coccyx is identified by its small size and fused nature.

Bones Of The Vertebral Column As seen in lateral aspect of column

Bones Of The Vertebral Column As seen in the transverse section of column


Bones Of The Vertebral Column Comparsion Of Structural Features Of Typical Cervical throracic and lumbar vertebrae

Bones Of The Vertebral Column A typical cervical vertebra as seen from superior aspect

Bones Of The Vertebral Column Typical lumbar vertebra as seen from superior aspect

Bones Of The Vertebral Column Sacrum and coccyx as seen from anterior aspect

Movements Occurring in the Vertebral Column

As the sacral and coccygeal vertebrae are fused, no movements are possible between these vertebrae.

The cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae are not fused hence, are mobile.

Two adjacent vertebrae are joined with each other at three intervertebral joints, i.e., by intervertebral disc (between two adjacent bodies) and by two synovial joints (between articular. processes).

The movements between two adjacent vertebrae are slight. But when movements between series of vertebrae are added, the column shows considerable flexibility.

Bones Of The Vertebral Column Superior Aspect Of Typical Cervical

Bones Of The Vertebral Column Superior Aspect Of Typical Cervical.2

Bones Of The Vertebral Column Superior View Of Sacrum

Bones Of The Vertebral Column Right Lateral And Posterior View Of Articulated Thoracic Column

The following movements are possible in the vertebral column:

  • Flexion: Forward bending.
  • Extension: Backward bending.
  • Lateral flexion: Side bending.
  • Rotation: Twisting.

In different regions, i.e., cervical and lumbar regions are more mobile as compared to thoracic. Almost all types of movements are possible in the cervical region.

Rotation movement is the main movement of the thoracic region, but this movement is not possible in the lumbar region.

Particular Features of a Typical Vertebra

There are many ligaments, which connect adjoining vertebrae. With the help of these ligaments and intervertebral joints, a flexible but rigid column is formed.

Attachments of Ligaments

The anterior longitudinal ligament is attached to the anterior surfaces of the bodies of successive vertebrae. It is a continuous ligament, which extends from the base of the skull to the sacrum.

The posterior longitudinal ligament is also continuous and attached to the posterior surface of the bodies of vertebrae.

The transverse processes of the adjacent vertebrae are connected by intertransverse ligaments.

Bones Of The Vertebral Column Attachment Of Various Ligaments On A Vertebra

Bones Of The Vertebral Column Movements Of the Vertabal Column

  • The Ligamentum flava connects the laminae of adjacent vertebrae.
  • Similarly, the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae are connected by interspinous ligaments.
  • In the cervical region, the tips of the spines are connected by the elastic ligament, called as ligamentum nuchae.
  • The supraspinous ligaments are attached to the tips of spinous processes of vertebrae between the 7th cervical vertebra to the sacrum.

Attachments of Muscles

  • Various muscles are attached to the various aspects of vertebrae in different vertebral regions. The attachments of these muscles are described along with the bones of that region.

Clinical importance

Abnormal Curvatures

Following abnormal curvature may be present in the vertebral column:


This is due to the abnormal increase in the thoracic curvature (increase in the thoracic concavity anteriorly). It is usually seen in old age due to osteoporosis. The osteoporosis leads to the erosion of the anterior part of one or more vertebrae, leading to an increase in concavity.


This is due to the abnormal increase in lumbar curvature (increase in the lumbar convexity anteriorly). This results due to the weakness of the abdominal muscles.

Lordosis may also occur in obese people and pregnant ladies. This is due to the shift in the line of gravity because of an increase in the weight of abdominal contents.


It is the most common deformity of the vertebral column and is predominantly observed in girls in the teens. In this condition, there is an abnormal lateral curvature associated with the rotation of the vertebrae.

In most cases, the cause of the scoliosis is not known. Known causes are hemivertebra, maldevelopment of one upper limb, and asymmetry in the length of the lower limbs.


The fracture of the vertebral column may occur due to forceful flexion or hyperextension of the column.

The forceful sudden flexion of the column may occur due to a fall from the height of the feet or the head. This leads to the impression of fracture and dislocation of one or more successive vertebrae.

This kind of fracture may be associated with the injury to the spinal cord resulting in loss of sensation and paralysis of muscles below the level of injury.

Bones Of The Vertebral Column Kyphosis Is An Increases In Thronic Concavity

Bones Of The Vertebral Column Lordosis Is An Increase In Lumbar Convexity

Bones Of The Vertebral Column Scoliosis Is Abnormal Lateral Curve


In this condition there occurs the breakage (cleft) in the vertebral arch (at lamina between superior and inferior articular processes) of one or both sides. This condition is common in the lower lumbar region. Spondylolysis may result due to excessive mechanical stress.

It is now considered as the fatigue fracture of the lamina. This condition is different from spondylolisthesis (described below). In spondylolysis, there is no displace¬ ment of the vertebral body and it is often asymptomatic (without pain).

Tuberculosis of the Spine

The vertebral bodies are the common sites for the tubercular infection. This is due to the spongy nature of the vertebral body and rich blood supply. Due to the infection, the spongy bone of the body is destroyed and pus is formed. This leads to the collapse of vertebral bodies as the load of the trunk is brought by the upper vertebrae.

Human Osteology Introduction

Human Osteology Introduction

The subject of “Human Anatomy” is mainly studied with the help of the dissection of cadavers (dead bodies).

The structure of various parts of the body (i.e., muscles, blood vessels, nerves, joints, and organs) and their interrelationship can be easily seen by the dissection of dead bodies.

All these soft structures are arranged around bones, i.e., muscles and ligaments are attached to bones while, nerves, vessels, and other soft structures are related (or present) close to the bones.

It should also be realized that bones form the skeletal framework of the body and, therefore, give shape to the body.

Hence, for a proper understanding of the gross anatomy of any region, it is essential to learn the structure of bones of that region first, i.e., before starting the dissection of that region.

Students should note that gross anatomy can’t be learned without a sound knowledge of osteology.

What is Osteology?
Osteology is a branch of gross anatomy, which deals with the study of bones.

Parts Of The Skeletal System

The skeletal system consists of bones and cartilage. The cartilage is present at the ends of the bone. The skeletal system consists of two main parts, i.e., axial and appendicular skeleton.

The Axial Skeleton consists of bones lying close to the central axis of the body, e.g., skull, vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx, hyoid bone, sternum, and ribs.

The Appendicular Skeleton It consists of the bones of the upper limb and lower limb including bones forming shoulder and pelvic girdles.

Read and Learn More Human Osteology Notes

How many bones are present in a human skeleton? There are approximately 206 bones present in an adult human. Out of these 80 are present in the axial skeleton and 126 in the appendicular skeleton.

Human Osteology Introduction Number Of Bones Present In Axial And Appendicular Skeleton

The total number of bones in the human body may exceed 206. This is because some accessory (supernumerary) bones may appear especially in the skull and lower limbs.

Bone Structure

Bone is a dynamic living tissue of the body. It is a constantly changing tissue, i.e., old bone tissues are constantly replaced by new ones.

Bone is composed of cells and intercellular matrix. Bundles of collagen fibers are embedded in the matrix. It is hard because of the deposition of calcium salts in the matrix.

Gross (Macroscopic) Structure of An Adult Living Long Bone.

A typical long bone (bone of limb) consists of a shaft or body and two ends. Both the ends of a bone are knobby (enlarged) and are covered by articular cartilage. The shaft of a long bone lies between two ends.

It is narrow in the middle and expanded towards each end. It encloses a cavity called a marrow cavity, which in an adult is filled with yellow bone marrow.

The entire bone is covered with a fibrous membrane (periosteum) except for the areas covered by articular cartilage.

Human Osteology Introduction The Parts Of A Long Bone

Blood vessels and nerves enter the bone through numerous foramina present near the ends and at the middle of the shaft. The prominent foramen of the shaft is called as nutrient foramen.

Further details of a living long bone may be studied by observing a longitudinal section of any long bone from the upper or lower limb.

The section reveals two different kinds 0f bones, i.e., compact and spongy.

Compact Bone

The compact bone is a dense bone in which no spaces are visible on naked eye examination. Its texture is like an ivory.

Though the compact bone covers the entire bone it is well developed in the shaft or body. The compact bone of the shaft encloses the marrow cavity filled with bone marrow.

Human Osteology Introduction Longitudinal Section Of A Long Bone To Show Compact And Spongy Bones And Various Other Parts

Spongy or Trabecular Bone

It is also known as cancellous bone. Spongy bone is a meshwork of bony spicules (small rods and thin curved plates), which enclose large spaces.

The spongy bone occurs at the ends of a long bone. On the outer surface, the spongy bone is always covered with a thin layer of compact bone. The spaces between spicules are filled with red bone marrow

Parts of a Living Long Bone

From the above description it becomes evident that a living long bone consists of the following parts:

  1. Shaft or body (Diaphysis and Metaphyses).
  2. Two ends (Epiphyses).
  3. Articular cartilage.
  4. Periosteum.
  5. Endosteum.
  6. Medullary cavity.
  7. Bone marrow.

1. Shaft or Body

The shaft of a long bone is a long, cylindrical (tubular) structure, made up of compact bone. It is also called diaphysis.

It encloses a tubular space called a marrow cavity. The compact bone of the shaft provides support and bears the weight. It is also capable of resisting the various stresses produced by movements.

The expanded distal ends of the shaft or body, where they meet with the articular ends (epiphyses), are called metaphyses.

2. Two Ends of Proximal and Distal

Two ends (proximal and distal) are expanded and made up of spongy bone covered with a thin layer of compact bone. At the ends, a long bone forms synovial joints and thus comes in contact with other bones. The ends are covered by hyaline cartilage. This particular end of a long bone is also called an epiphysis.

3. Articular Cartilage

As stated earlier the ends of a long bone are covered by a thin layer of hyaline cartilage at the site where bone comes in contact with other bone (forms a joint). The articular cartilage provides a smooth surface thus reducing friction between two bones during movements. It also helps in the absorption of shock during movements.

4. Periosteum

The entire outer surface of the bone (except where it is covered by articular cartilage) is covered with a tough sheath of dense connective tissue. This membrane is attached to the bone tissue by Sharpey’s fibers.

The periosteum consists of an outer layer of collagen fibers and fibroblasts and an inner layer of fibroblasts-like cells called osteoprogenitor cells.

The osteoprogenitor cells have the potential to divide and change to osteoblasts (bone-forming cells).

The periosteum serves the following functions:

  1. It forms an outer limit of bone and thus maintains its shape. It also protects the bone.
  2. The periosteum contains bone-forming cells, which help the bone to grow in diameter.
  3. It is richly supplied with blood vessels thus helping in providing nutrition to bone and assisting in fracture repair.
  4. It is also richly supplied with sensory nerves, making it sensitive to pain.
  5. Periosteum provides attachment to ligaments, tendons, muscles, intermuscular septa, and articular capsule of a joint

5. Endosteum

The endosteum is a cellular membrane that lines the medullary cavity of the shaft and the medullary spaces of spongy bone at the ends. It is composed of a single layer of flattened osteoprogenitor cells and a very small amount of connective tissue.

6. Medullary or Marrow Cavity

It is a space within the shaft or body of a long bone. The marrow cavity of the shaft is continuous with the spaces of spongy bone at the ends.

7. Bone Marrow

The marrow cavity of a newborn is filled with red bone marrow that is actively involved in the formation of blood. Red bone marrow consists of adipose and hemopoietic (blood-forming) tissues.

However, with the advancing age, the red marrow in the shaft of bone is replaced by yellow marrow (fatty marrow), which is unable to produce blood cells.

In adults, red marrow only remains at the ends of long bones, sternum ribs, skull bones, and vertebrae. At these places, red marrow is actively involved in the production of blood cells throughout life.

Some important facts about the bone

Students should note that the above description is of a living bone (bone present in a living person).

They should realize that the bones, that they handle in the classroom, are dry and I devoid of many structural components of a living bone.

For example, a dry bone is not covered by hyaline cartilage at its epiphyseal ends. Similarly, it is also devoid of periosteum, endosteum, bone marrow, blood vessels, and nerves.

Bone is not only a living tissue but it is also a dynamic tissue. It is continuously engaged in building new bone and breaking down the old bone.

Students should also realize that each living bone is not just a bone tissue but somewhat similar to an organ.

It is evident by the fact that a bone consists of not only bone tissue proper but also many other tissues like fibrous membranes (periosteum and endosteum), cartilage (articular cartilage), bone marrow (adipose and hemopoietic tissues), nerves and blood vessels.

Similar to any other organ of the body, bone is also involved in various functional activities (locomotion, support, and protection of delicate organs, formation of blood, and storage of calcium).

Features on the surface of dry bone (bone markings)

In your osteology classroom, you will handle the dead dried bones to learn their general features. The structures, which are attached to a bone or are in close contact with it, in living conditions, leave marks on the bone surface.

The following kinds of bony features (smooth areas, surface elevations, surface depressions, and foramina) can be observed on the surface of dried bones:

Smooth Areas

The smooth areas on a bone are found at places where it gives attachment to muscle fibers; where it is covered by articular cartilage; and where it lies directly beneath the skin in living conditions.


It is a flat and smooth area on the bone. In a living state, it is covered with articular cartilage, e.g., articular facets on the surface of carpal and tarsal bones.

Human Osteology Introduction Articular Facts On The Calcaneus

Surface Elevations

These are of many types, i.e., crest, line, lip, and ridge are elongated surface elevations. While tubercle, tuberosity, epicondyle, and trochanter are irregular elevations.

These surface elevations are mostly due to the attachment of tendons, ligaments, or aponeurosis. Some surface elevations are sharp like the spine, cornu, or styloid process.

Crest: It is a bony ridge, which may be quite wide, e.g., the iliac crest of the hip bone or narrow, e.g., the external occipital crest.

Human Osteology Introduction The iliac crest of hip bone

Line: An elevated line on the surface of the bone, e.g., the sole line of the tibia and superior nuchal line of occipital bone.

Human Osteology Introduction The soleal line of tibia

Condyle: A bony mass, that may have a somewhat rounded or circular articular area, e.g., condyles of the femur.

Human Osteology Introduction Condyles, epicondyles and tubercle at the lower end of femur

Epicondyle: Bony eminence (protuberance) situated on the surface of the condyle, e.g., lateral and medial epicondyle of the femur.

Human Osteology Introduction The occipital bone showing crest, nuchal lines and protuberance

Protuberance: A projection from the surface of the bone, e.g., the external occipital protuberance.

Malleolus: It is a rounded bony process, e.g., the medial malleolus of fiber

Spinous process: A spine-like projection, e.g., the spinous process of a vertebra

Trochanter: It is a large blunt elevation from the surface of the bone, e.g., greater and lesser trochanters of the femur.

Human Osteology Introduction Large, rounded elevation of tibia malleolus

Human Osteology Introduction The spinous process of vertebra

Human Osteology Introduction The greater and lesser trochanters of femur

Tuberosity: A large rounded elevation, e.g., the ischial tuberosity

Human Osteology Introduction Tuberosity is a large elevation while notch is a deep indentation

Tubercle: A raised elevation, but smaller than trochanter, e.g., adductor tubercle of femur

Human Osteology Introduction The bicipital Groove Of Humerus is the elongated deperession

Surface Depressions and Foramina

Groove or is an elongated depression on the sulcus: the surface of the bone, e.g., the bicipital groove of the humerus.

The groove or sulcus on a dry bone indicates that the bone in living condition was concerning blood vessels or tendon relation to blood Iliac crest iliac fossa vessels or tendon

Notch: It is a deep indentation at the border of a bone, e.g., greater and lesser sciatic notches of the hip bone and suprascapular notch of the scapula.

Human Osteology Introduction Notch At the Upeer Border Of Scapula

Fossa: A depression on the surface of the bone, e.g., the iliac fossa of the hip bone and the olecranon fossa of the humerus.

Foramina: Bones show many openings on the surface, i.e., canals and foramina. A canal is a tunnel-like passage with one opening at each end. These are usually for the passage of blood vessels and nerves.

A bone may also show some other surface features, which you must learn with the help of your teachers.

Human Osteology Introduction The Olecranon Fosaa At the lower End of humerus

How to study a bone?

Following guidelines will be of help when you are learning any particular bone for the first time.

While you are studying a bone you should have the same bone before you. There is no sense in reading about a bone, from a book, without having that bone in your hand.

The first step in learning a bone is to identify its ends (upper end, lower end, etc.), borders, and surfaces. This can be learned with the help of your teachers or with the help of diagrams from this book.

The second step is to identify some of the important projections (e.g., spine, tubercle, ridge, condyle, etc.) and depressions (e.g., fossa, foramen, notch, etc.), if present on the bone.

Side Determination of the Bone

Once you have identified the ends, borders, and surfaces and some of the bony features you will be able to determine the side of the bone.

Take the help of your teachers to know which are the bony features of that particular bone which will help to determine the side of bone.

(In the case of bones belonging to the axial skeleton there is no need to determine the side as many of them are unpaired, i.e., some bones of the skull, vertebrae, etc.). Side determination of the Lateral bone is very important.

Bone Anatomical Position

The next step is to learn to hold the bone in an anatomical position. Once you have determined the side of the bone hold it in the position it occupies in the body (as in anatomical position).

All the description of the bone in the textbooks is given considering the position of the bone in an upright posture (anatomical position).

If the bone, while studying, is not held in an anatomical position, confusion will arise regarding its borders and surfaces.

Bone General Features

Now learn the bony features (“General Features”) of bone in detail. After understanding the general feature it will become very easy to know the side of the bone and to keep it in the anatomical position.

Bone Particular Features

Once you have understood the general features of a bone it is now time to study the “particular features” (attachments of muscles and ligaments and relations of nerves and vessels).

This can be practiced by marking the area of origin of the muscle with red chalk and insertion of muscle with blue chalk on the surface of the bone. All the sites for attachments of ligaments should be marked with green chalk.

Mark the area of bone, which is with the nerve, by a solid line with yellow chalk. Similarly, the relation of artery and vein on the surface of a bone can be marked with the red and blue lines respectively.

Bone Anatomical Position Ossification

You may also study the ossification of bone if needed. (Ask your teacher whether you are supposed to know the ossification or not?).

Note the age of appearance of primary centers, secondary centers, and the time of fusion of primary with secondary centers.

Also, note which ends of a long bone is a “growing end”. Students are suggested to learn about the “ossification” and “growing end of bone” from a book of “General Anatomy.

Bone Anatomical Position Clinical Importance

Lastly, you should also learn the “applied” or “clinical importance” of the bone, if any.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Notes

Bones Of The Lower Limb

The lower limb consists of many regions. The following bones are present in various regions of the lower limb:

Pelvic (Hip) Region

Bones of Pelvic (Hip) Region region form the pelvic girdle. The pelvic girdle consists of two hip bones. These bones are united to each other in the midline anteriorly to form a joint known as the pubic symphysis.

Both the hip bones unite posteriorly with the sacrum at the sacroiliac joint. The pelvic girdle (two hip bones) and sacrum together form a basin-like structure called a bony pelvis.

Thigh Bones

This region consists of a single bone called as femur. The upper end of this bone articulates with a hip bone to form a hip joint. The lower end of the femur articulates with the upper end of the tibia to form the knee joint.

Leg Bones

This region consists of two long bones, i.e., medially placed tibia and laterally placed fibula. These two bones, at their lower end, articulate with talus to form ankle joint.

Foot Bones

The skeleton of the foot consists of many bones, i.e., tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges. These bones form many joints, i.e., intertarsal, tarsometatarsal, metatarsophalangeal, and interphalangeal.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Schematic Diagram Showing Bones Of Lower Limb

Hip Bone

The hip bone is n large, irregular, and flat bone. The middle portion of the bone is constricted and carries a cup-shaped deep cavity on the lateral aspect of the bone. This cavity is known as the acetabulum. The bone is expanded above and below the acetabulum.

Read and Learn More Human Osteology Notes

There is the presence of a large oval or triangular aperture just below and medial to the acetabulum. It is called as obturator foramen.

The bone above the acetabulum is expanded and flat. This portion is called ilium. The bone below the acetabulum consists of two parts, i.e., the anterior and inferior, pubis and posterior and inferior, ischium.

(Though an adult hip bone is a single bone at birth each hip bone consists of three separate primary bones, i.e., ilium, ischium, and pubis.

These three bones are joined to each other by a Y-shaped tri-radiate hyaline cartilage. These three components of hip bones join each other at the acetabulum. However, these three bones begin to fuse at 15 to 17 years of age.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Lateral view of the right hip bone

Bones Of The Lower Limb In a young hip bone tri-radiate cartilage separtes three parts of right hip bone

Though in an adult bone, the site of fusion is not visible between three bones, their names are still used as three parts of hip bone). In Fig. 3.4 medial view of the hip bone is shown.

Hip Bone Side Determination

Take the help of your teacher to determine the side of the hip bone

Bones Of The Lower Limb Medial view of right hip bone

  • The expanded flat part called as ilium, should be kept upwards (superiorly).
  • The other expanded part (pubis and ischium) with the obturator foramen should be kept downwards (interiorly).
  • The acetabulum should face laterally.
  • The lower expanded part (below the acetabulum) has two parts, i.e., thin pubis and thick ischium. The pubis should be directed anteriorly and the ischium posteriorly.
  • Many students find it difficult to keep the bone in an anatomical position.
  • Therefore you should learn the anatomical position of this bone only after you have learned the general features of all three parts (ilium, ischium, and pubis).


Ilium is the largest part of the hip bone. It forms the upper fan-shaped expanded part above the acetabulum. The upper 2/5th of the acetabulum is formed by the ilium.

Ilium General Features

The ilium presents:

  • Two ends-Upper and lower.
  • Three borders-Anterior, posterior, and medial.
  • Three surfaces-Gluteal (lateral), iliac fossa, and sacropelvic.

ilium Ends

  • Upper end-The upper end is in the form of an expanded border. It is also called an iliac crest. The iliac crest is a thick and curved border, which is convex upwards.
  • This extends between two projections, i.e., anterior superior iliac spine and posterior superior iliac spine.
  • The iliac crest is subdivided into ventral and dorsal segments.
  • The ventral segment is anterior 2/3rd of the iliac crest and presents an outward convexity, while the dorsal segment forms posterior 1/3 of the crest and presents outward concavity.
  • The thick ventral segment of the iliac crest shows an outer lip, intermediate area, and inner lip.
  • The outer lip presents a prominence about 5 cm behind the anterior superior iliac spine. This is called as tubercle of the iliac crest.
  • The dorsal segment of the iliac crest presents medial and lateral sloping surfaces separated by a ridge.

Lower end-The lower end of the ilium lies in the acetabulum and forms the upper 2/5th of this cup-shaped cavity. At the lower end, ilium becomes continuous with the ischium and pubis. The lower end of the ilium meets with the pubis at iliopubic eminence.

Ilium Borders

Anterior border The anterior border of the ilium extends from the anterior superior iliac spine to the acetabulum. The lowest part of this border projects forwards, near the upper margin of the acetabulum, to form the anterior inferior iliac spine.

The posterior border extends from the posterior superior iliac spine to the greater sciatic notch.

Here it becomes continuous with the upper end of the posterior border of the ischium. This border presents a posterior inferior iliac spine and greater sciatic notch.

Medial border The medial border is present on the inner aspect (medial surface) of the ilium. This border extends from the iliac crest to the iliopubic eminence.

It lies between the iliac fossa and the sapropelic surface of the ileum. The medial border is rough in its upper l/3rd, sharp in its middle third, and rounded in the lower l/3rd. The lower one-third of the medial border is called an arcuate line.

Ilium Surfaces

The ilium has an outer gluteal surface and an inner surface, which is further divided into the iliac fossa and sapropelic surface.

The gluteal surface surface is the lateral surface (outer aspect) of the ilium. It has three rough curved lines (the posterior, anterior, and inferior gluteal lines), which divide the gluteal surface into four areas.

Iliac fossa-The iliac fossa is present on the anterior part of the medial surface of the ilium, in front of the medial border. The Iliac fossa presents shallow concavity and has a smooth surface.

The sapropelic surface is also present on the medial surface of the ilium behind the iliac fossa and medial border. It is subdivided into three parts, i.e., iliac tuberosity, auricular surface, and pelvic surface.

The iliac tuberosity is the upper rough part.

The auricular surface is ear-shaped and articular. It is the middle part of the sacropelvic surface, which articulates with the sacrum to form the sacroiliac joint.

The pelvic surface is the smooth surface below and in front of the auricular surface. This surface is continuous with the pelvic surface of the ischium. This surface may present a pre-auricular sulcus in the females who have given birth to children (multiparous).


The pubis or pubic bone is situated ventromedial to ilium and ischium. It consists of a body, a superior ramus, and an inferior ramus.

Body of Pubis

The body is flattened and presents three surfaces, i.e., anterior, posterior (pelvic), and medial (symphyseal). The anterior surface faces downwards, forward, and laterally. The posterior surface is smooth and directed upwards and backward.

The symphyseal surface articulates with the corresponding surface of the opposite pubic bone to form a joint known as a pubic symphysis. This surface shows the presence of ridges that change with increasing age (See Further Details).

The superior border of the body of the pubis is thick and known as a pubic crest. At the lateral end of the pubic crest, there is a projection, the pubic tubercle.

Superior Ramus of Pubis

The superior ramus of the pubis arises from the upper and lateral parts of the body of the pubis.

Laterally it extends above the obturator foramen upto the iliopubic eminence where it joins the ilium. Here it also forms the pubic part (anterior 1/5) of the acetabulum. It has three borders (anterior, posterior, and inferior) and three surfaces (pectineal, pelvic, and obturator).

Pubis Borders

  • The anterior border is also known as the obturator crest and extends from the pubic tubercle to the acetabular notch.
  • The posterior border or pectineal line (pecten pubis) extends from the pubic tubercle to the iliopubic eminence.
  • It is a sharp border, which behind the iliopubic eminence becomes continuous with the arcuate line of ilium.
  • The inferior border forms the upper border of the obturator foramen.

Pubis Surfaces

  • The pectineal surface is situated between the pectineal line and the obturator crest. It is triangular and extends between the pubic tubercle and iliopubic eminence.
  • The pelvic surface lies between the pectineal and inferior border of the superior ramus. It is smooth and continuous medially with the pelvic surface of the body of the pubis.
  • The obturator surface is situated between the obturator crest and the inferior border. It is a grooved surface and forms the upper boundary of the obturator canal.

Inferior Ramus of Pubis

It extends downwards and laterally from the lower and lateral parts of the body of the pubis. The inferior ramus of the pubis meets the ramus of the ischium to form the conjoined ischiopubic rami. The conjoined ischiopubic rami form the medial boundary of the obturator foramen. It has an anterior and a posterior surface.


The ischium forms the posteroinferior part of the hip bone. It consists of a body and a ramus.

Ischium Body

The body lies postero inferior to the acetabulum. It has two ends (upper and lower), three borders (anterior, posterior, and lateral), and three surfaces (femoral, dorsal, and pelvic).

Ischium Ends

  • The upper end of the body forms the 2/5 of the posterior and the inferior part of the acetabulum.
  • The lower end forms the ischial tuberosity. The ramus of the ischium extends from the lower end of the body upwards, forwards, and medially to meet the inferior ramus of the pubis.

Ischium Borders

  • The anterior border forms the posterior margin of the obturator foramen.
  • The posterior border is continuous with the posterior border of the ilium. It presents a triangular projection called an ischial spine.
  • The ischial spine is placed between the greater sciatic notch (above) and the lesser sciatic notch (below).
  • The lateral border extends from the lower margin of the acetabulum and becomes continuous with the lateral margin of the ischial tuberosity.

Ischium Surfaces

  • The femoral surface is situated between the anterior and lateral borders.
  • The dorsal surface is continuous above the gluteal surface of the ilium. The lower part of the dorsal surface has a large rough area known as ischial tuberosity.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Schematic diagram showing the ischial tubersosity

  • This tuberosity is divided by a transverse ridge in an upper quadrilateral part and a lower triangular part. Each of these parts (upper and lower) is again divided into medial land lateral parts.
  • The pelvic surface of the ischium is smooth and lies between the anterior and posterior borders.

Ramus of Ischium

  • It extends from the lower part of the body and runs upwards, forwards, and medially.
  • Here it meets the inferior ramus of the pubis and forms the conjoined ischiopubic ramus.
  • The conjoined ischiopubic ramus presents upper and lower borders and an outer and inner surface.

Obturator Foramen

It is a large triangular or oval foramen in the lower part of the hip bone. It is situated between the pubis and ischium.

The obturator foramen is bounded above by the superior ramus of the pubis, medially by the body of the pubis and conjoined ischiopubic ramus, and laterally by the body of the ischium.


  • The acetabulum is a deep cup-shaped cavity facing laterally and anterior inferiorly. It is situated on the constricted middle part of the hip bone. All three parts of the hip bone (pubis, ischium, and ilium) contribute to its formation.
  • The acetabulum articulates with the head of the femur to form the hip joint.
  • The margin of the acetabulum is sharp and deficient in the anteroinferior part. This gap in the margin is called an acetabular notch.
  • The floor of the acetabulum has a horseshoe-shaped articular surface (lunate surface) and a non-articular central acetabular fossa.

Anatomical Position of Hip Bone Keeps the bone in such a way that:

  • The pubic bone lies anteriorly and the symphyseal surface of the pubis lies in the median plane.
  • The acetabulum faces laterally and slightly anteriorly.
  • The pubic tubercle and anterior superior iliac spine should lie in the same coronal plane.
  • The posterior surface of the body of the pubic bone should face postero-superiorly.
  • The ischial spine and superior end of the pubic symphysis are approximately in the same horizontal plane.

Acetabulum Particular Features


Bones Of The Lower Limb Attachments on the left iliac crest

  • The external oblique muscle of the abdomen is inserted on the outer lip into the anterior 2/3rd of a ventral segment of the iliac crest.
  • The internal oblique originates from the intermediate area of the ventral segment of the iliac crest.
  • The inner lip gives origin to transverse abdominis.
  • The tensor-fascia lata muscle arises from the outer lip of the iliac crest near its anterior part.
  • Part of the latissimus dorsi arises from the posterior most of the outer lip of the ventral segment.
  • The quadratus lumborum arises from the posterior one-third of the inner lip of the ventral segment of the iliac crest.

Attachment of the Muscles on the Dorsal 1/3rd of the Iliac Crest

  • The lateral surface of the dorsal segment of the iliac crest gives origin to the gluteus maximus muscle.
  • The erector spinae arises from the medial surface of the dorsal segment of the iliac crest.
  • Attachment of the Muscles on the Outer Surface (Gluteal Surface) of Ilium.
  • The area behind the posterior gluteal line gives origin to the gluteus maximus.
  • The area between anterior and inferior posterior gluteal lines gives origin to gluteus medius.
  • The area between the anterior and inferior lines gives origin to the gluteus minimus.
  • The area below the inferior gluteal line gives origin to the reflected head of the rectus femoris.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Attachment of muscles on outer surface of right hip bone

Attachment of Muscles on the Inner Aspect (Sacropelvic Surface and Iliac Fossa) of the Ilium

  • The iliacus muscle arises from the upper 2/3rd of the iliac fossa.
  • The pelvic part of the sapropelic surface of the vilium above the obturator foramen gives origin to the obturator internus muscle.

Muscles Attached to the Anterior Border and Sciatic Notch of the Ilium.

  • The anterior superior iliac spine and an area below it give origin to the sartorius muscle.
  • The straight head of the rectus femoris arises from the anterior inferior iliac spine.
  • A small part of the piriformis arises from the upper border of the greater sciatic notch.


Muscles Attached to the Pubic Bone

  • The adductor longus muscle arises from a rounded tendon from the anterior surface of the body of the pubis.
  • The origin of pyramidal is just above the origin of the adductor longus.
  • Note the attachments of gracilis, adductor brevis, and obturator externus on the anterior surface of the body (from medial to lateral).
  • These attachments also extend further downwards on the outer surface of the conjoined ischiopubic ramus.
  • The obturator internus arises from the pelvic surface of the body and the superior and inferior ramus of the pubic bone.
  • The pelvic (posterior) surface of the body gives origin to the anterior fibers of the levator ani.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Attachment of muscles on inner aspect of right hip bone

  • The pectineus arises from the pectineal surface of the superior ramus of the pubis.
  • Rectus abdominis arises from the pubic crest.


Muscles Attached to Ischium

  • Note the origin of superior and inferior gemelli concerning lesser sciatic notch.
  • The quadratus fetnoris muscle arises from the femoral surface of the ischium.
  • The obturator extemus arises from the body and ramus of ischium close to the obturator foramen.
  • Posterior fibers of the levator ani and coccygeus muscles arise from the pelvic surface of the ischial spine.
  • The origin of muscles from the ischial tuberosity. The adductor magnus arises from the lower lateral part of the ischial tuberosity. The origin also extends on the outer surface of the ramus of ischium.
  • The semi-membranosus arises from the upper lateral part of the ischial tuberosity.

Bones Of The Lower Limb The origin of muscles from ischial tuberosity

  • The upper medial part of ischial tuberosity gives origin to the long head of the biceps fetnoris and Semitenditwsus.

Attachment of Ligaments and Fascia on the Hip Bone

  • The inguinal ligament is attached medially on the pubic tubercle and laterally on the anterior superior iliac spine.
  • The conjoined tendon is attached to the pubic crest and pectin pubis.
  • The lacunar ligament is attached to the pubic tubercle and pectin pubis.
  • The anterior wall of the rectus sheath is attached to the pubic crest.
  • The fascia lata is attached to the outer lip of the iliac crest, pubic crest, and lower border of the conjoined ischiopubic ramus.
  • The anterior and middle layer of thoraco lumbar fascia is attached to the iliac crest, anterior and posterior to the attachment of the quadratus lumborum muscle.
  • The superior and inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm are attached to the conjoined ischiopubic rami.
  • The acetabular labrum is attached to the margin of the acetabulum.

Bones Of The Lower Limb The attachment of inguinal ligament, pectineal liagment and lacunar liagement

  • The iliac tuberosity (on the sapropelic surface) gives attachment to the dorsal and interosseous sacroiliac ligament.
  • The posterosuperior and posteroinferior iliac spines and posterior border of the ilium give attachment to the upper end of the sacrotuberous ligament.
  • The lower end of this ligament is attached to the medial margin of the ischial tuberosity.
  • The sacrospinous ligament is attached to the ischial spine.

Blood Vessels and Nerves to the Hip Bone

  • The pudendal nerve, nerve to the obturator interims, and internal pudendal vessels lie about the posterior surface of the ischial spine.
  • The obturator vessels and nerve lie close to the inferior border of the superior ramus of the pubis (in the obturator canal).
  • The superior gluteal vessels and nerves concern the gluteal surface of the ilium.
  • The femoral surface of the body of the ischium is with the sciatic nerve and nerve to the quadratus femoris.

Ischium Ossification

The hip bone is organized by three primary centers. Many secondary centers appear at puberty and fuse with the rest of bone between 20 and 25 years of age (two secondary centers for iliac crest, two for acetabular cartilage, one for anterior inferior iliac spine, one for pubic tubercle, and one for pubic crest).

Bones Of The Lower Limb Attachment of sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments. Note the relation of blood vessels and nerves

Bones Of The Lower Limb Inner(pelvic) Surface Of Left Hip Bone

Bones Of The Lower Limb External surface of pubis and ischium of right hip bone

Bones Of The Lower Limb Anterior aspect of Anterior Aspect of Upper end Of Right Femur

Bones Of The Lower Limb Posterior Aspect Of Upper End Of Right Femur

Bones Of The Lower Limb Ossification of hip bone

Bones Of The Lower Limb The anterior aspects of right femur

Clinical importance fractures

  • Fractures of the hip bone are not very common. They may occur due to roadside accidents or due to sports injuries.
  • The direct anteroposterior compression of the hip bone leads to a fracture of the pubic rami. Lateral compression may produce a fracture of the acetabulum.
  • Similarly, a fall on the feet from a roof may lead to a fracture of the superior margin of the acetabulum.
  • During sports, a sudden pull of muscles attached to anterior superior and inferior iliac spines, ischial tuberosity, and ischiopubic rami may lead to the tearing of these bony projections. These kinds of fractures are called avulsion fractures.
  • In this kind of fracture, a small part of the bone with a piece of tendon or ligament attached is torn away.


  • The femur is the bone of the thigh region. It is the longest, strongest, and heaviest bone in the body. The femur consists of a shaft, an upper end, and a lower end.
  • The upper end presents a rounded head, which articulates with the acetabulum of the hip bone to form a hip joint. The head is joined to the shaft by an elongated neck.
  • The lower end of the femur is expanded and presents two condyles, i.e., medial and lateral, which articulate with tibia and patella to form the knee joint.
  • The anterior surface of the shaft is smooth and convex forwards. There is the presence of a rough and thick vertical ridge (lined aspera) on the posterior aspect of the shaft.

Bones Of The Lower Limb The anterior aspects of right femur

Femur Side Determination

  • The rounded head is the upper end of the bone.

Bones Of The Lower Limb The posterior aspects of right femur

  • The head should be directed upwards, medially, and slightly forward.
  • The smooth convex surface of the shaft should be directed forward.

Femur Anatomical Position

The shaft of the femur is obliquely placed (the lower end of the femur is directed downwards and medially).

Because the upper ends of two femora are widely separated by two hip bones two knee joints are placed close to each other when a person stands in the anatomical position.

As the female pelvis is broader the knee joints are more closely placed in females as compared to males.

  • Keep the bone in such a way that the head faces upwards, medially, and slightly forwards.
  • The long axis of the shaft should be directed downwards and medially so that the two lower surfaces of both the femoral condyles lie in the same horizontal plane.

Bones Of The Lower Limb The Anatomical Postion of femur

Femur General Features

The Upper End

The proximal end of the femur consists of a rounded head, neck, and two trochanters (greater and lesser).

Femur Head

The head is like a ball, which forms about 2/3rd of a sphere. Near its middle, there is the presence of a pit for attachment of ligamentum teres.

Femur Neck

The neck connects the head to the shaft. The head and neck make an angle of about 126 degrees with the long axis of the body of the femur. The neck has a superior and an inferior border and an anterior and a posterior surface.

Femur Trochanters

Greater and lesser trochanters are two large elevations at the junction of the neck with the shaft. The greater trochanter is a large, laterally placed quadrilateral mass.

This trochanter presents three surfaces (anterior, medial, and lateral) and a superior and posterior border. The medial surface of the greater trochanter presents a deep depression called as trochanteric fossa. The lateral surface presents an oblique ridge that runs forward and downwards.

The lesser trochanter is a conical projection, directed medially and situated on the posteromedial surface at the neck-shaft The site where the neck joins the shaft, on the anterior aspect, is indicated by the presence of an intertrochanteric line.

This rough line runs between greater and lesser trochanters. On the posterior aspect, a similar but smoother ridge joins two trochanters.

This is known as the intertrochanteric crest, which marks the junction of the neck with the shaft posteriorly. The middle of the intertrochanteric crest presents a quadrate tubercle.

The Shaft

The shaft or body of the femur shows a slight bowing anteriorly. The shaft is narrowest in the middle but expanded towards the upper and lower ends.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Upper end of femur showing lesser trochanter sprial line and linea aspera

  • The shaft presents three surfaces (anterior, medial, and lateral) separated by three borders (medial, lateral, and posterior).
  • The medial and lateral borders are rounded and featureless.
  • The posterior border or linen aspera is a broad, rough vertical ridge.
  • As the linea aspera is broad in the middle part of the shaft it presents a medial lip, a lateral lip, and an intermediate area.
  • When the linea aspera is traced upwards its lateral lip continues as broad rough gluteal tuberosity and the medial lip continues as a narrow rough spiral line.
  • The upper end of gluteal tuberosity extends upto the greater trochanter.
  • There lies a small triangular surface (posterior surface) between the gluteal tuberosity and spiral line in the upper third of the shaft.
  • When the linea aspera is traced downwards its medial lip continues below as medial supracondylar line.
  • Similarly, the lateral lip of linea aspera continues below a lateral supracondylar line. The triangular surface between these two lines is called as popliteal surface.

Lower End

The lower expanded end of the femur consists of medial and lateral condyles, intercondylar fossa, and articular surfaces (tibial and patellar) for articulation with the tibia and patella.
Two condyles are joined together anteriorly but separated posteriorly by the intercondylar fossa or notch.

  • Both the condyles of the femur articulate with the corresponding condyles of the tibia and patella to form the knee joint.
  • Each condyle presents five surfaces, i.e., anterior, posterior, medial, lateral, and inferior.
  • The anterior surfaces of two condyles present an articular patellar surface. It articulates with the posterior surface of the patella.
  • The outer surface of both the condyles (medial surface of medial condyle and lateral surface of lateral condyle) is rough and convex.
  • The prominent bony points on the outer surfaces of both condyles are called epicondyles.
  • An adductor tubercle is present postero-superior to the medial epicondyle at the lower end of the medial supracondylar ridge.
  • The inner surface of both the condyles, i.e., the lateral surface of the medial condyle and the medial surface of the lateral condyle form the medial and lateral walls of the intercondylar fossa.
  • The inferior and posterior surfaces of both the condyles are articular and articulate with tibia. Anteriorly, the tibial articular surfaces of both condyles are continuous with the patellar surface.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Inferior surface of lower end showing medial and lateral epicondyles and petellar articular surface

Bones Of The Lower Limb Anterior aspect of lower end of right femur

Bones Of The Lower Limb Lateral view of lower end of right femur

Femur Particular Features

  • Muscles Attached to the Upper End of the Femur
  • The obturator interims and two Gemelli are inserted on the medial surface of the greater trochanter.
  • The obturator externus is attached into the trochanteric fossa.
  • The piriformis is inserted on the upper border of the greater trochanter.
  • The gluteus minimus is inserted on the anterior surface of the greater trochanter.
  • The gluteus medius is inserted on the lateral aspect of the greater trochanter.
  • The psoas major is inserted on the lesser trochanter.
  • The quadratus femoris is attached to the quadrate tubercle.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Anterior aspect of right femur showing attachment of muscles

Bones Of The Lower Limb The posterior aspects of right femur

Muscles Attached to the Shaft of the Femur

  • The iliacus and pectineus are inserted just below the lesser trochanter.
  • The insertion of pectineus lies between the gluteal tuberosity and the spiral line.
  • A part of the gluteus maximus is inserted on the gluteal tuberosity.
  • The vastus medialis has a linear origin, i.e., from the lower part of the intertrochanteric line, spiral line, the medial lip of linea aspera, and upper 2/3rd of the medial supracondylar line.
  • Similarly, the origin of vastus lateralis is also linear. It arises from the upper part of the intertrochanteric line, greater trochanter, lateral margin of the gluteal tuberosity, and lateral lip of linea aspera.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Attachment of muscles on linea aspera.

  • The vast intermediate originates from the anterior and lateral surfaces of the shaft.
  • Students should note the attachments of the following structures on the linea aspera, from medial to lateral side, with the help.
  • The vastus mediaiis on the medial lip, medial intermuscular septum, adductor brevis (above) adductor longus (below), adductor magnus, posterior intermuscular septum, short head of biceps femoris, lateral intermuscular septum and vastus lateralis.

Muscles attached to the lower end of the femur

  • The popliteus muscle takes its origin from the groove present below the lateral epicondyle.
  • The medial head of the gastrocnemius arises from the popliteal surface above the medial epicondyle.
  • The lateral head of the gastrocnemius arises from the lateral surface of the lateral condyle.
  • The lower part of the lateral supracondylar line gives origin to the plantaris.
  • The adductor magnus is inserted on the medial supracondylar line.
  • The tendon of the ischial part of the adductor magnus is attached to the adductor tubercle.

Attachments of Ligaments and Intermuscular Septa on the Femur A Few important ligaments and septa are described below:

  • The pit or fovea on the head of the femur gives attachment to the ligamentum teres.
  • The medial intermuscular septum is attached to the medial lip of linea aspera and the lateral septum is attached to the lateral lip.
  • The posterior intermuscular septum is attached to the intermediate area of linea aspera.
  • The posterior cruciate ligament is attached to the lateral surface of the medial condyle.
  • The anterior cruciate ligament is attached to the medial surface of the lateral condyle.

Blood Vessels Concerning the Bone

  • The femoral artery lies anterior to the head of the femur.
  • The popliteal artery lies on the popliteal surface of the bone.
  • Any major nerve is not directly related to the femur.

Femur Ossification

The femur ossifies by one primary and four secondary centers (three for the upper end and one for the lower end. The lower end is the growing end of the femur.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Relation of arteries on the posterior aspect of femur

Bones Of The Lower Limb Ossification of femur

Clinical importance

  • The secondary center for the lower end appears just before birth (ninth months of intrauterine life).
  • The presence of this center indicates that the fetus is mature (viable) enough to survive after birth.
  • The above fact is used as medicolegal evidence in case if a newborn infant found dead was capable of living at birth or not.
  • The fracture of the neck of the femur is common in old people, especially in females.
  • The fracture through the neck of the femur is also associated with the injury to blood vessels lying on the surface of the neck.
  • These vessels are responsible for the blood supply of the head. Rupture of these blood vessels leads to degeneration of the femoral head (avascular necrosis of the head).
  • Fracture of the femur between greater and lesser trochanter is also common in old persons.
  • Fracture of the shaft is usually a clue to direct injury as in vehicle accidents.
  • If the angle of inclination (the angle between the long axis of the body and the long axis of the neck) is reduced then the condition is called coxa vera.
  • If this angle is increased the condition is called coxa valga. The normal angle is about 125.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Coxa vera and coxa valga


  • The skeleton of the leg is formed by two long bones, i.e., the tibia and fibula.
  • The tibia is the medial weight-bearing bone of the leg. It consists of an upper end and a lover end and a shaft or body. The upper end of the tibia is expanded and bears medial and lateral condyles.
  • These condyles articulate with the lower end of the femur to form the knee joint.
  • The lower end of the tibia on its medial aspect bears a downward projection called medial malleolus.
  • The shaft or the body of the bone bears a prominent sharp ridge known as an anterior border. The upper end of the anterior border bears a projection called tibial tuberosity.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Anterior aspect of right tibia

Bones Of The Lower Limb Anterior aspect of right tibia

Tibia Side Determination

  • The expanded upper end (bearing medial and lateral condyles) should be directed upwards.
  • The sharp and prominent anterior border and the tibial tuberosity should be placed anteriorly.
  • Medial malleolus at the lower end should face medially.

Tibia Anatomical Position

Bone should be kept vertically by holding it in the same hand, to the side it belongs.

Tibia General Features

Tibia Upper End

  • The upper end consists of medial and lateral condyles, an intercondylar area, and a tibial Shaft tuberosity.
  • The upper surface of the medial and lateral condyles is articular.
  • The articular surface of the medial condyle is oval and large while that of the lateral condyle is small and circular.
  • A non-articular rough area is placed between two articular surfaces. This is known as the intercondylar area.
  • There is the presence of an elevation in the middle of the intercondylar area (intercondy- lar eminence). This eminence is formed by two tubercles, i.e., medial and lateral intercondylar tubercles.
  • The posterior surface of the medial condyle is deeply grooved.
  • The posterolateral surface of the lateral condyle bears a circular articular facet for the head of the fibula. This articulation is known as the superior tibio-fibular joint.
  • The anterior surface of both condyles bears a triangular area. The apex of this triangle is directed downwards and there lies a rough projection called tibial tuberosity.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Superior surface of medial and lateral condyles of right tibia

  • The shaft of the tibia is triangular in cross-section, hence presenting three borders (anterior, medial, and lateral or interosseous) and three surfaces (medial, lateral, and posterior).
  • The anterior border extends from the tibial tuberosity to the anterior margin of the medial malleolus. It is a sharp, subcutaneous border.
  • The medial border extends from the medial condyle to the posterior border of the medial malleolus.
  • The lateral or interosseous border extends from the lateral condyle to the anterior border of the fibular notch at the lower end of the tibia.
  • The lateral surface lies between the anterior and interosseous borders.
  • The medial surface lies between the anterior and medial borders. This surface is smooth because it is subcutaneous.
  • The posterior surface lies between medial and lateral borders. This surface is marked by the presence of an oblique sole line. Thus posterior surface presents a triangular area above the sole line and a medial and a lateral area below the sole line

Tibia Lower End

  • This end of the tibia is much less expanded as compared to the upper end. This end projects downwards and medially as the medial malleolus.
  • The posterior surface of the malleolus presents a groove. The lateral surface of the lower end shows a triangular area (fibular notch) for articulation with the fibula to form an inferior tibiofibular joint.
  • The inferior surface of the lower end including the medial malleolus is articular and articulates with the body of the talus to form the ankle joint.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Posterior surface of the upper end of left tibia

Bones Of The Lower Limb Superior surface of condyle of right tibia

Tibia Particular Features

Attachment of Muscles on Tibia

  • The tibial tuberosity gives attachment to the lignmentum patellae (tendon of quadriceps femoris).
  • The semi-membranosus is inserted in the horizontal groove on the posterior surface of the medial condyle.
  • The upper part of the media surface receives the insertion of three muscles from before backward, i.e., sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus.
  • The upper 2/3rd of the lateral surface gives origin to the tibialis anterior.
  • On the posterior surface of the bone, the popliteus is inserted above the sole line.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Attachment of muscle on anterior aspect of tibia

Bones Of The Lower Limb Attachment Of Muscles On Posterior Aspect Of Right Tibia

  • The sole line itself gives origin to the soleus muscle.
  • The medial area below the soleal line, on the posterior surface, gives origin to the flexor digitorum longus. While the lateral area gives origin to the tibialis posterior.

Attachment of Ligaments on the Tibia

  • The anterior and posterior parts of the intercondylar area give attachment to the following structures from before backward anterior horn of medial meniscus, anterior cruciate ligament, anterior horn of lateral meniscus, posterior horn of lateral meniscus, posterior horn of medial meniscus, and posterior cruciate ligament.
  • The lower end of the iliotibial tract is attached to a small triangular area on the anterior surface of the lateral condyle.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Attachment on the superior surface of medial and lateral condyles of right tibia

Bones Of The Lower Limb Structures attached on the anterior aspect of the upper end of tibia

  • The tibial collateral ligament is attached to the medial surface near the upper end of the medial border.
  • The interosseous or lateral border gives attachment to interosseous membrane.
  • The fibular notch gives attachment to the interosseous tibiofibular ligament.

Tendons, Blood Vessels, and Nerves Related to Tibia

Following tendons, vessels, and nerves are related on the anterior aspect of the lower end (from medial to lateral): tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, anterior tibial vessels, deep peroneal nerve, extensor digitorum longus, and peroneus tertius.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Anterior aspect of lower end of left tibia Showing relations of tendons vessels and nerve

Following tendons, vessels, and nerves are related to the posterior aspect of the lower end of the tibia (from medial to lateral side): tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, posterior tibial vessels, posterior tibial nerve, and flexor hallucis longus.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Posterior Aspect Of Lower End Showing Relation Of Tendons And Vessels

Tibia Ossification

Tibia ossifies from three centers, i.e., one primary center for the shaft and two secondary centers one each for the upper and lower end. The upper end is the growing end of the tibia.

Bones Of The Lower Limb The Ossification Of Tibia

Tibia Clinical importance

  • The most common site for the fracture of the tibia is at the junction of the middle and lower 1/3rd.
  • This is because the tibia is narrowest at this point. The fracture of the lower 1/3rd of the tibia is difficult to heal as this part of the tibia is devoid of muscle attachment and the periosteal blood supply is poor.
  • The tibia is subjected to severe torsion during various sports, which may lead to diagonal fracture of the tibial body. The body of the tibia is also the most common site for compound fracture.
  • In a compound fracture, blood vessels and skin are torn by the fractured end of the tibia. This is because the tibia is subcutaneous hence skin is easily torn.


The fibula is the lateral bone of the leg. Though the slender fibula has no weight-bearing function, but gives attachment to muscles and its lower end (lateral malleolus) takes part in the formation of the ankle joint.

The fibula has an upper end, a lower end, and an intervening shaft.

The upper rounded end is also known as the head. The head bears a styloid process and an oval articular surface for articulation with the lateral condyle of the tibia.

The lower end of the fibula is expanded anteroposteriorly to form the lateral malleolus.

The medial surface of the lower end presents a triangular articular surface front and a depression, the malleolar fossa, just posteroinferior to the triangular articular surface.

Fibula Side Determination

The side of the fibula can be determined just by looking at its lower end Keep the lower end (lateral malleolus) downwards.

Bones Of The Lower Limb General Features Of Right Fibula As Seen From Front

Bones Of The Lower Limb Right Fibula As Seen From Behind

  • The triangular articular surface of the lateral malleolus should face medially.
  • The malleolar fossa should face downwards, backward, and medially.

Fibula Anatomical Position

Once you have determined the side of the bone then hold the bone vertically in the hand of the same side to which it belongs.

Fibula General Features

Upper End or Head

  • It has a pointed apex known as the styloid process.
  • The superior surface of the upper end bears an oval articular facet.
  • The neck is the constricted part of the bone just below the head.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Medical Surface At The Lower End Of Fibula

Lower The End lateral Lateral malleolus

  • The malleolus presents lateral, medial, and posterior surfaces and an anterior border.
  • The lateral surface is convex, triangular, and continuous above with anterior border. It is a subcutaneous surface.
  • The medial surface bears a triangular articular facet for the articulation with the talus.
  • Behind the facet there is a rough depression called a malleolar fossa.
  • The posterior surface presents a groove for the tendon.


The shaft of the fibula has three borders (anterior, interosseous, and posterior) and three surfaces (medial, lateral, and posterior).

(As the borders and surfaces of fibula are difficult to identify, take the help of your teacher. Hold the bone in the anatomical position and trace these borders as described below).

Anterior Border

It begins just below the anterior surface of the head. Trace this sharp border downwards near the lower end of the bone this border splits to enclose a subcutaneous triangular surface on the lateral aspect of the lateral malleolus.

Interosseous Border

  • This border is very close and medial to the anterior border.
  • It begins just below the anterior surface of the head. When traced downwards it passes medially to end in a rough triangular surface on the medial surface of the lower end.

Posterior Borders

It extends from the posterior aspect of the head to the lateral lip of a groove on the posterior aspect of the lateral malleolus.

Medial (Extensor) Surface It is a very narrow surface and lies between anterior and interosseous borders. It is also known as the anterior surface.

Lateral (Peroneal) Surface It lies between anterior and posterior borders. At the lower end, this surface becomes continuous with the posterior aspect of the lateral malleolus

Posterior (Flexor) Surface

It lies between the interosseous and the posterior border. This surface in its upper 2/3rd is divided into medial and lateral parts by a sharp vertical ridge called as medial crest, of

Attachment of Intermuscular Septum

  • The anterior and posterior borders give attachment to the anterior and posterior intermuscular septum.
  • The interosseous border gives attachment to the interosseous membrane.
  • The medial crest gives attachment to the transverse intermuscular septum.

Attachment of Muscles on Fibula

The medial or extensor surface gives origin to three muscles, i.e., the extensor digitorum.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Attachment Of Muscleus On Anterior Aspect of fibula

Bones Of The Lower Limb Attachment of muscles on posterior aspect of fibula

  • longus (from its upper 3/4th surface), extensor hallucis longus (from its middle 2/ 4th), and peroneus tertius from the lower 1 /4th below the origin of extensor digitorum longus.
  • The posterior surface gives origin to the tibialis posterior from the anterior concave surface lying anterior to the medial crest.
  • The surface posterior to the medial crest gives origin to the soleus in the upper 3/4th and flexor hallucis longus from its lower 3/4th.
  • The lateral surface gives origin to the peroneus longus from its upper 3/4th and peroneus brevis from its lower 2/3rd. In the middle third of this surface peroneus brevis lies in front of peroneus longus.
  • The lower end of the fibula is devoid of muscular attachments

Tendons and Nerves with Fibula

  • The tendon of the peroneus longus and brevis are related to the posterior surface of the lateral malleolus.
  • The common peroneal nerve is related to the lateral aspect of the neck of the fibula.

Fibula Ossification

The fibula is organized by three centers. One primary center for the shaft and two secondary centers, one each for the upper and lower ends.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Posterior surface at the lower end of fibula

Bones Of The Lower Limb Ossification of fibula

Bones Of The Lower Limb Medical Aspect Of Lower End Of Fibula

Bones Of The Lower Limb Lateral Aspect Of The Articulated Right foot

Bones Of The Lower Limb Right Superior Dorsal Aspect Of The Right Articulated Foot

Bones Of The Lower Limb Plantar aspect of the right articulated foot

The fibula is an exception to the law of “growing end” (i.e., the secondary center, which appears first is also the first to fuse with the bone formed by the primary center).

Bones Of The Foot

  • The bones of the foot consist of tarsus, metatarsus, and phalanges. Each foot consists of 7 tarsal, 5 metatarsal, and 14 phalanges, which are arranged proximodistally.
  • Though we shall study the features of individual bones of the foot students are advised to study an articulated skeleton of the foot to see the arrangement of these bones with each other.
  • In my opinion, undergraduate students, need not study every bone of the foot in detail. Therefore, only two tarsal bones (calcaneus and talus) are described in detail.

Tarsal Bones

  • These are short bones, which form the posterior half of the foot. They are arranged in three rows. The proximal row consists of the talus and calcaneus.
  • The calcaneus is the largest tarsal bone and forms the heel of the foot. Placed above the anterior 2/3rd of the calcaneus.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Skeleton of foot as seen from dorsal aspect

Bones Of The Lower Limb Skeleton of foot as seen from plantar aspect

There is another tarsal bone called a talus. The talus articulates with the lower end of the tibia and fibula to form the ankle joint. Anterior to the calcaneus and talus, the middle row is formed by navicular and cuboid bones.

The proximal end of the navicular bone articulates with the head of the talus and is placed medially.

The cuboid bone is placed laterally and articulates proximally with the calcaneus.

The distal surface of the navicular bone articulates with the other three tarsal bones, i.e., medial, intermediate, and lateral cuneiforms.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Skeleton of foot as seen from medial aspect

Bones Of The Lower Limb Attachment of ligaments on the plantar Aspect Of Foot, as seen from lateral aspect

Bones Of The Lower Limb The dorsal surface of talus


The talus has a body, neck, and head. It is situated on the calcaneus.


  • The superior surface of the body is articular and bears a large trochlear articular surface for articulation with the lower end of the tibia.
  • The medial surface of the body shows a comma-shaped articular facet for articulation with the medial malleolus. While the lateral surface bears a large triangular facet for articulation with the lateral malleolus of the fibula.
  • The inferior surface of the body of the talus presents a concave facet, which articulates with the convex facet on the upper surface of the middle third of the calcaneus to form the talar joint.
  • The posterior surface is narrow and has a groove for a tendon. This groove has a prominent lateral tubercle and a less prominent medial tubercle.


The neck of the talus projects forward and medially from the body of the talus. It is nonarticular and bears a groove (sulcus tali) on its inferior surface.


The rounded head is directed forwards, medially, and slightly downwards. The head bears an extensive convex articular surface, which articulates anteriorly with the navicular bone and below with the upper surface of the sustentaculum tali of the calcaneus and spring ligament.

The talus is the only tarsal bone that has no muscular or tendinous attachments. The sulcus tali gives attachment to the interosseous talocalcanean ligament.

Bones Of The Lower Limb The plantar surface of talus

Talus Side Determination

  • The rounded articular head should be directed forward.
  • The large trochlear articular surface should face upward.
  • The large triangular articular surface placed on the side of the body should face laterally.

Talus Anatomical Position

Hold the bone in such a way that the head is directed forwards, medially, and slightly downwards.


The calcaneus is the largest and strongest tarsal bone of the foot. It forms the heel and is located below the talus.

It articulates superiorly with the talus and anteriorly with the cuboid bone. The calcaneus has six surfaces.

The anterior surface is articular and saddle in shape. It articulates with the cuboid bone.

The posterior surface is non-articular and roughing its middle part for the attachment of tendocalcaneus.

The medial surface is concave and bears a shelflike projection called sustentaculum tali.

The lateral surface of the calcaneus is flat and bears a peroneal tubercle.

The plantar or inferior surface of the calcaneus is rough and shows a large prominence on its posterior part called as calcaneal tuberosity.

The calcaneal tuberosity presents medial and lateral tubercles. The anterior part of the plantar surface bears an anterior tubercle.

Bones Of The Lower Limb The dorsal surface of calcaneous

Bones Of The Lower Limb The plantar surface of calcaneous

The dorsal or superior surface is partly articular and partly non-articular. It bears three articular facets (anterior, middle, and posterior facets) for articulation with the corresponding facets on the inferior surface of the talus.

There is the presence of a deep groove between the middle and posterior facets, sulcus calcanei. The sulcus calcanei and sulcus tarsi, in an articulated foot, form sinus tarsi.

Calcaneus Side Determination

  • The anterior articular surface should face anteriorly.
  • The superior surface bearing three articular facets should face upward.
  • The sustentaculum tali projects medially.

Calcaneus Anatomical Position

Hold the bone in such a way that the articular area for the cuboid should face forward and laterally with a slight upward inclination.


The navicular bone is boat-shaped. It articulates distally with the head of the talus and proximally with three cuneiforms. The medial surface of the bone bears a navicular tuberosity.


It is the lateral bone extending in the distal row of the tarsus. It is approximately cubical. Proximally it articulates with calcaneus and distally with the 4th and 5th metatarsals.

On the lateral and inferior aspect, it bears a groove for the tendon of the peroneus longus. On this aspect, behind the groove, there is the presence of tuberosity.

The medial surface of the cuboid has articular facets for lateral cuneiform and navicular bone.

Cuneiform Bones

These are called medial, intermediate, and lateral cuneiforms. These bones articulate with the navicular proximally and with the bases of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd metatarsals distally.

All these bones articulate with each other. The lateral surface of lateral cuneiform also articulates with the cuboid.

The metatarsal bones

  • The metatarsals are classified as miniature long bones. The five metatarsal bones are numbered from medial to lateral side, i.e., 1st, 2nd, etc. The first metatarsal is the shortest and strongest as compared to the others.
  • The second metatarsal is the longest. Each metatarsal has a proximally placed base, distally placed head, and intervening body. The heads of metatarsals are rounded and articulate with the proximal phalanges.
  • The base of each metatarsal is large as compared to its head and presents five surfaces (medial, lateral, dorsal, plantar, and proximal).
  • The base of 5th metatarsal has a large tuberosity for the insertion of the tendon of the peroneus brevis.


  • Similar to the metatarsals, phalanges are also classified as miniature long bones. The first toe has two phalanges (proximal and distal).
  • The lateral four toes have three phalanges each, i.e., proximal, middle, and distal. Each phalanx consists of a proximally placed base, a distally placed head, and an intervening body.
  • The first toe consists of two phalanges and has only one interphalangeal joint. While the rest of the toes have proximal and distal interphalangeal joints.

Bones Of The Lower Limb The second matatarsal of left side

Bones Of The Lower Limb Differences Between Metarsals And Metacarpals

Particular Features Of The Bones Of The Foot

  • The peroneus brevis is inserted on the lateral aspect of the base of the fifth metatarsal bone.
  • The peroneus tertius is attached to the dorsal aspect of the base of the fifth metatarsal.
  • The extens or digitorum longus is attached to the base of the middle and distal phalanges of the lateral four toes.
  • The extensor hallucis longus is inserted on the base of the distal phalanx of the great toe.
  • The tendocal caneous is inserted in the middle of the posterior surface of the calcaneus.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Insertion of leg muscles on the dorsal aspect of right foot

Attachment of Muscles on the Plantar Aspect of the Bones of Foot

  • The flexor hallucis longus is inserted into the base of the distal phalanx of the great toe.
  • The flex or digitorum longus is inserted into the plantar surface of the bases of the distal phalanges of lateral four digits.
  • The peroneus longus muscle is inserted at the base of the first metatarsal and on the lateral aspect of the medial cuneiform bone.
  • The tibialis anterior is inserted into the medial cuneiform and base of the first metatarsal on the medial and plantar aspects.
  • The tendon of the tibialis posterior has very extensive insertion. It is mainly inserted into the tuberosity of the navicular bone and medial cuneiform.
  • This tendon also sends slips to all other tarsal bones (except the talus) and bases of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th metatarsals.
  • Origin and Insertion of the Intrinsic Muscles of the Foot The dorsal aspect gives origin to the extensor digitorum brevis.

On the plantar surface, many intrinsic muscles are attached (flexor digitorum brevis, abductor digit minim abductor hallucis, flexor digitorum accessories, flexor hallucis brevis, adductor hallucis, and flexor digit minimi brevis).

Students should learn the origin and insertion of all these muscles with the help of The origin and insertion of plantar interossei shown in the dorsal interossei.

Attachment of Ligaments on the Bones of the Foot

  • The bones of the foot give attachment to many ligaments. A few important ligaments are described here:
  • The interosseous talocalcaneal ligament is attached between the sulcus tali of talus and sulcus calcanei of calcaneus.
  • The spring ligament (plantar calcaneonavicular ligament) is attached to the anterior margin of sustentaculum tali of the calcaneus and the plantar surface of the navicular bone.
  • On the plantar surface, the long plantar ligament is attached posteriorly to the tuberosity of the calcaneus and anteriorly to the cuboid bone and bases of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th metatarsal bones.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Attachment of muscles on plantar aspect of right foot

Bones Of The Lower Limb Origin and insertion of dorsal interossei

Bones Of The Lower Limb Attachment of ligaments on the plantar aspect of foot

Bones Of The Lower Limb Attachment of ligaments on the plantar Aspect Of Foot, as seen from lateral aspect

  • The short plantar ligament is proximally attached to the anterior tubercle of the calcaneus and distally on the cuboid.
  • The groove on the posterior aspect of the talus is related to the tendon of flexor hallucis longus.


Tarsal Bones

Calcaneus is classified by one primary center and one secondary center. All other tarsal bones ossify by one center only. The ossification of metatarsal and phalanges.


The patella is also known as the kneecap as it lies in front of the knee joint. It is a small triangular bone present in the tendon of the quadriceps femoris.

The patella is not a true bone as it is devoid of periosteum, hence it is classified as a sesamoid bone.

The patella has an apex, a base, medial and lateral borders, and an anterior and a posterior surface. The base forms the upper border of the bone.

The apex is directed downwards. The anterior surface is rough and subcutaneous while the posterior surface is mostly articular.

The articular surface is divided into a smaller medial and a large lateral surface by a vertical ridge. These surfaces articulate with the corresponding surfaces on the femoral condyles.

Patella Side Determination

  • The apex of the patella should be directed downwards.
  • The smooth articular surface should face posteriorly.
  • The larger lateral part of the articular area should lie on the lateral side. The anterior surface is rough (presents several longitudinal ridges). The base, medial, and lateral borders give attachments to many muscles. The posterior surface is mostly articular.

Only a small portion near the apex is rough and gives attachment to the ligamentum patellae. The articular surface is divided into a large lateral and a small medial articular area by a vertical ridge.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Ossification of bones of foot

Bones Of The Lower Limb The anterior surface of right patella

Bones Of The Lower Limb The posterior (articular) surface of right patella

Bones Of The Lower Limb The Attachment Of Patella

These articular surfaces come in contact with the reciprocal patellar articular surface of the femur, i.e., the larger lateral area of the patella with lateral femoral condyle and medial area with medial condyle.

The medial articular area is further separated by a vertical ridge from the most medial narrow strip, which comes in contact with the medial condyle of the femur during full flexion.

As the patella moves downwards when the knee is flexed, its articular areas move on the articular areas at the lower end of the femur.

The various articular areas come in contact with the femur (from extension to full flexion).

Bones Of The Lower Limb Various articular areas coming in contact with Femur During Extension And Flexion

Patella Ossification

The patella is cartilaginous up to three years of age. Several ossification centers appear in the patella between 3 to 6 years of age. These centers unite with each other and complete the ossification.

Bones Of The Lower Limb Diagrammatic represention of the force transmission through the talus

Autonomic Nervous System Functions Notes

Autonomic Nervous System

The autonomic nervous system controls and coordinates the internal environment of the body. This system has two divisions:

  1. Sympathetic
  2. Parasympathetic

Both these divisions are complementary to each other. They function in coordination and adjust the body unconsciously to maintain the internal environment.

Most organs of our body receive innervations from both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers. In general, a nerve impulse from one division stimulates the organ to increase the activity while the other will have the opposite action, i.e. decreases the activity.

For example, stimulation of sympathetic nerves increases the heart rate while stimulation of parasympathetic innervations decreases the heart rate.

The ANS consists of both afferent (sensory) and efferent (Motor) components and an integration center.

Autonomic Sensory (Visceral Afferent) Component The sensations of the autonomic system are transmitted from the viscera to the CNS through somatosensory fibers.

The cell bodies of sensory neurons are located in the dorsal root ganglion of spinal nerves and the sensory ganglia of some cranial nerves.

Somatosensory neurons are also responsible for visceromotor reflex activities. Though these sensations hardly reach the level of consciousness, the sensations of nausea and pain in
the heart is perceived.

Automomic Nervous System Pathway of visceral reflex.

Automomic Nervous System Visceral reflexes from Stomach, heart, colon

Automomic Nervous System Visceral reflexes from Stomach, heart, colon.

Automomic Nervous System Visceral reflexes from Stomach, heart, colon..

Integration and Control of the Autonomic Nervous System. The autonomic activities are integrated at higher levels. These centers are situated in the reticular formation of the brainstem, hypothalamus, limbic cortex, and prefrontal cortex.

The hypothalamus is considered the higher center (control and integration) of ANS. It controls both sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of ANS.

The neurons of sympathetic and parasympathetic nuclei in the brainstem and spinal cord are connected with the nuclei of the hypothalamus through the reticular formation.

Autonomic Motor (Visceral Efferent) Component. The autonomic activities regulate body temperature, heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, gastrointestinal motility, and secretion from glands.

Thus, ANS consists of motor (efferent) fibers that innervate smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands.

The effector cells of different organ systems are not under voluntary control; they work mostly at an unconscious level.

Both sympathetic and parasympathetic motor pathways consist of two motor neurons that conduct the impulses from the CNS to the effector organ.

The cell bodies of the first motor neurons are located in the grey matter of the CNS (brain and spinal cord). These are called preganglionic or presynaptic neurons.

The preganglionic neurons send their myelinated axonal processes to synapse with the second motor neurons in the pathway.

The axons of presynaptic neurons come out of the CNS as part of either the spinal or the cranial nerve.

The cell bodies of second motor neurons are located in the autonomic ganglia outside the CNS.

These are called post-synaptic or post-ganglionic neurons because presynaptic neurons make synaptic contact with them.

The axons of post-synaptic neurons are unmyelinated and terminate on the effector organs (smooth muscle, glands, or cardiac muscle).

Sympathetic Division Of Autonomic Nervous System

The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is also called thoracolumbar outflow as the preganglionic nerve cells are situated in the thoracic and upper lumbar segments of the spinal cord.

The cell bodies of presynaptic neurons of the sympathetic division of ANS are located in the lateral grey column (horn) of the spinal cord between the T1 and L2 spinal segments.

The cell bodies of postsynaptic neurons are located in two groups:

  1. Paravertebral ganglion (sympathetic trunk ganglia) and
  2. Pacvcrtebral ganglion.
  3. Sympathetic trunk ganglia lie in a vertical row on either side of the vertebral column extending from the base of the skull to the coccyx.
  4. On the other hand, prevertebral ganglia are situated anterior to the vertebrae and close to the origin of the main branches of the abdominal aorta.
  5. Examples of prevertebral ganglia are celiac ganglion, superior mesenteric ganglion, and inferior mesenteric ganglion close to the beginning of arteries of the same name.
  6. The axons of presynaptic neurons leave the spinal cord through ventral roots and enter the ventral rami of spinal nerves (T1 to L2).
  7. These axons are myelinated fibers. They leave the ventral ramus as a slender branch called white ramus communicantes and enter the sympathetic trunk.
  8. The presynaptic fibers of white ramus communicantes, after entering the sympathetic trunk, may synapse with the postsynaptic neurons present in the sympathetic ganglion at the same level.
  9. These fibers may also ascend or descend in the sympathetic trunk for a few levels before forming synaptic connections.
  10. It may also happen that these fibers pass through the sympathetic trunk without synapsing and join the splanchnic nerve to reach the prevertebral ganglia and synapse with the post-ganglionic neurons there.

The splanchnic nerves of the thorax are as follows

  1. Greater (T5 to T9)
  2. Lesser (T10 and Til)
  3. Least (T12)

The splanchnic nerves of the thorax are greater (T5 to T9), lesser (T10 and Til), and least (T12) while lumbar splanchnic nerves take origin from LI to L4 sympathetic ganglia.

The post-synaptic neurons of sympathetic ganglia send their axons (post-synaptic sympathetic fibers) to the adjacent ventral rami of spinal nerves.

These axons are non-myelinated and are called gray rami communicantes. From the ventral rami, they go to all branches of the spinal nerve including the dorsal rami.

The post-ganglionic fibers from paravertebral sympathetic ganglia (sympathetic trunk ganglia) supply the blood vessels (vasomotor), sweat glands, and smooth muscle of hair follicles (erector pili) in the skin of limbs and body wall.

Automomic Nervous System Sympathetic nervous system.2

The post-ganglionic fibers from T1 to T5 supply thoracic viscera (heart, lung, trachea, and esophagus) via cardiac and pulmonary plexus.

The post-ganglionic fibers from prevertebral sympathetic ganglia (coeliac, superior and inferior mesenteric, and hypogastric ganglia, and plexuses) supply the abdominal and pelvic viscera (liver, kidney, stomach, intestine, rectum, colon, urinary bladder, genital organ, etc.)

The post-ganglionic fibers from the prevertebral sympathetic ganglia follow the course of various arteries.

(Students should note that the prevertebral ganglia consist of post-ganglionic sympathetic neurons only. However; these plexuses consist of both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibres.)

Automomic Nervous System Location of prevertebral ganglia and plexuses.

The sympathetic nervous activities are widely diffused activities that affect the whole body. The sympathetic reaction deals with emergencies or emotional stress.

The sympathetic reaction leads to the dilatation of the pupil, pale face (due to vasoconstriction in the skin), dry mouth, increased heart rate, and raised blood pressure.

The peristaltic movements of the intestine are suppressed and sphincters are closed. The blood vessels of skeletal muscles, heart, and brain dilate to supply more blood to these vital organs.

Parasympathetic Division Of Autonomic Nervous System

The parasympathetic division of ANS is also known as craniosacral outflow as preganglionic neurons are situated in the brain and sacral segment of the spinal cord.

Cranial outflow: The cell bodies of the cranial part of parasympathetic preganglionic neurons are situated in the brain and axons come out along with cranial nerves 3, 7, 9, and 10.

Sacral outflow: The sacral parts of preganglionic neurons are situated in the lateral grey column (horn) of spinal cord segments S2 to S4.

Their axons come out of the spinal cord through the ventral rami. The fibers from ventral rami then travel into pelvic splanchnic nerves.

The axons of pre-ganglionic neurons are very long, as they reach up to the effector organs. Close to the organs or within the substance of the organ, there is the presence of ganglia called terminal ganglia.

The terminal ganglia consist of post-synaptic neurons. Pre-synaptic axons form synaptic contacts with these neurons.

The terminal ganglia consist of post-synaptic neurons. Pre-synaptic axons form synaptic contacts with these post-synaptic neurons.

As the terminal ganglia are close to the organ supplied by the parasympathetic nerve, the axons of post-synaptic neurons are very short. They innervate the smooth muscles and glands in the wall of an organ.

The terminal ganglia associated with cranial outflow are ciliary (3 cranial nerve), pterygopalatine ganglia, submandibular ganglia (4 cranial nerve), and otic ganglia (9 cranial nerve).

The post-ganglionic fibers from these ganglia supply the eye, salivary glands, and other structures of the head and neck.

The pre-ganglionic parasympathetic fibers in the vagus nerve extend to many terminal ganglia in the thorax and abdomen. The post-ganglionic fibers supply the heart and lungs in the thorax (through cardiac and pulmonary plexuses). They supply the liver, gall bladder, stomach pancreas, small intestine, and part of the large intestine pancreas, small intestine, and part of the large intestine in the abdomen (through coeliac and superior mesenteric plexuses).

The postganglionic fibers from sacral outflow supply smooth muscle and glands in the wall of the colon, ureter, urinary bladder, and reproductive organs (through the hypogastric plexus).

Automomic Nervous System Sympathetic fibres relaying in paravertebral ganglia (sympathetic chain) and prevertebral ganglion

Automomic Nervous System Sympathetic Segmental Supply

Automomic Nervous System Sympathetic innervation through lumbar and sacral sympathetic trunks

Sympathetic And Parasympathetic Systems A Comparison

Most of the organs in the body receive both types of motor innervations (sympathetic and parasympathetic). These two types of motor innervations usually have opposite ctions (antagonistic); that is, if one type of innervation increases the activity (excitation) of viscera, then the other type will decrease (inhibition) the activity.

For example, sympathetic stimulation leads to decreased mobility of the intestine and contraction of sphincters. On the other hand, parasympathetic stimulation leads to increased motility of the intestine and relaxation of sphincters.

Sympathetic overactivity causes dilatation of the pupil while parasympathetic overactivity leads to its constriction.

In parasympathetic nerves, the neurotransmitter at pre- and post-synaptic nerve terminals is acetylcholine.

Acetylcholine is liberated at the sympathetic preganglionic nerve terminals while norepinephrine is liberated at postganglionic nerve terminals.

Automomic Nervous System Parasympathetic nervous system

The autonomic innervations of some important organs of the body are described in brief in the following text

1. Eyeball

  • Sympathetic innervation—from the Tl spinal cord segment
  • Parasympathetic innervation—from the Edinger- Westphal nucleus
  • Stimulation of sympathetic innervation causes dilatation of the pupil and relaxation of ciliary muscles.
  • Stimulation of parasympathetic innervation causes constriction of pupil and ciliary muscle.
  • Horner’s syndrome (which occurs due to deinnervations of sympathetic nerves of the head and neck) has the following characteristics: Constriction of a pupil, partial ptosis, absence of secretion on the face, flushing of the face, and enophthalmos.

2. Submandibular and sublingual salivary glands

  • Sympathetic innervation—from Tl and T2 spinal segments
  • Parasympathetic innervation—from the superior salivatory nucleus of the facial nerve

3. Lacrimal gland

  • Sympathetic innervation—from Tl and T2 spinal segments
  • Parasympathetic innervation—from the lacrimatory nucleus of the facial nerve.

Automomic Nervous System Comparison Between Sympathetic And Parasympathetic Motor Innervotions

Automomic Nervous System Morphological Differences Between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems

4. Parotid gland

  • Sympathetic innervation—from T1 and T2 spinal segments
  • Parasympathetic innervation—from the inferior salivatory nucleus of the glossopharyngeal nerve

5. Heart

  • Sympathetic innervation—from T1 to T5 spinal segments
  • Parasympathetic innervation—from the dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve.

Automomic Nervous System Sympathetic and parasympathetic fibres innervating the iris

Automomic Nervous System Sympathetic and parasympathetic innervations of heart

The pain of a heart attack is felt over the middle of the sternum, left shoulder, jaw, and medial aspect of the left arm.

This is because these areas are supplied by the same segments of the spinal coral as the heart (T1 to T5).

6. Lungs

  • Sympathetic innervation—from T2 to T5 spinal segments
  • The pain of a heart attack is felt over the middle of the sternum, left shoulder, jaw, and medial aspect of the left arm.
  • This is because these areas are supplied by the same segments of the spinal coral as the heart (T1 to T5).

7. Gastrointestinal tract

  • Sympathetic innervation—from T5 to L2 spinal segments
  • Parasympathetic innervation—from the dorsal nucleus of the vagus and from the S2 to S4 spinal segment

Automomic Nervous System Effects Of Sympathetic And Parasympathetic Sitmulation On Different Organs

Automomic Nervous System Autonomic innervations of the urinary bladder.

8. Urinary bladder

  • Sympathetic innervation—from T10 to L2 spinal segments
  • Parasympathetic innervation—from S2 to S4 spinal segments
  • Sensory innervation—from T10 to L2 and S2 to S4

9. Arteries of the upper limb

  • Sympathetic innervation—from T2 to T8
  • Arteries of the lower limb
  • Sympathetic innervation-from T10 to L2 spinal cord segments
  • Autonomic innervations for the erection of the penis
  • Parasympathetic innervation—S2 to S4 spinal segments
  • Autonomic innervations for ejaculation from the penis
  • Sympathetic innervations from the LI segment.

Localisation Of Visceral Pain

Viscera are usually insensitive to touch, heat, and cutting (cutting of the intestine in a conscious person does not elicit visceral pain).

But if receptors are stimulated in large areas (diffuse stimulation) due to inadequate blood supply, collection of metabolites, distension (stretch), and spasm, then visceral pain can be very severe. When the kidney stone obstructs and distends the ureter, it causes severe pain.

The visceral pain is poorly localized and dull because receptors are stimulated in a large area. The pain may be felt in the viscera itself or it may be felt just deep in the skin that overlies the viscera. However, in many cases, pain cord segments may also be felt in a surface area of the skin far from the stimulated organ. This phenomenon is called refereed pain.

Pain originating from a particular viscus is usually felt at a distance from the site of the visceral organ involved. This may be because afferent fibers from the skin (dermatome) and viscera enter the same segment of the spinal cord.

The first-order neurons of the afferent fibers of both visceral and somatic are situated in the dorsal root ganglia of the spinal nerve.

Probably, both the fibers synapse with the common (same) second-order neuron of the dorsal grey horn of the spinal cord.

The axons of the second-order neuron reach higher centers (via the thalamus) which probably fail to recognize the source of pain (skin or viscera).

Automomic Nervous System Areas of referred pain on the body

Functions Of Autonomic Nervous System

  • Both sympathetic and parasympathetic systems of ANS innervate almost all the organs of the body. Thus, their action on one particular organ is antagonistic to each other.
  • If one system stimulates (excites) the organ, the other system depresses (inhibits) it. This is because their postganglionic neurons secrete different neurotransmitters
  • (Ach for parasympathetic and noradrenaline in case of sympathetic) and their effector receptors for parasympathetic and adrenergic receptors for sympathetic).
  • As the hypothalamus is the higher center of ANS it controls and balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic activities.
  • However, students should also note that organs such as sweat glands, arrector pili muscles, kidneys, adrenal medulla, and many blood vessels are innervated only by the sympathetic system of the autonomic nerves.
  • As there is no parasympathetic innervation in these organs, they do not face opposition. Thus, sympathetic stimulation leads to action while its inhibition leads to cessation of action.
  • For example, when sympathetic fibers release norepinephrine into the smooth muscles of blood vessels, blood pressure rises due to the contraction of smooth muscles by mediation of the al receptor.
  • Meanwhile, the epinephrine of circulating blood acts on the same smooth muscles by mediation of P2 receptors in the cell membrane leading to vasodilatation and a fall in blood pressure. Parasympathetic fibers do not terminate on many blood vessels.

Enteric Nervous System

The enteric nervous system (ENS) is defined as the system of neurons that is found within the wall of the GIT, gallbladder, and pancreas.

The entire length of GIT is supplied by sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of ANS.

The ANS forms the following two different nerve plexuses in the gut wall:

Submucosal plexus (plexus of Meissner): Situated in the subamucosa

Myenteric plexus (plexus of Auerbach): Situated in between circular and longitudinal muscle coats

Automomic Nervous System Referred pain from heart.

Automomic Nervous System Enteric Neurons, Myenteric And Meissners Plexus in the wall of the intestine

These plexuses consist of the following:

  • Parasympathetic preganglionic fibers terminate on postganglionic parasympathetic neurons situated in the myenteric plexus.
  • Postganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers forming a network in Meissner and myenteric plexuses
  • Sensory and motor enteric neurons and their processes consist of 100 million neurons in the plexuses of GIT.

All these innervate the mucosa, submucosa, muscle coats, and blood vessels. These regulate the secretion from the mucosal gland and motility of GIT.

The gallbladder and pancreas also have ganglia and nerve plexus. The ENS was previously considered a part of ANS.

However, now it is considered a system separate from the ANS. The neurons of the ENS arise from neural crest; thus, they differ from the origin of sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons.

Functions of the Enteric Nervous System

  • The functions of ENS include both sensory and motor.
  • The sensory neurons of ENS monitor the stretching of the walls of the intestine and chemical changes within the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The motor neurons of ENS control the contraction of the smooth muscle, secretion of the gastrointestinal gland, and endocrine cells associated with GIT.

Autonomic Nervous System Summary

  • The autonomic nervous system (ANS) innervates the cardiac muscle, smooth muscle (present in the wall of viscera and blood vessels), and glands.
  • The ANS works by forming the reflex arc which is organized in afferent (sensory) pathways, integrating higher centers and efferent (motor) pathways.
  • Visceral sensation hardly reaches the level of consciousness. The cell bodies of sensory neurons are situated in the sensory ganglia of cranial nerves and the dorsal root ganglia of spinal nerves.
  • The visceral activities are integrated at higher levels, especially in the hypothalamus.
  • Efferent pathways convey motor impulses from the CNS to the cardiac muscle, smooth muscles, and glands.

Two neurons are involved in this pathway:

  • Preganglionic and
  • Postganglionic neurons.

The visceral motor signals reach various organs through two major subdivisions of the ANS:

  • Sympathetic and
  • Parasympathetic nervous systems.

Sympathetic nervous system

  • The preganglionic motor neurons are situated in the lateral horn of the grey matter of the spinal cord from T1 to L2 segments.
  • The postganglionic motor neurons of this division are situated in the sympathetic trunk ganglia and prevertebral ganglia.
  • The preganglionic fibers reach the sympathetic trunk ganglion through white rami communicans while the postganglionic fibers after coming out through the sympathetic ganglia join the ventral ramus through grey rami communicans.
  • Some preganglionic sympathetic fibers, which do not relay in the sympathetic chain (paravertebral), may relay in the prevertebral ganglion through splanchnic nerves.

Parasympathetic nervous system

  • The parasympathetic nervous system consists of cranial and ‘sacral’ outflow.
  • The preganglionic parasympathetic fibers of both cranial and sacral outflow end in ‘terminal ganglia’ containing postganglionic parasympathetic neurons.
  • The terminal ganglia associated with cranial outflow are the ciliary, pterygopalatine, submandibular, and otic ganglia. The terminal ganglia of the vagus and sacral outflow are situated in the wall of the viscera and are unnamed.
  • The actions of sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of ANS on any particular organ are antagonistic to each other.

Enteric nervous system

  • The enteric nervous system (ENS) consists of motor, sensory, and interneurons, which are found within the walls of GIT.
  • The functions of ENS include both sensory and motor.

Autonomic Nervous System Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. The following structures are innervated by ANS except

  1. Smooth muscles of viscera
  2. Smooth muscles of blood vessels
  3. Cardiac muscles
  4. Glands
  5. Articular capsule of joints

Answer: 5. Articular capsule of joints

Question 2. Which of the following facts about visceral sensations are true?

  1. They hardly reach the level of consciousness
  2. Sensations of nausea and retrosternal pain are perceived
  3. The sensation of distension of the bladder and bowel reaches the level of consciousness
  4. Pain sensation from the viscera is perceived as secondary to a lack of oxygen supply
  5. All of the above

Answer: 3. Sensation of distension of bladder and bowel reach the level of consciousness

Question 3. Which of the following facts about the autonomic motor pathway is false?

  1. Visceral motor signals reach organs through the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
  2. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways consist of two neurons—preganglionic and postganglionic
  3. Preganglionic neurons are situated in the CNS while postganglionic in the peripheral ganglion
  4. The axons of preganglionic neurons are myelinated and synapse with postganglionic neurons
  5. None of the above

Answer: 5. None of the above

Question 4. Which ofthe following statements about the sympathetic nervous system is false?

  1. Preganglionic sympathetic neurons are located in the lateral horn of the spinal cord from T1 to L2 and from S2 to S4 spinal segments
  2. Postganglionic sympathetic neurons are located in the sympathetic trunk (sympathetic chain) ganglia
  3. They are also located in prevertebral ganglia
  4. Prevertebral sympathetic ganglia are situated in front of the vertebral column

Answer: 1. Preganglionic sympathetic neurons are located in the lateral horn of the spinal cord from T1 to L2 and from S2 to S4 spinal segments

Question 5. Prevertebral sympathetic ganglia consist of the following except

  1. Pulmonary ganglion
  2. Superior mesenteric ganglio
  3. Inferior mesenteric ganglion
  4. Celiac ganglion

Answer: 1. Pulmonary ganglion

Question 6. Which of the following statements about splanchnic nerves is false?

  1. They arise from the thoracic sympathetic chain
  2. They are medically directed branches of the sympathetic trunk
  3. They contain postganglionic myelinated nerve fibers
  4. There are three splanchnic nerves—greater, lesser, and least splanchnic nerves
  5. These splanchnic nerves reach the prevertebral ganglion

Answer: 3. There are three splanchnic nerves—greater, lesser, and least splanchnic nerves

Question 7. The following facts about the distribution of sympathetic fibres are true except

  1. Preganglionic sympathetic fibers travel in the ventral spinal nerve root
  2. They then travel in the ventral ramus of spinal nerves
  3. They soon leave the ventral ramus to join the sympathetic trunk through the white ramus communicans to synapse with the postganglionic neurons
  4. The axons of postganglionic neurons join the ventral ramus again through grey ramus communicans
  5. Grey ramus communicans contain myelinated fibers of postganglionic neurons

Answer: 5. Grey ramus communicans contain myelinated fibers of postganglionic neurons

Question 8. Following is the location of preganglionic motor neurons of the parasympathetic nervous system except

  1. Few cranial nerve nuclei in the brainstem
  2. Lateral horn of spinal cord between S2 and S4 spinal segments
  3. Terminal ganglia of the parasympathetic nervous system
  4. Pterygopalatine ganglion

Answer: 3. Terminal ganglia of the parasympathetic nervous system

Question 9. Which of the following statements is false?

  1. Acetylcholine (ACh) is liberated at the terminals of preganglionic parasympathetic neurons
  2. ACh is liberated at the terminals of preganglionic sympathetic neurons
  3. Adrenaline is liberated at the terminal of postganglionic parasympathetic neurons
  4. ACh/norepinephrine is liberated at the terminals of
    postganglionic sympathetic neurons

Answer: 3. Adrenaline is liberated at the terminal of postganglionic parasympathetic neurons Part of the thalamus, subthalamus, middle and posterior parts of the hypothalamus, part of the midbrain

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Notes

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord

The brain is supplied by a pair of vertebral and a pair of internal carotid arteries. In the cranial cavity, both pairs of arteries divide extensively into many branches, some of which are anastomose with each other.

The spinal cord is about a 45-cm long structure; hence, many arteries supply it. The spinal cord is supplied by branches of vertebral arteries and also by segmental arteries, i.e. intercostal and lumbar segmental arteries.

Vertebral Arteries. Each vertebral artery enters the cranial cavity through the foramen magnum after piercing the dura and arachnoid mater.

It curves around the ventrolateral aspect of the medulla and at the lower border of pons it joins with its fellow, from the other side, to form a median basilar artery. The branches of the vertebral artery are given in the following text.

  • Posterior spinal artery: The posterior spinal artery on either side passes inferiorly along the spinal cord, among the dorsal rootlets of spinal nerves.
  • Posterior inferior cerebellar artery: The posterior inferior cerebellar artery is the largest branch of the vertebral artery and arises near the lower end of the olive. Had) artery runs posteriorly on either side of the medulla. 1 lore, it supplies the choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle and reaches the cerebellum to supply the posterior part of its inferior surface
  • Anterior spinal artery: The anterior spinal artery arises near the inferior border of the pons. It descends anteromedially in front of the medulla and joins its fellow, from the opposite side, to form a single trunk. It is the single trunk of the anterior spinal artery that runs in the anterior median fissure throughout the length of the spinal cord and supplies it

Basilar Artery and Its Branches: The basilar artery runs cranially in the median groove on the pons.

At the superior border of the pons, it divides into two terminal branches:

  1. Right and
  2. left posterior cerebral arteries.

The branches of the basilar artery are as follows:

Arteries of the labyrinth: On each side, these arteries arise close to the inferior border of pons and run along with the vestibulocochlear nerve towards the internal ear.

Anterior inferior cerebellar arteries: These arteries arise from the lower part of the basilar artery, on each side, and supply the anterior part of the inferior surface of the cerebellum.

Pontine arteries: These are many small branches that supply pons and the adjacent parts of the brain.

Superior cerebellar artery: On each side, the superior cerebellar artery arises near the upper border of the pons. It supplies the upper pons, lower midbrain and superior surface of the cerebellum.

Posterior cerebral arteries: These arteries are two large terminal branches of the basilar artery, which arise at the superior border of the pons.

Each artery breaks up into branches to supply the temporal and occipital lobes.

The branches of the posterior cerebral arteries are as follows:

Central branches: These are numerous small branches which enter the cerebrum through the posterior perforated substance between two crue

Internal Carotid Artery (ICA). After passing through the cavernous sinus, the ICA pierces the dura mater medial to the anterior clinoid process.

Here, the artery lies immediately inferior to the anterior perforated substance and lateral to optic chiasma.

The ICA has two major branches—anterior and middle cerebral arteries which are its terminal branches and middle cerebral arteries which are its terminal branches ICA also gives smaller branches—ophthalmic, posterior communicating and anterior choroidal arteries.

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Vertebral And Basilar Arteries Branches Seen On The Ventral Aspect Of Brainstem And Cerebellum

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Vertebral And Basilar Arteries Branches Seen On The Ventral Aspect Of Brainstem And Cerebellum 2

Anterior cerebral artery: The anterior cerebral artery is a smaller terminal branch of the ICA. After its origin, the right and left anterior cerebral arteries come close to each other and are joined by the anterior communicating artery.

The anterior cerebral artery now ascends in the longitudinal fissure and runs posteriorly along the corpus callosum. The artery gives central and cortical branches.

Central branches: They form the anteromedial group which enters deep inside the cerebral hemisphere by passing through the anterior perforated substance and lamina terminalis. These branches supply the rostrum, septum pellucidum and corpus.

Anterior cerebral artery: The anterior cerebral artery is a smaller terminal branch of the ICA. After its origin, the right and left anterior cerebral arteries come close to each other and are joined by the anterior communicating artery.

The anterior cerebral artery now ascends in the longitudinal fissure and runs posteriorly along the corpus callosum. The artery gives central and cortical branches.

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Ventral aspect of the brain showing branches of the internal carotid artery and terminal branches of the internal carotid aretery

Central branches: They form the anteromedial group which enters deep inside the cerebral hemisphere by passing through the anterior perforated substance and lamina terminalis. These branches supply the rostrum, septum pellucidum and corpus.

Middle cerebral artery: The middle cerebral artery is a larger terminal branch and a more direct continuation of the ICA. It runs in the stem of the lateral sulcus, between the frontal and temporal lobes, and then turns laterally in the posterior ramus of the lateral sulcus. It gives central and cortical branches.

Central branches: They form the anterolateral group and enter the deeper part of the cerebral hemisphere through the anterior perforated substance. These central branches are grouped into medial and lateral striate arteries.

The medial striate arteries ascend through the lentiform nucleus and supply the lentiform nucleus, internal capsule and caudate nucleus The lateral striate arteries ascend through the external capsule.

Then, they turn medially to supply the lentiform and caudate nuclei along with the internal capsule.

One of the larger lateral striate arteries is more susceptible to rupture; hence, it is called the artery of cerebral haemorrhage (Charcot’s artery of cerebral haemorrhage).

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Cerebral arteries on the inferomedial aspect of the cerebral hemisphere.

Cortical branches: They emerge in the superolateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere between the lips of the lateral sulcus.

These cortical branches supply most of the superolateral surface and the adjacent part of the orbital surface, tentorial surface and temporal pole.

This artery is responsible for supplying the motor and premotor areas, primary sensory and auditory areas in both hemispheres. The left cerebral hemisphere supplies Wernicke’s language area and Broca’s area of speech.

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Territories of cerebral arteries (anterior, middle and posterior),

Occlusion of Cortical Branches of the Middle Cerebral Artery

  • The thrombosis or occlusion of the cortical branches of the middle cerebral artery will lead to motor paralysis and sensory loss of the opposite half of the body above the leg.
  • Involvement of motor and sensory speech areas of the left cerebral hemisphere (in right-handed persons) will result in aphasia (loss of speech).
  • The thrombosis of the middle cerebral artery may also involve the auditory area with little hearing loss, as auditory impulses are projected to both the cerebral hemispheres.
  • Occlusion of central branches may lead to hemiplegia
    because of infarction of motor fibres in the internal capsule.

Circulus Arteriosus Circle Of Willis

Circulus arteriosus is a polygonal circle of arteries, present in the interpeduncular fossa. It is formed by posterior cerebral, posterior communicating, internal carotid, anterior cerebral and anterior communicating arteries.

Formation: The circulus arteriosus is bounded posteriorly by two posterior cerebral arteries that communicate with the middle cerebral artery on each side by the posterior communicating branch.

Anteriorly, two anterior cerebral arteries communicate with each other through the anterior communicating artery.

Branches: The circle of Willis gives origin to many slender central branches.

These arteries arise in four groups:

Anteromedial, Anterolateral, Posteromedial and Posterolateral.

These branches immediately pierce the surface of the brain (mostly through anterior and posterior perforated substances) to supply its internal parts such as the corpus striatum, thalamus, internal capsule and midbrain.

These arteries do not anastomose significantly within the brain substance. As these arteries act as end arteries, the damage to the branches entering the substance of the brain leads to the destruction of the brain tissue.

Significance of Circle of Willis

This arterial anastomosis acts as a route through which blood entering the ICA or the basilar artery may be distributed to any part of the cerebral hemisphere.

If one of the major arteries forming the circle of Willis is blocked, then this arterial anastomosis provides an alternative route through which blood can be supplied to the area of the blocked artery.

Arterial Supply Of The Individual Parts Of The Brain

After studying the major arteries and their branches supplying the brain, we shall now study the arterial supply Of the individual parts of the brain as follows

  • Arterial supply of the cerebral cortex

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Circle of Willis

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Cental arteries And Their Areas Of Supply

  • Arterial supply of the internal structures of the cerebral hemisphere
  • Arterial supply of brainstem
  • Arterial supply of the cerebellum

Arterial Supply Of The Cerebral Cortex

  • The cortical branches of three cerebral arteries (anterior, middle and posterior) ramify on the medial, superolateral and inferior surfaces of the cerebral cortex and supply it
  • Arterial Supply of Motor and Sensory Areas supply most of the superolateral surface and supply most of the superolateral surface and the temporal pole.
  • The middle cerebral artery is responsible for supplying the motor and premotor areas, primary sensory and auditory areas, in both hemispheres. In the left cerebral hemisphere, it supplies Wernickes’ language area and Broca’s area of speech.
  • The cortical branches of the anterior cerebral artery supply the motor and sensory areas for the leg and perineum of the opposite side. These areas are present on the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere.
  • The cortical branches of the posterior cerebral arteries supply the visual cortex (area 17) in the occipital lobe.

Arterial Supply Of The Internal Structures Of The Cerebral Hemisphere

The central branches enter the cerebral hemisphere and supply the thalamus, hypothalamus, corpus striatum and internal capsule.

Arterial Supply of Brainstem

The medulla is supplied by the anterior and posterior spinal arteries and the posterior inferior cerebellar arteries.

The pons are supplied by the basilar artery, anterior inferior cerebellar arteries and superior cerebellar arteries. The midbrain is supplied by the basilar, superior cerebellar and posterior cerebral arteries.

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Arterial Supply Of The Major Cortical Structures Of Cerebum

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Internal structures supplied by cental Arteries

Arterial Supply Of Cerebellum

The superior and inferior surfaces of the cerebellum are supplied by the superior cerebellar and inferior cerebellar arteries.

Both of these arteries are branches of the basilar artery. The inferior surface is also supplied by the posterior inferior cerebellar artery which is a branch of the vertebral artery.

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Blood supply of the deeper structures of cerebral hemispheres

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Blood supply of the internal capsule

Venous Drainage of the Brain

The veins draining the brain are thin-walled because their walls are devoid of muscles. They are also without valves as functionally they have to drain towards the direction of gravity.

These veins drain their blood into dural venous sinuses after piercing through the arachnoid mater and inner layer of the dura mater.

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord External cerebral veins on the superolateral surface of the cerebum

The cerebral veins are classified into external and internal cerebral veins.

The external cerebral veins lie in the subarachnoid space on the surface of the cerebral hemisphere. These are superior, middle and inferior cerebral veins.

The internal cerebral veins, on the other hand, drain the internal parts of the cerebrum and ultimately pour their blood into the great cerebral vein.

The internal cerebral vein is formed near the interventricular foramen by the union of the thalamostriate vein and choroid veins.

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Formation of the basal vein

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Formation of the internal cerebral vein on the midsagrttsl section of the cerebrum.

Internal Cerebral Veins

The internal cerebral vein is formed near the interventricular foramen by the union of the thalamostriate vein and choroid veins.

The right and left internal cerebral veins run posteriorly in the transverse fissure where they unite beneath the splenium to form the great cerebral vein.

This vein receives the right and left basal veins and then opens into the straight sinus.

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Formation of the great cerebral vein

Blood-Brain Barrier

The endothelial lining of brain capillaries does not permit some substances to pass from blood to brain tissue.

The barrier protects the delicate brain tissues from harmful (toxic) substances, lie blood-brain barrier is highly permeable to water, glucose, lipid-soluble substances, O2, C02 and drugs such as alcohol, coffee, nicotine and anaesthetics.

This barrier is, however, an obstacle to delivering drugs such as antibiotics and cancer drugs.

The following structures form the blood-brain barrier:

  • The endothelial lining of capillary: There is the presence of tight junctions between endothelial cells.
  • The basal lamina of endothelium
  • The perivascular end feet of astrocytes on the basal lamina

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Blood-brain barier

The barrier is mainly formed by the endothelial cells resting on the basal lamina and not by the astrocytes as they do not fully surround the capillary. However, the foot processes stimulate the formation of tight junctions between endothelial cells.

Blood Supply Of The Spinal Cord

The spinal cord is a long structure present in the vertebral canal. Because of its length, the spinal cord is supplied by many arteries. It is drained by longitudinally arranged veins which further drain into radicular veins.

Arterial Supply

The arteries supplying the spinal cord can be grouped into the following:

  • Branches of the vertebral arteries, i.e. one anterior and two posterior spinal arteries.
  • Multiple spinal branches of segmental arteries
  • Radicular arteries

Branches of the vertebral arteries: As the right and left vertebral arteries lie on the anterolateral surface of the medulla, each artery gives two branches that supply the spinal cord. These are the anterior and posterior spinal arteries.

The anterior two-thirds of the spinal cord is supplied by the anterior spinal artery while the posterior one-third is by the posterior spinal arteries.

Segmental arteries: As the spinal cord is a long structure, many segmental arteries supply it.

The spinal branches of the segmental arteries (vertebral, deep cervical, posterior intercostals and lumbar arteries) enter the vertebral canal through the corresponding intervertebral foramen.

Radicular arteries: Each spinal artery divides into anterior and posterior radicular arteries, which run towards the spinal cord along the ventral and dorsal nerve roots, respectively.

The total number of anterior radicular arteries varies from 12 to 17 (mostly six in cervical, two to four in thoracic and two to three in lumbar segments).

Out of these radicular arteries, a single anterior radicular artery is very large and is called the arteria radicularis magna (artery of Adamkiewicz) which usually arises from the lower thoracic or upper lumbar level.

Venous Drainage

Six longitudinally running veins that drain the spinal cord are as follows:

  • One along the anterior median fissure
  • One along the posterior median sulcus
  • Two along the line of right and left ventral nerve rootlets

Two along the line of right and left dorsal nerve rootlets All these veins freely communicate with each other and are drained by anterior and posterior radicular veins.

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Blood supply of the spinal cord

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Summary

  • The brain has a rich blood supply. It is supplied by a pair of vertebral arteries and a pair of internal carotid arteries.
  • The branches of vertebral arteries in the cranial cavity are posterior spinal, posterior inferior cerebellar and anterior spinal arteries.
  • Two vertebral arteries join each other to form a median basilar artery at the lower border of the pons.
  • The branches of the basilar artery are the artery of the labyrinth, anterior inferior cerebellar artery, pontine arteries and superior cerebellar arteries. It terminates in two posterior cerebral arteries.
  • The circle of Willis is formed by the posterior cerebral, posterior communicating, anterior cerebral and anterior communicating arteries.
  • The circle of Willis gives origin to many central branches. These arteries arise in four groups:
  • Anteromedial,
  • Anterolateral,
  • Posteromedial and
  • Posterolateral.
  • Various surfaces of the cerebral cortex are supplied by the cortical branches of the anterior, middle and posterior cerebral arteries.
  • The superolateral, medial and inferior surfaces are supplied by all three cerebral arteries:
  • Anterior, Middle and Posterior cerebral arteries.
  • The corpus striatum and internal capsule are supplied by central branches of the anterior and middle cerebral arteries.
  • The thalamus is supplied by the central branches of the posterior cerebral artery and basilar arteries.
  • The veins of the brain are grouped as external cerebral veins and internal cerebral veins.
  • The veins of the brain drain into intracranial dural venous sinuses.
  • The blood-brain barrier is formed by capillary endothelial cells and their basement membrane.
  • The spinal cord is supplied by branches of vertebral arteries, namely the anterior spinal artery and two posterior spinal arteries.
  • The spinal cord is also supplied by multiple spinal branches of segmental arteries.
  • Six longitudinally running veins drain the venous blood from the spinal cord.

Blood Supply Of The Brain And Spinal Cord Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Which of the following is not a branch of the vertebra artery?

  1. Posterior spinal arteries
  2. Anterior spinal artery
  3. Superior cerebellar artery
  4. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
  5. Anterior inferior cerebellar artery

Answer: 3. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery

Question 2. Which of the following are the branches of the basilar artery?

  1. Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
  2. Pontine artery
  3. Superior cerebellar artery
  4. Posterior cerebral artery
  5. All of the above

Answer: 5. All of the above

Question 3. The Circle of Willis is formed by the following arteries except

  1. Posterior cerebellar artery
  2. Post communicating artery
  3. Anterior cerebral artery
  4. Middle cerebral artery
  5. Anterior communicating artery

Answer: 4. Anterior communicating artery

Question 4. Which of the following arteries supply the internal capsule?

  1. Anterolateral central arteries
  2. Posterolateral central arteries
  3. Anterior choroidal artery
  4. Artery of Heubner
  5. All of the above

Answer: 5. All of the above

Question 5. Which of the following are the group of central arteries?

  1. Anteromedial
  2. Anterolateral
  3. Posteromedial
  4. Posterolateral
  5. All of the above

Answer: 5. All of the above

Question 6. Which of the following is not a tributary of the internal cerebral vein?

  1. Septal vein
  2. Thalamostriate vein
  3. Choroidal vain
  4. Great cerebral vein

Answer: 4. Great cerebral vein

Meninges And Cerebrospinal Fluid Notes

Meninges And Cerebrospinal Fluid

  • The delicate nervous tissue of the central nervous system is protected by structures such as bones, meninges, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
  • Meninges are connective tissue membranes, which cover the brain and the spinal cord. The CSF surrounding the brain and the spinal cord acts as a cushion.
  • The meninges surrounding the brain are called cranial meninges and those surrounding the spinal cord are called spinal meninges.
  • Meninges are of three different types: From without inwards they are named as Dura mater, Arachnoid mater, and Pia mater.

Cranial Meninges

Dura Mater

The dura covering the brain is known as cerebral dura. The cerebral dura is made up of an outer endosteal layer and an inner meningeal layer. The endosteal layer of the dura mater is nothing but the endocranium or the inner periosteum.

The meningeal layer of the dura mater is the membranous layer. It covers the brain and then becomes continuous with the dura mater covering the spinal cord.

The two layers of dura mater are tightly fused except in a few places. At these places, the meningeal layer separates from the endosteal layer to form a double-layered fold or partition.

These folds of dura mater extend between the major parts of the brain. As the meningeal layer separates from the endosteal layer, a triangular space is formed.

This space encloses the dural venous sinus. Here, the internal surface of the dura mater is smooth, shining, and lined by endothelial cells.

Meninges And Cerebrospinal Fluid Different protective coverings of the brain.

Meninges And Cerebrospinal Fluid Dural Folds

Folds of Dura Mater

The folds of the dura mater play an important role in supporting the brain tissue.

The following folds or septa of the dura mater are formed in the cranial cavity due to duplication of the meningeal layer of the dura.

Dural Venous Sinuses

  • As mentioned earlier, the dural venous sinuses are formed due to the separation of meningeal and endosteal layers.
  • The dural venous sinuses formed between the layers of the dura mater can be paired or unpaired.
  • The dural venous sinuses drain the blood from some cranial bones, meninges, and brain. They ultimately pour the blood into the internal jugular veins.

Superior Sagittal Sinus

  • The superior sagittal sinus runs at the superior border of the falx cerebri. It begins at the crista galli and is formed by venous blood that is drained from the frontal sinus and veins of the nose.
  • This sinus drains superior cerebral veins and becomes continuous with the right transverse sinus at the internal occipital protuberance.
  • The inferior sagittal sinus is present at the inferior border of the falx cerebri and drains the falx and medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere. Posteriorly, it becomes continuous with the straight sinus.

Straight Sinus

  • The straight sinus is present at the junction of the falx and tentorium.
  • The union of the inferior sagittal sinus and the great cerebral vein forms the straight sinus. At the internal occipital protuberance, it becomes continuous with the left transverse sinus.

Transverse Sinus

  • The transverse sinus is present on each side of the attached margin of tentorium cerebelli. This sinus extends from the internal occipital protuberance to the base of the petrous temporal bone.
  • The right transverse sinus is formed by the continuation of the superior sagittal sinus while the left transverse sinus is formed by the continuation of the straight sinus.
  • The transverse sinuses receive blood from the veins of the occipital lobe of the cerebrum and cerebellum and ultimately drain into the right and left sigmoid sinuses.

Meninges And Cerebrospinal Fluid Paired And Unpaired Dural Venous Sinuses


Meninges And Cerebrospinal Fluid Folds Of Dura And Venous Sinuses

Meninges And Cerebrospinal Fluid Folds Of Dura And Venous Sinuses2s

The sigmoid sinus is situated behind the base of the petrous temporal bone.

This S-shaped sinus is the continuation of the transverse sinus. It passes through the jugular foramen to form the internal jugular vein.

Cavernous Sinus

The right and left cavernous sinuses are situated on either side of the body of the sphenoid. These are formed due to the separation of the endosteal and meningeal layers of the dura mater. These layers are lined by endothelium.

Extension: From the superior orbital fissure anteriorly to the apex of the petrous temporal bone posteriorly.

Tributaries: Superior and inferior ophthalmic veins, cerebral veins, sphenoparietal sinus and frontal trunk of the middle meningeal vein.

Drainage: Into superior and inferior petrosal sinuses and to the basilar plexus of veins.

Communication: With the facial vein through the superior ophthalmic vein, with the pterygoid plexus through the emissary’s veins and with the internal vertebral plexus through the basilar venous plexus

Thrombosis of Cavernous Sinus

  • Sometimes, infection may reach the cavernous sinus from the dangerous area of the face and scalp through deep facial and ophthalmic veins.
  • This septic thrombosis of the cavernous sinus compresses nerves passing through its lateral wall, and this produces the corresponding symptoms.
  • Cavernous thrombosis also causes pain in the eye and swelling of the eyelids.

Nerve Supply of Dura

  • The branches of the trigeminal nerve supply the dura mater of the anterior and middle cranial fossae.
  • The dura of the posterior cranial fossa is supplied by the vagus nerve and the meningeal branches of Cl to C3 spinal nerves.

Arterial Supply of Dura

Several branches of the following arteries supply the dura mater:

External carotid: Branches of the middle meningeal, ascending pharyngeal and occipital arteries.

Internal carotid

Subclavian: Vertebral branch of the subclavian artery

Extradural (Epidural) Haemorrhage

  • Epidural haemorrhage occurs due to the rupture of meningeal vessels running between the endosteal and meningeal layers of the dura mater.
  • The tear in the meningeal vessels is usually secondary to the fracture of the skull.
  • The most common artery affected is the anterior branch of the middle meningeal artery and vein, which lies in the area of the pterion.

Subdural Haemorrhage

  • The superior cerebral veins open into the superior sagittal sinus. Just before their opening in the sinus, they run for a short distance in the subdural space.
  • Trauma to the head (forceful movement of the brain within the cranial cavity) may tear the superior cerebral vein(s). This results in the collection of blood in subdural space.

Arachnoid Mater

  • Deep to dura mater, there lies a delicate, thin and almost transparent membrane known as arachnoid mater.
  • It is separated from the dura mater by a capillary space which is called subdural space- it contains a thin film of fluid.

Meninges And Cerebrospinal Intracranial haemorrhage

The subarachnoid space lies beneath the arachnoid mater, between the arachnoid and pia mater.

It is filled with CSF. The CSF acts as a buffer, which distributes and equalises the pressure on the surface of the brain.

A meshwork or filaments (trabeculae) extends through the fluid-filled subarachnoid space between the arachnoid and pia mater.

The arteries, veins and cranial nerves, while entering or leaving the brain, lie in the subarachnoid space.

Subarachnoid Cisterns

The arachnoid mater forms bridges over sulci and other irregularities on the surface of the brain. In some situations, on the surface of the brain, the pia and arachnoid mater are widely separated from each other to form subarachnoid cisterns. Large cisterns are formed around the brainstem and cerebellum.

Cisterna Magna

Cisterna magna is the largest cistern and is also known as the cerebellomedullary cistern. It lies in the angle between the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata.

This cistern is continuous above the fourth ventricle through its median aperture and below the subarachnoid space of the spinal cord.

Cisterna Pontis

Cisterna pots lie anterior to the pons and medulla and contain vertebral and basilar arteries.

Cistnrna Intetrpeduncularis

Cisterna interpeduncularis lies between two cerebral
peduncles. It contains the circle of Willis.

Arachnoid Villi and Granulations

Arachnoid villi arc minute finger-like elevations of arachnoid mater that project into the dural venous sinuses (especially the superior sagittal sinus) through apertures in dura mater. These act as channels of communication between the subarachnoid space and the dural venous sinus.

However, these capillaries (tubules) act as a valve or a one-way communicating channel for the escape of CSF into the venous blood.

The CSF from the subarachnoid space passes into the bloodstream of dural venous sinuses through these villi.

As the age advances, the arachnoid villi become large and globular in shape. These arachnoid villi are now known as arachnoid granulation.

Pia Mater

The pia mater is a delicate, thin membrane adherent to the surface of the brain, i.e. covering the gyri and sulci. It is made up of flattened mesothelial cells. There exists a microscopic subpial space between the pia and the brain.

The blood vessels present in the subarachnoid space anastomose with the neighbouring vessels on the surface of the pia before penetrating the pia mater. Thereafter, the blood vessels pass into the substance of the brain as end arteries.

Meninges And Cerebrospinal Fluid Cisterns around the brainstem and cerebellum

Meninges And Cerebrospinal Fluid Arachnoid villi and arachnoid granulations.

At certain places, the wall of the ventricles of the brain is thin and only lined by ependyma. In this situation, the fold of the pia mater along with the blood capillaries invaginates into the ventricular cavities.

This invaginating vascular tuft is known as the choroid plexus of the ventricles. It is made up of (from outside to inside) ependyma, pia mater and blood vessels.

The pia mater of the choroid plexus is called tela choroidea. In the ventricles, the choroid plexus forms the CSF.

Meninges of the Spinal Cord

  • Similar to the cranial meninges, the spinal meninges also consist of the spinal dura mater, arachnoid mater and pia mater.
  • These tubular membranes cover the spinal cord and extend into the vertebral canal from the foramen magnum to the level of the second sacral vertebra.

Spinal Dura Mater

  • The spinal dura mater is a tough fibrous membrane, which is continuous with the cranial dura at the level of the foramen magnum.
  • Below, it narrows at the lower border of the S2 vertebra and covers the thin filum terminale. A the level of the coccyx, it blends with the periosteum covering the posterior aspect of the coccyx.

Meninges And Cerebrospinal Fluid Spinal cord surrounded by meninges and Cerebrospinal Fluid

Arachnoid Mater

The arachnoid mater is the continuation of the cranial arachnoid mater. Similar to the dura, it also extends from the foramen magnum to the S2 vertebra where it blends with
the filum terminale.

Pia Mater

  • The pia mater closely covers the spinal cord. Above, it is in continuation with the pia mater covering the brain. At the lower end of the spinal cord (conus medullaris), it covers the filum terminale.
  • On each side of the spinal cord, the pia mater is present in the form of a fold. This fold is attached between the origin of dorsal and ventral spinal roots. It is known as ligamentum denticulatum.

Cerebrospinal Fluid

  • The CSF is a clear, colourless liquid containing a small amount of protein, glucose and potassium and a large amount of sodium chloride.
  • The CSF is present in the ventricles and subarachnoid space surrounding the brain and the spinal cord.
  • It protects the brain and the spinal cord from physical injuries and carries oxygen and nutrients from blood to neurons and neuroglia.

Formation of the Cerebrospinal Fluid

The CSF is produced by choroid plexuses of the lateral, third and fourth ventricles. The net production of CSF is about 400-500 mL/day.

Blood-CSF Barrier

The choroid plexues are made up of a single layer of cuboidal epithelium (modified ependyma) enclosing an extensive capillary network embedded in the connective tissue stroma. Thus, the blood-CSF barrier is formed by the following structures:

  • Endothelial cells which are fenestrated
  • Basement membranes of endothelial cells
  • Layer of pale cells and their processes (derived from pia mater)
  • The basement membrane of the choroidal epithelium
  • Choroidal epithelium (modified ependymal cells) with tight junctions

The CSF is formed due to the passage of materials through these barriers and also by active secretions from the choroidal epithelium.

The barrier protects the brain and spinal cord from potentially harmful blood-borne substances.

Circulation and Absorption of the Cerebrospinal Fluid

  • After being produced by the choroid plexus, the CSF circulates through the ventricles ofthe brain, subarachnoid space and central canal of the spinal cord.
  • The movement of the vertebral column and the pulsation of arteries present in the subarachnoid space assist the movement of CSF.
  • The CSF is reabsorbed into the venous blood through arachnoid villi and granulation. Ependyma, arachnoid capillaries and lymphatics of meninges also absorb some CSF.

Functions of the Cerebrospinal Fluid

  • The CSF surrounds the brain and the spinal cord; therefore, it serves as a cushion between the delicate nervous tissue and the surrounding cranial and vertebral bones.
  • The CSF provides a medium for the exchange of nutrients and waste products between the nervous tissue and blood.
  • By providing a medium for the exchange of nutrients and removal of waste products, the CSF maintains intracranial pressure.
  • Certain hormones are transported by the CSF; for example, the secretion of the pineal gland is carried by the CSF to the pituitary gland.


Hydrocephalus is defined as excessive collection of CSF leading to an increase in CSF pressure. High CSF pressure causes atrophic changes in the brain substance.

Hydrocephalus may be caused due to the following reasons:

Blockage in the normal circulation of CSF

In rare cases, it may also be due to excessive production of CSF as in the case of a tumour of choroid plexus Lumbar Puncture (Spinal Tap)

The CSF can be obtained for biochemical analyses by a procedure called lumbar puncture.

Lumbar puncture is sometimes also used to inject drugs into the subarachnoid space, for example, spinal anaesthesia.

The CSF is obtained by inserting a long needle into the lumbar subarachnoid space in the midline between the third and fourth lumbar spine.

Apart from lumbar puncture, CSF can also be obtained from cisternal puncture.

Meninges And Cerebrospinal Fluid Blood-CSF barrier

Meninges And Cerebrospinal Fluid Blood-CSF barrier2

Meninges And Cerebrospinal Circulation of CSF. The CSF flows from the lateral ventricles into the third ventricle through the interventricular foramina


  • The three meninges—dura mater, arachnoid mater and pia mater—are connective tissue membranes, which cover the brain and the spinal cord.
  • Arachnoid and pia are collectively called leptomeninges.
  • The cerebral dura mater consists of two layers:
  • Endosteal and Meningeal.
  • At places, the meningeal layer separates from the endosteal to form a double-layered fold known as ‘dural folds’. These folds or septa lie between the major parts of the brain, for example, falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli.
  • At places, the separation of meningeal and endosteal layers of dura encloses a triangular space. This space encloses
    the ‘dural venous sinus’.
  • The extradural haemorrhage occurs between the endosteal and meningeal layers of the dura mater.
  • Superior sagittal, cavernous and sigmoid sinuses are common sites of thrombosis.
  • The arachnoid mater is a delicate, thin and transparent membrane.
  • The cerebellomedullary cistern is the largest cistern, which lies at the angle between the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata.
  • Arachnoid villi and granulations are minute projections of arachnoid mater into dural venous sinuses.
  • The spinal cord is also covered by three meninges:
  • Dura, Arachnoid and Pia mater
  • The dura and arachnoid mater extend from the foramen magnum to the S2 vertebral level where they blend with the filum terminale.
  • The pia mater closely covers the spinal cord, rootlets and filum terminale.
  • CSF is produced in choroid plexuses, which are present in the ventricles of the brain.
  • The fold of the pia mater along with blood capillaries invaginates into ventricular cavities. This invaginating vascular tuft is known as the choroid plexus of the ventricles.
  • A blood-CSF barrier is formed by choroidal epithelium, a layer of pale cells and fenestrated capillary epithelium.
  • The movement of CSF, in the spinal subarachnoid space, is assisted by the pulsation of the arteries which are situated around the spinal cord. The movement of CSF is also assisted by the movement of the vertebral column.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. The delicate nervous tissue of the CNS is protected by the following structures except

  1. Bones
  2. Meninges
  3. Ligamentum denticulatum
  4. Cerebrospinal fluid

Answer: 3. Ligamentum denticulatum

Question 2. Which of the following is known as leptomeninges?

  1. Dura mater
  2. Arachnoid mater
  3. Dura and arachnoid mater
  4. Arachnoid and pia mater
  5. Pia mater

Answer: 4. Arachnoid and pia mater

Question 3. Which are the structures drained by dural venous sinuses?

  1. Cranial bones
  2. Brain
  3. Meninges
  4. All of the above
  5. Only b and c

Answer: 4. Only b and c

Question 4. The following are the paired dural venous sinuses except

  1. Cavernous
  2. Sigmoid
  3. Occipital
  4. Sphenoparietal
  5. Inferior petrosal

Answer: 3. Sphenoparietal

Question 5. The following facts about extradural haemorrhage are correct except

  • Most commonly, it occurs due to rupture of the middle meningeal artery
  • It is usually secondary to a fracture of the skull in the area of the pterion
  • Blood collects between the endosteal and meningeal layers of dura mater
  • The shape of the blood clot, in the CT scan, is biconcave
  • The blood clot presses the lateral surface of the cerebrum

Answer: 4. The shape of the blood clot, in the CT scan, is biconcave

Question 6. Which are the subarachnoid cisterns surrounding the brainstem and cerebellum?

  1. Cerebellomedullary cistern
  2. Pontine cistern
  3. Medullary cistern
  4. Interpeduncular cistern
  5. All of the above

Answer: 5. All of the above

Auditory And Vestibular Systems Notes

Auditory And Vestibular Systems

  • Hearing and equilibrium are two special somatic senses. The receptors for these two special senses are housed in a complex sensory organ, the membranous labyrinth.
  • Encased in a bony labyrinth, the membranous labyrinth is situated in the internal ear.
  • The cochlear part of the membranous labyrinth is concerned with auditory impulses. The vestibular part of the membranous labyrinth, on the other hand, has receptors for equilibrium.

Auditory System

The auditory impulses travel through the external ear, middle ear, and cochlear part ofthe internal ear. Thereafter, impulses travel through the cochlear nerve before finally reaching the cerebral cortex.

Cochlear Nerve

The cochlear nerve is predominantly a special somatic sensory nerve. It also contains a small motor (somatic efferent) component. Thus, it is a mixed nerve.

Sensory Component

  • The cochlear nerve arises as the central processes (axons) of bipolar neurons of the spiral ganglion. Most of these fibers are myelinated.
  • The nerve passes through the internal acoustic meatus along with the vestibular nerve.
  • After coming out through the internal acoustic meatus, the nerve reaches the pontomedullary junction where it bifurcates to enter the brainstem.
  • One branch of the cochlear nerve ends in the dorsal cochlear nucleus while the other ends in the ventral cochlear nucleus.
  • The fibers of the nerve ending in both the nuclei in an orderly sequence (i.e. fibers responding to high frequencies terminate in dorsal regions and those of low frequencies in ventral regions).

Motor Component

  • The outer and inner hair cells of the cochlea are innervated by cholinergic neurons of the superior olivary nuclei of both sides.
  • The fibers after arising from the superior olivary nucleus of both sides form an olivocochlear bundle and travel through the cochlear nerve to the hair cells of the organ of Corti.
  • The stimulation of efferent fibers inhibits auditory nerve response to acoustic stimuli (reduces the sensitivity of the ear).
  • Central inhibition is necessary to suppress the background noise when attention is being paid to a particular sound.

E:\Neuro anatomy\images\ch-21\Auditory And Vestibular Systems Auditory Pathway.png

Location and Parts of Cochlear Nerve Nuclei

The cochlear nerve nucleus consists of two parts:

  1. Dorsal and
  2. Ventral cochlear nuclei.

These nuclei are situated on the dorsal and ventral aspects of the inferior cerebellar peduncle, respectively. These nuclei are located at the level of the pontomedullary junction.

Auditory Pathway

The impulses in the auditory pathway travel between the receptors and the auditory area of the cerebral cortex. The receptors in this case are the hair cells in the organ of Corti.

Sensory Neurons in the Auditory Pathway

The following sensory neurons are involved in the auditory pathway:

Bipolar neurons: The bipolar cells of spiral ganglia are first-order sensory neurons.

The central processes of bipolar neurons form a cochlear nerve, which bifurcates to terminate in the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei on the same side.

Cochlear nuclei: The dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei are the second-order sensory neurons in the auditory pathway.

Superior olivary nucleus: The neurons of the superior olivary nucleus consist of third-order sensory neurons.

This nucleus is present in the lower pons at the level of the motor nucleus of the facial nerve.

The nucleus of the trapezoid body and the nucleus of the lateral lemniscus are considered a part of the superior olivary nucleus and represent the third-order sensory neurons in the auditory pathway.

Inferior colliculus: The neurons of the inferior colliculus constitute fourth-order sensory neurons in the auditory pathway. The inferior colliculus is concerned with the integration of acoustic impulses.

Medial geniculate body: The neurons of the medial geniculate body (MGB) constitute the first-order sensory neurons in the auditory pathway.

Fibers of the Auditory Pathway

The nuclei in the auditory pathway are interconnected by fibers that form different bundles or tracts. These are as follows:

Trapezoid body: The axons from the ventral cochlear nucleus run towards the ipsilateral superior olivary nucleus.

Some of these fibers terminate here while others cross the midline to terminate in the opposite superior olivary nucleus.

The crossing fibers of two sides form a prominent band called the trapezoid body.

Lateral lemniscus: It is the ascending tract formed mainly by the axons of the superior olivary nucleus. This lemniscus contains both crossed and uncrossed fibers.

The fibers of the lateral lemniscus make synaptic contact with the neurons of the inferior colliculus.

Inferior brachium: The axons of the inferior colliculus travel in the inferior brachium to terminate in the MGB.

Auditory radiation: The axons of the MGB form the auditory radiation, which travels in the sublentiform part of the internal capsule to reach the primary auditory cortex of the temporal lobe.

Cortical Area For The Auditory Pathway

  • The primary auditory area (areas 41 and 42) is located on the floor of the lateral sulcus on the dorsal surface of the superior temporal gyrus.
  • The recognition and interpretation of sound based on experience occur in the auditory association cortex. It is located posterior to the primary auditory cortex (areas 41 and 42).

Auditory Reflexes

The important auditor)’ reflexes are given in the following text.

Reflexes Turning of the Head and Conjugate Movement of the Eyes

  • This occurs in response to a sudden loud sound. As indicated earlier, some fibers from the inferior colliculus connected to the superior colliculus.
  • The superior colliculus through the tectospinal tract is connected with motor neurons innervating the neck muscles.
  • Similarly, the collateral branches of the lateral lemniscus are connected with the nuclei of extraocular muscles via medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF).
  • These pathways are responsible for turning the head and conjugating the movement of eyes toward the source ofthe sudden loud sound.

Reflexes Reduction in Vibration of the Tympanic Membrane

  • This occurs following a loud sound. The fibers of the superior olivary nucleus are in synaptic contact with the motor nuclei of 5 and 7 cranial nerves.
  • The motor nuclei of these nerves innervate the tensor tympani and stapedius muscles, respectively.
  • Following the loud sound, reflex contraction of tensor tympani and stapedius muscles occurs, which finally results in the reduction of vibration of the tympanic membrane and stapes (stapedius reflex).
  • This reflex protects the delicate structures of the cochlea.

Vestibular System

  • The vestibular system is concerned with the maintenance of equilibrium of the body and the fixity of gaze.
  • Apart from the vestibular apparatus, the cerebellum plays an important role in the maintenance of the body equilibrium.

Vestibular Nuclei: Central Connections

The vestibular nuclei are present in the lower pons and upper medulla beneath the vestibular area of the floor of the ventricle.

The vestibular area consists offour vestibular nuclei:

Superior, Lateral, Medial, and Inferior.

Auditory And Vestibular Systems Afferent and efferent connections of vestibular nucle

Afferent Connections of Vestibular Nuclei

  • The vestibular nuclei receive afferents from vestibular receptors through the vestibular nerve, cerebellum, and vestibular nuclei of the opposite side.
  • The vestibular pathway consists of first-order neurons (bipolar neurons), second-order neurons (vestibular nuclei), and third-order neurons (in the thalamus).
  • The third-order neurons of this pathway project to the postcentral gyrus, the cortical area for vestibular sensation.

Efferent Connections of Vestibular Nuclei

The efferents from vestibular nuclei project to the cerebellum, brainstem (motor nuclei of cranial nerves), spinal cord, and cerebral cortex.

Vestibulospinal Tract

  • The vestibulospinal tract originates from the cells of the lateral vestibular nucleus.
  • The fibers of this tract are uncrossed and descend in the medulla dorsal to the inferior olivary nucleus and continue throughout the spinal cord in the ventral funiculus.
  • The vestibulospinal fibers terminate in the anterior horn cells (motor neurons) that supply skeletal muscles.
  • This tract is concerned with the maintenance of balance by regulating the tone of the muscles involved in posture.

Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus

  • The axons of medial and inferior vestibular nuclei descend in the MLF (medial vestibulospinal tract) of both sides.
  • These fibers travel through the floor ofthe fourth ventricle and medulla to terminate in the cervical part of the spinal cord.
  • This tract influences the cervical motor neurons which move the head in such a way that equilibrium and fixation of gaze are maintained.

Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus Functions

  • The vestibular nerve is concerned with conveying impulses associated with equilibrium The hair cells in the ampulla of the semicircular canal are sensors of kinetic balance (rotation of the head in any plane).
  • The hair cells of the utricle are sensors of changes in gravitational forces, linear acceleration in the long axis of the body, and position of the head in space (i.e. static balance).
  • The hair cells of the saccule are sensors of linear acceleration in the ventrodorsal axis of the body.

Stimulation of Labyrinth

  • Vertigo is a sensation of movement in which the surrounding environment seems to revolve.
  • It is a common symptom of the disease of the vestibular system. Probably, the cortical projections are responsible for the sense of vertigo.

Motion sickness: It is characterized by many symptoms such as nausea, headache, dizziness, and vomiting.

  • This disease is caused due to motion during travel by road, sea, or air.
  • Motion sickness occurs due to different messages received by the vestibular apparatus and eyes.
  • For example, while traveling in a vehicle, the vestibular apparatus senses the motion but the eyes looking at the interior of the vehicle perceive it as still. These conflicting messages give the feeling of nausea.

Auditory And Vestibular Systems Summary

Hearing and equilibrium are two special somatic senses. The cochlear part of the membranous labyrinth is concerned with the reception of sound waves while the vestibular part of the labyrinth contains receptors for equilibrium.

Auditory system

  • The cochlear nerve ends in dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei.
  • The axons of cochlear nuclei terminate on the superior olivary nucleus.
  • The axons of the superior olivary nucleus form the lateral lemniscus.
  • The lateral lemniscus ends on the neurons of the inferior colliculus whose fibers terminate on the medial geniculate body.
  • The fibers of the medial geniculate body form auditory radiation which terminates on the auditory cortex.

Vestibular system

  • The vestibular nuclei are present in the lower pons and upper medulla beneath the ‘vestibular area’ of the floor of the fourth ventricle.
  • The vestibular part of the vestibulocochlear nerve ends in these nuclei.
  • The afferent connectors of vestibular nuclei are from the vestibular nerve, from the cerebellum, and the opposite vestibular nuclei.
  • The efferent connections of vestibular nuclei go to the cerebellum, brainstem, spinal cord, and cerebrum.

Auditory And Vestibular Systems Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Which of the following statements is false?

  1. Hearing and equilibrium are two special visceral senses
  2. The receptors for these two special senses are located in the membranous labyrinth
  3. The membranous labyrinth is located in the internal ear
  4. The cochlea is concerned with hearing
  5. The vestibular part of the membranous labyrinth has receptors for equilibrium

Answer: 1. Hearing and equilibrium are two special visceral senses

Question 2. Which of the following steps is false in the transmission of sound from the tympanic membrane to the cochlea?

  1. Vibration of the tympanic membrane
  2. Vibration of malleus, incus and stapes
  3. Vibration of the membrane covering the round window
  4. Vibration of perilymph of scala vestibule and scala tympani
  5. Vibration of the basilar membrane

Answer: 3. Vibration of perilymph of scala vestibule and scala tympani

Question 4. Which are the parts of a membranous labyrinth?

  1. Utricle
  2. Saccule
  3. Semicircular canals
  4. Cochlea
  5. All of the above

Answer: 1. Utricle

Question 5. Which of the following functional components are present in the cochlear nerve?

  1. General somatic efferent
  2. Special visceral efferent
  3. General somatic efferent
  4. Special somatic efferent

Answer: 3. General somatic efferent

Question 5. Which of the following ganglia/nuclei is not involved in the auditory pathway?

  1. Bipolar cells of the spiral ganglion
  2. Cochlear nuclei
  3. Inferior olivary nucleus
  4. Inferior colliculus
  5. Medial geniculate body

Answer: 3. Inferior colliculus

Question 6. Which of the following is not a part of the vestibular apparatus?

  1. Scala vestibule
  2. Utricle
  3. Saccule
  4. Semicircular ducts

Answer: 1. Scala vestibule

Question 7. The vestibular area consists ofthe following nuclei except

  1. Superior
  2. Inferior
  3. Medial
  4. Lateral
  5. Dorsal

Answer: 5. Dorsal

Neuroanatomy Visual System Notes

Visual System

The visual system is concerned with the special sense of vision. The visual system or the optic pathway begins from the retina in the eyeball and ends in the visual cortex of the occipital lobe

Optic Chiasma

The optic nerves of two sides cross and form optic chiasma. In optic chiasma, the fibres of the optic nerve arising from the nasal half cross to the opposite side while fibres from the temporal half do not.

Optic Tract

Each optic tract consists of crossed and uncrossed axons that project from optic chiasma to the lateral geniculate body (LGB) of that side. The optic tracts curve around the midbrain before they terminate in the LGB.

Each optic tract consists of fibres from the temporal half of the retina from the same eye and the nasal half of the retina from the opposite eye.


The retina is the innermost coat of the eyeball. The retina consists of a layer of pigmented epithelium, a layer of rods and cones, a layer of bipolar cells and a layer of ganglion cells.

Optic Nerve

The axons of ganglion cells form the optic nerve, and these fibres exit the eyeball at the optic disc’. As soon as optic nerve fibres come out of the sclera, they acquire a myelin sheath.

The optic nerve which has about 1 million fibres is surrounded by the meningeal layers, i.e. pia, arachnoid and dura.

The central artery and central vein of the retina are present in the anterior part of the optic nerve.

Visual System Optic Pathway The Visual IImpulses Fall On The Rretina That Converts These Stimuli Into Electrical Impulses

Visual System Layers Of Eyeball And Structure Of Retina

Lateral Geniculate Body

  • The LGB is the main terminus for input to the primary visual cortex (striate cortex, area 17).
  • The LGB is a small projection from the pulvinar part of the thalamus retina of the opposite side (crossed fibres) and terminates in layers 1, 4 and 6 while those from the ipsilateral retina (uncrossed fibres) end in layers 2, 3 and 5.
  • The fibres from the temporal half of each retina terminate in the LGB of the same side while those from the nasal half terminate in the LGB of the opposite sides.

Geniculocalcarine Tract (Optic Radiation]

  • The fibres arising from the LGB first traverse the sub lentiform and then the retrolentiform parts of the internal capsule.
  • Thereafter, these fibres terminate in the visual cortex (area 17) ofthe same side. These fibres constitute the geniculocalcarine tract or the optic radiation.

Visual Cortex

The visual cortex consists of a primary area and an association area. The association area or the association cortex is involved in the recognition of objects and perception of colours, depth and motion.

Primary Visual Cortex

  • The primary area or the primary visual cortex is an area where optic impulses reach the level of consciousness The visual cortex has a representation of the retina.
  • The central part of the retina is represented on the occipital pole while its peripheral part is represented at the anterior part of the visual cortex.

Visual Association Cortex

The association cortex (areas 18 and 19) is involved in the recognition of objects and perception of colours, depth and motion. This is achieved by relating the present to past visual experience.

Visual System Primary visual cortex (area 17) Is present On The Superior And inferior Lips Of Calcarine Sulcus

Visual Field

  • The area seen by one eye, when one looks ahead with the eyes fixed, is the visual field of that eye. The visual field of each eye is divided into the nasal half and the temporal half.
  • The light rays from an object situated in the temporal half of the visual field fall on the nasal half of the retina and the light rays from an object situated in the nasal half of the visual field fall on the temporal half of the retina.
  • The upper half of the visual field projects onto the inferior half of the retina while the lower half of the visual field projects to the superior half of the retina.
  • Therefore, damage to the upper retina will produce a deficit in the lower visual field. It should be noted that due to the presence of a convex lens in the eye, the visual image that is formed on the retina is inverted.

Visual Field Defects

  • Visual field defects are characterised by the loss of a part of the normal area of vision in one or both eyes.
  • The visual field defects may range from loss of area at the outer edges of vision (peripheral vision), or from a small blind spot or from a large area to complete blindness.
  • Hemianopia means loss of vision in one half of the visual field. The visual defects may be caused by damage to any part of the visual pathway.

Reflexes Associated With Vision

Reflexes associated with vision include pupillary light reflex and accommodation reflex.

Pupillary Light Reflex

The pupillary light reflex includes both a direct response and a consensual response.

Direct Light Reflex

  • When light is thrown on one eye with the help of a torch, it causes constriction of the pupil (iris) in that eye. This is known as direct response or direct light reflex.
  • The pupillary constriction or the constriction of the constrictor muscles of the iris occurs due to stimulation of the Edinger-Westphal nucleus.

Consensual Light Reflex

Simultaneously with the direct light reflex, the pupil of the other eye also constricts. This is known as consensual response or consensual light reflex.

This reflex is seen because of the following two facts:

  1. Each retina sends afferent signals to the optic tracts of both sides. Fibres cross in the optic chiasma; these fibres later terminate in the pretectal nuclei of both sides.
  2. The pretectal nucleus of each side sends connections to the Edinger-Westphal nuclei of both sides.

Accommodation Reflex

After looking at a distance for some time and then looking at a near object, the visual responses that are observed are given in the following text.

Visual System Defects of the visual pathway.

Ocular Convergence

When we look at a close object, our eyes must rotate medially to focus the light rays on the same corresponding points on both the retinas. This is achieved by the contraction of the medial recti muscles on both sides.


  • As the eye focuses on close objects, the lens becomes more curved. This increase in curvature of the lens for the near vision is called accommodation.
  • The accommodation is achieved through the contraction of the ciliary muscles.
  • As a result of the contraction of ciliary muscles, the tension in the lens and suspensory ligaments is released and the lens therefore becomes more convex.

Constriction of Pupil

  • Simultaneously with the accommodation and convergence, the pupil also constricts due to the constriction of circular muscle fibres of the iris.
  • This helps to prevent the light rays from entering the eye through the periphery of the lens. This is needed to prevent blurring of vision and to achieve sharpness of image on the retina.
  • The pathway of these responses observed during the accommodation reflex is illustrated.

Visual System Pathway of the pupillary light reflex.

Argyll Robertson Pupil

  • In certain central nervous system lesions (e.g. syphilis), the pupillary light reflex is abolished without affecting the accommodation reflex.
  • This means that the constriction of the pupil after exposure to torch light gets abolished; however, constriction of the pupil occurs when the eyes are focused on a near object. The condition is known as Argyll.
  • Robertson pupil. This indicates that the pathways of the light reflex and those of the accommodation reflex are different.
  • In the case of light reflex, the pretectal nucleus and its axons are involved which are probably destroyed in syphilis (tabes dorsalis) due to dilatation of the cerebral aqueduct. On the other hand, the accommodation reflex involves the visual cortex and not the pretectal nucleus.

Visual System Accommodation reflex

Visual System Argyll Robertson pupil.

Visual System Summary

  • The visual system is concerned with the special sense of vision.
  • The retina contains rod and cone cells that convert stimuli of light into various electrical Impulses.

The retina consists of four layers:

  • Pigment epithelial,
  • Rods and cones,
  • Bipolar cells and
  • Ganglion.
  • Rods are more sensitive to dim light while bright light stimulates cones.
  • Bipolar cells are neurons connecting rods and cones with ganglion cells.
  • The axons of ganglion cells form the optic nerve. The optic nerves of two sides now cross at optic chiasma to form optic tracts.
  • The optic tracts curve around the midbrain and terminate in lateral geniculate bodies.
  • The fibres arising from the lateral geniculate body terminate in the visual cortex (area 17) on the same side. There, fibres constitute optic radiation.
  • The optical impulses reach the level of consciousness in the primary visual cortex (area 17).
  • The association visual cortex (areas 18 and 1 9) is involved in the recognition of objects and perception of colours, depth and motion.

Visual System Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Which of the following cells are not present in the retina?

  1. Pigment epithelial cells
  2. Rods and cones
  3. Bipolar cells
  4. Ganglion cells
  5. Stellate cells

Answer: 5. Stellate cells

Question 2. Which of the following statements about rod cells is false?

  1. Each retina contains about 120 million rod cells
  2. Rods are absent in the central part of the fovea
  3. Rods are more sensitive to dim light
  4. Rods are involved in colour vision
  5. Rods are specialised for night vision

Answer: 4. Rods are involved in colour vision

Question 3. Which of the following facts about the macula lutea is false?

  1. It lies lateral to the optic nerve
  2. It lies along the visual axis of the eye
  3. Its central part is known as the fovea
  4. It contains only cone cells
  5. None of the above

Answer: 3. It contains only cone cells

Question 4. Which of the following statements about the optic nerve is false?

  1. The optic nerve is formed by the axons of ganglion cells of the retina
  2. The fibres of the optic nerve are myelinated
  3. These fibres come out of the sclera through the macula lute
  4. The optic nerve is surrounded by dura, arachnoid and pia mater
  5. The optic nerve has about 1 million fibres

Answer: 3. The optic nerve is surrounded by dura, arachnoid and pia mater

Question 5. Which of the following is not a part of the optic pathway?

  1. Optic nerve
  2. Optic chiasma
  3. Optic tract
  4. Medial geniculate body
  5. Geniculocalcarine tract

Answer: 3. Medial geniculate body

Question 6. Name the fibres received by the right geniculate body.

  1. From the temporal half of the right retina
  2. From the nasal half of the right retina
  3. From the temporal half of the left retina
  4. From the nasal half of the left retina

Answer: 1. From the temporal half of the right retina

Question 7. The visual association cortex (areas 18 and 19) is involved in which of the following functions?

  1. Recognition of object
  2. Perception of colour
  3. Depth of vision
  4. Motion
  5. All of the above

Answer: 3. Motion

Question 8. Which of the following responses is not associated with the accommodation reflex?

  1. Ocular convergence
  2. Accommodation
  3. Constriction of pupil
  4. Saccadic eye movements

Answer: 4. Saccadic eye movements

Brain Ventricles Anatomy Notes

Ventricles Of The Brain

  • Ventricles of the brain are cavities that are present inside the brain. They are lined with ependyma and filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
  • The ventricles are four in number and are named lateral ventricles (a pair) third and fourth.
  • These CSFs flow from the lateral ventricles to the third ventricle and from the third to the fourth ventricle.
  • The fourth ventricle is continuous with the subarachnoid space through openings in its roof (refer to Chapter 23 for circulation of CSF).
  • The choroid plexus, which is responsible for the production of CSF, is present in all the cavities (ventricles).

Lateral Ventricle

  • Each cerebral hemisphere has a cavity called the lateral ventricle, which consists of the anterior horn, body, posterior horn, and inferior horn.
  • The central part or the body of the lateral ventricle is situated in the parietal lobe.
  • The central part of the right and left lateral ventricles lies close to the median plane separated from each other by septum pellucidum.
  • The anterior horn extends into the frontal lobe, the posterior horn extends into the occipital lobe and the inferior horn extends into the temporal lobe.
  • Each lateral ventricle communicates with the third ventricle through the interventricular foramen.
    • Central part
    • Anterior horn
    • Posterior horn
    • Inferior horn

Central Part

The central part of the lateral ventricle extends J anteroposteriorly between the interventricular foramen and the splenium of the corpus callosum. The central part becomes continuous anteriorly with the anterior horn while posteriorly with the posterior and inferior horns. Moreover, the central part of the ventricle is triangular in cross-section and thus has three walls.

  1. Roof: It is formed by the undersurface of the corpus callosum.
  2. Floor: It is formed from the lateral to the medial side by the caudate nucleus, thalamostriate vein and stria terminalis, upper surface of the thalamus, choroid plexus and fornix.
  3. Medial wall: It is formed by the septum pellucidum.

Most medially, there is a slit-like space between the upper surface of the thalamus and fornix. ‘Ibis space is called a choroid fissure through which the choroid plexus invaginates the lateral ventricle.

Anterior Horn

The anterior horn is present anterior to the interventricular foramen and extends forwards, laterally and downwards in the frontal lobe of the brain. It is triangular in section and has

  • Roof: Undersurface of corpus callosum
  • Floor: Upper surface of the rostrum of the corpus callosum
  • Medial wall: Septum pellucidum
  • Lateral wall: Head of the caudate nucleus
  • Anterior wall: Genu of corpus callosum.

Posterior Horn

The posterior horn extends backwards and medially into the occipital lobe

Roof and lateral wall: Tapetum of corpus callosum

Medial wall: Formed by two elevations, i.e. bulb of the posterior horn and calcar avis.

Ventricles Of The Brain Superimposition ofthe ventricular system on the surface of brain.

Ventricles Of The Brain Midsagittal section of brain showing the third and fourth ventricles

Ventricles Of The Brain Parts of the lateral ventricle. Each lateral ventricle is roughly a C-shaped cavity

Inferior Horn

The inferior horn begins at the posterior end of the body ofthe lateral ventricle at the level ofthe splenium of the corpus callosum.

The inferior horn at first passes backwards and laterally and then passes downwards behind the thalamus into the temporal lobe.

In the temporal lobe, it takes a turn forward and ends in uncus. The inferior horn has a roof and a floor.

Roof: Above by stria terminalis and tail of caudate nucleus; below and laterally by tapetum. The amygdaloid nucleus lies in its anteriormost part of the roof.

Floor: Medially, it is formed by the hippocampus and laterally by collateral eminence.

Ventricles Of The Brain Coronal section of brain showing the central part (body) of the lateral ventricle and the third ventricle

Ventricles Of The Brain Coronal section passing through the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle

Ventricles Of The Brain Coronal section through the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle

Ventricles Of The Brain Coronal section passing through the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle.

Third Ventricle

The third ventricle is a slit-like narrow space of diencephalon. It is situated between two thalami.

The cavity of the third ventricle communicates with the right and left lateral ventricles through the interventricular foramen. Posteriorly, the cavity communicates with the fourth ventricle through the cerebral aqueduct.

As the cavity is situated in the midline, it has two lateral walls. It also consists of an anterior wall, posterior wall, roof and floor.

Anterior Wall

The anterior wall is formed by the lamina terminalis, anterior commissure and anterior column of the fornix.

Ventricles Of The Brain Structures forming the boundaries of the third ventricle

Lateral Wall

The lateral wall is large and is divided by the hypothalamic sulcus into an upper thalamic part and a lower hypothalamic part.

Two thalamines are usually connected by interthalamic adhesion.

Posterior Wall

From above downwards, it is formed by supraspinal recess, habenular commissure, pineal recess in the stalk of the pineal gland and posterior commissure.


The roof is formed by the ependyma stretching between two thalamis. From the roof two choroid plexuses protrude, one on either side of the median plane.


The floor is formed by the following structures as traced anteroposteriorly: optic chiasma, infundibulum, tuber cinereum, mammillary bodies, posterior perforated substance and tegmentum of midbrain Two recesses are seen in the floor.

These are the optic recess (above) and the optic chiasma) and infundibular recess (above the infundibular stalk).

Fourth Ventricle

The fourth ventricle is found in the hindbrain. Above, it communicates through the cerebral aqueduct with the third ventricle and below it communicates with the central canal of the closed part of the medulla oblongata.

The fourth ventricle lies in front of the cerebellum and behind the lower part of the pons and upper part medulla.

The cerebellum forms the roof of the fourth ventricle and its floor is formed by the pons and upper part of the medulla. The cavity of the fourth ventricle consists of a floor, roof
and lateral wall.


In the anatomical position, the floor of the fourth ventricle is the anterior wall of the ventricle. The shape of the floor is diamond shaped and hence sometimes called rhomboid fossa.

The floor is divided into upper and lower triangular parts by bundles of transversely running fibres (striaemedullaris)

Ventricles Of The Brain Floor of the fourth ventricle

The upper triangular part is formed by the posterior surface of pons while the lower triangular part is formed by the posterior surface of the upper medulla.

Right and Left Halves

The floor of the ventricle is also divided into right and left halves by a median sulcus. On either side of the median sulcus, a longitudinal elevation is known as the median
or medial eminence.

Upper Part

  • Immediately above the striae medullaris, on either side, the medial eminence shows a slight swelling known as facial colliculus. This swelling is produced due to fibres of facial nerve looping around the abducent nerve nucleus.
  • At the upper level of the facial colliculus, there is a triangular depression—the superior fovea.
  • Just above the superior fovea, the sulcus limitans ends in an area which is bluish and is called locus coeruleus.
  • The bluish colouration is due to the presence of the melanin pigment present in the noradrenergic neurons of the nucleus coeruleus.

Lower Part

  • The lower part of the floor, below the striae medullaris, shows the presence of two small triangles on either side of the median sulcus.
  • These triangles are known as hypoglossal and vagal triangles.
  • The vagal triangle is situated lateral to the hypoglossal triangle. The dorsal nucleus of the vagus and solitary nuclei lie deep in the vagal triangle.
  • The hypoglossal nerve nucleus lies deep in the hypoglossal triangle.
  • The lower part of the sulcus limitans close to the apex of the vagal triangle presents a depression—the inferior fovea.


The roof of the fourth ventricle is tent-shaped and projects posteriorly towards the cerebellum.

Upper Part

The upper part of the roof is formed on each side by superior cerebellar peduncles. The interval between these peduncles is bridged by a thin sheet of white matter—the superior medullary velum.

Lower Part

The lower part of the roof is formed, in small part, by the inferior medullary velum and in large part by tela choroidea.

  • The right and left inferior medullary vela are present on each side of the nodule of the cerebellum. The inferior medullary velum is made up of a thin sheet of white matter and merges posteriorly in the white matter of the cerebellum.
  • The inner surface of the inferior medullary velum is covered by ependyma while its outer surface is covered by pia mater.
  • At the free margin of the inferior medullary velum, the ependyma and pia mater come close to each other and form the tela choroidea of the fourth ventricle. Thus, the lowest part of the roof of the fourth ventricle is membranous.
  • Laterally, on either side, this membrane fuses with the inferior cerebellar peduncle.
  • The lower part of this membrane presents a large median aperture (foramen of Magendie) through which the fourth ventricle communicates with the cerebellomedullary cistern.
  • The roof also presents two lateral apertures through which the ventricle communicates with the subarachnoid space.

Ventricles Of The Brain Roof of the fourth ventricle

Lateral Walls

The upper part of the fourth ventricle is bounded laterally by the right and left superior cerebellar peduncles.

The lower part is bounded laterally by the right and left inferior cerebellar peduncles and gracile and cuneate tubercles.

Cavity of the Fourth Ventricle

The cavity of the fourth ventricle is somewhat diamond-shaped and lined by ependyma. It has superior, inferior and two lateral angles. The cavity communicates above with the third ventricle through the cerebral aqueduct.


  • The fourth ventricle communicates below (at its inferior angle) with the central canal of the medulla oblongata.
  • It has three openings in the roof—one median and two lateral through which it communicates with the subarachnoid space.
  • Two lateral openings (foramina of Luschka), one on each side, lie in the lateral angle of the ventricle between the inferior cerebellar peduncle and the flocculus.
  • Through this opening, the CSF escapes into the subarachnoid space. The choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle also protrudes through this opening.


The cavity has many pouch-like protrusions which are known as recesses. It has a pair of lateral recesses, a single median dorsal recess and a pair of lateral dorsal recesses.


  • Ventricles are CSF-filled cavities of the brain. These cavities are lined with ependyma.
  • Each cerebral hemisphere contains a large C-shaped cavity known as a lateral ventricle.

Each lateral ventricle consists of a body and three horns:

  • Anterior, Posterior and Inferior.
  • The anterior horn extends into the frontal lobe, the posterior horn in the occipital lobe and the inferior horn in the temporal lobe.
  • The third ventricle is situated in the midline and has two lateral walls, anterior wall, roof, floor and posterior wall. The cavity of the third ventricle communicates with the right and left lateral ventricles through the interventricular foramen. Below, it also communicates with the fourth ventricle through the cerebral aqueduct.
  • The fourth ventricle is located between the brainstem and the cerebellum. It communicates below with the central canal.
  • The floor of the fourth ventricle is diamond-shaped; hence, sometimes it is called rhomboid fossa. The fourth ventricle has three openings in the roof—one median and two lateral.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Following are parts of the lateral ventricle except

  1. The central part of the body
  2. Anterior horn
  3. Posterior horn
  4. Superior horn
  5. Inferior horn

Answer: 4. Superior horn

Question 2. Which of the following facts regarding the central part of the lateral ventricle is false?

  1. It extends between the interventricular foramen and the splenium
  2. It has three walls—roof, floor and medial wall
  3. The medial wall is formed by septum pellucidum
  4. The floor is formed by the thalamus and caudate nucleus
  5. None of the above

Answer: 5. None of the above

Question 3. Which of the following facts regarding the third ventricle is false?

  1. It is a slit-like narrow space of diencephalon
  2. It communicates with the lateral ventricle through the interventricular foramen.
  3. It communicates with the fourth ventricle through the central canal
  4. It has two lateral walls

Answer: 3. It communicates with the fourth ventricle through the central canal

Question 4. Which of the following structures is not seen in the floor of the fourth ventricle?

  1. Stria terminalis
  2. Median sulcus
  3. Median eminence
  4. Sulcus limitans
  5. Vestibular area

Answer: 1. Stria terminalis

Question 5. Which of the following structures are present in the roof of the fourth ventricle?

  1. Superior cerebellar peduncles
  2. Superior medullary velum
  3. Inferior medullary velum
  4. Tela choroidea
  5. All of the above

Answer: 5. All of the above